Commit 54755962 authored by Léo-Paul Géneau's avatar Léo-Paul Géneau 👾

software/js-drone: add operator script

Handle operator script parameter.
parent d86726e4
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
* droneNetIf: Drone network interface used for multicast traffic
* debug: Must be set to 'true' to send drone logs through OPC-UA
* multicastIp: IPv6 of the multicast group of the swarm
* operatorScript: URL of operator's script to prepare the flight
* mapJson: URL of terrain's map used by the operator script
* flightScript: URL of user's script to execute to fly drone swarm
* loopPeriod: Minimal period (in milliseconds) between 2 executions of the flight script loop
* subscriberGuidList: List of computer id on which a GUI must be deployed
......@@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ For each drone is displayed:
### Buttons
* Start: sends a "start" message to the swarm and changes into a stop button
* Start: loads operator script and changes into a stop button
* Stop: sends a "stop" message to the swarm
* Switch leader: sends a "switch" message to the swarm, it is usually used to change the leader
* Quit: exits (closes websocket and stops pub/sub)
......@@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ md5sum = 01425a1c77e79788e1948398b9136724
filename =
md5sum = b9f2301782bee12f9ff257a8f0a192f5
md5sum = 44d78f9ee8bb4475d521bce8694cc963
filename = instance-root.cfg.jinja2
md5sum = ed319ac31addb65842e38d5b20d2d8e7
md5sum = 2bec05e86d88d27c3c672a6be9a0d0b4
filename =
md5sum = 8559dc8c95e9232060be6db3e0af4379
md5sum = 9418396fc75e820b9dd5e913855aafe2
_update_hash_filename_ = drone-scripts/main.js.jinja2
md5sum = 85135842e42a1f48a474467508723c0c
md5sum = 4d13e382ba6462e19b67aa67207324dc
_update_hash_filename_ = drone-scripts/pubsub.js.jinja2
......@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ md5sum = c3858b5ec7373a0932fcda911a8177b5
_update_hash_filename_ = drone-scripts/worker.js.jinja2
md5sum = f7f94c4e323a84796977f139b8ab4b9b
md5sum = 4624b7a0a71c6abe6086b0c628074498
......@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ import { err, exit, open, out } from "std";
(function (arm, console, dup2, err, exec, exit, kill, open, out, pipe, read,
scriptArgs, setLog, setReadHandler, setTimeout, signal, start, stop,
stopPubsub, waitpid, Worker, SIGINT, SIGTERM, WNOHANG) {
{% else %}
{% else -%}
(function (console, dup2, err, exec, exit, kill, open, out, pipe, read,
scriptArgs, setReadHandler, setTimeout, signal, stopPubsub, waitpid,
{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
"use strict";
var CONF_PATH = "{{ configuration }}",
......@@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ import { err, exit, open, out } from "std";
user_script = scriptArgs[1],
{% if not isADrone -%}
operator_script = scriptArgs[2],
map_json = scriptArgs[3],
{% endif -%}
LOOP_EXECUTION_PERIOD = configuration.loopPeriod,
can_update = false;
......@@ -99,9 +103,9 @@ import { err, exit, open, out } from "std";
function quit(exit_code) {
worker.onmessage = null;
{% if isADrone %}
{% if isADrone -%}
{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
if (log_r_pipe) {
setReadHandler(log_r_pipe[0], null);
......@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@ import { err, exit, open, out } from "std";
{% if isADrone %}
{% if isADrone -%}
function connect() {
var address = configuration.autopilotIp + ":" + configuration.autopilotPort;
console.log("Will connect to", address);
......@@ -145,7 +149,7 @@ import { err, exit, open, out } from "std";
console.log("Connecting to aupilot\n");
{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
pubsubWorker = new Worker("{{ pubsub_script }}");
pubsubWorker.onmessage = function (e) {
......@@ -157,9 +161,9 @@ import { err, exit, open, out } from "std";
worker.postMessage({type: "initPubsub"});
function load() {
{% if isADrone %}
{% if isADrone -%}
exitOnFail(arm(), "Failed to arm");
{% endif %}
{% endif -%}
// First argument must provide the user script path
if (user_script === undefined) {
......@@ -169,7 +173,11 @@ import { err, exit, open, out } from "std";
type: "load",
path: user_script
{% if not isADrone -%}
operator_path: operator_script,
map_path: map_json,
{% endif -%}
user_path: user_script
