diff --git a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/RAMQueue.py b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/RAMQueue.py
index cd55c36933be29ae5b9579de3529c14e047ac769..2640adca3d85b57a1dcc6ac87a0f802eb3dc4db4 100755
--- a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/RAMQueue.py
+++ b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/RAMQueue.py
@@ -36,57 +36,61 @@ class RAMQueue(Queue):
   def __init__(self):
-    self.queue = []
+    self.queue_dict = {}
     self.last_uid = 0
+  def getQueue(self, activity_tool):
+    path = activity_tool.getPhysicalPath()
+    if not self.queue_dict.has_key(path):
+      self.queue_dict[path] = []
+    return self.queue_dict[path]
   def finishQueueMessage(self, activity_tool, m):
     if m.is_registered:
       # XXX - Some lock is required on this section
       self.last_uid = self.last_uid + 1
       m.uid = self.last_uid
-      self.queue.append(m)
+      self.getQueue(activity_tool).append(m)
   def finishDeleteMessage(self, activity_tool, m):
     i = 0
-    for my_message in self.queue:
+    queue = self.getQueue(activity_tool)
+    for my_message in queue:
       if my_message.uid == m.uid:
-        del self.queue[i]
+        del queue[i]
       i = i + 1
   def dequeueMessage(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
-    if len(self.queue) is 0:
+    if len(self.getQueue(activity_tool)) is 0:
       return 1  # Go to sleep
-    m = self.queue[0]
+    m = self.getQueue(activity_tool)[0]
     self.deleteMessage(activity_tool, m)
     return 0    # Keep on ticking
   def hasActivity(self, activity_tool, object, **kw):
-    if object is not None:
-      object_path = object.getPhysicalPath()
-      for m in self.queue:
-        if list(m.object_path) == list(object_path):
-          return 1
-    else:
-      return 1 # Default behaviour if no object specified is to return 1 until active_process implemented
+    object_path = object.getPhysicalPath()
+    for m in self.getQueue(activity_tool):
+      if m.object_path == object_path:
+        return 1
     return 0
   def flush(self, activity_tool, object_path, invoke=0, method_id=None, **kw):
     # Parse each message in registered
     for m in activity_tool.getRegisteredMessageList(self):
-      if list(m.object_path) == list(object_path) and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
+      if object_path == m.object_path and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
         if invoke: activity_tool.invoke(m)
         activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m)
     # Parse each message in queue
-    for m in self.queue:
-      if list(m.object_path) == list(object_path) and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
+    for m in self.getQueue(activity_tool):
+      if object_path == m.object_path and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
         if invoke: activity_tool.invoke(m)
         self.deleteMessage(activity_tool, m)
   def getMessageList(self, activity_tool, processing_node=None):
     new_queue = []
-    for m in self.queue:
+    for m in self.getQueue(activity_tool):
       m.processing_node = 1
       m.priority = 0
diff --git a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py
index 1a363f5cf4e913b329da6c364596de8126f88982..9eefeedebeb195f279a14acb3873cfcb980146f5 100755
--- a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py
+++ b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLDict.py
@@ -94,79 +94,81 @@ class SQLDict(RAMDict):
   # Queue semantic
   def dequeueMessage(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
-    priority = random.choice(priority_weight)
-    # Try to find a message at given priority level
-    result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=priority)
-    if len(result) == 0:
-      # If empty, take any message
-      priority = None
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLDict_readMessageList'):
+      priority = random.choice(priority_weight)
+      # Try to find a message at given priority level
       result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=priority)
-    if len(result) > 0:
-      line = result[0]
-      path = line.path
-      method_id = line.method_id
-      uid_list = activity_tool.SQLDict_readUidList( path=path, method_id= method_id, processing_node = None )
-      uid_list = map(lambda x:x.uid, uid_list)
-      # Make sure message can not be processed anylonger
-      if len(uid_list) > 0:
-        activity_tool.SQLDict_processMessage(uid = uid_list)
-      get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-      # This may lead (1 for 1,000,000 in case of reindexing) to messages left in processing state
-      m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
-      # Make sure object exists
-      if not m.validate(self, activity_tool):
-        if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
-          # This is an error
-          if len(uid_list) > 0:
-            activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(uid = uid_list, processing_node = VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE)
-                                                                            # Assign message back to 'error' state
-          #m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
-          get_transaction().commit()                                        # and commit
-        else:
-          # Lower priority
-          if len(uid_list) > 0:
-            activity_tool.SQLDict_setPriority(uid = uid_list,
-                                            priority = line.priority + 1)
-          get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-      else:
-        # Try to invoke
-        activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if read conflict error restarts transaction ?
