change_log 6.49 KB
2009-09-11 yusuke
* Fix a dependency that this business template must depends on erp5_base

2009-08-05 tatuya
* Fix 'Generate POT File' function when there is a PageTemplate which is using nested i18n block and using tal:repeat in the block

2009-06-30 romain
* Revert latest proxy field library simplification, as the design was not finalized.

2009-05-18 yusei
* Fix some proxy fields. count_method should not be inherited from template field.

2009-05-15 yusei
* Remove my_text_content from generic field dict in SkinsTool_makeFieldLibraryAndProxifyAllField. It was not generic enough for many editor fields.
* Add my_editor_field to Base_viewForgeFieldLibrary.

2009-05-08 yusei
* Remove SkinsTool_findDeadProxyFieldList. There was already SkinsTool_getDeadProxyFieldList which do the same thing.
* Add a little bit user-friendly output to SkinsTool_makeFieldLibraryAndProxifyAllField.

2009-05-08 yusei
* Simplify field libraries and proxy fields. Old field libraries are kept for backward compatibility.
* Update dependencies.

2009-05-07 yusei
* Add SkinsTool_makeFieldLibraryAndProxifyAllField. This is a helper script to make a field library and proxify existing fields. But you still need to adjust by hand...
* Add a utility script to find dead proxy fields.

2009-04-24 jerome
* Add a utility script to check that all relation field defines proxy listbox id or columns

2009-02-20 yusei
* Add a utility script to associate files in skin folder to cache manager.

2008-12-26 kazuhiko
* add a listbox to see duplicate entries in Glossary view.
* add Portal Type -> Glossary importer.

2008-11-25 fabien
* add more columns in bug_module view to be able to sort by project, ...

2008-10-6 yusei
* Set original English term to a new term when create a new term from English ones.

2008-10-2 yusei
* Added a causality field to Glossary Term to specify a original English term.

2008-10-01 yusei
* Fixed UnboundLocalError in Bug_sendNotification.

2008-10-01 yusei
* Update xml format.

2008-10-01 yusei
* Fixed a bug in Bug_sendNotification in bug_workflow. Workflow history's action may be None.

2008-09-04 yusei
* Update English messages.

2008-09-03 yusei
* Don't extract title from field if tales expression was used.

2008-09-02 yusei
* Don't extract title from field libraries.

2008-09-02 nicolas
* add new transition to display Re Assign in workflow action
* Bug Notification can be send later to change recipient list
* Add File dialog require missing mandatory fields
* New worklist on bug_evnt_worklow to display planned Bug Line

2008-08-29 yusei
* Improve domain tree mode of glossary term list.

2008-08-29 yusei
* Correct message text.

2008-08-28 yusei
* Extract translation message from tal:dfeine expression.
* Use Base_translateString or translateString instead of N_ for translation message.

2008-08-27 yusei
* Improve pot file export.

2008-06-16 Nicolas
Add external Method to see Security for arbitrary user

2008-06-04 yusei
* Add comment column in the glossary module listbox.

* Add seurity to manager in the bug_workflow for Cancelled, Draft, Open and Closed state.

2008-05-28 yusei
* Add comment field in GlossaryTerm_view and original location where correspnding field  or workflow id was found will be stored in the comment field.

2008-05-15 yo
* Clean up BusinessTemplate_doSvnUpdate, since it redirected to a strange URL.

2008-2-11 Jerome
* Add utility skin to check for dead proxyfields.

2008-2-2 Yusei
* Prevent  adding duplicate term.
* Support updating fields by english glossary. This is useful when improve original english title and description of field.

2008-2-1 Yusei
* Fixed wrong name of scripts of  erp5_glossary. Use proxy-roled script to find terms.

2007-10-22 Jerome
* Added two utility scripts SkinsTool_checkDuplicateSelectionName and SkinsTool_getNotAssignedFieldList in erp5_toolbox

2007-08-14 Yusei
* Add utility scripts to collect translation messages.

2007-08-14 Yusei
* Add glossary module.

2007-02-13 Kevin
* Auto-update Bug's Closed Date on cancel.
* More verbose description.
* Increase version number.
* Update copyright notice.

2006-10-13 yo
* to_address defaults to from_address instead of my address in the notification script.
* fix bad english

2006-09-15 jerome
* Add an alarm to send a summary of all open bugs.

2006-08-29 jerome
* Remove related keys, they are automatically generated.

2006-07-25 chris
* Added function to update business template, without reverting the changes

2006-07-19 chris
* Renamed or moved some files/folders to avoid conflicts with other business templates.

2006-07-11 chris
* Now possible to filter files to commit from diff view

2006-07-05 chris
* ERP5Subversion now detects outdated files so that user know if he needs to update his working copy or not.

2006-06-26 chris
* Update according to last XHTML style update

2006-06-22 chris
* erp5Subversion is now XHTML Strict compliant
* erp5Subversion works with erp5_xhtml_style

2006-06-12 chris
* added Shorted/Taller buttons to adjust tree height

2006-06-07 Kevin
* Check tested box if tested property is equal to 'True'.

2006-05-30 chris
* Added legend in diff page
* Improved buttons in diff page

2006-05-24 chris
* XHTML compliant

2006-05-23 chris
* do not extract business template anymore when going back from diff

2006-05-22 chris
* display reminder when committing

2006-05-18 chris
* fixed some bugs in sslTrust / login (x2)
* added action to update local working copy
* get current zope username if preferred username is not set
* propose last changelog as commit text.

2006-05-17 chris
* added search engine for orphan objects : Base_viewOrphanObjects

2006-05-17 yo
* Bugs must be tested before closing now. If you need to get rid of invalid bugs, use cancel instead.

2006-05-10 chris
* some bug fixes / optimizations
* can now show unmodified files

2006-05-10 chris
* Lot of bug fixes

2006-04-25 chris
* Added update business from SVN repository function

2006-04-24 chris
* Subversion should be stable

2006-04-21 chris
* added subversion support for several
working copies

2006-04-10 chris
* added Subversion Tool integration

2006-05-12 yo
* Define maintainers.
* Add "Tested?" into Bug_view.

2006-03-15 Seb
* added workflow chaing for bug

* display "difficulty" column in bug tracker
* correct title of "status" column in "more collumns" and "searchable"

2006-01-17 yo
* add upload stuff
* update properties of portal types according to the new way

2005-10-14 Jérome
* add related keys and sql methods

2005-09-16 Alex
* Added missing Category : bug_difficulty

2005-08-22 Kevin
* Add a "my_id" field on Bug_view form