############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2002 Nexedi SARL. All Rights Reserved. # Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # # This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License, # Version 2.0 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, AGAINST INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ############################################################################## """ZCatalog product""" from App.special_dtml import DTMLFile from App.Dialogs import MessageDialog from App.class_init import default__class_init__ as InitializeClass from OFS.Folder import Folder from DateTime import DateTime from Acquisition import Implicit, aq_base from Persistence import Persistent from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import InstanceDict, TemplateDict from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import Eval from AccessControl.Permission import name_trans from SQLCatalog import CatalogError from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from AccessControl.DTML import RestrictedDTML from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.ERP5Type.Cache import clearCache import string, sys import time import urllib from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError from zLOG import LOG, ERROR, INFO _marker = object() manage_addZSQLCatalogForm=DTMLFile('dtml/addZSQLCatalog',globals()) HOT_REINDEXING_FINISHED_STATE = 'finished' HOT_REINDEXING_RECORDING_STATE = 'recording' HOT_REINDEXING_DOUBLE_INDEXING_STATE = 'double indexing' def manage_addZSQLCatalog(self, id, title, vocab_id='create_default_catalog_', REQUEST=None): """Add a ZCatalog object """ id=str(id) title=str(title) vocab_id=str(vocab_id) if vocab_id == 'create_default_catalog_': vocab_id = None c=ZCatalog(id, title, self) self._setObject(id, c) if REQUEST is not None: return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST,update_menu=1) class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit): """ZCatalog object A ZCatalog contains arbirary index like references to Zope objects. ZCatalog's can index either 'Field' values of object, or 'Text' values. ZCatalog does not store references to the objects themselves, but rather to a unique identifier that defines how to get to the object. In Zope, this unique idenfier is the object's relative path to the ZCatalog (since two Zope object's cannot have the same URL, this is an excellent unique qualifier in Zope). Most of the dirty work is done in the _catalog object, which is an instance of the Catalog class. An interesting feature of this class is that it is not Zope specific. You can use it in any Python program to catalog objects. """ meta_type = "ZSQLCatalog" icon='misc_/ZCatalog/ZCatalog.gif' security = ClassSecurityInfo() manage_options = ( {'label': 'Contents', # TAB: Contents 'action': 'manage_main', 'help': ('OFSP','ObjectManager_Contents.stx')}, {'label': 'Catalog', # TAB: Cataloged Objects 'action': 'manage_catalogView', 'help':('ZCatalog','ZCatalog_Cataloged-Objects.stx')}, {'label' : 'Filter', # TAB: Filter 'action' : 'manage_catalogFilter' }, {'label': 'Properties', # TAB: Properties 'action': 'manage_propertiesForm', 'help': ('OFSP','Properties.stx')}, {'label': 'Find Objects', # TAB: Find Objects 'action': 'manage_catalogFind', 'help':('ZCatalog','ZCatalog_Find-Items-to-ZCatalog.stx')}, {'label': 'Advanced', # TAB: Advanced 'action': 'manage_catalogAdvanced', 'help':('ZCatalog','ZCatalog_Advanced.stx')}, {'label': 'Hot Reindexing', # TAB: Hot Reindex 'action': 'manage_catalogHotReindexing', }, {'label': 'Undo', # TAB: Undo 'action': 'manage_UndoForm', 'help': ('OFSP','Undo.stx')}, {'label': 'Security', # TAB: Security 'action': 'manage_access', 'help': ('OFSP','Security.stx')}, {'label': 'Ownership', # TAB: Ownership 'action': 'manage_owner', 'help': ('OFSP','Ownership.stx'),} ) __ac_permissions__=( ('Manage ZCatalog Entries', ['manage_catalogObject', 'manage_uncatalogObject', 'catalog_object', 'uncatalog_object', 'refreshCatalog', 'manage_catalogView', 'manage_catalogFind', 'manage_catalogSchema', 'manage_catalogFilter', 'manage_catalogAdvanced', 'manage_objectInformation', 'manage_catalogHotReindexing', 'manage_catalogReindex', 'manage_catalogFoundItems', 'manage_catalogClear', 'manage_editSchema', 'manage_main', 'manage_editFilter', 'manage_hotReindexAll', ], ['Manager']), ('Search ZCatalog', ['searchResults', '__call__', 'uniqueValuesFor', 'getpath', 'schema', 'names', 'indexes', 'all_meta_types', 'valid_roles', 'resolve_url', 'getobject', 'getObject', 'getObjectList', 'getCatalogSearchTableIds', 'getCatalogSearchResultKeys', 'getFilterableMethodList', ], ['Anonymous', 'Manager']), ('Import/Export objects', ['manage_catalogExportProperties', 'manage_catalogImportProperties', ], ['Manager']), ) _properties = ( { 'id' : 'title', 'description' : 'The title of this catalog', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : 'w' }, { 'id' : 'default_sql_catalog_id', 'description' : 'The id of the default SQL Catalog', 'type' : 'selection', 'select_variable' : 'getSQLCatalogIdList', 'mode' : 'w' }, # Hot Reindexing { 'id' : 'source_sql_catalog_id', 'description' : 'The id of a source SQL Catalog for hot reindexing', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : '' }, { 'id' : 'destination_sql_catalog_id', 'description' : 'The id of a destination SQL Catalog for hot reindexing', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : '' }, { 'id' : 'hot_reindexing_state', 'description' : 'The state of hot reindexing', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : '' }, { 'id' : 'archive_path', 'description' : 'The path of the archive which is create', 'type' : 'string', 'mode' : '' }, ) source_sql_catalog_id = None destination_sql_catalog_id = None hot_reindexing_state = None default_sql_catalog_id = None archive_path = None manage_catalogAddRowForm = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogAddRowForm', globals()) manage_catalogFilter = DTMLFile( 'dtml/catalogFilter', globals() ) manage_catalogView = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogView',globals()) manage_catalogFind = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogFind',globals()) manage_catalogSchema = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogSchema', globals()) manage_catalogIndexes = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogIndexes', globals()) manage_catalogAdvanced = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogAdvanced', globals()) manage_catalogHotReindexing = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogHotReindexing', globals()) manage_objectInformation = DTMLFile('dtml/catalogObjectInformation', globals()) def __init__(self, id, title='', container=None): if container is not None: self=self.__of__(container) self.id=id self.title=title def getSQLCatalogIdList(self): return self.objectIds(spec=('SQLCatalog',)) def getSQLCatalog(self, id=None, default_value=None): """ Get the default SQL Catalog. """ if id is None: if not self.default_sql_catalog_id: id_list = self.getSQLCatalogIdList() if len(id_list) > 0: self.default_sql_catalog_id = id_list[0] else: return default_value id = self.default_sql_catalog_id return self._getOb(id, default_value) def manage_catalogExportProperties(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Export properties to an XML file. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.manage_exportProperties(REQUEST=REQUEST, RESPONSE=RESPONSE) def manage_catalogImportProperties(self, file, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Import properties from an XML file. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.manage_importProperties(file) def __len__(self): catalog = self.getSQLCatalog() if catalog is None: return 0 return len(catalog) def getHotReindexingState(self): """ Return the current hot reindexing state. """ value = getattr(self, 'hot_reindexing_state', None) if value is None: return HOT_REINDEXING_FINISHED_STATE return value def setHotReindexingState(self, state='', source_sql_catalog_id=None, destination_sql_catalog_id=None, archive_path=None): """ Set the state of hot reindexing. Do not use setProperty because the state should not modified from the ZMI directly. It must be maintained very carefully. """ #LOG("setHotReindexingState call", 300, state) if source_sql_catalog_id is None: source_sql_catalog_id = self.default_sql_catalog_id if state == HOT_REINDEXING_FINISHED_STATE: self.hot_reindexing_state = None self.source_sql_catalog_id = None self.destination_sql_catalog_id = None self.archive_path = None elif state == HOT_REINDEXING_RECORDING_STATE or \ state == HOT_REINDEXING_DOUBLE_INDEXING_STATE: self.hot_reindexing_state = state self.source_sql_catalog_id = source_sql_catalog_id self.destination_sql_catalog_id = destination_sql_catalog_id self.archive_path = archive_path else: raise CatalogError, 'unknown hot reindexing state %s' % state def finishHotReindexing(self, source_sql_catalog_id, destination_sql_catalog_id, skin_selection_dict, sql_connection_id_dict): """ Exchange databases and finish reindexing in the same transaction. """ if self.archive_path is not None and \ getattr(self, "portal_archives", None) is not None: current_archive = self.portal_archives.getCurrentArchive() else: current_archive = None default_catalog_id = self.default_sql_catalog_id self.exchangeDatabases(source_sql_catalog_id=source_sql_catalog_id, destination_sql_catalog_id=destination_sql_catalog_id, skin_selection_dict=skin_selection_dict, sql_connection_id_dict=sql_connection_id_dict) # cancel archive use as current catalog before archiving if current_archive is not None: current_archive.cancel() self.setHotReindexingState(state=HOT_REINDEXING_FINISHED_STATE) clearCache(cache_factory_list=('erp5_content_short',)) def cancelHotReindexing(self): """ Cancel a hot reindexing. Remove the hot reindexing state and flush related activities. TODO: Find a safe way to remove activities started by ERP5Site_reindexAll. """ if self.getHotReindexingState() == HOT_REINDEXING_FINISHED_STATE: raise Exception, 'cancelHotReindexing called while no Hot Reindexing '\ 'was runing. Nothing done.' # Remove hot reindexing state self.setHotReindexingState(HOT_REINDEXING_FINISHED_STATE) portal_activities = getToolByName(self, 'portal_activities') if portal_activities is not None: object_path = self.getPhysicalPath() # Activities must be removed in the reverse order they were inserted # to make sure removing one does not accidntaly trigger the next one. method_id_list = ('finishHotReindexing', 'runInventoryMethod', 'playBackRecordedObjectList', 'InventoryModule_reindexMovementList' 'setHotReindexingState') for method_id in method_id_list: portal_activities.flush(object_path, method_id=method_id) def playBackRecordedObjectList(self, sql_catalog_id, catalog=0): """ Play