Commit 364b1b91 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

Merge branch 'x/lte-multiru' into xy/lte-multiru

- ors: establish backward compatibility proxy to software-ors.cfg
- generic: correct pucch_dedicated setup for CA
- generic: Move user-authorized-key back to be eNB property instead of RU property
- generic: Adjust cell schemas for root_sequence_index - it is a bit different in between LTE and NE
- generic: Restore CPRI delay defaults for Lopcomm and Sunwave
- generic: Fix address of GTP-on-loopback
- misc...
parents 71793936 ed1ba746
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ egg-versions =
<= _ZODB
egg-versions =
ZODB = 5.8.0
ZODB = 5.8.1
transaction = 3.0.1
extends =
parts =
......@@ -16,8 +17,11 @@ configure-options =
environment =
LDFLAGS=-Wl,--as-needed -L${gmp:location}/lib -Wl,-rpath=${gmp:location}/lib
patches =
patch-options = -p1
# Shared binary location to ease migration
......@@ -74,13 +74,12 @@ patches =
[golang14:platform.machine() == 'aarch64']
setarch = setarch arm
<= golang-common-pre-1.19
url =
md5sum = 6b607fc795391dc609ffd79ebf41f080
url =
md5sum = 4f4af14d88352a62761a9dcedf863ac0
# go1.12 needs go1.4 to bootstrap
# go1.13 needs go1.4 to bootstrap
environment-extra =
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ parts =
<= go-git-package
go.importpath =
repository =
revision = a7c788ae71
revision = 1d9bcbe1
install =
......@@ -79,7 +79,6 @@ tornado = 4.4.2
nbconvert = 4.1.0
pathlib2 = 2.2.1
patsy = 0.4.1
pexpect = 4.2.1
scandir = 1.5
wcwidth = 0.1.7
jupyter-console = 5.1.0
......@@ -72,14 +72,6 @@ md5sum = 28bf6a4d98b238403fa58a0805f4a979
PATH = ${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${python2.7:location}/bin:%(PATH)s
configure-command = ./configure
<= nodejs-base
version = v8.12.0
md5sum = 5690333b77964edf81945fc724f6ea85
openssl-location = ${openssl-1.0:location}
PATH = ${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${python2.7:location}/bin:%(PATH)s
configure-command = ./configure
# Server-side Javascript.
version =
......@@ -52,10 +52,7 @@ inline =
ipython = 5.10.0
ipython-genutils = 0.2.0
simplegeneric = 0.8.1
Pygments = 2.5.2
prompt-toolkit = 1.0.18
pickleshare = 0.7.5
pexpect = 4.8.0
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size = 1.0.0
ptyprocess = 0.6.0
......@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ md5sum = 8847dc6458d1431d0ae0f55942deeb89
<= python3-common
version = 3.11
package_version = 3.11.5
md5sum = 393856f1b7713aa8bba4b642ab9985d3
package_version = 3.11.8
md5sum = b353b8433e560e1af2b130f56dfbd973
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ environment =
<= ruby-common
url =
md5sum = 927e1857f3dd5a1bdec26892dbae2a05
url =
md5sum = b8a4e2bdbb76485c3d6690e57be67750
<= ruby2.3
<= ruby2.6
import json
import time
import slapos.testing.e2e as e2e
from websocket import create_connection
class WebsocketTestClass(e2e.EndToEndTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.enb_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-cb003-enb-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.cn_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-cb003-core-network-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.sim_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-cb003-sim-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.ue_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-sb005-ue-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.product = "/opt/e2e/slapos/software/ors-amarisoft/software-fdd-lopcomm.cfg"
cls.ue_product = "/opt/e2e/slapos/software/ors-amarisoft/software-fdd-lopcomm.cfg"
# Component GUIDs and configurations
cls.comp_enb ="COMP-3920"
cls.comp_cn = "COMP-3920"
cls.comp_ue = "COMP-3756"
cls.dl_earfcn = 300
# Retry configurations
cls.max_retries = 10
cls.retry_delay = 180 # seconds
# Setup instances
def retry_request(cls, func, *args, **kwargs):
for attempt in range(cls.max_retries):
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if result:
return result
except Exception as e:
cls.logger.error(f"Error on attempt {attempt + 1}: {e}")
if attempt < cls.max_retries - 1:
return None
def setup_instances(cls):
def request_enb(cls, custom_params=None):"Request "+ cls.enb_instance_name)
enb_parameters = {
"bandwidth": "20 MHz",
"n_antenna_dl": 1,
"n_antenna_ul": 1,
"cpri_mult": 16,
"cell_list": {
"RRH-B1": {
"cpri_rx_delay": 25.11,
"cpri_tx_delay": 13.77,
"cpri_tx_dbm": 56,
"ru_mac_addr": "00:0a:00:00:10:20",
"dl_earfcn": cls.dl_earfcn
"dnsmasq": True,
"txa0cc00_active": "ACTIVE",
"rxa0cc00_active": "ACTIVE",
"txa0cc00_center_frequency": 2140,
"rxa0cc00_center_frequency_earfcn": 18300,
"rxa0cc00_center_frequency": 1950,
"txa0cc00_gain": -20,
"user-authorized-key": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDegkDlZaDJEoiXo5FZ5iJmYcVHyqd5G+YaWLmZ/Ae6wtY8Pp0e/+eCcARO67pwn73MAj9IELu3h5rdPuZvZx0xXWGOc3ceOQBsJh/h4eMpiBKvA5ELWVuXDIl98xgIIjiaO4QgZyw1OhpN5EB6EyUNKt/xCHuU37mZaFLbcNDW3h6JI5U5plIARY0e/dFPFywtKqCgnqhJubJh/kHcb4ZeJzQMnA33WGwVD/b+F015kHXfk4T259Z27yqMTokVjaiUnI2Wbac3e+Lc5bpecA68rlmhc6fs0bh5Geldy2Q8y8gJQUX3sihA9PjlDN+T8mNYHyk9QaCM/SQkwxB71D172nMoUcrppUZyf6JaLmB/cO0iVsIr8x2GnGT0EzL/y1hmvi1dD17E0DpgoRcjI3DxleTbUTpayT4ZHrtVnkp2Nf1LgEJmdTx0hqTb9HTqhXATTKLSETYAwIu0yWnlA9oK2MwsiPPQ/8IS5HzhN3XFEIdV+tQ7GZPVfv4sYpwt7us= root@root",
"plmn_list": {"Australia": {"plmn": "50501"}}
if custom_params:
json_enb_parameters = json.dumps(enb_parameters)
cls.retry_request(cls.request, cls.product, cls.enb_instance_name,
filter_kw={"computer_guid": cls.comp_enb},
partition_parameter_kw={'_': json_enb_parameters},
def request_core_network(cls):"Request "+ cls.cn_instance_name)
core_network_parameters = json.dumps({"core_network_plmn": "50501"})
cls.retry_request(cls.request_core_network_with_guid, core_network_parameters)
def request_core_network_with_guid(cls, core_network_parameters):
core_network_instance = cls.request(cls.product, cls.cn_instance_name,
filter_kw={"computer_guid": cls.comp_cn},
partition_parameter_kw={'_': core_network_parameters},
if core_network_instance:
instance_infos = cls.getInstanceInfos(cls.cn_instance_name)
cls.cn_instance_guid =['instance'][0]['reference']
return True
return False
def request_demo_sim_cards(cls):"Request "+ cls.sim_instance_name)
if cls.cn_instance_guid is None:
cls.logger.error("Core network instance GUID not set. Cannot request demo SIM cards.")
sim_card_parameters = json.dumps({
"sim_algo": "xor",
"imsi": "505010123456789",
"k": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
"imeisv": "8682430000000101",
"impi": "",
"impu": ["505010123456789", "tel:0600000000", "tel:600"]
cls.retry_request(cls.request, cls.product, cls.sim_instance_name,
partition_parameter_kw={'_': sim_card_parameters},
filter_kw={"instance_guid": cls.cn_instance_guid},
shared=True, state='started')
def setup_websocket_connection(cls):
ue_instance = cls.retry_request(cls.request_ue)
cls.ue_com_addr = ue_instance.get('com_addr') if ue_instance else None
if not cls.ue_com_addr:
cls.logger.error("Failed to obtain UE com address.")
cls.ws_url = f"ws://{cls.ue_com_addr}""Websocket URL: {cls.ws_url}")
for attempt in range(cls.max_retries):
try: = create_connection(cls.ws_url)"Websocket connection established.")
