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Commit 67c311d5 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

[erp5_web_renderjs_ui] Add support for erp5_authentication_policy messages

parent 5be40cad
......@@ -13,10 +13,27 @@ portal.setupCurrentSkin(REQUEST)
if (portal.portal_membership.isAnonymousUser()):
RESPONSE.expireCookie('__ac', path='/')
url = '%s/login_form?portal_status_message=%s' % (context.absolute_url(), context.Base_translateString('Login and/or password is incorrect.'))
url = came_from and '%s&came_from=%s' % (url, came_from) or url;
is_user_account_blocked = REQUEST.get('is_user_account_blocked', False)
is_user_account_password_expired = REQUEST.get('is_user_account_password_expired', False)
if is_user_account_blocked:
message = context.Base_translateString('Account is blocked.')
elif is_user_account_password_expired:
if (portal.portal_preferences.isPreferredSystemRecoverExpiredPassword()):
message = context.Base_translateString('Password is expired. You will soon receive an email with details about how you can recover it.')
message = context.Base_translateString('Password is expired.')
message = context.Base_translateString('Login and/or password is incorrect.')
url = '%s/login_form?portal_status_message=%s' % (context.absolute_url(), message)
url = came_from and '%s&came_from=%s' % (url, came_from) or url
# XXX How to warn user that password will expire?
# is_user_account_password_expired_expire_date = REQUEST.get('is_user_account_password_expired_expire_date', 0)
# XXX Hardcoded behaviour for JS app.
# Expect came_from to be an URL template
person = portal.ERP5Site_getAuthenticatedMemberPersonValue()
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