back the actions scheduled while hot reindexing was in "record" state. sql_catalog_id Id of the catalog on which the actions will be played. catalog 0 : play unindex actions 1 : play index actions This function schedules itself for later execution. This is done in order to avoid accessing "too many" objects in the same transaction. """ if self.getHotReindexingState() != HOT_REINDEXING_DOUBLE_INDEXING_STATE: raise Exception, 'playBackRecordedObjectList was called while '\ 'hot_reindexing_state was not "%s". Playback aborted.' \ % (HOT_REINDEXING_DOUBLE_INDEXING_STATE, ) catalog_object = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) result = catalog_object.readRecordedObjectList(catalog=catalog) if len(result): for o in result: if catalog==0: self.uncatalog_object(uid=o.path, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) elif catalog==1: try: obj = self.resolve_path(o.path) except ConflictError: raise except: obj = None if obj is not None: obj.reindexObject(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) else: raise ValueError, '%s is not a valid value for "catalog".' % (catalog, ) catalog_object.deleteRecordedObjectList(uid_list=[o.uid for o in result]) # Re-schedule the same action in case there are remaining rows in the # table. This can happen if the database connector limits the number # of rows in the result. self.activate(priority=5).\ playBackRecordedObjectList(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id, catalog=catalog) else: # If there iss nothing to do, go to next step. if catalog == 0: # If we were replaying unindex actions, time to replay index actions. self.activate(priority=5).\ playBackRecordedObjectList(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id, catalog=1) # If we were replaying index actions, there is nothing else to do. def changeSQLConnectionIds(self, folder, sql_connection_id_dict): if sql_connection_id_dict is not None: if folder.meta_type == 'Z SQL Method': connection_id = folder.connection_id if connection_id in sql_connection_id_dict: folder.connection_id = sql_connection_id_dict[connection_id] elif getattr(aq_base(folder), 'objectValues', _marker) is not _marker: for object in folder.objectValues(): self.changeSQLConnectionIds(object,sql_connection_id_dict) def exchangeDatabases(self, source_sql_catalog_id, destination_sql_catalog_id, skin_selection_dict, sql_connection_id_dict): """ Exchange two databases. """ if self.default_sql_catalog_id == source_sql_catalog_id: self.default_sql_catalog_id = destination_sql_catalog_id id_tool = getattr(self.getPortalObject(), 'portal_ids', None) if id_tool is None: # Insert the latest generated uid. # This must be done just before swaping the catalogs in case there were # generated uids since destination catalog was created. self[destination_sql_catalog_id].insertMaxUid() LOG('exchangeDatabases skin_selection_dict:',0,skin_selection_dict) if skin_selection_dict is not None: #LOG('exchangeDatabases skin_selection_dict:',0,'we will do manage_skinLayers') for skin_name, selection in self.portal_skins.getSkinPaths(): if skin_name in skin_selection_dict: new_selection = tuple(skin_selection_dict[skin_name]) self.portal_skins.manage_skinLayers(skinpath = new_selection, skinname = skin_name, add_skin = 1) LOG('exchangeDatabases sql_connection_id_dict :',0,sql_connection_id_dict) if sql_connection_id_dict is not None: self.changeSQLConnectionIds(self.portal_skins, sql_connection_id_dict) def manage_hotReindexAll(self, source_sql_catalog_id, destination_sql_catalog_id, archive_path=None, source_sql_connection_id_list=None, destination_sql_connection_id_list=None, skin_name_list=None, skin_selection_list=None, update_destination_sql_catalog=None, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """ Starts a hot reindexing. Hot reindexing will create a catalog and sync it with the current one. Once done, both catalogs will be swapped so that current catalog will not be used any more and destination catalog will get used "for real". source_catalog_id Id of the SQLCatalog object to use as the source catalog. WARNING: it is not considered normal to specify a catalog which is not the current default one. The feature is still provided, but you'll be on your own if you try it. destination_sql_catalog_id Id of the SQLCatalog object to use as the new catalog. source_sql_connection_id_list destination_sql_connection_id_list SQL Methods in portal_skins using source_sql_connection_id_list[n] connection will use destination_sql_connection_id_list[n] connection once hot reindexing is over. skin_name_list skin_selection_list For each skin_name_list[n], skin_selection_list[n] will be set to replace the existing skin selection on portal_skins. """ # Hot reindexing can only be runing once at a time on a system. if self.hot_reindexing_state is not None: raise CatalogError, 'hot reindexing process is already running %s -%s' %(self, self.hot_reindexing_state) if source_sql_catalog_id == destination_sql_catalog_id: raise CatalogError, 'Hot reindexing cannot be done with the same '\ 'catalog as both source and destination. What'\ ' you want to do is a "clear catalog" and an '\ '"ERP5Site_reindexAll".' if source_sql_catalog_id != self.default_sql_catalog_id: LOG('ZSQLCatalog', 0, 'Warning : Hot reindexing is started with a '\ 'source catalog which is not the default one.') # Construct a mapping for skin selections. It will be used during the # final hot reindexing