Commit 87eb20e0 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled


parent c61072ab
......@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
" your configuration to use the native backend and restart.")
self._import = None
for x in """getObject getReplicationTIDList getReplicationObjectList
_fetchObject _getDataTID getLastObjectTID
_fetchObject _getObjectHistoryForUndo getLastObjectTID
setattr(self, x, getattr(self.db, x))
for zodb in self.zodb:
......@@ -709,10 +709,12 @@ class ImporterDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
raise AssertionError
getLastObjectTID = Fallback.getLastObjectTID.__func__
_getDataTID = Fallback._getDataTID.__func__
def getObjectHistory(self, *args, **kw):
raise BackendNotImplemented(self.getObjectHistory)
def _getObjectHistoryForUndo(self, *args, **kw):
raise BackendNotImplemented(self._getObjectHistoryForUndo)
def getObjectHistoryWithLength(self, *args, **kw):
raise BackendNotImplemented(self.getObjectHistoryWithLength)
def isReadyToStartPack(self):
pass # disable pack
......@@ -1003,25 +1003,12 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
if prune:
return self._pruneData(data_id_list)
def _getDataTID(self, oid, tid=None, before_tid=None):
Return a 2-tuple:
tid (int)
tid corresponding to received parameters
data tid of the found record
(None, None) is returned if requested object and transaction
could not be found.
This method only exists for performance reasons, by not returning data:
_getObject already returns these values but it is slower.
r = self._getObject(oid, tid, before_tid)
return (r[0], r[-1]) if r else (None, None)
def _getObjectHistoryForUndo(self, oid, undo_tid):
"""Return (undone_tid, history) where 'undone_tid' is the greatest tid
before 'undo_tid' and 'history' is the list of (tid, value_tid) after
'undo_tid'. If there's no record at 'undo_tid', return None."""
def findUndoTID(self, oid, ltid, undo_tid, current_tid):
......@@ -1049,29 +1036,62 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
is_current (bool)
False if object was modified by later transaction (ie, data_tid is
not current), True otherwise.
When undoing several times in such a way that several data_tid are
possible, the implementation guarantees to return the greatest one,
which makes undo compatible with pack without having to update the
value_tid of obj records. IOW, all records that are undo-identical
constitute a simply-linked list; after a pack, the value_tid of the
record with the smallest TID points to nowhere.
With a different implementation, it could fail as follows:
tid value_tid
10 -
20 10
30 10
40 20
After packing at 30, the DB would lose the information that 30 & 40
are undo-identical.
TODO: Since ZODB requires nothing about how undo-identical records are
linked, imported databases may not be packable without breaking
undo information. Same for existing databases because older NEO
implementation linked records differently. A background task to
fix value_tid should be implemented; for example, it would be
used automatically once Importer has finished, if it has seen
non-null value_tid.
u64 = util.u64
oid = u64(oid)
undo_tid = u64(undo_tid)
if self._getDataTID(oid, undo_tid)[0] is None:
undone_tid = self._getDataTID(oid, before_tid=undo_tid)[0]
history = self._getObjectHistoryForUndo(u64(oid), undo_tid)
if not history:
return # nothing to undo for this oid at undo_tid
undone_tid, history = history
if current_tid:
tid = data_tid = u64(current_tid)
current = u64(current_tid)
ltid = u64(ltid) if ltid else float('inf')
for current, _ in reversed(history):
if current < ltid:
if ltid:
ltid = u64(ltid)
tid, data_tid = self._getDataTID(oid, before_tid=ltid)
if tid is None:
if ltid <= undo_tid:
return None, None, False
current_tid = util.p64(tid)
if undo_tid < tid:
tid = data_tid
while undo_tid < tid:
tid = self._getDataTID(oid, tid)[1]
current = undo_tid
current_tid = util.p64(current)
is_current = current == undo_tid
for tid, data_tid in history:
if data_tid is not None:
if data_tid == undone_tid:
undone_tid = tid
elif data_tid == undo_tid:
if current == tid:
is_current = True
undo_tid = tid
return (current_tid,
None if undone_tid is None else util.p64(undone_tid),
undo_tid == tid)
def storePackOrder(self, tid, approved, partial, oid_list, pack_tid):
......@@ -1185,7 +1205,7 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
area as well."""
def getObjectHistory(self, oid, offset, length):
def getObjectHistoryWithLength(self, oid, offset, length):
"""Return a list of serials and sizes for a given object ID.
The length specifies the maximum size of such a list. Result starts
with latest serial, and the list must be sorted in descending order.
