Commit 93ba3fdd authored by Jose Ivan Vargas's avatar Jose Ivan Vargas

small fixes to code and specs

parent 75b8f64a
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import d3 from 'd3';
import _ from 'underscore';
function pickColorFromNameNumber(colorName, colorNumber) {
let lineColor = '#1f78d1';
let areaColor = '#8fbce8';
let lineColor = '';
let areaColor = '';
const color = colorName != null ? colorName : colorNumber;
switch (color) {
case 'blue':
......@@ -55,13 +55,9 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra
const maxValueFromSeries = _.max(maxValues, val => val.maxValue);
let timeSeriesNumber = 1;
let lineColor = '#1f78d1';
let areaColor = '#8fbce8';
const lineColors = ['#1f78d1', '#fc9403', '#db3b21', '#1aaa55', '#6666c4'];
const areaColors = ['#8fbce8', '#feca81', '#ed9d90', '#8dd5aa', '#d1d1f0'];
return, index) => {
let metricTag = 'series';
let metricTag = '';
let pathColors = null;
const timeSeriesScaleX = d3.time.scale()
.range([0, graphWidth - 70]);
......@@ -84,30 +80,28 @@ export default function createTimeSeries(queryData, graphWidth, graphHeight, gra
.y0(graphHeight - graphHeightOffset)
.y1(d => timeSeriesScaleY(d.value));
lineColor = lineColors[timeSeriesNumber - 1];
areaColor = areaColors[timeSeriesNumber - 1];
if (queryData.series != null) {
const seriesCustomizationData = queryData.series[index];
metricTag = timeSeries.metric[Object.keys(timeSeries.metric)[0]] || '';
const timeSeriesMetricLabel = timeSeries.metric[Object.keys(timeSeries.metric)[0]];
if (seriesCustomizationData != null) {
if (
seriesCustomizationData.value === metricTag &&
seriesCustomizationData.color != null
) {
metricTag = seriesCustomizationData.value || timeSeriesMetricLabel;
if (seriesCustomizationData.color != null) {
pathColors = pickColorFromNameNumber(seriesCustomizationData.color.toLowerCase(), null);
} else {
metricTag = timeSeriesMetricLabel || `series ${timeSeriesNumber}`;
if (pathColors == null) {
pathColors = pickColorFromNameNumber(null, timeSeriesNumber);
if (timeSeriesNumber <= 5) {
timeSeriesNumber = timeSeriesNumber += 1;
} else {
timeSeriesNumber = 1;
return {
linePath: lineFunction(timeSeries.values),
......@@ -131,20 +131,3 @@
- query_range: 'sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD",%{environment_filter}}[2m])) / count(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container_name!="POD",%{environment_filter}}) * 100'
label: Average
unit: "%"
- title: "CPU usage by CPU"
- container_cpu_usage_seconds_total
weight: 1
- query_range: 'avg(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{%{environment_filter}}[2m])) by (cpu) * 100'
unit: Average (%)
label: cpu
- value: cpu00
color: red
- value: cpu01
color: blue
- value: cpu02
color: purple
- value: cpu03
color: orange
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function getTextFromNode(component, selector) {
return component.$el.querySelector(selector).firstChild.nodeValue.trim();
fdescribe('GraphLegend', () => {
describe('GraphLegend', () => {
describe('Computed props', () => {
it('textTransform', () => {
const component = createComponent(defaultValuesComponent);
......@@ -89,11 +89,12 @@ fdescribe('GraphLegend', () => {
it('contains text to signal the usage, title and time', () => {
it('contains text to signal the usage, title and time with multiple time series', () => {
const component = createComponent(defaultValuesComponent);
const titles = component.$el.querySelectorAll('.legend-metric-title');
expect(getTextFromNode(component, '.y-label-text')).toEqual(component.yAxisLabel);
......@@ -6346,7 +6346,13 @@ export const singleRowMetricsMultipleSeries = [
'series': [
'value': 'hundred(s)',
'color': 'green',
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