step. skin_selection_dict = None if skin_name_list is not None and skin_selection_list is not None: skin_selection_dict = {} for name, selection_list in zip(skin_name_list, skin_selection_list): # Make sure that there is no extra space. new_selection_list = [] for selection in selection_list: new_selection = selection.strip() if len(new_selection) > 0: new_selection_list.append(new_selection) skin_selection_dict[name] = new_selection_list # Construct a mapping for connection ids. It will be used during the # final hot reindexing step. sql_connection_id_dict = None if source_sql_connection_id_list is not None and \ destination_sql_connection_id_list is not None: sql_connection_id_dict = {} for source_sql_connection_id, destination_sql_connection_id in \ zip(source_sql_connection_id_list, destination_sql_connection_id_list): if source_sql_connection_id != destination_sql_connection_id: sql_connection_id_dict[source_sql_connection_id] = \ destination_sql_connection_id destination_sql_catalog = getattr(self,destination_sql_catalog_id) if update_destination_sql_catalog: self.changeSQLConnectionIds(destination_sql_catalog, sql_connection_id_dict) # First of all, make sure that all root objects have uids. # XXX This is a workaround for tools (such as portal_simulation). portal = self.getPortalObject() for id in portal.objectIds(): getUid = getattr(portal[id], 'getUid', None) if getUid is not None and id != "portal_uidhandler": # XXX check adviced by yo, getUid is different for this tool getUid() # Trigger the uid generation if none is set. # Mark the hot reindex as begun. Each object indexed in the still-current # catalog will be scheduled for reindex in the future catalog. LOG('hotReindexObjectList', 0, 'Starting recording') self.setHotReindexingState(HOT_REINDEXING_RECORDING_STATE, source_sql_catalog_id=source_sql_catalog_id, destination_sql_catalog_id=destination_sql_catalog_id, archive_path=archive_path) # Clear the future catalog and start reindexing the site in it. final_activity_tag = 'hot_reindex_last_ERP5Site_reindexAll_tag' self.ERP5Site_reindexAll(sql_catalog_id=destination_sql_catalog_id, final_activity_tag=final_activity_tag, clear_catalog=1, additional_priority=1) # Once reindexing is finished, change the hot reindexing state so that # new catalog changes are applied in both catalogs. self.activate(after_tag=final_activity_tag, priority=5).setHotReindexingState(HOT_REINDEXING_DOUBLE_INDEXING_STATE, source_sql_catalog_id=source_sql_catalog_id, destination_sql_catalog_id=destination_sql_catalog_id, archive_path=archive_path) # Once in double-indexing mode, planned reindex can be replayed. self.activate(after_method_id='setHotReindexingState', priority=5).playBackRecordedObjectList( sql_catalog_id=destination_sql_catalog_id) # Once there is nothing to replay, databases are sync'ed, so the new # catalog can become current. self.activate(after_method_id=('playBackRecordedObjectList', 'InventoryModule_reindexMovementList'), after_tag='InventoryModule_reindexMovementList', priority=5).finishHotReindexing( source_sql_catalog_id=source_sql_catalog_id, destination_sql_catalog_id=destination_sql_catalog_id, skin_selection_dict=skin_selection_dict, sql_connection_id_dict=sql_connection_id_dict) if RESPONSE is not None: URL1 = REQUEST.get('URL1') RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/manage_catalogHotReindexing?manage_tabs_message=HotReindexing%20Started') def manage_edit(self, RESPONSE, URL1, threshold=1000, REQUEST=None): """ edit the catalog """ if type(threshold) is not type(1): threshold=string.atoi(threshold) self.threshold = threshold RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/manage_main?manage_tabs_message=Catalog%20Changed') def manage_catalogObject(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL1, urls=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ index Zope object(s) that 'urls' point to """ if sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.manage_catalogObject(REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL1, urls=urls) def manage_uncatalogObject(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL1, urls=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ removes Zope object(s) 'urls' from catalog """ if sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.manage_uncatalogObject(REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL1, urls=urls) def manage_catalogReindex(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL1, urls=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ clear the catalog, then re-index everything """ if sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.manage_catalogReindex(REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL1, urls=urls) def refreshCatalog(self, clear=0, sql_catalog_id=None): """ re-index everything we can find """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: paths = catalog.getPaths() if clear: catalog.clear() for p in paths: obj = self.resolve_path(p.path) if not obj: obj = self.resolve_url(p.path, self.REQUEST) if obj is not None: self.catalog_object(obj, p.path, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) def manage_catalogClear(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ clears the whole enchilada """ if REQUEST is not None and sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.manage_catalogClear(REQUEST=REQUEST, RESPONSE=RESPONSE, URL1=URL1) def