except Exception as e:
cls.logger.error(f"Websocket connection attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}")
if attempt < cls.max_retries - 1:
def request_ue(cls):"Request "+ cls.ue_instance_name)
ue_parameters = json.dumps({
"n_antenna_dl": 2,
"n_antenna_ul": 2,
"dl_earfcn": cls.dl_earfcn,
"sim_algo": "xor",
"imsi": "505010123456789",
"k": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
"imeisv": "8682430000000101",
"impi": "",
"impu": ["505010123456789", "tel:0600000000", "tel:600"]
return cls.retry_request(cls.request, cls.ue_product, cls.ue_instance_name,
filter_kw={"computer_guid": cls.comp_ue},
partition_parameter_kw={'_': ue_parameters},
def tearDownClass(cls):
if hasattr(cls, 'ws') and is not None:
def send(self, msg):
def recv(self):
return json.loads(
def ue_get(self):
self.send({"message": "ue_get"})
result = self.recv()
if 'message' not in result:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected response format: {result}")
if 'ue_list' in result:
if not result['ue_list']:
raise ValueError(f"No UE found in response: {result}")
return result['ue_list'][0]
return result
def power_on(self, ue_id):
self.assertFalse(self.ue_get()['power_on'], "UE already powered on")
self.send({"message": "power_on", "ue_id": ue_id})
def power_off(self, ue_id):
self.assertTrue(self.ue_get()['power_on'], "UE already powered off")
self.send({"message": "power_off", "ue_id": ue_id})
class BBUTest(WebsocketTestClass):
def test_ue_has_ip(self):
result = self.recv()
result = self.ue_get()
ue_id = result['ue_id']
result = self.ue_get()
self.assertIn('pdn_list', result, "UE didn't connect")
self.assertIn('ipv4', result['pdn_list'][0], "UE didn't get IPv4")"UE connected with ip: " + result['pdn_list'][0]['ipv4'])
def test_max_rx_sample_db(self):
# check-rx-saturated is disabled for BBU+RU
# custom_params = {"max_rx_sample_db": -99}
# BBUTest.request_enb(custom_params)
# self.waitUntilPromises(BBUTest.enb_instance_name, promise_name="check-rx-saturated", expected=False)
def test_min_rxtx_delay(self):
custom_params = {"min_rxtx_delay": 99}
self.waitUntilPromises(BBUTest.enb_instance_name, promise_name="check-baseband-latency", expected=False)
import json
import time
import slapos.testing.e2e as e2e
from websocket import create_connection
class WebsocketTestClass(e2e.EndToEndTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.enb_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-ors84-enb-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.cn_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-ors84-core-network-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.sim_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-ors84-sim-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.ue_instance_name = time.strftime('e2e-simbox005-ue-%Y-%B-%d-%H:%M:%S')
cls.product = cls.product.get('ors-tdd')
cls.ue_product = "/opt/e2e/slapos/software/ors-amarisoft/software-fdd-lopcomm.cfg"
# Component GUIDs and configurations
cls.comp_enb = "COMP-4057"
cls.comp_cn = "COMP-4057"
cls.comp_ue = "COMP-3756"
cls.dl_earfcn = 38550
# Retry configurations
cls.max_retries = 10
cls.retry_delay = 180 # seconds
# Setup instances
def retry_request(cls, func, *args, **kwargs):
for attempt in range(cls.max_retries):
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
if result:
return result
except Exception as e:
cls.logger.error(f"Error on attempt {attempt + 1}: {e}")
if attempt < cls.max_retries - 1:
return None
def setup_instances(cls):
def request_enb(cls, custom_params=None):"Request "+ cls.enb_instance_name)
enb_parameters = {
"dl_earfcn": cls.dl_earfcn,
"plmn_list": {"Australia": {"plmn": "50501"}}
if custom_params:
json_enb_parameters = json.dumps(enb_parameters)
cls.retry_request(cls.request, cls.product, cls.enb_instance_name,
filter_kw={"computer_guid": cls.comp_enb},
partition_parameter_kw={'_': json_enb_parameters},
def request_core_network(cls):
core_network_parameters = json.dumps({"core_network_plmn": "50501"})
cls.retry_request(cls.request_core_network_with_guid, core_network_parameters)
def request_core_network_with_guid(cls, core_network_parameters):"Request "+ cls.cn_instance_name)
core_network_instance = cls.request(cls.product, cls.cn_instance_name,
filter_kw={"computer_guid": cls.comp_cn},
partition_parameter_kw={'_': core_network_parameters},
if core_network_instance:
instance_infos = cls.getInstanceInfos(cls.cn_instance_name)
cls.cn_instance_guid =['instance'][0]['reference']
return True
return False
def request_demo_sim_cards(cls):
if cls.cn_instance_guid is None:
cls.logger.error("Core network instance GUID not set. Cannot request demo SIM cards.")
return"Request "+ cls.sim_instance_name)
sim_card_parameters = json.dumps({
"sim_algo": "xor",
"imsi": "505010123456789",
"k": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
"imeisv": "8682430000000101",
"impi": "",
"impu": ["505010123456789", "tel:0600000000", "tel:600"]
cls.retry_request(cls.request, cls.product, cls.sim_instance_name,
partition_parameter_kw={'_': sim_card_parameters},
filter_kw={"instance_guid": cls.cn_instance_guid},
shared=True, state='started')
def setup_websocket_connection(cls):
ue_instance = cls.retry_request(cls.request_ue)
cls.ue_com_addr = ue_instance.get('com_addr') if ue_instance else None
if not cls.ue_com_addr:
cls.logger.error("Failed to obtain UE com address.")
cls.ws_url = f"ws://{cls.ue_com_addr}""Websocket URL: {cls.ws_url}")
for attempt in range(cls.max_retries):
try: = create_connection(cls.ws_url)"Websocket connection established.")
except Exception as e:
cls.logger.error(f"Websocket connection attempt {attempt + 1} failed: {e}")
if attempt < cls.max_retries - 1:
def request_ue(cls):"Request "+ cls.ue_instance_name)
ue_parameters = json.dumps({
"n_antenna_dl": 2,
"n_antenna_ul": 2,
"dl_earfcn": cls.dl_earfcn,
"sim_algo": "xor",
"imsi": "505010123456789",
"k": "00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff",
"imeisv": "8682430000000101",
"impi": "",
"impu": ["505010123456789", "tel:0600000000", "tel:600"]
return cls.retry_request(cls.request, cls.ue_product, cls.ue_instance_name,
filter_kw={"computer_guid": cls.comp_ue},
partition_parameter_kw={'_': ue_parameters},
def tearDownClass(cls):
if hasattr(cls, 'ws') and is not None:
def send(self, msg):
def recv(self):
return json.loads(
def ue_get(self):
self.send({"message": "ue_get"})
result = self.recv()
if 'message' not in result:
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected response format: {result}")
if 'ue_list' in result:
if not result['ue_list']:
raise ValueError(f"No UE found in response: {result}")
return result['ue_list'][0]
return result
def power_on(self, ue_id):
self.assertFalse(self.ue_get()['power_on'], "UE already powered on")
self.send({"message": "power_on", "ue_id": ue_id})
def power_off(self, ue_id):
self.assertTrue(self.ue_get()['power_on'], "UE already powered off")
self.send({"message": "power_off", "ue_id": ue_id})
class ORSTest(WebsocketTestClass):
def test_ue_has_ip(self):
result = self.recv()
result = self.ue_get()
ue_id = result['ue_id']
result = self.ue_get()
self.assertIn('pdn_list', result, "UE didn't connect")
self.assertIn('ipv4', result['pdn_list'][0], "UE didn't get IPv4")"UE connected with ip: " + result['pdn_list'][0]['ipv4'])
def test_max_rx_sample_db(self):
custom_params = {"max_rx_sample_db": -99}
self.waitUntilPromises(ORSTest.enb_instance_name, promise_name="check-rx-saturated", expected=False)
def test_min_rxtx_delay(self):
# Fixed by 9798ef1e, change `expected` to False when released
custom_params = {"min_rxtx_delay": 99}
self.waitUntilPromises(ORSTest.enb_instance_name, promise_name="check-baseband-latency", expected=True)
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# not need these here).
filename =
md5sum = 7fa9436be9a31bf4ee172951df2d9df4
md5sum = d1ca30a1b910b6b775f4f95bd91123a6
_update_hash_filename_ =
......@@ -34,39 +34,39 @@ md5sum = eb1230fee50067924ba89f4dc6e82fa9
_update_hash_filename_ = gitlab-parameters.cfg
md5sum = c2e23c0f7baa1633df0436ca4e728424
md5sum = cfda6d959bb90bf0b9c947383f45ce0a
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = 52d18b521b8cd16352fc88b1e1d79d53
md5sum = 69e8ed76b06233d11932a5c0ef16f03b
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = b0c3d465a8aaad9d2274934dcf208645
md5sum = 705825e6d8c6b37699f1321805d09de3
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = f4cc0bc898b8d59010d61473e2adc53b
md5sum = 673c393e6728a8d82e6b9a44886785a8
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = 0f1ec4077dab586cc003ae13f689eda2
md5sum = 58e3d5bbda32583d00cd8f44ec0525b0
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = 0445e54ee7ce1f65ec79801e128c80d4
md5sum = 9303fa3912e6eaea04add760b55521f3
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = 9ed8220bb3ad71ff7e8638354127412c
md5sum = b8dea5ca4c6f9fc1ca54eb0265e1fdee
_update_hash_filename_ =
md5sum = a56a44e96f65f5ed20211bb6a54279f4
md5sum = 70612697434bf4fbe838fdf4fd867ed8
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = cd7471a8c5d6f6bc848c62ce62dca966
md5sum = 4980c1571a4dd7753aaa60d065270849
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
......@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ md5sum = 4e1ced687a86e4cfff2dde91237e3942
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = 16b9f52f00d55feab7e31a88029ad351
md5sum = 87f16b4f4a2370acada46b2751ef3366
_update_hash_filename_ = template/
md5sum = 67728235a2c4c9425c80f0c856749885
md5sum = b4758129a8d0c47b2c3adb10fefb8275
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# (last updated for omnibus-gitlab 8.8.9+ce.0-g25376053)
configuration.external_url =
configuration.external_url =
# db advanced
configuration.db_pool = 10
......@@ -39,15 +39,10 @@ echo "I: PostgreSQL ready." 1>&2
psql -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;' || die "pg_trgm setup failed"
if echo "$pgtables" | grep -q '^Did not find any relations' ; then
$RAKE db:schema:load db:seed_fu || die "initial db setup failed"
$RAKE gitlab:setup RAILS_ENV=production force=yes || die "initial db setup failed"
# re-build ssh keys
# (we do not use them - just for cleannes)
force=yes $RAKE gitlab:shell:setup || die "gitlab:shell:setup failed"
# 2. what to do when instance is upgraded
# see
......@@ -64,10 +59,15 @@ $RAKE db:migrate >$migrate_log 2>&1 || die "db:migrate failed"