......@@ -94,7 +94,11 @@ import { evalScript, fdopen, loadFile, open } from "std";
setTargetCoordinates: setTargetCoordinates,
takeOff: takeOff,
{% endif -%}
sendMsg: function (msg, id) {
sendMsg: sendMsg
function sendMsg(msg, id) {
if (id === undefined) { id = -1; }
content: msg,
......@@ -102,8 +106,6 @@ import { evalScript, fdopen, loadFile, open } from "std";
dest_id: id
function exitWorker(exit_code) {
if (user_me.hasOwnProperty("onWebSocketMessage")) {
......@@ -192,12 +194,17 @@ import { evalScript, fdopen, loadFile, open } from "std";
waitpid(gwsocket_pid, WNOHANG);
function loadUserScript(path) {
function getFileContent(path) {
var script_content = loadFile(path);
if (script_content === null) {
console.log("Failed to load user script " + path);
console.log("Failed to load script", path);
return script_content;
function loadUserScript(path) {
var script_content = getFileContent(path);
try {
"function execUserScript(from, me) {" + script_content + "};"
......@@ -218,6 +225,22 @@ import { evalScript, fdopen, loadFile, open } from "std";
function loadOperatorScript(operator_path, map_path) {
var script_content = getFileContent(operator_path),
operator = {
getMapJSON: function () { return JSON.parse(getFileContent(map_path)); },
sendMsg: sendMsg
try {
"function execOperatorScript(operator) {" + script_content + "};"
user_me.execOperatorScript = execOperatorScript.bind(null, operator);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Failed to evaluate operator script", e);
function handleMainMessage(evt) {
var type =, message, parsed_message, peer_id, log;
......@@ -238,7 +261,10 @@ import { evalScript, fdopen, loadFile, open } from "std";
case "load":
if ("operator_path") &&"map_path")) {
parent.postMessage({type: "loaded"});
......@@ -50,11 +50,23 @@
"type": "string",
"default": "ff15::1111"
"operatorScript": {
"title": "Script's URL to prepare the flight",
"description": "URL of the operator script. The operator script is used to send a first message to the swarm.\nThis can be useful to determine some path planning depending on map informations.\nThis URL must be publicly accesible so that the drone can fetch the script.",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"mapJson": {
"title": "Map's URL",
"description": "URL of the terrain's map. It is used as a data source by the operator script.",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"flightScript": {
"title": "Script's URL of the flight",
"description": "URL of the script which will be executed for the flight. This URL must be publicly accesible so that the drone can fetch the script.",
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"default": ""
"loopPeriod": {
"title": "Loop execution period",
......@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ config-netIf = {{ parameter_dict['droneNetIf'] }}
{% else -%}
{% do subscriber_id_list.append(id) %}
config-isADrone = {{ dumps(False) }}
config-flightScript =
config-operatorScript = {{ parameter_dict['operatorScript'] }}
config-mapJson = {{ parameter_dict['mapJson'] }}
config-flightScript =
config-netIf = {{ parameter_dict['subscriberNetIf'] }}
{% endif -%}
config-multicastIp = {{ parameter_dict['multicastIp'] }}
......@@ -20,6 +20,21 @@ inline =
{% do parameter_dict.__setitem__('websocketPort', websocket_port) -%}
{{ json_module.dumps(parameter_dict) }}
recipe =
url = $${slap-configuration:configuration.operatorScript}
destination = $${directory:etc}/operator.js
offline = false
recipe =
url = $${slap-configuration:configuration.mapJson}
destination = $${directory:etc}/map.json
offline = false
command-line += $${operator:target} $${map:target}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
template = ${script-js:target}
......@@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ default-parameters =
"debug": false,
"droneGuidList": [],
"droneNetIf": "eth0",
"flightScript": "",
"operatorScript": "",
"mapJson": "",
"flightScript": "",
"loopPeriod": 200,
"multicastIp": "ff15::1111",
......@@ -282,7 +282,9 @@ class SubscriberTestCase(SlapOSInstanceTestCase):
'debug': False,
'loopPeriod': LOOP_PERIOD,
'isADrone': False,
'flightScript': '',
'operatorScript': '',
'mapJson': '',
'flightScript': '',
'netIf': OPC_UA_NET_IF,
'multicastIp': MCAST_GRP
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