manage_catalogClearReserved(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ clears the whole enchilada """ if REQUEST is not None and sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.manage_catalogClearReserved(REQUEST=REQUEST, RESPONSE=RESPONSE, URL1=URL1) def manage_catalogFoundItems(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL2, URL1, obj_metatypes=None, obj_ids=None, obj_searchterm=None, obj_expr=None, obj_mtime=None, obj_mspec=None, obj_roles=None, obj_permission=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Find object according to search criteria and Catalog them """ if sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.manage_catalogFoundItems(REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL2, URL1, obj_metatypes=obj_metatypes, obj_ids=obj_ids, obj_searchterm=obj_searchterm, obj_expr=obj_expr, obj_mtime=obj_mtime, obj_mspec=obj_mspec, obj_roles=obj_roles, obj_permission=obj_permission) elapse = time.time() c_elapse = time.clock() words = 0 obj = REQUEST.PARENTS[1] path = string.join(obj.getPhysicalPath(), '/') results = self.ZopeFindAndApply(obj, obj_metatypes=obj_metatypes, obj_ids=obj_ids, obj_searchterm=obj_searchterm, obj_expr=obj_expr, obj_mtime=obj_mtime, obj_mspec=obj_mspec, obj_permission=obj_permission, obj_roles=obj_roles, search_sub=1, REQUEST=REQUEST, apply_func=self.catalog_object, apply_path=path, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) elapse = time.time() - elapse c_elapse = time.clock() - c_elapse RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/manage_catalogView?manage_tabs_message=' + urllib.quote('Catalog Updated<br>Total time: %s<br>Total CPU time: %s' % (`elapse`, `c_elapse`))) def manage_editSchema(self, names, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ add a column """ if REQUEST is not None and sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) self.editSchema(names, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) if REQUEST and RESPONSE: RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/manage_catalogSchema?manage_tabs_message=Schema%20Saved') def newUid(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Allocates a new uid value. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.newUid() def getDynamicRelatedKeyList(self, sql_catalog_id=None,**kw): """ Return the list of dynamic related keys. """ return [] def wrapObject(self, object, **kw): """ Return a wrapped object for reindexing. This method should be overridden if necessary. """ #LOG('ZSQLCatalog wrapObject', 0, 'object = %r, kw = %r' % (object, kw)) return object def catalog_object(self, obj, url=None, idxs=[], is_object_moved=0, sql_catalog_id=None, **kw): """ wrapper around catalog """ self.catalogObjectList([obj], sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) def catalogObjectList(self, object_list, sql_catalog_id=None, disable_archive=0, immediate_reindex_archive=1, **kw): """Catalog a list of objects. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) hot_reindexing = (self.hot_reindexing_state is not None) and \ (catalog is not None) and \ (self.source_sql_catalog_id == catalog.id) archiving = self.archive_path is not None wrapped_object_list = [] failed_object_list = [] url_list = [] archive_list = [] portal_archives = getattr(self, 'portal_archives', None) if portal_archives is not None: if len(portal_archives): archive_list = portal_archives.getArchiveList() catalog_dict = {} # Create archive object list if necessary if archiving: # while archiving only test with the archive we used, do not care # of other as they must already be ok archive = self.unrestrictedTraverse(self.archive_path) archive_obj_list = [archive,] for archive_path in archive_list: try: archive = self.unrestrictedTraverse(archive_path) except KeyError: continue if archive.getCatalogId() == self.destination_sql_catalog_id: archive_obj_list.append(archive) else: # otherwise take all archive in use to know where object must go archive_obj_list = [] for archive_path in archive_list: try: archive = self.unrestrictedTraverse(archive_path) except KeyError: continue archive_obj_list.append(archive) archive_enabled = (not disable_archive) \ and (archiving or (archive_obj_list and sql_catalog_id is None)) if archive_enabled: default_catalog = self.getSQLCatalog() # Construct list of object to catalogged for obj in object_list: if hot_reindexing: try: url = obj.getPhysicalPath except AttributeError: raise CatalogError( "A cataloged object must support the 'getPhysicalPath' " "method if no unique id is provided when cataloging" ) url = '/'.join(url()) url_list.append(url) # either we are doing archiving, either we have used archive without a catalog specified if archive_enabled: goto_current_catalog = 0 # check in which archive object must go if we defined archive catalog_id = None for archive in archive_obj_list: if archive.test(obj) is True: catalog_id = archive.getCatalogId() # if current catalog, no need to construct dict as it will be reindex now if catalog_id in (default_catalog.id, self.source_sql_catalog_id): goto_current_catalog = 1 continue priority = archive.getPriority() if catalog_dict.has_key(catalog_id): catalog_dict[catalog_id]['obj'].append(obj) else: catalog_dict[catalog_id] = {'priority' : priority, 'obj' : [obj,]} if catalog_id is None and not archiving: # at least put object in current catalog if no archive match # and not doing archive goto_current_catalog = 1 else: goto_current_catalog = 1 if goto_current_catalog: # wrap object only when sure it will be reindex now # thus security uid is also reindex wrap_obj = self.wrapObject(obj, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) wrapped_object_list.append(wrap_obj) # run activity or execute for each archive depending on priority if catalog_dict: for catalog_id in catalog_dict.keys(): if goto_current_catalog and catalog_id == default_catalog.id: # if we reindex in current catalog, do not relaunch an activity for this continue d = catalog_dict[catalog_id] # build the wrapped object list wrapped_object_list_2 = [] for obj in d['obj']: try: wrap_obj = self.wrapObject(obj, sql_catalog_id=catalog_id) wrapped_object_list_2.append(wrap_obj) except ConflictError: raise except: LOG('WARNING ZSQLCatalog', 0, 'wrapObject failed on the object %r' % (obj,), error=sys.exc_info()) failed_object_list.append(obj) # hot_reindexing is True when creating an object during a hot reindex, in this case, we don't want # to reindex it in destination catalog, it will be recorded an play only once if not hot_reindexing and self.hot_reindexing_state != HOT_REINDEXING_DOUBLE_INDEXING_STATE and \ self.destination_sql_catalog_id == catalog_id: destination_catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(self.destination_sql_catalog_id) # reindex objects in destination catalog destination_catalog.catalogObjectList(wrapped_object_list_2, **kw) else: archive_catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(catalog_id) if immediate_reindex_archive: archive_catalog.catalogObjectList(wrapped_object_list_2, **kw) else: for obj in d['obj']: obj._reindexObject(sql_catalog_id=catalog_id, activate_kw = \ {'priority': d['priority']}, disable_archive=1, **kw) if catalog is not None: if wrapped_object_list: catalog.catalogObjectList(wrapped_object_list, **kw) if hot_reindexing: destination_catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(self.destination_sql_catalog_id) if destination_catalog.id != catalog.id: if self.hot_reindexing_state == HOT_REINDEXING_RECORDING_STATE: destination_catalog.recordObjectList(url_list, 1) else: wrapped_destination_object_list = [] for obj in object_list: wrap_obj = self.wrapObject(obj, sql_catalog_id=self.destination_sql_catalog_id) wrapped_destination_object_list.append(wrap_obj) if wrapped_destination_object_list: destination_catalog.catalogObjectList(wrapped_destination_object_list,**kw) object_list[:] = failed_object_list def uncatalog_object(self, uid=None,path=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ wrapper around catalog """ if uid is None: raise TypeError, "sorry uncatalog_object supports only uid" default_catalog = self.getSQLCatalog() if sql_catalog_id is None: archive_list = [] if getattr(self, "portal_archives", None) is not None: if len(self.portal_archives): archive_list = self.portal_archives.getArchiveList() if len(archive_list): for archive_path in archive_list: try: archive = self.unrestrictedTraverse(archive_path) except KeyError: continue catalog_id = archive.getCatalogId() if catalog_id != default_catalog.id: # only launch activity when not in current catalog self.activate(activity="SQLQueue", round_robin_scheduling=1, priority=archive.getPriority()).uncatalog_object(uid=uid,path=path, sql_catalog_id=catalog_id) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.uncatalogObject(uid=uid,path=path) if self.hot_reindexing_state is not None and self.source_sql_catalog_id == catalog.id: destination_catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(self.destination_sql_catalog_id) if destination_catalog.id != catalog.id: if self.hot_reindexing_state == HOT_REINDEXING_RECORDING_STATE: destination_catalog.recordObjectList([uid], 0) else: destination_catalog.uncatalogObject(uid=uid) def beforeUncatalogObject(self, uid=None,path=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ wrapper around catalog """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.beforeUncatalogObject(uid=uid,path=path) def beforeCatalogClear(self): """ allow to override this method """ pass def catalogTranslationList(self, object_list, sql_catalog_id=None): """Catalog translations. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.catalogTranslationList(object_list) def deleteTranslationList(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """Delete translations. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.deleteTranslationList() def uniqueValuesFor(self, name, sql_catalog_id=None): """ returns the unique values for a given FieldIndex """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.uniqueValuesFor(name) return () def getpath(self, uid, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Return the path to a cataloged object given its uid """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: record = catalog.getRecordForUid(uid) if record is not None: return record.path else: return None getPath = getpath def hasPath(self, path, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Checks if path is catalogued """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.hasPath(path) def getobject(self, uid, REQUEST=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Return a cataloged object given its uid """ if REQUEST is not None and sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) path = self.getpath(uid, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) obj = self.aq_parent.unrestrictedTraverse(path) if