Commit ae3ebbe5 authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

- define some namespace and use them

- get the value here instead of getting it from the renderer
- add as_string parameter on all render_od* call because by default string is
  returned and here we need a node
- add _recursiveGetAttributeDict method. It's used to build a dict containing
  all attributes of each nodes
- _recursiveApplyAttributeDict can be used to apply a dict build by
  _recursiveGetAttributeDict to a node

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 704939bf
......@@ -56,6 +56,23 @@ try:
except ImportError:
DRAW_URI = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0'
TEXT_URI = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0'
SVG_URI = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0'
TABLE_URI = 'urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0'
'draw': DRAW_URI,
'text': TEXT_URI,
'xlink': XLINK_URI,
'svg': SVG_URI,
'table': TABLE_URI,
# Constructors
manage_addFormPrintout = DTMLFile("dtml/FormPrintout_add", globals())
......@@ -512,10 +529,10 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
picture_type = picture.getContentType()
picture_path = self._createOdfUniqueFileName(path=path, picture_type=picture_type)
ooo_builder.addFileEntry(picture_path, media_type=picture_type, content=picture_data)
width, height = self._getPictureSize(picture, image_node)
image_node.set('{%s}href' % element_tree.nsmap['xlink'], picture_path)
image_frame.set('{%s}width' % element_tree.nsmap['svg'], width)
image_frame.set('{%s}height' % element_tree.nsmap['svg'], height)
width, height = self._getPictureSize(picture, image_frame)
image_node.set('{%s}href' % XLINK_URI, picture_path)
image_frame.set('{%s}width' % SVG_URI, str(width))
image_frame.set('{%s}height' % SVG_URI, str(height))
# set when using report section
self._setUniqueElementName(, iteration_index, image_xpath, element_tree)
......@@ -533,12 +550,13 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
return picture_path
number += 1
def _getPictureSize(self, picture=None, image_node=None):
if picture is None or image_node is None:
# XXX this method should not be used anymore. This should be made by the
# render_od*
def _getPictureSize(self, picture=None, draw_frame_node=None):
if picture is None or draw_frame_node is None:
return ('0cm', '0cm')
draw_frame_node = image_node.getparent()
svg_width = draw_frame_node.attrib.get('{%s}width' % draw_frame_node.nsmap['svg'])
svg_height = draw_frame_node.attrib.get('{%s}height' % draw_frame_node.nsmap['svg'])
svg_width = draw_frame_node.attrib.get('{%s}width' % SVG_URI)
svg_height = draw_frame_node.attrib.get('{%s}height' % SVG_URI)
if svg_width is None or svg_height is None:
return ('0cm', '0cm')
# if not match causes exception
......@@ -639,7 +657,7 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
table_row_list = []
def removeOfficeAttribute(row):
if row is None or has_header_rows: return
odf_cell_list = row.findall("{%s}table-cell" % row.nsmap['table'])
odf_cell_list = row.findall("{%s}table-cell" % TABLE_URI)
for odf_cell in odf_cell_list:
......@@ -680,7 +698,7 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
return style_name_row_dictionary
def _updateColumnValue(self, row, listbox_column_list):
odf_cell_list = row.findall("{%s}table-cell" % row.nsmap['table'])
odf_cell_list = row.findall("{%s}table-cell" % TABLE_URI)
odf_cell_list_size = len(odf_cell_list)
listbox_column_size = len(listbox_column_list)
for (column_index, column) in enumerate(odf_cell_list):
......@@ -693,7 +711,7 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
"""stat line is capable of column span setting"""
if row_middle is None:
odf_cell_list = row.findall("{%s}table-cell" % row.nsmap['table'])
odf_cell_list = row.findall("{%s}table-cell" % TABLE_URI)
odf_column_span_list = self._getOdfColumnSpanList(row_middle)
listbox_column_size = len(listbox_column_list)
listbox_column_index = 0
......@@ -748,16 +766,15 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
if isinstance(value, DateTime):
translated_value = value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
translated_value = escape(translated_value)
text_namespace = element_tree.nsmap['text']
tab_element_str = '<text:tab xmlns:text="%s"/>' % text_namespace
line_break_element_str ='<text:line-break xmlns:text="%s"/>' % text_namespace
tab_element_str = '<text:tab xmlns:text="%s"/>' % TEXT_URI
line_break_element_str ='<text:line-break xmlns:text="%s"/>' % TEXT_URI
translated_value = translated_value.replace('\t', tab_element_str)
translated_value = translated_value.replace('\r', '')
translated_value = translated_value.replace('\n', line_break_element_str)
translated_value = unicode(str(translated_value),'utf-8')
# create a paragraph
template = '<text:p xmlns:text="%s">%s</text:p>'
fragment_element_tree = etree.XML(template % (text_namespace, translated_value))
fragment_element_tree = etree.XML(template % (TEXT_URI, translated_value))
return fragment_element_tree
def _removeColumnValue(self, column):
......@@ -793,7 +810,7 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
return None
def _getColumnSpanSize(self, column=None):
span_attribute = "{%s}number-columns-spanned" % column.nsmap['table']