-        if m.is_executed:                                          # Make sure message could be invoked
-          if len(uid_list) > 0:
-            activity_tool.SQLDict_delMessage(uid = uid_list)                # Delete it
-          get_transaction().commit()                                        # If successful, commit
-          if m.active_process:
-            active_process = activity_tool.unrestrictedTraverse(m.active_process)
-            if not active_process.hasActivity():
-              # Not more activity
-              m.notifyUser(activity_tool, message="Process Finished") # XXX commit bas ???
-        else:
-          get_transaction().abort()                                         # If not, abort transaction and start a new one
+      if len(result) == 0:
+        # If empty, take any message
+        priority = None
+        result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=priority)
+      if len(result) > 0:
+        line = result[0]
+        path = line.path
+        method_id = line.method_id
+        uid_list = activity_tool.SQLDict_readUidList( path=path, method_id= method_id, processing_node = None )
+        uid_list = map(lambda x:x.uid, uid_list)
+        # Make sure message can not be processed anylonger
+        if len(uid_list) > 0:
+          activity_tool.SQLDict_processMessage(uid = uid_list)
+        get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+        # This may lead (1 for 1,000,000 in case of reindexing) to messages left in processing state
+        m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
+        # Make sure object exists
+        if not m.validate(self, activity_tool):
           if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
             # This is an error
             if len(uid_list) > 0:
-              activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(uid = uid_list, processing_node = INVOKE_ERROR_STATE)
+              activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(uid = uid_list, processing_node = VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE)
                                                                               # Assign message back to 'error' state
-            m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
+            #m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
             get_transaction().commit()                                        # and commit
             # Lower priority
             if len(uid_list) > 0:
               activity_tool.SQLDict_setPriority(uid = uid_list,
-                                                priority = line.priority + 1)
+                                              priority = line.priority + 1)
             get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-      return 0
-    get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+        else:
+          # Try to invoke
+          activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if read conflict error restarts transaction ?
+          if m.is_executed:                                          # Make sure message could be invoked
+            if len(uid_list) > 0:
+              activity_tool.SQLDict_delMessage(uid = uid_list)                # Delete it
+            get_transaction().commit()                                        # If successful, commit
+            if m.active_process:
+              active_process = activity_tool.unrestrictedTraverse(m.active_process)
+              if not active_process.hasActivity():
+                # Not more activity
+                m.notifyUser(activity_tool, message="Process Finished") # XXX commit bas ???
+          else:
+            get_transaction().abort()                                         # If not, abort transaction and start a new one
+            if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
+              # This is an error
+              if len(uid_list) > 0:
+                activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(uid = uid_list, processing_node = INVOKE_ERROR_STATE)
+                                                                                # Assign message back to 'error' state
+              m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
+              get_transaction().commit()                                        # and commit
+            else:
+              # Lower priority
+              if len(uid_list) > 0:
+                activity_tool.SQLDict_setPriority(uid = uid_list,
+                                                  priority = line.priority + 1)
+              get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+        return 0
+      get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
     return 1
   def hasActivity(self, activity_tool, object, **kw):
-    if object is not None:
-      my_object_path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath())
-      result = activity_tool.SQLDict_hasMessage(path=my_object_path, **kw)
-      if len(result) > 0:
-        return result[0].message_count > 0
-    else:
-      return 1 # Default behaviour if no object specified is to return 1 until active_process implemented
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLDict_readMessageList'):
+      if object is not None:
+        my_object_path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath())
+        result = activity_tool.SQLDict_hasMessage(path=my_object_path, **kw)
+        if len(result) > 0:
+          return result[0].message_count > 0
+      else:
+        return 1 # Default behaviour if no object specified is to return 1 until active_process implemented
     return 0
   def flush(self, activity_tool, object_path, invoke=0, method_id=None, commit=0, **kw):
@@ -184,11 +186,34 @@ class SQLDict(RAMDict):
     path = '/'.join(object_path)
     # LOG('Flush', 0, str((path, invoke, method_id)))
     method_dict = {}
-    # Parse each message in registered
-    for m in activity_tool.getRegisteredMessageList(self):
-      if list(m.object_path) == list(object_path) and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
-        activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m)
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLDict_readMessageList'):
+      # Parse each message in registered
+      for m in activity_tool.getRegisteredMessageList(self):
+        if list(m.object_path) == list(object_path) and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
+          activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m)
+          if not method_dict.has_key(method_id):
+            if invoke:
+              # First Validate
+              if m.validate(self, activity_tool):
+                activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ??