# logs of actual migration run.
test -s $migrate_log || rm $migrate_log
touch {{ var_dir }}/gitlab_db_ok
# clear cache
$RAKE cache:clear || die "cache:clear failed"
# re-build ssh keys
# (we do not use them - just for cleannes)
# run before migration to avoir error on missing tables in db
force=yes $RAKE gitlab:shell:setup || die "gitlab:shell:setup failed"
# 3. finally exec to unicorn
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ revision = v0.8.0-12-g816c908556
<= go-git-package
go.importpath =
repository =
revision = 3f6c4deec8834bdcd2c28c7c5eeacd8211e759b5
revision = da754af24da351291c99caa421a103db09e7a4c4
<= go-git-package
go.importpath =
repository =
revision = 56bf8f815a
revision = 95433de34f
......@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ input = inline: gitlab-shell-work*
......@@ -49,16 +49,32 @@ offline = true
# GitLab instance parameters #
recipe =
unicorn-worker-processes = {{ instance_parameter_dict['configuration.unicorn_worker_processes'] }}
init =
import multiprocessing
worker_count = int(options['unicorn-worker-processes'])
if worker_count == 0:
# automatically load all available CPUs
worker_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() + 1
worker_count = 2 if worker_count < 2 else worker_count
options['unicorn-worker-processes'] = worker_count
options['nginx-worker-processes'] = worker_count -1
{#- There are dangerous keys like recipe, etc #}
{#- XXX: Some other approach would be useful #}
{%- set DROP_KEY_LIST = ['recipe', '__buildout_signature__', 'computer', 'partition', 'url', 'key', 'cert'] %}
{%- for key, value in instance_parameter_dict.iteritems() -%}
{%- set DROP_KEY_LIST = ['recipe', '__buildout_signature__', 'computer', 'partition', 'url', 'key', 'cert',
'configuration.unicorn_worker_processes', 'configuration.nginx_worker_processes'] %}
{%- for key, value in instance_parameter_dict.items() -%}
{%- if key not in DROP_KEY_LIST %}
{{ key }} = {{ value }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
# settings for worker processes:
configuration.unicorn_worker_processes = ${worker-processes:unicorn-worker-processes}
configuration.nginx_worker_processes = ${worker-processes:nginx-worker-processes}
# for convenience
......@@ -171,7 +187,7 @@ mode = 0700
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
gitaly = ${directory:var}/gitaly
sockets = ${:gitaly}/sockets
internal = ${:sockets}/internal
internal = ${directory:var}/int
log = ${directory:log}/gitaly
......@@ -198,7 +214,7 @@ context =
raw autogenerated # This file was autogenerated. (DO NOT EDIT - changes will be lost)
section instance_parameter instance-parameter
section backend_info backend-info
import urlparse urlparse
import urlparse urllib.parse
raw git {{ git }}
context-extra =
......@@ -336,6 +352,7 @@ context =
raw psql_bin {{ postgresql_location }}/bin/psql
section pgsql service-postgresql
raw log_dir ${gitlab:log}
raw var_dir ${directory:var}
section unicorn_rb unicorn.rb
section gitlab_work gitlab-work
......@@ -427,6 +444,8 @@ tune-command =
software = {{ gitlab_shell_repository_location }}
tune-command =
if [ -d "bin" ]; then rm -rf bin; fi &&
ln -sf ${:software}/bin bin &&
ln -sf ${gitlab-shell-config.yml:output} config.yml &&
......@@ -531,6 +550,7 @@ config-command = ${service-redis:promise-wrapper}
<= logrotate-entry-base
log = ${redis:log}/*.log
name = redis
copytruncate = true
......@@ -557,6 +577,7 @@ command-line = {{ gitlab_workhorse }}
-documentRoot ${gitlab-work:location}/public
-secretPath ${gitlab-workhorse:secret}
-logFile ${gitlab-workhorse:log}
-repoPath ${gitlab-repo-dir:repositories}
# NOTE for profiling
# -pprofListenAddr ...
......@@ -645,21 +666,25 @@ command-line = ${:rake} gitlab:gitlab_shell:check
<= logrotate-entry-base
log = ${unicorn:log}/*.log
name = unicorn
copytruncate = true
<= logrotate-entry-base
log = ${gitlab:log}/*.log
name = gitlab
copytruncate = true
<= logrotate-entry-base
log = ${gitlab-shell:log}/*.log
name = gitlab-shell
copytruncate = true
<= logrotate-entry-base
log = ${gitlab-workhorse-dir:log}//*.log
name = gitlab-shell
copytruncate = true
# sidekiq background jobs manager #
......@@ -709,6 +734,7 @@ command-line = ${:rake} gitlab:sidekiq:check
<= logrotate-entry-base
log = ${sidekiq:log}/*.log
name = sidekiq
copytruncate = true
......@@ -781,6 +807,7 @@ promise = check_url_available
<= logrotate-entry-base
log = ${nginx:log}/*.log
name = nginx
post = kill -USR1 $(cat ${directory:run}/
# base entry for clients who registers to cron
......@@ -826,8 +853,7 @@ command =
${:rake} gitlab:assets:clean &&
${:rake} gettext:compile RAILS_ENV=production &&
cd ${gitlab-work:location} &&
PATH={{ node_bin_location }}:$PATH {{ yarn_location }}/bin/yarn add ajv@^4.11.2 &&
PATH={{ node_bin_location }}:$PATH {{ yarn_location }}/bin/yarn install --production --pure-lockfile &&
PATH={{ node_bin_location }}:{{ yarn_location }}/bin:$PATH yarn install --prefer-offline --production --pure-lockfile &&
${:rake} gitlab:assets:compile NODE_ENV=production NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=4096" &&
......@@ -19,16 +19,6 @@ RootSoftwareInstance = $${:gitlab}
# TODO -import, -pull-backup
recipe =
init =
import multiprocessing
cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# automatically load all available CPUs
options['unicorn-worker-processes'] = cpu_count + 1
options['nginx-worker-processes'] = cpu_count
# std stuff to fetch slapos instance parameters
recipe = slapos.cookbook:slapconfiguration
......@@ -41,11 +31,6 @@ cert = $${slap-connection:cert-file}
# autogenerated gitlab instance parameters
<= gitlab-parameters
# adjust/override some default settings:
configuration.unicorn_worker_processes = $${worker-processes:unicorn-worker-processes}
configuration.nginx_worker_processes = $${worker-processes:nginx-worker-processes}
# gitlab non-native parameters
configuration.icp_license =
......@@ -88,7 +73,7 @@ context =
raw logrotate_bin ${logrotate:location}/usr/sbin/logrotate
raw nginx_bin ${nginx-output:nginx}
raw nginx_mime_types ${nginx-output:mime}
raw node_bin_location ${nodejs-8.12.0:location}/bin/
raw node_bin_location ${nodejs:location}/bin/
raw openssl_bin ${openssl-output:openssl}
raw postgresql_location ${postgresql10:location}
raw redis_binprefix ${redis28:location}/bin
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
NOTE macros can return only strings - that's why '' is used for false #}
{% macro cfg_bool(name) %}{{ 'true' if (cfg(name).lower() in ('true', 'yes')) else '' }}{% endmacro %}
{# deduce whether to use https from external url
( here - becasue we cannot use jinja2 logic in to
process instance parameters ) #}
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -14,10 +14,24 @@ bin_dir = "{{ gitaly.location }}"
# # Optional: export metrics via Prometheus
# prometheus_listen_addr = "localhost:9236"
# # Optional: configure where the Gitaly creates the sockets for internal connections. If unset, Gitaly will create a randomly
# # named temp directory each time it boots.
# # Non Gitaly clients should never connect to these sockets.
internal_socket_dir = "{{ gitaly.internal_socket }}"
# # Optional: authenticate Gitaly requests using a shared secret
# [auth]
# token = 'abc123secret'
# transitioning = false # Set `transitioning` to true to temporarily allow unauthenticated while rolling out authentication.
