Commit 3013bdaf authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat

slapos_crm: Sort values at the BT5

   This prevents diff while commit others things
parent 9d33bced
......@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
<portal_type id="Instance Tree">
<portal_type id="Incident Response">
......@@ -14,6 +10,10 @@
<portal_type id="Incident Response Module">
<portal_type id="Instance Tree">
<portal_type id="Regularisation Request">
Computer Module | slapos_ticket_activity_report
Computer | view_related_support_request
Incident Response Module | view
Incident Response | view
Instance Tree Module | slapos_resilience_usage_report
Instance Tree | jump_to_related_upgrade_decision_line
Instance Tree | view_ticket
Incident Response Module | view
Incident Response | view
Regularisation Request Module | rss_view
Regularisation Request Module | view
Regularisation Request | clone_ticket_and_event_list
Computer | monitor_scope
Computer | upgrade_scope
Instance Tree | monitor_scope
Instance Tree | upgrade_scope
Incident Response Module | business_application
Incident Response | aggregate
Incident Response | specialise
Instance Tree | monitor_scope
Instance Tree | upgrade_scope
Regularisation Request Module | business_application
Regularisation Request | specialise
Support Request | aggregate
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