############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Sebastien Robin <seb@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsibility of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # guarantees and support are strongly advised to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # ############################################################################## from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject from Products.ERP5.Tool.TaskDistributionTool import TaskDistributionTool from DateTime import DateTime from datetime import datetime import json import sys import itertools from copy import deepcopy import random import string from zLOG import LOG,INFO,ERROR from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import SimpleQuery TEST_SUITE_MAX = 4 # Depending on the test suite priority, we will affect # more or less cores PRIORITY_MAPPING = { # int_index: (min cores, max cores) 1: ( 3, 3), 2: ( 3, 3), 3: ( 3, 6), 4: ( 3, 6), 5: ( 3, 6), 6: ( 6, 9), 7: ( 6, 9), 8: ( 6, 9), 9: ( 9, 15), } class ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor(XMLObject): security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation) security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, "cleanupInvalidatedTestNode") def cleanupInvalidatedTestNode(self, test_node): """ When a test node is invalidated, the work will be distributed to other test nodes, so we should clean association to test suites. Like this, when this node will come back, we will not mess distribution with stuff already distributed in other places """ if test_node.getAggregateList(): test_node.setAggregateList([]) def _cleanupTestNodeList(self,test_node_list, test_suite_list_to_remove): # Remove useless assigment of test suites. First remove from # nodes with highest number of test suites # test_suite_list_to_remove could be like ['foo','foo', 'bar'] test_suite_list_to_remove.sort() while len(test_suite_list_to_remove): test_node_list.sort(key=lambda x: -len(x.getAggregateList())) current_test_suite = test_suite_list_to_remove[0] for test_node in test_node_list: test_suite_list = test_node.getAggregateList() if current_test_suite in test_suite_list: test_suite_list.remove(current_test_suite) test_node.setAggregateList(test_suite_list) test_suite_list_to_remove.remove(current_test_suite) if len(test_suite_list_to_remove): if test_suite_list_to_remove[0] != current_test_suite: break else: break def _checkCurrentConfiguration(self,test_node_list, test_suite_list_to_add, max_test_suite): """ We look at what is already installed and then we remove from the list of test suite list to add what is already installed. We also build a list of installed test suites that should be removed """ test_suite_list_to_remove = [] for test_node in test_node_list: test_suite_list = test_node.getAggregateList() for index, test_suite in enumerate(test_suite_list, 1): if index > max_test_suite: test_suite_list_to_remove.append(test_suite) continue try: test_suite_list_to_add.remove(test_suite) except ValueError: test_suite_list_to_remove.append(test_suite) return test_suite_list_to_remove security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, "optimizeConfiguration") def optimizeConfiguration(self): """ We are going to add test suites to test nodes. First are completed test nodes with fewer test suites """ self.serialize() # prevent parallel optimization to avoid conflict # on nodes and possibly weird results portal = self.getPortalObject() test_node_module = self._getTestNodeModule() test_node_list = [ x.getObject() for x in test_node_module.searchFolder( portal_type="Test Node", validation_state="validated", specialise_uid=self.getUid(), sort_on=[('title','ascending')])] test_node_list_len = len(test_node_list) max_test_suite = self.getMaxTestSuite(TEST_SUITE_MAX) def _optimizeConfiguration(test_suite_list_to_add, level=0, test_node_list_to_optimize=None, test_suite_max=max_test_suite): if test_node_list_to_optimize is None: test_node_list_to_optimize = [x for x in test_node_list] if test_suite_list_to_add: test_node_list_to_remove = [] for test_node in test_node_list_to_optimize: # We can no longer add more test