# [tls]
# certificate_path = '/home/git/cert.cert'
# key_path = '/home/git/key.pem'
# # Git settings
bin_path = "{{ git }}"
# catfile_cache_size = 100
name = "default"
......@@ -30,11 +44,21 @@ path = "{{ gitlab.repositories }}"
# path = "/mnt/other_storage/repositories"
# # You can optionally configure Gitaly to output JSON-formatted log messages to stdout
# [logging]
# You can optionally configure Gitaly to output JSON-formatted log messages to stdout
# The directory where Gitaly stores extra log files
dir = "{{ gitaly.log }}"
# format = "json"
# format = "json"
# # Additionally exceptions can be reported to Sentry
# sentry_dsn = "https://<key>:<secret><project>
# # Optional: Set log level to only log entries with that severity or above
# # One of, in order: debug, info, warn, errror, fatal, panic
# # Defaults to "info"
level = "warn"
# # Additionally exceptions from the Go server can be reported to Sentry
# sentry_dsn = "https://<key>:<secret><project>"
# # Exceptions from gitaly-ruby can also be reported to Sentry
# ruby_sentry_dsn = "https://<key>:<secret><project>"
# # You can optionally configure Gitaly to record histogram latencies on GRPC method calls
......@@ -45,7 +69,27 @@ path = "{{ gitlab.repositories }}"
# The directory where gitaly-ruby is installed
dir = "{{ gitaly.location }}/ruby"
# # Gitaly-ruby resident set size (RSS) that triggers a memory restart (bytes)
# max_rss = 200000000
# # Grace period before a gitaly-ruby process is forcibly terminated after exceeding max_rss (seconds)
# graceful_restart_timeout = "10m"
# # Time that gitaly-ruby memory must remain high before a restart (seconds)
# restart_delay = "5m"
# # Number of gitaly-ruby worker processes
# num_workers = 2
# # Search path for system gitconfig file (e.g. /etc, /opt/gitlab/embedded/etc)
# # NOTE: This only affects RPCs that use Rugged.
# rugged_git_config_search_path = "/etc"
# The directory where gitlab-shell is installed
dir = "{{ gitlab_shell_work.location }}"
# # You can adjust the concurrency of each RPC endpoint
# [[concurrency]]
# rpc = "/gitaly.RepositoryService/GarbageCollect"
# max_per_repo = 1
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
user: {{ backend_info.user }}
# Url to gitlab instance. Used for api calls. Should end with a slash.
gitlab_url: "http+unix://{{ urllib.quote_plus(unicorn.socket) }}/"
gitlab_url: "http+unix://{{ urllib.parse.quote_plus(unicorn.socket) }}/"
{# we don't need any
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ http_settings:
# Give the canonicalized absolute pathname,
# Check twice that none of the components is a symlink, including "/home".
# repos_path: "{{ gitlab.repositories }}"
repos_path: "{{ gitlab.repositories }}"
# File used as authorized_keys for gitlab user
# NOTE not used in slapos version (all access via https only)
......@@ -171,6 +171,16 @@ production: &base
storage_path: <%= @lfs_storage_path %>
## Uploads
# The location where uploads objects are stored (default: public/).
storage_path: "{{ gitlab.var }}"
# The location where uploads objects are stored (default: public/).
# storage_path: public/
# base_dir: uploads/-/system
enabled: false
remote_directory: uploads # Bucket name
{# we do not support container registry
## Container Registry
......@@ -516,7 +526,7 @@ production: &base
# for now we have a lot of old slapos.core deployed...
{% if cfg('icp_license') != '' -%}
ICP: {{ urllib.unquote_plus( str(cfg('icp_license')) ).decode('utf-8') }}
ICP: {{ urllib.parse.unquote_plus( str(cfg('icp_license')) ) }}
{# ICP: '{{ cfg("icp_license") }}' #}
{% endif %}
......@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ server {
{% if cfg_https %}
## Strong SSL Security
## &
ssl on;
ssl_certificate {{ nginx.cert_file }};
ssl_certificate_key {{ nginx.key_file }};
{# we don't need - most root CA will be included by default
......@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ server {
## HSTS Config
{% if cfg("nginx_hsts_max_age") > 0 -%}
{% if int(cfg("nginx_hsts_max_age")) > 0 -%}
{% if '{{ cfg("nginx_hsts_include_subdomains") }}' == 'true' -%}
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age={{ cfg('nginx_hsts_max_age') }}; includeSubDomains"
{% else -%}
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ gitlab_work="{{ gitlab_work_location }}"
promise_check="{{ promise_lab_location }}"
unicorn_script="{{ unicorn_script }}"
sidekiq_script="{{ sidekiq_script }}"
var_location="{{ run_directory }}/.."
# export GIT_EXEC_PATH=$git_location/libexec/git-core/
......@@ -61,6 +62,12 @@ if [ -f "$postgres_pid_file" ]; then
rm $postgres_pid_file
# cleanup /var/backup and old repositories folders,
# restoration will created them at every run
echo "Cleanup gitlab backup and old repositories folders..."
rm -rf $var_location/backup/*
rm -rf $var_location/repositories*
echo "Starting Postgres..."
$postgres_executable &
......@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ timeout {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_timeout') }}
# combine Ruby 2.0.0dev or REE with "preload_app true" for memory savings
preload_app true
GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) and
GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true
# Enable this flag to have unicorn test client connections by writing the
......@@ -32,6 +30,13 @@ GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) and
# fast LAN.
check_client_connection false
require_relative '{{ gitlab_work.location }}/lib/gitlab/cluster/lifecycle_events'
before_exec do |server|
# Signal application hooks that we're about to restart
# How many worker processes
worker_processes {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_processes') }}
......@@ -41,11 +46,8 @@ worker_processes {{ cfg('unicorn_worker_processes') }}
# What to do before we fork a worker
before_fork do |server, worker|
# XXX why gitlab does not enable this?
# # the following is highly recomended for Rails + "preload_app true"
# # as there's no need for the master process to hold a connection
# defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and
# ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disconnect!
# Signal application hooks that we're about to fork
# The following is only recommended for memory/DB-constrained
# installations. It is not needed if your system can house
......@@ -75,25 +77,13 @@ end
# What to do after we fork a worker
after_fork do |server, worker|
# Signal application hooks of worker start
# per-process listener ports for debugging/admin/migrations
# addr = "{9293 +}"
# server.listen(addr, :tries => -1, :delay => 5, :tcp_nopush => true)
# XXX why gitlab does not enable this?
# # the following is *required* for Rails + "preload_app true",
# defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and
# ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
# reset prometheus client, this will cause any opened metrics files to be closed
#defined?(::Prometheus::Client.reinitialize_on_pid_change) &&
# Prometheus::Client.reinitialize_on_pid_change
# if preload_app is true, then you may also want to check and
# restart any other shared sockets/descriptors such as Memcached,
# and Redis. TokyoCabinet file handles are safe to reuse
# between any number of forked children (assuming your kernel
# correctly implements pread()/pwrite() system calls)
......@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
filename =
md5sum = 84380fe6c268301a1e1f501e53943f58
md5sum = ad2797e1b83b6b3221f831950075a057
filename =
md5sum = 458870b70c33a1621b68961ae2372ad5
md5sum = d718fb950862769e57100986cfabb180
filename =
md5sum = 98faa5ad8cfb23a11d97a459078a1d05
md5sum = f15c5d9b8c2cf39cb6b2070d8d9d3a92
filename =
md5sum = 5db53d622bd68fb07e078ddc4403a240
md5sum = 98b7d79eb6af1c4120e3848e9e6fca61
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish.serialised
nginx = http://[$${nginx-configuration:ip}]:$${nginx-configuration:port}/
nginx = https://[$${nginx-configuration:ip}]:$${nginx-configuration:port}/
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
......@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ virtual-depends =
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${template-nginx-configuration:output}
output = $${directory:etc}/nginx.cfg
access_log = $${directory:log}/nginx-access.log
error_log = $${directory:log}/nginx-error.log
access-log = $${directory:log}/nginx-access.log
error-log = $${directory:log}/nginx-error.log
ip = $${instance-parameter:ipv6-random}
port = 9443
ssl_key = $${directory:ssl}/nginx.key
ssl_csr = $${directory:ssl}/nginx.csr
ssl_crt = $${directory:ssl}/nginx.crt
ssl-csr = $${directory:ssl}/nginx.csr
ssl-key = $${directory:ssl}/nginx.key
ssl-crt = $${directory:ssl}/nginx.crt
recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_port_listening
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ os.environ['XORG_LOCK_DIR'] = '$${xvfb-instance:lock-dir}'
os.environ['DISPLAY'] = '$${xvfb-instance:display}'
os.environ['FONTCONFIG_FILE'] = '$${fontconfig-conf:output}'
BASE_URL = 'http://[$${nginx-configuration:ip}]:$${nginx-configuration:port}/'
BASE_URL = 'https://[$${nginx-configuration:ip}]:$${nginx-configuration:port}/'