span_attribute = "{%s}number-columns-spanned" % TABLE_URI
return int(column.attrib.get(span_attribute, 1))
def _nextListboxColumnIndex(self, span=0, current_index=0, column_span_list=[]):
......@@ -808,7 +825,7 @@ class ODFStrategy(Implicit):
def _getOdfColumnSpanList(self, row_middle=None):
if row_middle is None:
return []
odf_cell_list = row_middle.findall("{%s}table-cell" % row_middle.nsmap['table'])
odf_cell_list = row_middle.findall("{%s}table-cell" % TABLE_URI)
column_span_list = []
for column in odf_cell_list:
column_span = self._getColumnSpanSize(column)
......@@ -880,13 +897,22 @@ class ODTStrategy(ODFStrategy):
field_id =
reference_xpath = '//text:reference-mark[@text:name="%s"]' % field_id
reference_list = element_tree.xpath(reference_xpath, namespaces=element_tree.nsmap)
value = str(field.get_value('default'))
if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.decode('utf-8')
value = [value]
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = '\n'.join(value)
value.replace('\r', '')
for target_node in reference_list:
node_to_replace = target_node.xpath('ancestor::text:p[1]', namespaces=element_tree.nsmap)[0]
attr_dict = {}
style_value = node_to_replace.attrib.get(self._style_attribute_name)
if style_value:
attr_dict.update({self._style_attribute_name: style_value})
new_node = field.render_odt(attr_dict=attr_dict)
new_node = field.render_odt(value=value, as_string=False,
node_to_replace.getparent().replace(node_to_replace, new_node)
# set when using report section
......@@ -923,7 +949,16 @@ class ODTStrategy(ODFStrategy):
#Try to fetch style-name
attr_dict = {}
[(attr_dict.update(target_node.attrib), parent_node.remove(target_node)) for target_node in node_to_remove_list]
new_node = field.render_odt(local_name='span', attr_dict=attr_dict)
value = field.get_value('default')
if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.decode('utf-8')
value = [value]
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = '\n'.join(value)
value.replace('\r', '')
new_node = field.render_odt(value=value, local_name='span',
attr_dict=attr_dict, as_string=False)
parent_node.insert(text_reference_position+1, new_node)
# set when using report section
......@@ -938,32 +973,79 @@ class ODTStrategy(ODFStrategy):
field_id =
reference_xpath = '//*[@form:name = "%s"]' % field_id
reference_list = element_tree.xpath(reference_xpath, namespaces=element_tree.nsmap)
value = field.get_value('default')
if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.decode('utf-8')
value = [value]
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = '\n'.join(value)
value.replace('\r', '')
for target_node in reference_list:
attr_dict = {}
new_node = field.render_odt(attr_dict=attr_dict)
new_node = field.render_odt(value=value, as_string=False,
target_node.getparent().replace(target_node, new_node)
class ODGStrategy(ODFStrategy):
"""ODGStrategy create a ODG Document from a form and a ODG template"""
def _recursiveGetAttributeDict(self, node, attr_dict):
'''return a dictionnary corresponding with node attributes. Tag as key
and a list corresponding to the atributes values by apparence order.
Example, for a listbox, you will have something like :
{ tabe.tag: [table.attrib,],
row.tag: [row.attrib,
cell.tag: [cell.attrib,
attr_dict.setdefault(node.tag, []).append(dict(node.attrib))
for child in node:
self._recursiveGetAttributeDict(child, attr_dict)
def _recursiveApplyAttributeDict(self, node, attr_dict):
'''recursively apply given attributes to node
image_tag_name = '{%s}%s' % (DRAW_URI, 'image')
if len(attr_dict[node.tag]):
attribute_to_update_dict = attr_dict[node.tag].pop(0)
# in case of images, we don't want to update image path
# because they were calculated by render_odg
if node.tag != image_tag_name:
for child in node:
self._recursiveApplyAttributeDict(child, attr_dict)
def _replaceXmlByForm(self, element_tree, form, here, extra_context,
ooo_builder, iteration_index=0):
field_list = form.get_fields(include_disabled=1)
for (count, field) in enumerate(field_list):
text_xpath = '//draw:frame[@draw:name="%s"]' %
node_list = element_tree.xpath(text_xpath, namespaces=element_tree.nsmap)
value = field.get_value('default')
if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = value.decode('utf-8')
value = [value]
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = '\n'.join(value)
value.replace('\r', '')
for target_node in node_list:
attr_dict = {}
attr_dict.setdefault(target_node.tag, {}).update(target_node.attrib)
# store child style using their local-name as key
for descendant in target_node.iterdescendants():
attr_dict.setdefault(descendant.tag, {}).update(descendant.attrib)
# render the field in odg xml node format
new_node = field.render_odg(target_node=target_node, printout=self,
REQUEST=self.REQUEST, ooo_builder=ooo_builder, attr_dict=attr_dict)
attr_dict = {}
self._recursiveGetAttributeDict(target_node, attr_dict)
new_node = field.render_odg(value=value, as_string=False, ooo_builder=ooo_builder,
REQUEST=self.REQUEST, attr_dict=attr_dict)
if new_node is not None:
# replace the target node by the generated node
target_node.getparent().replace(target_node, new_node)
# if the render return None, remove the node
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