+                if not m.is_executed:                                                 # Make sure message could be invoked
+                  # The message no longer exists
+                  raise ActivityFlushError, (
+                      'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (method_id , path))
+              else:
+                # The message no longer exists
+                raise ActivityFlushError, (
+                    'The document %s does not exist' % path)               
+      # Parse each message in SQL dict
+      result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id,processing_node=None)
+      for line in result:
+        path = line.path
+        method_id = line.method_id
         if not method_dict.has_key(method_id):
+          # Only invoke once (it would be different for a queue)
+          method_dict[method_id] = 1
+          m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
+          self.deleteMessage(activity_tool, m)
           if invoke:
             # First Validate
             if m.validate(self, activity_tool):
@@ -200,29 +225,7 @@ class SQLDict(RAMDict):
               # The message no longer exists
               raise ActivityFlushError, (
-                  'The document %s does not exist' % path)               
-    # Parse each message in SQL dict
-    result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id,processing_node=None)
-    for line in result:
-      path = line.path
-      method_id = line.method_id
-      if not method_dict.has_key(method_id):
-        # Only invoke once (it would be different for a queue)
-        method_dict[method_id] = 1
-        m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
-        self.deleteMessage(activity_tool, m)
-        if invoke:
-          # First Validate
-          if m.validate(self, activity_tool):
-            activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ??
-            if not m.is_executed:                                                 # Make sure message could be invoked
-              # The message no longer exists
-              raise ActivityFlushError, (
-                  'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (method_id , path))
-          else:
-            # The message no longer exists
-            raise ActivityFlushError, (
-                'The document %s does not exist' % path)
+                  'The document %s does not exist' % path)
   # def start(self, activity_tool, active_process=None):
   #   uid_list = activity_tool.SQLDict_readUidList(path=path, active_process=active_process)
@@ -235,28 +238,30 @@ class SQLDict(RAMDict):
   def getMessageList(self, activity_tool, processing_node=None):
     # YO: reading all lines might cause a deadlock
     message_list = []
-    result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=None)
-    for line in result:
-      m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
-      m.processing_node = line.processing_node
-      m.priority = line.priority
-      message_list.append(m)
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLDict_readMessageList'):
+      result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=None)
+      for line in result:
+        m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
+        m.processing_node = line.processing_node
+        m.priority = line.priority
+        message_list.append(m)
     return message_list
   def distribute(self, activity_tool, node_count):
     processing_node = 1
-    result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node = -1) # Only assign non assigned messages
-    get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-    path_dict = {}
-    for line in result:
-      path = line.path
-      if not path_dict.has_key(path):
-        # Only assign once (it would be different for a queue)
-        path_dict[path] = 1
-        activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(path=path, processing_node=processing_node, uid=None)
-        get_transaction().commit() # Release locks immediately to allow processing of messages
-        processing_node = processing_node + 1
-        if processing_node > node_count:
-          processing_node = 1 # Round robin
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLDict_readMessageList'):
+      result = activity_tool.SQLDict_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node = -1) # Only assign non assigned messages
+      get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+      path_dict = {}
+      for line in result:
+        path = line.path
+        if not path_dict.has_key(path):
+          # Only assign once (it would be different for a queue)
+          path_dict[path] = 1
+          activity_tool.SQLDict_assignMessage(path=path, processing_node=processing_node, uid=None)
+          get_transaction().commit() # Release locks immediately to allow processing of messages
+          processing_node = processing_node + 1
+          if processing_node > node_count:
+            processing_node = 1 # Round robin
diff --git a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLQueue.py b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLQueue.py
index 5c356fe3dc1b2c8639033328e37fbb166642ad63..b3004de404a9c0b1ad6153fdc64d270cf5a7dd25 100755
--- a/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLQueue.py
+++ b/product/CMFActivity/Activity/SQLQueue.py
@@ -65,62 +65,64 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
     activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid = m.uid)
   def dequeueMessage(self, activity_tool, processing_node):
-    priority = random.choice(priority_weight)
-    # Try to find a message at given priority level
-    result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=priority)
-    if len(result) == 0:
-      # If empty, take any message
-      result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=None)
-    if len(result) > 0:
-      line = result[0]
-      path = line.path
-      method_id = line.method_id
-      # Make sure message can not be processed anylonger
-      activity_tool.SQLQueue_processMessage(uid=line.uid)
-      get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-      m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
-      # Make sure object exists
-      if not m.validate(self, activity_tool):
-        if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
-          # This is an error
-          activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE)
-                                                                            # Assign message back to 'error' state
-          #m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
-          get_transaction().commit()                                        # and commit
-        else:
-          # Lower priority
-          activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, priority = line.priority + 1)
-          get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-      else:
-        # Try to invoke
-        activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if read conflict error restarts transaction ?