ETC_DIRECTORY = '$${directory:etc}'
def main():
......@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ def main():
if target == 'firefox':
firefox_capabilities = webdriver.common.desired_capabilities.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
firefox_capabilities['marionette'] = True
firefox_capabilities['acceptInsecureCerts'] = True
browser = webdriver.Firefox(
......@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
# BEWARE: This file is operated by slapos node
# BEWARE: It will be overwritten automatically
if [ ! -e $${nginx-configuration:ssl_crt} ]
if [ ! -e $${nginx-configuration:ssl-crt} ]
${openssl-output:openssl} genrsa -out $${nginx-configuration:ssl_key} 2048
${openssl-output:openssl} genrsa -out $${nginx-configuration:ssl-key} 2048
${openssl-output:openssl} req -new \
-subj "/C=AA/ST=Denial/L=Nowhere/O=Dis/CN=$${nginx-configuration:ip}" \
-key $${nginx-configuration:ssl_key} -out $${nginx-configuration:ssl_csr}
-key $${nginx-configuration:ssl-key} -out $${nginx-configuration:ssl-csr}
${openssl-output:openssl} x509 -req -days 365 \
-in $${nginx-configuration:ssl_csr} \
-signkey $${nginx-configuration:ssl_key} \
-out $${nginx-configuration:ssl_crt}
-in $${nginx-configuration:ssl-csr} \
-signkey $${nginx-configuration:ssl-key} \
-out $${nginx-configuration:ssl-crt}
exec ${nginx-output:nginx} \
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ events {
# multi_accept on;
error_log $${nginx-configuration:error_log};
error_log $${nginx-configuration:error-log};
http {
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ http {
# Logging Settings
access_log $${nginx-configuration:access_log};
error_log $${nginx-configuration:error_log};
access_log $${nginx-configuration:access-log};
error_log $${nginx-configuration:error-log};
# Gzip Settings
......@@ -51,11 +51,9 @@ http {
gzip_types text/html text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
server {
listen [$${nginx-configuration:ip}]:$${nginx-configuration:port};
# ssl on;
# ssl_certificate $${nginx-configuration:ssl_crt};
# ssl_certificate_key $${nginx-configuration:ssl_key};
listen [$${nginx-configuration:ip}]:$${nginx-configuration:port} ssl;
ssl_certificate $${nginx-configuration:ssl-crt};
ssl_certificate_key $${nginx-configuration:ssl-key};
fastcgi_temp_path $${directory:varnginx} 1 2;
uwsgi_temp_path $${directory:varnginx} 1 2;
......@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ class TestJSTestNode(InstanceTestCase):
'nginx': 'http://[%s]:9443/' % (self.computer_partition_ipv6_address, )
'nginx': 'https://[%s]:9443/' % (self.computer_partition_ipv6_address, )
# jio tests
result = requests.get(
'%sjio/test/tests.html' % (connection_dict['nginx'], ), allow_redirects=False)
'%sjio/test/tests.html' % (connection_dict['nginx'], ), verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
[, False],
[result.status_code, result.is_redirect]
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class TestJSTestNode(InstanceTestCase):
# rjs tests
result = requests.get(
'%srenderjs/test/' % (connection_dict['nginx'], ), allow_redirects=False)
'%srenderjs/test/' % (connection_dict['nginx'], ), verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
[, False],
[result.status_code, result.is_redirect]
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class TestJSTestNode(InstanceTestCase):
# rsvp tests
result = requests.get(
'%srsvp/test/index.html' % (connection_dict['nginx'], ), allow_redirects=False)
'%srsvp/test/index.html' % (connection_dict['nginx'], ), verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
[, False],
[result.status_code, result.is_redirect]
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class TestJSTestNode(InstanceTestCase):
# Default access
result = requests.get(
'http://[%s]:9443' % (self.computer_partition_ipv6_address, ), allow_redirects=False)
'https://[%s]:9443' % (self.computer_partition_ipv6_address, ), verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
[, False],
[result.status_code, result.is_redirect]
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
filename = instance.cfg
md5sum = 3504aff1982efd60a214e46041483f47
md5sum = 810e102b633933f256ab9796635c7e99
filename = instance-ors.cfg
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ md5sum = f5c76c3443b75569eb18503dce38e783
_update_hash_filename_ = slaplte.jinja2
md5sum = 944639e65b9ff3ebe75919bdb5bee6fa
md5sum = ebb83416823bdb3c2122469c63e978a6
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ md5sum = d2fe2fbe70c6824c514a7c4034a2ddb3
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 803d273588bf930aa528f25a0b990804
md5sum = 2eec89cf325dbc48ca941efcf39261f5
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/sdr/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ md5sum = b7906ca3a6b17963f78f680fc0842b74
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/lopcomm/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 667ef223ffbae18f9693fa7d02d6ae88
md5sum = 3899040e5ee67b30dab8bd95186ebbb6
_update_hash_filename_ = ru/sunwave/libinstance.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ md5sum = 52da9fe3a569199e35ad89ae1a44c30e
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 98153725add6d377989c4d50b2054dd2
md5sum = 9fd5005ff73571183e8b4dee2ae0381b
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-ors-enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 48dd7b1c51545a78cdd8c3f68e152e8c
md5sum = f2e2bb1704df7f38fb584295141262a2
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-core-network.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ md5sum = 9402b750221765b6b124cf5ecb3e520c
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-ue.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = 096c7cbf869e2c2ae783821ec8391bbd
md5sum = 812a43458c21f7d0cdb2141515a236ae
_update_hash_filename_ = instance-obsolete.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ md5sum = dcaac06553a3222b14c0013a13f4a149
filename = config/enb.jinja2.cfg
md5sum = b0d21e7b2c34f457e230d1cc950ce7fb
md5sum = 99bc73b3705891cb580c32dc4682190e
filename = config/drb_lte.jinja2.cfg
......@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@
"root_sequence_index": {
"title": "Root Sequence Index",
"description": "Range: 0 to 837. Set the PRACH root sequence index (SIB2.rootSequenceIndex field). It must be different for each neighbour cell operating on the same frequency and sharing the same PRACH configuration.",
"type": "integer",
"default": 204
"type": "integer"
"inactivity_timer": {
"title": "Inactivity Timer",
......@@ -65,6 +65,11 @@
"title": "Tracking Area Code",
"description": "Tracking Area Code in hexadecimal representation (range 0x0000 to 0xffff)",
"type": "string"
"root_sequence_index": {
"$ref": "#/properties/root_sequence_index",
"description": "Range: 0 to 837. Set the PRACH root sequence index (SIB2.rootSequenceIndex field). It must be different for each neighbour cell operating on the same frequency and sharing the same PRACH configuration.",
"default": 204
......@@ -69,6 +69,11 @@
"description": "SSB position bitmap in bits (4, 8 or 64 bits depending on the DL frequency).",
"type": "string",
"default": "10000000"
"root_sequence_index": {
"$ref": "#/properties/root_sequence_index",
"description": "Range 0 to 837 for PRACH format up to 3, 0 to 137 otherwise. prach-RootSequenceIndex parameter. It must be different for each neighbour cell operating on the same frequency and sharing the same PRACH configuration.",
"default": 1
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{%- set J = slaplte.J %}
{%- set jcell_ru_ref = slaplte.jcell_ru_ref %}
{%- set ierror = slaplte.ierror %}
{%- set bug = slaplte.bug %}
{#- for standalone testing via
NOTE: keep in sync with instance-enb.jinja2.cfg and ru/libinstance.jinja2.cfg #}
......@@ -18,9 +19,12 @@
{%- endif %}
{#- do_lte/do_nr indicate whether we have LTE and/or NR cells #}
{%- set do_lte = len(list(icell_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.cell_type', '==', 'lte'))) > 0 %}
{%- set do_nr = len(list(icell_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.cell_type', '==', 'nr'))) > 0 %}
{#- do_lte/do_nr indicate whether we have LTE and/or NR cells
icell_dict_lte/icell_dict_nr keep LTE/NR parts of icell_dict registry #}
{%- set icell_dict_lte = dict(icell_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.cell_type', '==', 'lte')) %}
{%- set icell_dict_nr = dict(icell_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.cell_type', '==', 'nr' )) %}
{%- set do_lte = len(icell_dict_lte) > 0 %}
{%- set do_nr = len(icell_dict_nr) > 0 %}
{#- handover_config emits handover configuration for specified cell #}
......@@ -193,7 +197,7 @@
{%- do vip.append(_) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if len(vip) > 0 and all(vip |map(attribute='islo')) %}
gtp_addr: "{{ vip[0].ip }}",
gtp_addr: "{{ gtp_addr_lo }}",
{%- else %}
{#- core is external - use external ipv4/ipv6 #}
{%- if slapparameter_dict.use_ipv4 %}
......@@ -208,12 +212,16 @@
TODO: add info about peers as shared instances - one instance per peer *ENB*.
