Commit c5a66254 authored by Levin Zimmermann's avatar Levin Zimmermann

wcfs/pintimeout_kill: Fix killed testing if successful

In case 'test_wcfs_pintimeout_kill' is successful, WCFS kills the
client process. In order to prevent WCFS from killing the full
testing process, we therefore need to encapsulate the test code into
a subprocess, so that only this subprocess is killed in case of a
parent ba39a3ec
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import sys, os, os.path, subprocess
from thread import get_ident as gettid
from time import gmtime
from errno import EINVAL, ENOTCONN
from multiprocessing import Process, Value
from resource import setrlimit, getrlimit, RLIMIT_MEMLOCK
from golang import go, chan, select, func, defer, error, b
from golang import context, errors, sync, time
......@@ -1463,7 +1464,9 @@ def test_wcfs_pintimeout_kill():
f =
# XXX move into subprocess not to kill whole testing
# move into subprocess to avoid killing testing process, in
# case test is successful
def test(state):
ctx, _ = context.with_timeout(context.background(), 2*tkill)
wl = t.openwatch()
......@@ -1471,7 +1474,7 @@ def test_wcfs_pintimeout_kill():
def _(ctx):
# send watch. The pin handler won't be replying -> we should never get reply here.
wl.sendReq(ctx, b"watch %s @%s" % (h(zf._p_oid), h(at1)))
fail("watch request completed (should not as pin handler is stuck)")
state.value = 1
def _(ctx):
req = wl.recvReq(ctx)
......@@ -1485,10 +1488,21 @@ def test_wcfs_pintimeout_kill():
if _ == 0:
raise ctx.err()
fail("wcfs did not killed stuck client")
state.value = 2
state = Value("b", 0)
p = Process(target=test, args=(state,))
if state.value != 0:
state = (
"watch request completed (should not as pin handler is stuck)",
"wcfs did not killed stuck client"
)[state.value - 1]
# watch with @at > head - must wait for head to become >= at.
# TODO(?) too far ahead - reject?
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