This file explain how to easily generate a rootfs for slapcontainer, explaining how to generate a debian rootfs. This can be used in order to generate any rootfs. NB: A ready to use rootfs is available at : http://[2001:380:e0c:155:5054:ff:fe5d:a604]/debian-wheezy.tar.xz Requirements: ============= Any Linux distro with the following programs installed : * LXC userland tools (for generating the rootfs) * debootstrap (in order to use lxc-debian script) * dpkg (a dependency of debootstrap) * Qemu tools (providing qemu-img) Step by step instructions explained: ==================================== First we need to generate a raw image. 1. Run :: $ qemu-img create -f raw image-name.raw SIZE 2. Now format it (in this example we will format in in ext4) :: $ mkfs.ext4 image-name.raw We will used lxc-debian script provided in lxc tools in order to generate the rootfs. lxc-debian is run this way :: lxc-debian -p /path/ lxc-debian will create a subdirectory in /path/ named “rootfs”, and a configuration file in /path/. So in order to generate the rootfs on the raw image, create rootfs directory and mount the raw img in it. 3. :: $ mkdir -p /path/rootfs/ $ mount image-name.raw /path/rootfs 4. Next, run the lxc-debian script :: $ lxc-debian -p /path/ Dont forget to change the default password, before unmount it. 5. :: $ sudo chroot /path/rootfs/ /bin/passwd 6. :: $ umount /path/rootfs Next, you can archive it using sparse tar, and compress it. 7. :: $ tar -Sc image-name.raw | pxz -T8 > image-name.tar.gz