then query SlapOS Master about cells configured on that peer ENB and
depending on whether LTE and/or NR cells are there add X2 and/or Xn peers #}
{%- if do_lte %}
x2_peers: {{ ipeer_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.peer_type', '==', 'lte')
| map(attribute='1._.x2_addr')
| list | tojson }},
{%- endif %}
{%- if do_nr %}
xn_peers: {{ ipeer_dict|dictsort | selectattr('1._.peer_type', '==', 'nr')
| map(attribute='1._.xn_addr')
| list | tojson }},
{%- endif %}
{%- if do_lte %}
......@@ -228,9 +236,8 @@
// LTE cells
cell_list: [
{%- if do_lte %}
{%- for i, (cell_ref, icell) in enumerate(icell_dict|dictsort) %}
{%- for cell_ref, icell in icell_dict_lte|dictsort %}
{%- set cell = icell['_'] %}
{%- if cell.cell_type == 'lte' %}
{%- set ru_ref = J(jcell_ru_ref(icell, icell_dict)) %}
{%- set iru = iru_dict[ru_ref] %}
{%- set ru = iru['_'] %}
......@@ -246,7 +253,7 @@
n_id_cell: {{ cell.pci }},
dl_earfcn: {{ cell.dl_earfcn }},
ul_earfcn: {{ cell.ul_earfcn }},
root_sequence_index: {{ cell.get('root_sequence_index', 204 + i) }},
root_sequence_index: {{ cell.root_sequence_index }},
inactivity_timer: {{ cell.inactivity_timer }},
......@@ -255,9 +262,9 @@
// Carrier Aggregation: LTE + LTE
scell_list: [
{%- for cell2_ref, icell2 in icell_dict|dictsort %}
{%- for cell2_ref, icell2 in icell_dict_lte|dictsort %}
{%- set cell2 = icell2['_'] %}
{%- if cell2_ref != cell_ref and cell2.cell_type == 'lte' %}
{%- if cell2_ref != cell_ref %}
cell_id: {{ cell2.cell_id }}, // + {{ B(cell2_ref) }}
cross_carrier_scheduling: false,
......@@ -269,9 +276,9 @@
{%- if do_nr %}
// Dual Connectivity: LTE + NR
en_dc_scg_cell_list: [
{%- for cell2_ref, icell2 in icell_dict|dictsort %}
{%- for cell2_ref, icell2 in icell_dict_nr|dictsort %}
{%- set cell2 = icell2['_'] %}
{%- if cell2_ref != cell_ref and cell2.cell_type == 'nr' %}
{%- if cell2_ref != cell_ref %}
cell_id: {{ cell2.cell_id }}, // + {{ B(cell2_ref) }}
......@@ -311,8 +318,15 @@
pucch_dedicated: {
n1_pucch_sr_count: 11,
cqi_pucch_n_rb: 1,
n1_pucch_an_cs_count: 8, {# XXX else "n1_pucch_an_cs_count must be > 0 for the CA Primary cell" #}
n3_pucch_an_n_rb: 3, {# XXX else "n3_pucch_an_n_rb must be > 0 for the CA Primary cell" #}
{#- for CA with 2 cells it is possible to use PUCCH 1b CS ack/nack #}
{%- if len(icell_dict_lte) == 2 %}
ack_nack_feedback_mode_ca: "cs",
n1_pucch_an_cs_count: 8,
{#- starting from 3 cells it is always PUCCH 3 for ack/nack in CA #}
{%- elif len(icell_dict_lte) >= 3 %}
ack_nack_feedback_mode_ca: "pucch3",
n3_pucch_an_n_rb: 3,
{%- endif %}
{%- if tdd %}
tdd_ack_nack_feedback_mode: "multiplexing", /* TDD only */
{%- endif %}
......@@ -357,7 +371,6 @@
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
......@@ -456,12 +469,11 @@
{%- endif %}
{% if do_nr %}
// NR cells
nr_cell_list: [
{%- if do_nr %}
{%- for i, (cell_ref, icell) in enumerate(icell_dict|dictsort) %}
{%- for cell_ref, icell in icell_dict_nr|dictsort %}
{%- set cell = icell['_'] %}
{%- if cell.cell_type == 'nr' %}
{%- set ru_ref = J(jcell_ru_ref(icell, icell_dict)) %}
{%- set iru = iru_dict[ru_ref] %}
{%- set ru = iru['_'] %}
......@@ -483,7 +495,7 @@
ssb_nr_arfcn: {{ cell.ssb_nr_arfcn }},
ssb_pos_bitmap: "{{ cell.ssb_pos_bitmap }}",
root_sequence_index: {{ cell.get('root_sequence_index', 1 + i) }},
root_sequence_index: {{ cell.root_sequence_index }},
inactivity_timer: {{ cell.inactivity_timer }},
// Handover
......@@ -491,9 +503,9 @@
// Carrier Aggregation: NR + NR
scell_list: [
{%- for cell2_ref, icell2 in icell_dict|dictsort %}
{%- for cell2_ref, icell2 in icell_dict_nr|dictsort %}
{%- set cell2 = icell2['_'] %}
{%- if cell2_ref != cell_ref and cell2.cell_type == 'nr' %}
{%- if cell2_ref != cell_ref %}
cell_id: {{ cell2.cell_id }}, // + {{ B(cell2_ref) }}
......@@ -505,14 +517,14 @@
nr_dc_scg_cell_list sets up NR+NR Dual Connectivity #}
// tune NR parameters for the cell
{%- if ors %}
{%- if ors %}
manual_ref_signal_power: true,
{%- if ors['one-watt'] %}
{%- if ors['one-watt'] %}
ss_pbch_block_power: {{ ru.tx_gain - 54 }},
{%- else %}
{%- else %}
ss_pbch_block_power: {{ ru.tx_gain - 35 }},
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif %}
{%- set tdd = (cell.rf_mode == 'tdd') %}
{%- set tdd_config =
......@@ -521,7 +533,6 @@
'5ms 8UL 1DL 2/10 (maximum uplink)': 3}
if tdd else None %}
{% if tdd_config == 1 %}
tdd_ul_dl_config: {
pattern1: {
......@@ -555,14 +566,14 @@
{% endif %}
prach: {
{%- if ru.ru_type == 'sunwave' %}
{%- if ru.ru_type == "sunwave" %}
msg1_frequency_start: 0,
{%- endif %}
ra_response_window: {{ 20 if tdd else 10 }},
pdcch: {
{%- if ru.ru_type == 'sunwave' %}
{%- if ru.ru_type == "sunwave" %}
n_rb_coreset0: 48,
n_symb_coreset0: 1,
dedicated_coreset: {
......@@ -583,7 +594,7 @@
pdsch: {
{%- if ru.ru_type == 'sunwave' %}
{%- if ru.ru_type == "sunwave" %}
k0: 0,
k1: [ 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 4, 12, 11 ],
{%- elif tdd_config == 3 %}
......@@ -592,7 +603,7 @@
pusch: {
{%- if ru.ru_type == 'sunwave' %}
{%- if ru.ru_type == "sunwave" %}
k2: 4,
msg3_k2: 7,
{%- elif tdd_config == 3 %}
......@@ -740,18 +751,14 @@
{%- endif %}
drb_config: "{{ B('%s-drb.cfg' % cell_ref) }}",
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if do_nr %}
nr_cell_default: {
ssb_period: 20,
......@@ -783,7 +790,6 @@
intra_freq_reselection: true,
q_rx_lev_min: -70,
q_qual_min: -20,
sr_period: 40,
dmrs_type_a_pos: 2,
prach: {
......@@ -927,6 +933,7 @@
pusch: {
dpc_snr_target: 25,
mapping_type: "typeA",
n_symb: 14,
dmrs_add_pos: 1,
......@@ -978,6 +985,8 @@
meas_gap_config: {
pattern_id: 0
{%- endif %}
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL__a @ __CELL__a__ru. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
sib-TypeAndInfo {
sib2: {
radioResourceConfigCommon {
rach-ConfigCommon {
preambleInfo {
numberOfRA-Preambles n52
powerRampingParameters {
powerRampingStep dB2,
preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
ra-SupervisionInfo {
preambleTransMax n10,
ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
bcch-Config {
modificationPeriodCoeff n4
pcch-Config {
defaultPagingCycle rf128,
nB oneT
prach-Config {
rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
prach-ConfigInfo {
prach-ConfigIndex 4, /* patched by eNB */
highSpeedFlag FALSE,
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
prach-FreqOffset 4 /* patched by eNB */
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
pusch-ConfigBasic {
n-SB 1,
hoppingMode interSubFrame,
pusch-HoppingOffset 8, /* patched by eNB */
enable64QAM FALSE /* patched by eNB */
ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
cyclicShift 0
pucch-ConfigCommon {
deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
nRB-CQI 4, /* patched by eNB */
nCS-AN 0,
n1PUCCH-AN 12 /* patched by eNB */
soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
srs-BandwidthConfig bw2, /* patched by eNB */
srs-SubframeConfig sc3, /* patched by eNB */
ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
uplinkPowerControlCommon {
p0-NominalPUSCH -85,
alpha al1,
p0-NominalPUCCH -117,
deltaFList-PUCCH {
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
deltaPreambleMsg3 4
ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
ue-TimersAndConstants {
t300 ms200,
t301 ms200,
t310 ms200,
n310 n6,
t311 ms10000,
n311 n5
freqInfo {
additionalSpectrumEmission 1
timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
sib3: {
cellReselectionInfoCommon {
q-Hyst dB2
cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
s-NonIntraSearch 3,
threshServingLow 2,
cellReselectionPriority 6
intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
q-RxLevMin -61,
p-Max 23,
s-IntraSearch 5,
presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
neighCellConfig '01'B,
t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
\ No newline at end of file
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL__b @ __CELL__a__ru. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
sib-TypeAndInfo {
sib2: {
radioResourceConfigCommon {
rach-ConfigCommon {
preambleInfo {
numberOfRA-Preambles n52
powerRampingParameters {
powerRampingStep dB2,
preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
ra-SupervisionInfo {
preambleTransMax n10,
ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
bcch-Config {
modificationPeriodCoeff n4
pcch-Config {
defaultPagingCycle rf128,
nB oneT
prach-Config {
rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
prach-ConfigInfo {
prach-ConfigIndex 4, /* patched by eNB */
highSpeedFlag FALSE,
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
prach-FreqOffset 4 /* patched by eNB */
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
pusch-ConfigBasic {
n-SB 1,
hoppingMode interSubFrame,
pusch-HoppingOffset 8, /* patched by eNB */
enable64QAM FALSE /* patched by eNB */
ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
cyclicShift 0
pucch-ConfigCommon {
deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