......@@ -1220,7 +1240,12 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
def _pack(self, offset, oid, tid, limit=None):
The undo feature is implemented in such a way that value_tid does not
have to be updated. This is important for performance reasons, but also
because pack must be idempotent to guarantee that up-to-date replicas
are identical.
def checkTIDRange(self, partition, length, min_tid, max_tid):
......@@ -871,7 +871,19 @@ class MySQLDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
None if pack_oids is None else splitOIDField(tid, pack_oids),
def getObjectHistory(self, oid, offset, length):
def _getObjectHistoryForUndo(self, oid, undo_tid):
q = self.query
args = self._getReadablePartition(oid), oid, undo_tid
undo = iter(q("SELECT tid FROM obj"
" WHERE `partition`=%s AND oid=%s AND tid<=%s"
" ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 2" % args))
if next(undo, (None,))[0] == undo_tid:
return next(undo, (None,))[0], q(
"SELECT tid, value_tid FROM obj"
" WHERE `partition`=%s AND oid=%s AND tid>%s"
% args)
def getObjectHistoryWithLength(self, oid, offset, length):
# FIXME: This method doesn't take client's current transaction id as
# parameter, which means it can return transactions in the future of
# client's transaction.
......@@ -655,7 +655,19 @@ class SQLiteDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
None if pack_oids is None else splitOIDField(tid, pack_oids),
def getObjectHistory(self, oid, offset, length):
def _getObjectHistoryForUndo(self, oid, undo_tid):
q = self.query
args = self._getReadablePartition(oid), oid, undo_tid
undo = q("SELECT tid FROM obj"
" WHERE partition=? AND oid=? AND tid<=?"
" ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT 2", args).fetchall()
if undo and undo.pop(0)[0] == undo_tid:
return undo[0][0] if undo else None, q(
"SELECT tid, value_tid FROM obj"
" WHERE partition=? AND oid=? AND tid>?",
def getObjectHistoryWithLength(self, oid, offset, length):
# FIXME: This method doesn't take client's current transaction id as
# parameter, which means it can return transactions in the future of
# client's transaction.
......@@ -199,7 +199,8 @@ class ClientOperationHandler(BaseHandler):
app =
raise DelayEvent
history_list =, first, last - first)
history_list =
oid, first, last - first)
if history_list is None:
p = Errors.OidNotFound(dump(oid))
......@@ -300,5 +301,5 @@ class ClientReadOnlyOperationHandler(ClientOperationHandler):
# (askObjectUndoSerial is used in undo() but itself is read-only query)
# FIXME askObjectHistory to limit tid <= backup_tid
# TODO dm.getObjectHistory has to be first fixed for this
# TODO dm.getObjectHistoryWithLength has to be first fixed for this
#def askObjectHistory(self, conn, oid, first, last):
......@@ -290,17 +290,17 @@ class StorageDBTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
txn3, objs3 = self.getTransaction([oid])
# one revision
self.db.storeTransaction(tid1, objs1, txn1, False)
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 0, 3)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryWithLength(oid, 0, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, [(tid1, 0)])
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 1, 1)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryWithLength(oid, 1, 1)
self.assertEqual(result, None)
# two revisions
self.db.storeTransaction(tid2, objs2, txn2, False)
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 0, 3)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryWithLength(oid, 0, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, [(tid2, 0), (tid1, 0)])
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 1, 3)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryWithLength(oid, 1, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, [(tid1, 0)])
result = self.db.getObjectHistory(oid, 2, 3)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryWithLength(oid, 2, 3)
self.assertEqual(result, None)
def _storeTransactions(self, count):
......@@ -235,7 +235,8 @@ class ImporterTests(NEOThreadedTest):
storage.loadBefore(r._p_oid, r._p_serial)
self.assertRaisesRegexp(NotImplementedError, " getObjectHistory$",
" getObjectHistoryWithLength$",
c.db().history, r._p_oid)
h = random_tree.hashTree(r)
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class PackTests(NEOThreadedTest):
def testValueSerialMultipleUndo(self, cluster):
def _testValueSerialMultipleUndo(self, cluster, *undos):
t, c = cluster.getTransaction()
r = c.root()
ob = r[''] = PCounter()
......@@ -144,17 +144,22 @@ class PackTests(NEOThreadedTest):
r._p_changed = 1
db = c.db()
def undo(tid):
db.undo(tid, t.get())
def undo(i):
db.undo(tids[i], t.get())
for i in undos:
db.undo(tids[2], t.get())
def testValueSerialMultipleUndo1(self):
self._testValueSerialMultipleUndo(0, -1)
def testValueSerialMultipleUndo2(self):
self._testValueSerialMultipleUndo(-1, 1)
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