-        if m.is_executed:                                          # Make sure message could be invoked
-          activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid=line.uid)  # Delete it
-          get_transaction().commit()                                        # If successful, commit
-        else:
-          get_transaction().abort()                                         # If not, abort transaction and start a new one
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
+      priority = random.choice(priority_weight)
+      # Try to find a message at given priority level
+      result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=priority)
+      if len(result) == 0:
+        # If empty, take any message
+        result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessage(processing_node=processing_node, priority=None)
+      if len(result) > 0:
+        line = result[0]
+        path = line.path
+        method_id = line.method_id
+        # Make sure message can not be processed anylonger
+        activity_tool.SQLQueue_processMessage(uid=line.uid)
+        get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+        m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
+        # Make sure object exists
+        if not m.validate(self, activity_tool):
           if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
             # This is an error
-            activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = INVOKE_ERROR_STATE)
+            activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = VALIDATE_ERROR_STATE)
                                                                               # Assign message back to 'error' state
-            m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
+            #m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
             get_transaction().commit()                                        # and commit
             # Lower priority
             activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, priority = line.priority + 1)
             get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-      return 0
-    get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+        else:
+          # Try to invoke
+          activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if read conflict error restarts transaction ?
+          if m.is_executed:                                          # Make sure message could be invoked
+            activity_tool.SQLQueue_delMessage(uid=line.uid)  # Delete it
+            get_transaction().commit()                                        # If successful, commit
+          else:
+            get_transaction().abort()                                         # If not, abort transaction and start a new one
+            if line.priority > MAX_PRIORITY:
+              # This is an error
+              activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=line.uid, processing_node = INVOKE_ERROR_STATE)
+                                                                                # Assign message back to 'error' state
+              m.notifyUser(activity_tool)                                       # Notify Error
+              get_transaction().commit()                                        # and commit
+            else:
+              # Lower priority
+              activity_tool.SQLQueue_setPriority(uid=line.uid, priority = line.priority + 1)
+              get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+        return 0
+      get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
     return 1
   def hasActivity(self, activity_tool, object, **kw):
-    if object is not None:
-      my_object_path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath())
-      result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_hasMessage(path=my_object_path, **kw)
-      if len(result) > 0:
-        return result[0].message_count > 0
-    else:
-      return 1 # Default behaviour if no object specified is to return 1 until active_process implemented
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
+      if object is not None:
+        my_object_path = '/'.join(object.getPhysicalPath())
+        result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_hasMessage(path=my_object_path, **kw)
+        if len(result) > 0:
+          return result[0].message_count > 0
+      else:
+        return 1 # Default behaviour if no object specified is to return 1 until active_process implemented
     return 0
   def flush(self, activity_tool, object_path, invoke=0, method_id=None, commit=0, **kw):
@@ -135,38 +137,39 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
       NOTE: commiting is very likely nonsenses here. We should just avoid to flush as much as possible
-    #return # Do nothing here to precent overlocking
-    path = '/'.join(object_path)
-    # Parse each message in registered
-    for m in activity_tool.getRegisteredMessageList(self):
-      if object_path == m.object_path and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
-        if invoke: activity_tool.invoke(m)
-        activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m)
-    # Parse each message in SQL queue
-    #LOG('Flush', 0, str((path, invoke, method_id)))
-    result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id,processing_node=None)
-    #LOG('Flush', 0, str(len(result)))
-    method_dict = {}
-    for line in result:
-      path = line.path
-      method_id = line.method_id
-      if not method_dict.has_key(method_id):
-        # Only invoke once (it would be different for a queue)
-        method_dict[method_id] = 1
-        m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
-        self.deleteMessage(activity_tool, m)
-        if invoke:
-          # First Validate
-          if m.validate(self, activity_tool):
-            activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ??