nRB-CQI 4, /* patched by eNB */
nCS-AN 0,
n1PUCCH-AN 12 /* patched by eNB */
soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
srs-BandwidthConfig bw2, /* patched by eNB */
srs-SubframeConfig sc3, /* patched by eNB */
ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
uplinkPowerControlCommon {
p0-NominalPUSCH -85,
alpha al1,
p0-NominalPUCCH -117,
deltaFList-PUCCH {
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
deltaPreambleMsg3 4
ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
ue-TimersAndConstants {
t300 ms200,
t301 ms200,
t310 ms200,
n310 n6,
t311 ms10000,
n311 n5
freqInfo {
additionalSpectrumEmission 1
timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
sib3: {
cellReselectionInfoCommon {
q-Hyst dB2
cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
s-NonIntraSearch 3,
threshServingLow 2,
cellReselectionPriority 6
intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
q-RxLevMin -61,
p-Max 23,
s-IntraSearch 5,
presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
neighCellConfig '01'B,
t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
\ No newline at end of file
log_options: "all.level=error,all.max_size=0,nas.level=debug,nas.max_size=1,s1ap.level=debug,s1ap.max_size=1,x2ap.level=debug,x2ap.max_size=1,rrc.level=debug,rrc.max_size=1,ngap.level=debug,ngap.max_size=1,xnap.level=debug,xnap.max_size=1,phy.level=info,file.rotate=1G,file.path=/dev/null",
log_filename: "log/enb.log",
// Radio Units
rf_driver: {
// __CELL__a__ru 1T1R (sdr)
name: "dummy",
args: "dev0=/dev/sdr1",
tx_gain: [-1000],
rx_gain: [61],
com_addr: "",
// LTE core network
mme_list: [
mme_addr: "",
gtp_addr: "",
x2_peers: ["", ""],
enb_id: 0x10012,
// LTE cells
cell_list: [
// CELL__a (__CELL__a__ru)
rf_port: 0,
n_antenna_dl: 1,
n_antenna_ul: 1,
cell_id: 0x01,
tac: 0x1234,
n_id_cell: 1,
dl_earfcn: 3350,
ul_earfcn: 21350,
root_sequence_index: 204,
inactivity_timer: 10000,
// Handover
ncell_list: [
// Intra-ENB HO
rat: "eutra",
cell_id: 0x1001202, // -> CELL__b
n_id_cell: 1,
dl_earfcn: 3050,
tac: 0x1234,
allowed_meas_bandwidth: 25,
antenna_port_1: false,
// Inter-ENB HO
rat: "eutra",
cell_id: 0x12345, // -> PEERCELL1
n_id_cell: 35,
dl_earfcn: 700,
tac: 123,
allowed_meas_bandwidth: 6, // (minimum possible bw)
antenna_port_1: false, // (conservative stub)
rat: "nr",
nr_cell_id: 0x77712, // -> PEERCELL2
gnb_id_bits: 22,
n_id_cell: 75,
dl_nr_arfcn: 520000,
band: 38,
ssb_nr_arfcn: 520090,
ul_nr_arfcn: 520000,
tac: 321,
ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 30,
ssb_period: 20,
ssb_offset: 0,
ssb_duration: 1,
// Carrier Aggregation: LTE + LTE
scell_list: [
cell_id: 0x02, // + CELL__b
cross_carrier_scheduling: false,
// tune LTE parameters for the cell
n_rb_dl: 25,
si_coderate: 0.2,
pdsch_dedicated: {
p_a: 0,
p_b: -1,
pdcch_format: 2,
prach_config_index: 4,
initial_cqi: 3,
pucch_dedicated: {
n1_pucch_sr_count: 11,
cqi_pucch_n_rb: 1,
ack_nack_feedback_mode_ca: "cs",
n1_pucch_an_cs_count: 8,
srs_dedicated: {
srs_bandwidth_config: 3,
srs_bandwidth: 1,
srs_subframe_config: 3,
srs_period: 40,
srs_hopping_bandwidth: 0,
drb_config: "CELL__a-drb.cfg",
sib_sched_list: [
filename: "CELL__a-sib23.asn",
si_periodicity: 16,
// CELL__b (__CELL__a__ru)
rf_port: 0,
n_antenna_dl: 1,
n_antenna_ul: 1,
cell_id: 0x02,
tac: 0x1234,
n_id_cell: 1,
dl_earfcn: 3050,
ul_earfcn: 21050,
root_sequence_index: 205,
inactivity_timer: 10000,
// Handover
ncell_list: [
// Intra-ENB HO
rat: "eutra",
cell_id: 0x1001201, // -> CELL__a
n_id_cell: 1,
dl_earfcn: 3350,
tac: 0x1234,
allowed_meas_bandwidth: 25,
antenna_port_1: false,
// Inter-ENB HO
rat: "eutra",
cell_id: 0x12345, // -> PEERCELL1
n_id_cell: 35,
dl_earfcn: 700,
tac: 123,
allowed_meas_bandwidth: 6, // (minimum possible bw)
antenna_port_1: false, // (conservative stub)
rat: "nr",
nr_cell_id: 0x77712, // -> PEERCELL2
gnb_id_bits: 22,
n_id_cell: 75,
dl_nr_arfcn: 520000,
band: 38,
ssb_nr_arfcn: 520090,
ul_nr_arfcn: 520000,
tac: 321,
ssb_subcarrier_spacing: 30,
ssb_period: 20,
ssb_offset: 0,
ssb_duration: 1,
// Carrier Aggregation: LTE + LTE
scell_list: [
cell_id: 0x01, // + CELL__a
cross_carrier_scheduling: false,
// tune LTE parameters for the cell
n_rb_dl: 25,
si_coderate: 0.2,
pdsch_dedicated: {
p_a: 0,
p_b: -1,
pdcch_format: 2,
prach_config_index: 4,
initial_cqi: 3,
pucch_dedicated: {
n1_pucch_sr_count: 11,
cqi_pucch_n_rb: 1,
ack_nack_feedback_mode_ca: "cs",
n1_pucch_an_cs_count: 8,
srs_dedicated: {
srs_bandwidth_config: 3,
srs_bandwidth: 1,
srs_subframe_config: 3,
srs_period: 40,
srs_hopping_bandwidth: 0,
drb_config: "CELL__b-drb.cfg",
sib_sched_list: [
filename: "CELL__b-sib23.asn",
si_periodicity: 16,
cell_default: {
plmn_list: [
plmn: "31415",
reserved: false,
attach_without_pdn: false,
cyclic_prefix: "normal",
phich_duration: "normal",
phich_resource: "1",
si_value_tag: 0,
cell_barred: false,
intra_freq_reselection: true,
q_rx_lev_min: -70,
si_window_length: 40,
si_pdcch_format: 2,
n_symb_cch: 0,
prach_freq_offset: -1,
pusch_dedicated: {
beta_offset_ack_index: 9,
beta_offset_ri_index: 6,
beta_offset_cqi_index: 6,
pusch_hopping_offset: -1,
pusch_msg3_mcs: 0,
dl_256qam: true,
ul_64qam: true,
sr_period: 20,
cqi_period: 40,
mac_config: {
ul_max_harq_tx: 5,
dl_max_harq_tx: 5,
pusch_max_its: 6,
dpc: true,
dpc_pusch_snr_target: 25,
dpc_pucch_snr_target: 25,
cipher_algo_pref: [],
integ_algo_pref: [2, 1],
srb_config: [
id: 1,
maxRetxThreshold: 32,
t_Reordering: 45,
t_PollRetransmit: 60,
id: 2 ,
maxRetxThreshold: 32,
t_Reordering: 45,
t_PollRetransmit: 60,
meas_config_desc: {
a1_report_type: "rsrp",
a1_rsrp: -70,
a1_hysteresis: 0,
a1_time_to_trigger: 640,
a2_report_type: "rsrp",
a2_rsrp: -80,
a2_hysteresis: 0,
a2_time_to_trigger: 640,
a3_report_type: "rsrp",
a3_offset: 6,
a3_hysteresis: 0,
a3_time_to_trigger: 480,
meas_gap_config: "gp0",
ho_from_meas: true,
\ No newline at end of file
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL__a @ __CELL__a__ru. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
sib-TypeAndInfo {
sib2: {
radioResourceConfigCommon {
rach-ConfigCommon {
preambleInfo {
numberOfRA-Preambles n52
powerRampingParameters {
powerRampingStep dB2,
preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
ra-SupervisionInfo {
preambleTransMax n10,
ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
bcch-Config {
modificationPeriodCoeff n4
pcch-Config {
defaultPagingCycle rf128,
nB oneT
prach-Config {
rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
prach-ConfigInfo {
prach-ConfigIndex 4, /* patched by eNB */
highSpeedFlag FALSE,
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
prach-FreqOffset 4 /* patched by eNB */
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
pusch-ConfigBasic {
n-SB 1,
hoppingMode interSubFrame,
pusch-HoppingOffset 8, /* patched by eNB */
enable64QAM FALSE /* patched by eNB */
ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
cyclicShift 0
pucch-ConfigCommon {
deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
nRB-CQI 4, /* patched by eNB */
nCS-AN 0,
n1PUCCH-AN 12 /* patched by eNB */
soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
srs-BandwidthConfig bw2, /* patched by eNB */
srs-SubframeConfig sc3, /* patched by eNB */
ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
uplinkPowerControlCommon {
p0-NominalPUSCH -85,
alpha al1,
p0-NominalPUCCH -117,
deltaFList-PUCCH {
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
deltaPreambleMsg3 4
ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
ue-TimersAndConstants {
t300 ms200,
t301 ms200,
t310 ms200,
n310 n6,
t311 ms10000,
n311 n5
freqInfo {
additionalSpectrumEmission 1
timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
sib3: {
cellReselectionInfoCommon {
q-Hyst dB2
cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
s-NonIntraSearch 3,
threshServingLow 2,
cellReselectionPriority 6
intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
q-RxLevMin -61,
p-Max 23,
s-IntraSearch 5,
presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
neighCellConfig '01'B,
t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
\ No newline at end of file
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL__b @ __CELL__a__ru. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
sib-TypeAndInfo {
sib2: {
radioResourceConfigCommon {
rach-ConfigCommon {
preambleInfo {
numberOfRA-Preambles n52
powerRampingParameters {
powerRampingStep dB2,
preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
ra-SupervisionInfo {
preambleTransMax n10,
ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
bcch-Config {
modificationPeriodCoeff n4
pcch-Config {
defaultPagingCycle rf128,
nB oneT
prach-Config {
rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
prach-ConfigInfo {
prach-ConfigIndex 4, /* patched by eNB */
highSpeedFlag FALSE,
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
prach-FreqOffset 4 /* patched by eNB */
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