suite on this test node if test_suite_max < (level + 1): test_node_list_to_remove.append(test_node) continue test_suite_list = test_node.getAggregateList() if len(test_suite_list) == level: for test_suite in test_suite_list_to_add: if not(test_suite in test_suite_list): test_node.setAggregateList([test_suite] + test_suite_list) test_suite_list_to_add.remove(test_suite) break if len(test_suite_list_to_add) == 0: break for test_node in test_node_list_to_remove: test_node_list_to_optimize.remove(test_node) if test_suite_list_to_add and test_node_list_to_optimize: _optimizeConfiguration(test_suite_list_to_add, level=level+1, test_node_list_to_optimize=test_node_list_to_optimize, test_suite_max=test_suite_max) test_suite_score, test_suite_list_to_add = self._getSortedNodeTestSuiteList() average_quantity = float(len(test_suite_list_to_add)) / (test_node_list_len or 1) test_suite_list_to_remove = self._checkCurrentConfiguration(test_node_list, test_suite_list_to_add, max_test_suite) self._cleanupTestNodeList(test_node_list, test_suite_list_to_remove) _optimizeConfiguration(test_suite_list_to_add) # once we removed useless test suite and added needed ones, # we check if we can move some test suites to testnodes that are # more idle than others. We try to move first test suites using # more test nodes, this reduce risk of moving a test suite assigned # on a single test node (to avoid waiting building) overloaded_test_node_list = [] lazy_test_node_list = [] int_average_quantity = int(average_quantity) # Find testnode which can accept more work for test_node in test_node_list: aggregate_len = len(test_node.getAggregateList()) if aggregate_len <= (average_quantity - 1): lazy_test_node_list.append(test_node) # check on most overloaded test nodes first if we can move some work to lazy # test nodes for aggregate_quantity in range(max_test_suite, int_average_quantity, -1): if len(lazy_test_node_list) == 0: break overloaded_test_node_list = [x for x in test_node_list if len(x.getAggregateList()) == aggregate_quantity] for test_node in overloaded_test_node_list: test_suite_list = test_node.getAggregateList() test_suite_list.sort(key=lambda x: (-test_suite_score[x][-1], portal.unrestrictedTraverse(x).getTitle())) for test_suite in test_suite_list: test_suite_list_to_move = [test_suite] _optimizeConfiguration(test_suite_list_to_move, test_node_list_to_optimize=lazy_test_node_list, test_suite_max=int_average_quantity) if len(test_suite_list_to_move) == 0: # This means we were able to affect the test suite to another test node test_suite_list.remove(test_suite) test_node.setAggregateList(test_suite_list) break if len(lazy_test_node_list) == 0: break def _getSortedNodeTestSuiteList(self): """ We build the list of test suite instances. If a test suite can be installed on at most 2 test nodes, it will be twice in the returned list. We give a score for every wished test suites. The lower score, the better chance it has to be installed. A test_suite_score is also returned allowing to quickly identify which test suite migh be removed on test node with too many test suites """ test_suite_module = self._getTestSuiteModule() portal = self.getPortalObject() test_suite_list = test_suite_module.searchFolder(validation_state="validated", specialise_uid=self.getUid()) all_test_suite_list = [] test_suite_score = {} for test_suite in test_suite_list: test_suite = test_suite.getObject() test_suite_url = test_suite.getRelativeUrl() title = test_suite.getTitle() # suites required int_index = test_suite.getIntIndex() # we divide per 3 because we have 3 cores per node node_quantity_min = PRIORITY_MAPPING[int_index][0]/3 node_quantity_max = PRIORITY_MAPPING[int_index][1]/3 for x in xrange(0, node_quantity_min): score = float(x)/(x+1) all_test_suite_list.append((score, test_suite_url, title)) test_suite_score.setdefault(test_suite_url, []).append(score) # additional suites, lower score for x in xrange(0, node_quantity_max - node_quantity_min ): score = float(1) + x/(x+1) all_test_suite_list.append((1 + x/(x+1), test_suite_url, title)) test_suite_score.setdefault(test_suite_url, []).append(score) all_test_suite_list.