obj is None: if REQUEST is None: REQUEST=self.REQUEST obj = self.resolve_url(path, REQUEST) return obj getObject = getobject def getObjectList(self, uid_list, REQUEST=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Return a cataloged object given its uid """ obj_list = [] for uid in uid_list: obj_list.append(self.getObject(uid, REQUEST, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id)) return obj_list def getMetadataForUid(self, rid, sql_catalog_id=None): # !!! do not use docstring here (CVE-2011-0720). # return the correct metadata for the cataloged uid catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getMetadataForUid(int(rid)) return {} def getIndexDataForUid(self, rid, sql_catalog_id=None): # !!! do not use docstring here (CVE-2011-0720). # return the current index contents for the specific uid catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getIndexDataForUid(rid) return {} # Aliases getMetadataForRID = getMetadataForUid getIndexDataForRID = getIndexDataForUid def schema(self, sql_catalog_id=None): return self.getColumnIds(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) def indexes(self, sql_catalog_id=None): return self.getColumnIds(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) def names(self, sql_catalog_id=None): catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.names return {} def getColumnIds(self, sql_catalog_id=None): catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getColumnIds() return [] def hasColumn(self, column, sql_catalog_id=None): catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.hasColumn(column) return False def getAttributesForColumn(self, column, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Return the attribute names as a single string """ return string.join(self.names(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id).get(column, ('',)),' ') def _searchable_arguments(self, sql_catalog_id=None): catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getColumnIds(sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) return [] def editSchema(self,names, sql_catalog_id=None): catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.editSchema(names) def _searchable_result_columns(self, sql_catalog_id=None): r = [] catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: for name in catalog.getColumnIds(): i = {} i['name'] = name i['type'] = 's' i['parser'] = str i['width'] = 8 r.append(i) r.append({'name': 'data_record_id_', 'type': 's', 'parser': str, 'width': 8}) return r security.declarePublic('buildSQLQuery') def buildSQLQuery(self, REQUEST=None, query_table='catalog', sql_catalog_id=None, **kw): """ Build a SQL query from keywords. If query_table is specified, it is used as the table name instead of 'catalog'. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.buildSQLQuery(REQUEST=REQUEST, query_table=query_table, **kw) return '' # Compatibility SQL Sql security.declarePublic('buildSqlQuery') buildSqlQuery = buildSQLQuery def searchResults(self, REQUEST=None, sql_catalog_id=None, **kw): """ Search the catalog according to the ZTables search interface. Search terms can be passed in the REQUEST or as keyword arguments. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return apply(catalog.searchResults, (REQUEST, ), kw) return [] __call__=searchResults def countResults(self, REQUEST=None, sql_catalog_id=None, **kw): """ Counts the number of items which satisfy the query defined in kw. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return apply(catalog.countResults, (REQUEST, ), kw) return [] ## this stuff is so the find machinery works meta_types=() # Sub-object types that are specific to this object def valid_roles(self): "Return list of valid roles" obj=self dict={} dup =dict.has_key x=0 while x < 100: if hasattr(obj, '__ac_roles__'): roles=obj.__ac_roles__ for role in roles: if not dup(role): dict[role]=1 if not hasattr(obj, 'aq_parent'): break obj=obj.aq_parent x=x+1 roles=dict.keys() roles.sort() return roles def ZopeFindAndApply(self, obj, obj_ids=None, obj_metatypes=None, obj_searchterm=None, obj_expr=None, obj_mtime=None, obj_mspec=None, obj_permission=None, obj_roles=None, search_sub=0, REQUEST=None, result=None, pre='', apply_func=None, apply_path='', sql_catalog_id=None): """Zope Find interface and apply This is a *great* hack. Zope find just doesn't do what we need here; the ability to apply a method to all the objects *as they're found* and the need to pass the object's path into that method. """ if result is None: result=[] if obj_metatypes and 'all' in obj_metatypes: obj_metatypes=None if obj_mtime and type(obj_mtime)==type('s'): obj_mtime=DateTime(obj_mtime).timeTime() if obj_permission: obj_permission=p_name(obj_permission) if obj_roles and type(obj_roles) is type('s'): obj_roles=[obj_roles] if obj_expr: # Setup expr machinations md=td() obj_expr=(Eval(obj_expr), md, md._push, md._pop) base=obj if hasattr(obj, 'aq_base'): base=obj.aq_base if not hasattr(base, 'objectItems'): return result try: items=obj.objectItems() except: return result try: add_result=result.append except AttributeError: raise AttributeError, `result` for id, ob in items: if pre: p="%s/%s" % (pre, id) else: p=id dflag=0 if hasattr(ob, '_p_changed') and (ob._p_changed == None): dflag=1 if hasattr(ob, 'aq_base'): bs=ob.aq_base else: bs=ob if ( (not obj_ids or absattr(bs.id) in obj_ids) and (not obj_metatypes or (hasattr(bs, 