pusch-ConfigBasic {
n-SB 1,
hoppingMode interSubFrame,
pusch-HoppingOffset 8, /* patched by eNB */
enable64QAM FALSE /* patched by eNB */
ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
cyclicShift 0
pucch-ConfigCommon {
deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
nRB-CQI 4, /* patched by eNB */
nCS-AN 0,
n1PUCCH-AN 12 /* patched by eNB */
soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
srs-BandwidthConfig bw2, /* patched by eNB */
srs-SubframeConfig sc3, /* patched by eNB */
ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
uplinkPowerControlCommon {
p0-NominalPUSCH -85,
alpha al1,
p0-NominalPUCCH -117,
deltaFList-PUCCH {
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
deltaPreambleMsg3 4
ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
ue-TimersAndConstants {
t300 ms200,
t301 ms200,
t310 ms200,
n310 n6,
t311 ms10000,
n311 n5
freqInfo {
additionalSpectrumEmission 1
timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
sib3: {
cellReselectionInfoCommon {
q-Hyst dB2
cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
s-NonIntraSearch 3,
threshServingLow 2,
cellReselectionPriority 6
intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
q-RxLevMin -61,
p-Max 23,
s-IntraSearch 5,
presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
neighCellConfig '01'B,
t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
\ No newline at end of file
/* SIB2/SIB3 for NR cell CELL__c @ __CELL__a__ru. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
sib-TypeAndInfo {
sib2: {
radioResourceConfigCommon {
rach-ConfigCommon {
preambleInfo {
numberOfRA-Preambles n52
powerRampingParameters {
powerRampingStep dB2,
preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
ra-SupervisionInfo {
preambleTransMax n10,
ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
bcch-Config {
modificationPeriodCoeff n4
pcch-Config {
defaultPagingCycle rf128,
nB oneT
prach-Config {
rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
prach-ConfigInfo {
prach-ConfigIndex 4, /* patched by eNB */
highSpeedFlag FALSE,
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
prach-FreqOffset 4 /* patched by eNB */
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
pusch-ConfigBasic {
n-SB 1,
hoppingMode interSubFrame,
pusch-HoppingOffset 8, /* patched by eNB */
enable64QAM FALSE /* patched by eNB */
ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
cyclicShift 0
pucch-ConfigCommon {
deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
nRB-CQI 4, /* patched by eNB */
nCS-AN 0,
n1PUCCH-AN 12 /* patched by eNB */
soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
srs-BandwidthConfig bw2, /* patched by eNB */
srs-SubframeConfig sc3, /* patched by eNB */
ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
uplinkPowerControlCommon {
p0-NominalPUSCH -85,
alpha al1,
p0-NominalPUCCH -117,
deltaFList-PUCCH {
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
deltaPreambleMsg3 4
ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
ue-TimersAndConstants {
t300 ms200,
t301 ms200,
t310 ms200,
n310 n6,
t311 ms10000,
n311 n5
freqInfo {
additionalSpectrumEmission 1
timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
sib3: {
cellReselectionInfoCommon {
q-Hyst dB2
cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
s-NonIntraSearch 3,
threshServingLow 2,
cellReselectionPriority 6
intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
q-RxLevMin -61,
p-Max 23,
s-IntraSearch 5,
presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
neighCellConfig '01'B,
t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
\ No newline at end of file
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL2 @ RU__0002. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
sib-TypeAndInfo {
sib2: {
radioResourceConfigCommon {
rach-ConfigCommon {
preambleInfo {
numberOfRA-Preambles n52
powerRampingParameters {
powerRampingStep dB2,
preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
ra-SupervisionInfo {
preambleTransMax n10,
ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
bcch-Config {
modificationPeriodCoeff n4
pcch-Config {
defaultPagingCycle rf128,
nB oneT
prach-Config {
rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
prach-ConfigInfo {
prach-ConfigIndex 4, /* patched by eNB */
highSpeedFlag FALSE,
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
prach-FreqOffset 4 /* patched by eNB */
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
pusch-ConfigBasic {
n-SB 1,
hoppingMode interSubFrame,
pusch-HoppingOffset 8, /* patched by eNB */
enable64QAM FALSE /* patched by eNB */
ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
cyclicShift 0
pucch-ConfigCommon {
deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
nRB-CQI 4, /* patched by eNB */
nCS-AN 0,
n1PUCCH-AN 12 /* patched by eNB */
soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
srs-BandwidthConfig bw2, /* patched by eNB */
srs-SubframeConfig sc3, /* patched by eNB */
ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
uplinkPowerControlCommon {
p0-NominalPUSCH -85,
alpha al1,
p0-NominalPUCCH -117,
deltaFList-PUCCH {
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
deltaPreambleMsg3 4
ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
ue-TimersAndConstants {
t300 ms200,
t301 ms200,
t310 ms200,
n310 n6,
t311 ms10000,
n311 n5
freqInfo {
additionalSpectrumEmission 1
timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
sib3: {
cellReselectionInfoCommon {
q-Hyst dB2
cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
s-NonIntraSearch 3,
threshServingLow 2,
cellReselectionPriority 6
intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
q-RxLevMin -61,
p-Max 23,
s-IntraSearch 5,
presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
neighCellConfig '01'B,
t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
\ No newline at end of file
/* SIB2/SIB3 for LTE cell CELL4 @ RU__0004. */
message c1: systemInformation: {
criticalExtensions systemInformation-r8: {
sib-TypeAndInfo {
sib2: {
radioResourceConfigCommon {
rach-ConfigCommon {
preambleInfo {
numberOfRA-Preambles n52
powerRampingParameters {
powerRampingStep dB2,
preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-104
ra-SupervisionInfo {
preambleTransMax n10,
ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf40
maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5
bcch-Config {
modificationPeriodCoeff n4
pcch-Config {
defaultPagingCycle rf128,
nB oneT
prach-Config {
rootSequenceIndex 0, /* patched by eNB */
prach-ConfigInfo {
prach-ConfigIndex 4, /* patched by eNB */
highSpeedFlag FALSE,
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 11,
prach-FreqOffset 4 /* patched by eNB */
pdsch-ConfigCommon {
referenceSignalPower -8, /* patched by eNB */
p-b 1 /* patched by eNB */
pusch-ConfigCommon {
pusch-ConfigBasic {
n-SB 1,
hoppingMode interSubFrame,
pusch-HoppingOffset 8, /* patched by eNB */
enable64QAM FALSE /* patched by eNB */
ul-ReferenceSignalsPUSCH {
groupHoppingEnabled FALSE,
groupAssignmentPUSCH 0,
sequenceHoppingEnabled FALSE,
cyclicShift 0
pucch-ConfigCommon {
deltaPUCCH-Shift ds2,
nRB-CQI 4, /* patched by eNB */
nCS-AN 0,
n1PUCCH-AN 12 /* patched by eNB */
soundingRS-UL-ConfigCommon setup: {
srs-BandwidthConfig bw2, /* patched by eNB */
srs-SubframeConfig sc3, /* patched by eNB */
ackNackSRS-SimultaneousTransmission TRUE
uplinkPowerControlCommon {
p0-NominalPUSCH -85,
alpha al1,
p0-NominalPUCCH -117,
deltaFList-PUCCH {
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1 deltaF0,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format1b deltaF3,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2 deltaF1,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2a deltaF2,
deltaF-PUCCH-Format2b deltaF2
deltaPreambleMsg3 4
ul-CyclicPrefixLength len1
ue-TimersAndConstants {
t300 ms200,
t301 ms200,
t310 ms200,
n310 n6,
t311 ms10000,
n311 n5
freqInfo {
additionalSpectrumEmission 1
timeAlignmentTimerCommon infinity
sib3: {
cellReselectionInfoCommon {
q-Hyst dB2
cellReselectionServingFreqInfo {
s-NonIntraSearch 3,
threshServingLow 2,
cellReselectionPriority 6
intraFreqCellReselectionInfo {
q-RxLevMin -61,
p-Max 23,
s-IntraSearch 5,
presenceAntennaPort1 TRUE,
neighCellConfig '01'B,
t-ReselectionEUTRA 1
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
// __UCELL2__ru 2T2R (sdr)
name: "dummy",
args: "dev0=/dev/sdr0,dev1=/dev/sdr2",
tdd_tx_mod: 1,
tx_gain: [-1000, -1000, -1000, -1000],
rx_gain: [42, 32, 32],
......@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
"$schema": "",
"title": "Input Parameters",
"properties": {
"user-authorized-key": {
"title": "User Authorized Key",
"description": "SSH public key in order to connect to the SSH server of this instance.",
"textarea": true,
"type": "string"
"enb_id": {
"title": "eNB ID",
"description": "eNB ID. (must be set if there are LTE cells)",
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