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[2])) return test_suite_score, [x[1] for x in all_test_suite_list] def _getTestNodeModule(self): return self.getPortalObject().test_node_module def _getTestSuiteModule(self): return self.getPortalObject().test_suite_module def getMemcachedDict(self): portal = self.getPortalObject() memcached_dict = portal.portal_memcached.getMemcachedDict( "task_distribution", "default_memcached_plugin") return memcached_dict security.declarePublic("getTestType") def getTestType(self, batch_mode=0): """ getTestType : return a string defining the test type """ return 'UnitTest' security.declarePublic("subscribeNode") def subscribeNode(self,title,computer_guid,batch_mode=0): """ subscribeNode doc """ test_node_module = self._getTestNodeModule() portal = self.getPortalObject() tag = "%s_%s" % (self.getRelativeUrl(), title) if portal.portal_activities.countMessageWithTag(tag) == 0: test_node_list = test_node_module.searchFolder( portal_type="Test Node", title=SimpleQuery(comparison_operator='=', title=title), ) assert len(test_node_list) in (0, 1), "Unable to find testnode : %s" % title test_node = None if len(test_node_list) == 1: test_node = test_node_list[0].getObject() if test_node.getValidationState() != 'validated': try: test_node.validate() except e: LOG('Test Node Validate',ERROR,'%s' %e) if test_node is None: test_node = test_node_module.newContent(portal_type="Test Node", title=title, computer_guid=computer_guid, specialise=self.getRelativeUrl(), activate_kw={'tag': tag}) self.activate(after_tag=tag).optimizeConfiguration() test_node.setPingDate() return test_node return None def _getSortedNodeTestSuiteToRun(self, test_node): """ Returned ordered list of test suites of a test node. More the latest test result is old, more it will have priority. Like this we try to run first test suites that have no results since a long time """ portal = self.getPortalObject() test_suite_list = test_node.getAggregateValueList() # Do not take results older than one month to avoid killing the # sql server now = DateTime() from_date = now - 30 def getTestSuiteSortKey(test_suite): test_result_list = portal.portal_catalog(portal_type="Test Result", title=SimpleQuery(title=test_suite.getTitle()), creation_date=SimpleQuery( creation_date=from_date, comparison_operator='>=', ), sort_on=[("modification_date", "descending")], limit=1) if len(test_result_list): test_result = test_result_list[0].getObject() key = test_result.getModificationDate().timeTime() # if a test result has all it's tests already ongoing, it is not a # priority at all to process it, therefore push it at the end of the list if test_result.getSimulationState() == "started": result_line_list = test_result.objectValues(portal_type="Test Result Line") if len(result_line_list): if len([x for x in result_line_list if x.getSimulationState() == "draft"]) == 0: key = now.timeTime() else: key = random.random() return key test_suite_list.sort(key=getTestSuiteSortKey) return test_suite_list security.declarePublic("startTestSuite") def startTestSuite(self,title, computer_guid=None, batch_mode=0): """ startTestSuite doc """ test_node_module = self._getTestNodeModule() test_suite_module = self._getTestSuiteModule() portal = self.getPortalObject() config_list = [] tag = "%s_%s" % (self.getRelativeUrl(), title) if portal.portal_activities.countMessageWithTag(tag) == 0: test_node_list = test_node_module.searchFolder( portal_type="Test Node", title=SimpleQuery(comparison_operator='=', title=title), ) assert len(test_node_list) in (0, 1), "Unable to find testnode : %s" % title test_node = None if len(test_node_list) == 1: test_node = test_node_list[0].getObject() if test_node.getValidationState() != 'validated': test_node.validate() if test_node is None: test_node = test_node_module.newContent(portal_type="Test Node", title=title, specialise=self.getRelativeUrl(), activate_kw={'tag': tag}) self.activate(after_tag=tag).optimizeConfiguration() test_node.setPingDate() choice_list = self._getSortedNodeTestSuiteToRun(test_node) for test_suite in choice_list: config = {} config["project_title"] = test_suite.getSourceProjectTitle() config["test_suite"] = test_suite.getTestSuite() config["test_suite_title"] = test_suite.getTitle() config["additional_bt5_repository_id"] = test_suite.getAdditionalBt5RepositoryId() config["test_suite_reference"] = test_suite.getReference() vcs_repository_list = [] #In this case objectValues is faster than searchFolder for repository in test_suite.objectValues(portal_type="Test Suite Repository"): repository_dict = {} for property_name in ["git_url", "profile_path", "buildout_section_id", "branch"]: property_value = repository.getProperty(property_name) # the property name url returns the object's url, so it is mandatory use another name. if property_name == "git_url": property_name="url" if property_value is not None: repository_dict[property_name] = property_value vcs_repository_list.append(repository_dict) config["vcs_repository_list"] = vcs_repository_list to_delete_key_list = [x for x,y in config.items() if y==None] [config.pop(x) for x in to_delete_key_list] config_list.append(config) LOG('ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor.startTestSuite, config_list',INFO,config_list) if batch_mode: return config_list return json.dumps(config_list) security.declarePublic("createTestResult") def createTestResult(self, name, revision, test_name_list, allow_restart, test_title=None, node_title=None, project_title=None): """ Here this is only a proxy to the task distribution tool """ LOG('ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor.createTestResult', 0, (node_title, test_title)) portal = self.getPortalObject() test_node = self._getTestNodeFromTitle(node_title) test_node.setPingDate() test_suite = self._getTestSuiteFromTitle(name) if test_suite is not None: test_suite.setPingDate() return portal.portal_task_distribution_tool.createTestResult(name, revision, test_name_list, allow_restart, test_title=title_title, node_title=node_title, project_title=project_title) def _getTestNodeFromTitle(self, node_title): test_node_list = self._getTestNodeModule().searchFolder( portal_type="Test Node", title=SimpleQuery(comparison_operator='=', title=node_title), ) assert len(test_node_list) == 1, "We found %i test nodes for %s" % ( len(test_node_list), node_title) test_node = test_node_list[0].getObject() return test_node def _getTestSuiteFromTitle(self, suite_title): test_suite_list = self._getTestSuiteModule().searchFolder( portal_type='Test Suite', title=SimpleQuery(comparison_operator='=', title=suite_title), validation_state='validated') assert len(test_suite_list) <= 1, "We found %i test suite for %s" % ( len(test_suite_list), suite_title) test_suite = None if len(test_suite_list): test_suite = test_suite_list[0].getObject() return test_suite security.declarePublic("startUnitTest") def startUnitTest(self,test_result_path,exclude_list=()): """ Here this is only a proxy to the task distribution tool """ LOG('ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor.startUnitTest', 0, test_result_path) portal = self.getPortalObject() return portal.portal_task_distribution_tool.startUnitTest(test_result_path,exclude_list) security.declarePublic("stopUnitTest") def stopUnitTest(self,test_path,status_dict): """ Here this is only a proxy to the task distribution tool """ LOG('ERP5ProjectUnitTestDistributor.stop_unit_test', 0, test_path) portal = self.getPortalObject() test_result = portal.unrestrictedTraverse(test_path) test_suite_title = test_result.getTitle() return portal.portal_task_distribution_tool.stopUnitTest(self,test_path,status_dict) security.declarePublic("generateConfiguration") def generateConfiguration(self, test_suite_title, batch_mode=0): """ return the list of configuration to create instances, in the case of ERP5 unit tests, we will have only one configuration (unlike scalability tests). But for API consistency, always return a list. """ test_suite = self._getTestSuiteFromTitle(test_suite_title) generated_configuration = {"configuration_list": [{}]} if test_suite is not None: cluster_configuration = test_suite.getClusterConfiguration() or '{}' try: generated_configuration = {"configuration_list": [json.loads(cluster_configuration)]} except ValueError: pass if batch_mode: return generated_configuration return json.dumps(generated_configuration)