'meta_type') and bs.meta_type in obj_metatypes)) and (not obj_searchterm or (hasattr(ob, 'PrincipiaSearchSource') and string.find(ob.PrincipiaSearchSource(), obj_searchterm) >= 0 )) and (not obj_expr or expr_match(ob, obj_expr)) and (not obj_mtime or mtime_match(ob, obj_mtime, obj_mspec)) and ( (not obj_permission or not obj_roles) or \ role_match(ob, obj_permission, obj_roles) ) ): if apply_func: apply_func(ob, (apply_path+'/'+p), sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) else: add_result((p, ob)) dflag=0 if search_sub and hasattr(bs, 'objectItems'): self.ZopeFindAndApply(ob, obj_ids, obj_metatypes, obj_searchterm, obj_expr, obj_mtime, obj_mspec, obj_permission, obj_roles, search_sub, REQUEST, result, p, apply_func, apply_path, sql_catalog_id) if dflag: ob._p_deactivate() return result def resolve_url(self, path, REQUEST): """ Attempt to resolve a url into an object in the Zope namespace. The url may be absolute or a catalog path style url. If no object is found, None is returned. No exceptions are raised. """ script=REQUEST.script if string.find(path, script) != 0: path='%s/%s' % (script, path) try: return REQUEST.resolve_url(path) except ConflictError: raise except: pass def resolve_path(self, path): # !!! do not use docstring here (CVE-2011-0720). # Attempt to resolve a url into an object in the Zope # namespace. The url may be absolute or a catalog path # style url. If no object is found, None is returned. # No exceptions are raised. try: return self.unrestrictedTraverse(path) except ConflictError: raise except: pass def manage_normalize_paths(self, REQUEST, sql_catalog_id=None): """Ensure that all catalog paths are full physical paths This should only be used with ZCatalogs in which all paths can be resolved with unrestrictedTraverse.""" if sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: paths = catalog.paths uids = catalog.uids unchanged = 0 fixed = [] removed = [] for path, rid in uids.items(): ob = None if path[:1] == '/': ob = self.resolve_url(path[1:],REQUEST) if ob is None: ob = self.resolve_url(path, REQUEST) if ob is None: removed.append(path) continue ppath = string.join(ob.getPhysicalPath(), '/') if path != ppath: fixed.append((path, ppath)) else: unchanged = unchanged + 1 for path, ppath in fixed: rid = uids[path] del uids[path] paths[rid] = ppath uids[ppath] = rid for path in removed: self.uncatalog_object(path, sql_catalog_id=sql_catalog_id) return MessageDialog(title='Done Normalizing Paths', message='%s paths normalized, %s paths removed, and ' '%s unchanged.' % (len(fixed), len(removed), unchanged), action='./manage_main') def getTableIds(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """Returns all tables of this catalog """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getTableIds() return [] def getCatalogSearchResultKeys(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """Return selected tables of catalog which are used in JOIN. catalaog is always first """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.sql_search_result_keys return [] def getCatalogSearchTableIds(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """Return selected tables of catalog which are used in JOIN. catalaog is always first """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getCatalogSearchTableIds() return [] def getResultColumnIds(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """Return selected tables of catalog which are used as metadata """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getResultColumnIds() return [] def getCatalogMethodIds(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """Find Z SQL methods in the current folder and above This function return a list of ids. """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getCatalogMethodIds() return {} def manage_editFilter(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None, sql_catalog_id=None): """ This methods allows to set a filter on each zsql method called, so we can test if we should or not call a zsql method, so we can increase a lot the speed. """ if REQUEST is not None and sql_catalog_id is None: sql_catalog_id = REQUEST.get('sql_catalog_id', None) catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=REQUEST, RESPONSE=RESPONSE, URL1=URL1) def getFilterableMethodList(self, sql_catalog_id=None): """ Returns only zsql methods wich catalog or uncatalog objets """ catalog = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id) if catalog is not None: return catalog.getFilterableMethodList() return [] InitializeClass(ZCatalog) def p_name(name): return '_' + string.translate(name, name_trans) + '_Permission' def absattr(attr): if callable(attr): return attr() return attr class td(RestrictedDTML, TemplateDict): pass def expr_match(ob, ed, c=InstanceDict, r=0): e, md, push, pop=ed push(c(ob, md)) try: r=e.eval(md) finally: pop() return r def mtime_match(ob, t, q, fn=hasattr): if not fn(ob, '_p_mtime'): return 0 return q=='<' and (ob._p_mtime < t) or (ob._p_mtime > t) def role_match(ob, permission, roles, lt=type([]), tt=type(())): pr=[] fn=pr.append while 1: if hasattr(ob, permission): p=getattr(ob, permission) if type(p) is lt: map(fn, p) if hasattr(ob, 'aq_parent'): ob=ob.aq_parent continue break if type(p) is tt: map(fn, p) break if p is None: map(fn, ('Manager', 'Anonymous')) break if hasattr(ob, 'aq_parent'): ob=ob.aq_parent continue break for role in roles: if not (role in pr): return 0 return 1