-            if not m.is_executed:                                                 # Make sure message could be invoked
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
+      #return # Do nothing here to precent overlocking
+      path = '/'.join(object_path)
+      # Parse each message in registered
+      for m in activity_tool.getRegisteredMessageList(self):
+        if object_path == m.object_path and (method_id is None or method_id == m.method_id):
+          if invoke: activity_tool.invoke(m)
+          activity_tool.unregisterMessage(self, m)
+      # Parse each message in SQL queue
+      #LOG('Flush', 0, str((path, invoke, method_id)))
+      result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=path, method_id=method_id,processing_node=None)
+      #LOG('Flush', 0, str(len(result)))
+      method_dict = {}
+      for line in result:
+        path = line.path
+        method_id = line.method_id
+        if not method_dict.has_key(method_id):
+          # Only invoke once (it would be different for a queue)
+          method_dict[method_id] = 1
+          m = self.loadMessage(line.message, uid = line.uid)
+          self.deleteMessage(activity_tool, m)
+          if invoke:
+            # First Validate
+            if m.validate(self, activity_tool):
+              activity_tool.invoke(m) # Try to invoke the message - what happens if invoke calls flushActivity ??
+              if not m.is_executed:                                                 # Make sure message could be invoked
+                # The message no longer exists
+                raise ActivityFlushError, (
+                    'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (method_id , path))
+            else:
               # The message no longer exists
               raise ActivityFlushError, (
-                  'Could not evaluate %s on %s' % (method_id , path))
-          else:
-            # The message no longer exists
-            raise ActivityFlushError, (
-                'The document %s does not exist' % path)
+                  'The document %s does not exist' % path)
   # def start(self, activity_tool, active_process=None):
   #   uid_list = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readUidList(path=path, active_process=active_process)
@@ -178,27 +181,29 @@ class SQLQueue(RAMQueue):
   def getMessageList(self, activity_tool, processing_node=None):
     message_list = []
-    result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=None)
-    for line in result:
-      m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
-      m.processing_node = line.processing_node
-      m.priority = line.priority
-      message_list.append(m)
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
+      result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node=None)
+      for line in result:
+        m = self.loadMessage(line.message)
+        m.processing_node = line.processing_node
+        m.priority = line.priority
+        message_list.append(m)
     return message_list
   def distribute(self, activity_tool, node_count):
     processing_node = 1
-    result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node = -1) # Only assign non assigned messages
-    #LOG('distribute count',0,str(len(result)) )
-    #LOG('distribute count',0,str(map(lambda x:x.uid, result)))
-    #get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
-    uid_list = map(lambda x:x.uid, result)[0:100]
-    for uid in uid_list:
-      #LOG("distribute", 0, "assign %s" % uid)
-      activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=uid, processing_node=processing_node)
-      #get_transaction().commit() # Release locks immediately to allow processing of messages
-      processing_node = processing_node + 1
-      if processing_node > node_count:
-        processing_node = 1 # Round robin
+    if hasattr(activity_tool,'SQLQueue_readMessageList'):
+      result = activity_tool.SQLQueue_readMessageList(path=None, method_id=None, processing_node = -1) # Only assign non assigned messages
+      #LOG('distribute count',0,str(len(result)) )
+      #LOG('distribute count',0,str(map(lambda x:x.uid, result)))
+      #get_transaction().commit() # Release locks before starting a potentially long calculation
+      uid_list = map(lambda x:x.uid, result)[0:100]
+      for uid in uid_list:
+        #LOG("distribute", 0, "assign %s" % uid)
+        activity_tool.SQLQueue_assignMessage(uid=uid, processing_node=processing_node)
+        #get_transaction().commit() # Release locks immediately to allow processing of messages
+        processing_node = processing_node + 1
+        if processing_node > node_count:
+          processing_node = 1 # Round robin