Commit f97e908a authored by Tatuya Kamada's avatar Tatuya Kamada

erp5_tabular_data_tool: Add portal_tabular (Tabular Data Tool)

See merge request !1222
parents 92062f69 43affc49
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
from Products.ERP5Type.Tool.BaseTool import BaseTool
import pandas as pd
MARKER = object()
class TabularDataTool(BaseTool):
Tabular Data Tool is a Tool to handle tabular data (2-dimentional table data) in erp5.
The tabular data type is currently a plain pandas DataFrame. It is intended to
use with ERP5 Reports to create spread sheets (ODS/Excel).
With Tabular Data Tool, we can do those things on reporting:
- transform dict-list, portal-catalog-result and document-list into a tabular data
- joining/grouping/sorting the tabular data
- using vectorizing function to optimise time consuming reports
id = 'portal_tabular'
title = 'Tabular Data Tool'
meta_type = 'ERP5 Tabular Data Tool'
portal_type = 'Tabular Data Tool'
allowed_types = ()
# Declarative Security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
# The empty DataFrame marker
def _createEmptyDataFrame(self):
return pd.DataFrame()
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'fillna')
def fillna(self, tabular, fillna_on_string=MARKER, fillna_on_number=MARKER, fillna_on_uid=MARKER):
Fill NA/NaN values on the given tabular (a dataframe).
Keyword arguments:
tabular -- the dataframe to fill empty values
fillna_on_string -- Fill given value for empty string
fillna_on_number -- Fill given value for empty numbers (int or float)
fillna_on_uid -- Fill given value for empty uid, which overrides fillna_on_numbers for uid
if tabular is None:
return tabular
string_filler = DEFAULT_FILL_STRING if fillna_on_string is MARKER else fillna_on_string
number_filler = DEFAULT_FILL_NUMBER if fillna_on_number is MARKER else fillna_on_number
uid_filler = DEFAULT_FILL_UID if fillna_on_uid is MARKER else fillna_on_uid
fillna_setting_dict = {}
string_column_list = tabular.select_dtypes(include=[object]).columns.tolist()
string_none_column_list = []
if fillna_on_string is None:
# pandas.dataframe.fillna(None) raises error, so use .replace() instead
string_none_column_list = string_column_list
string_column_list = []
number_column_list = tabular.select_dtypes(include=[int,float]).columns.tolist()
uid_column_list = [column for column in tabular.columns.tolist() if column.endswith('_uid')]
number_column_list = list(set(number_column_list) - set(uid_column_list))
string_column_list = list(set(string_column_list) - set(uid_column_list))
fillna_setting_dict.update(dict.fromkeys(string_column_list, string_filler))
fillna_setting_dict.update(dict.fromkeys(number_column_list, number_filler))
fillna_setting_dict.update(dict.fromkeys(uid_column_list, uid_filler))
filled_tabular = tabular.fillna(value=fillna_setting_dict)
if string_none_column_list:
replace_dict = dict.fromkeys(string_none_column_list, {"":None})
filled_tabular = filled_tabular.replace(replace_dict)
return filled_tabular
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getTabular')
def getTabular(self, data_list,
Create a tabular from dict list with filling values for convenience in ERP5.
Currently the tabular data type is pandas DataFrame.
Keyword arguments:
data_list -- A dict list or brain_list to convert it to dataframe
fillna_on_string -- Fill given value for empty string
fillna_on_numbers -- Fill given value for empty numbers (int or float)
fillna_on_uid -- Fill given value for empty uid, which overrides fillna_on_numbers for uid
additional_property_name_list -- Additional property name list of brain object
if data_list is None or len(data_list) == 0:
return self._createEmptyDataFrame()
df = None
if isinstance(data_list[0], dict):
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_list)
# Expect Shared.ZRDB.Results
elif getattr(data_list, 'dictionaries', None) is not None:
if additional_property_name_list is not MARKER:
new_data_dict_list = []
for (data_, record_dict) in zip(data_list, data_list.dictionaries()):
property_dict = self._getPropertyDict(data_, additional_property_name_list, False, False)
df = self.getTabular(new_data_dict_list)
df = self.getTabular(data_list.dictionaries())
if df is not None:
return self.fillna(df, fillna_on_string=fillna_on_string,
raise ValueError("The type is not supported, {}".format(data_list))
def _getPropertyDict(self, document, property_name_list, is_category_as_uid, add_category_title):
portal_type = document.getPortalType()
base_type = self.getPortalObject().portal_types[portal_type]
base_category_list = base_type.getInstanceBaseCategoryList()
if property_name_list is MARKER:
property_name_list = list(base_type.getInstancePropertySet())
# If property_name_list is explicitly passed, respect the name list in category
base_category_list = list(set(base_category_list).intersection(set(property_name_list)))
property_dict = {}
for property_name in property_name_list:
property_dict[property_name] = document.getProperty(property_name)
for base_category_id in base_category_list:
category_name = "{}_uid".format(base_category_id) if is_category_as_uid else base_category_id
property_dict[category_name] = document.getProperty(category_name)
if add_category_title:
category_title = "{}_title".format(base_category_id)
property_dict[category_title] = document.getProperty(category_title)
return property_dict
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getFromDocumentList')
def getFromDocumentList(self, document_list,
Create tabular data from document list
Keyword arguments:
property_name_list -- Explict to specify the property name list of document
If not specified all properties and categories of the portal type is applied
fillna_on_string -- Fill given value for empty string
fillna_on_numbers -- Fill given value for empty numbers (int or float)
fillna_on_uid -- Fill given value for empty uid, which overrides fill_on_numbers for uid
is_category_as_uid -- Store uid on {base_category}_uid, instead of store the url on {base_category}
add_category_title -- Add {category}_title columns into the tabular
Note: It takes O(N) time.
if document_list is None or len(document_list) == 0:
return self._createEmptyDataFrame()
# raise Attribute error if given document does not have portal_type
portal_type_set = set([x.getPortalType() for x in document_list])
if len(portal_type_set) != 1:
raise ValueError('Given documents do not have the same portal type:{}'.format(portal_type_set))
dict_list = [self._getPropertyDict(x, property_name_list,
add_category_title) for x in document_list]
return self.getTabular(dict_list,
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'searchResults')
def searchResults(self, select_dict=None,
fillna_on_uid=MARKER, **kw):
Create tabular data based on the portal_catalog.searchResult()
select_dict -- If select_dict is None, specify all the column ids of catalog table.
if select_dict is None:
portal = self.getPortalObject()
catalog_id = portal.portal_catalog.getDefaultErp5CatalogId()
default_erp5_catalog = portal.portal_catalog[catalog_id]
column_id_set = set(default_erp5_catalog.getResultColumnIds())
sql_search_result_keys_set = set(default_erp5_catalog.getSqlSearchResultKeysList())
all_column_id_set = column_id_set - sql_search_result_keys_set
select_dict = dict([(column_id, None) for column_id in all_column_id_set if column_id.startswith('catalog.')])
search_result = portal.portal_catalog(select_dict=select_dict, **kw)
return self.getTabular(search_result,
__call__ = getTabular
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Tabular Data Tool
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