Commit b3a221d4 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

This is Kazuhiko's patch to restore 2 level selections (1 level of mapping per

user, then 1 level per selection_name), this also adds conflict resolution
for Persistent Mapping storage in portal_selections. This conflict resolution
is just to prevent restarting transactions.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent bf89211c
......@@ -176,6 +176,15 @@ class Selection(Acquisition.Implicit, Traversable, Persistent):
v = v.encode('ascii')
setattr(self, k, v)
def _p_independent(self) :
return 1
def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldState, savedState, newState) :
"""Selection are edited by listboxs, so many conflicts can happen,
this is a workaround, so that no unnecessary transaction is
return newState
def __call__(self, method = None, context=None, REQUEST=None):
#LOG("Selection", 0, str((self.__dict__)))
#LOG("Selection", 0, str(method))
......@@ -160,11 +160,7 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
if self.isMemcachedUsed():
return []
user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
if user_id is not None:
prefix = '%s-' % user_id
return [x.replace(prefix, '', 1) for x in self.getSelectionContainer().keys() if x.startswith(prefix)]
return []
return self._getSelectionNameListFromContainer()
# backward compatibility
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionNames')
......@@ -182,32 +178,14 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
return None
return selection(context=context)
def getSelectionContainer(self):
Return the selection container.
if self.isMemcachedUsed():
value = getattr(self, '_v_selection_data', None)
if value is None:
value = self.getPortalObject().portal_memcached.getMemcachedDict(key_prefix='selection_tool')
setattr(self, '_v_selection_data', value)
value = getattr(self, '_selection_data', None)
if value is None:
value = PersistentMapping()
setattr(self, '_selection_data', value)
return value
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionFor')
def getSelectionFor(self, selection_name, REQUEST=None):
Returns the selection instance for a given selection_name
user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
if user_id is not None:
if isinstance(selection_name, (tuple, list)):
selection_name = selection_name[0]
selection = self.getSelectionContainer().get('%s-%s' % (user_id, selection_name))
selection = self._getSelectionFromContainer(selection_name)
if selection is not None:
return selection.__of__(self)
......@@ -220,10 +198,7 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
# Set the name so that this selection itself can get its own name.
selection_object.edit(name = selection_name)
user_id = self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
if user_id is not None:
self.getSelectionContainer()['%s-%s' % (user_id, selection_name)] = aq_base(selection_object)
self._setSelectionToContainer(selection_name, selection_object)
security.declareProtected(ERP5Permissions.View, 'getSelectionParamsFor')
def getSelectionParamsFor(self, selection_name, params=None, REQUEST=None):
......@@ -1314,8 +1289,73 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, UniqueObject, SimpleItem ):
return aq_base_name
return aq_base_name
def _getUserId(self):
return self.portal_membership.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
def _getSelectionFromContainer(self, selection_name):
user_id = self._getUserId()
if user_id is None: return None
if self.isMemcachedUsed():
return self._getMemcachedContainer().get('%s-%s' %
(user_id, selection_name))
return self._getPersistentContainer(user_id).get(selection_name,
def _setSelectionToContainer(self, selection_name, selection):
user_id = self._getUserId()
if user_id is None: return
if self.isMemcachedUsed():
self._getMemcachedContainer().set('%s-%s' % (user_id, selection_name), aq_base(selection))
self._getPersistentContainer(user_id)[selection_name] = aq_base(selection)
def _getSelectionNameListFromContainer(self):
if self.isMemcachedUsed():
return []
user_id = self._getUserId()
if user_id is None: return []
return self._getPersistentContainer(user_id).keys()
def _getMemcachedContainer(self):
value = getattr(self, '_v_selection_data', None)
if value is None:
value = self.getPortalObject().portal_memcached.getMemcachedDict(key_prefix='selection_tool')
setattr(self, '_v_selection_data', value)
return value
def _getPersistentContainer(self, user_id):
if getattr(self, 'selection_data', None) is None:
self.selection_data = PersistentMapping()
if not self.selection_data.has_key(user_id):
self.selection_data[user_id] = SelectionPersistentMapping()
return self.selection_data[user_id]
InitializeClass( SelectionTool )
class SelectionPersistentMapping(PersistentMapping):
"""A conflict-free PersistentMapping.
Like selection objects, the purpose is to only prevent restarting
def _p_independent(self) :
return 1
def _p_resolveConflict(self, oldState, savedState, newState):
# update keys that only savedState has
oldState = newState
# dict returned by PersistentMapping.__getstate__ contains the data
# under _container key, so only compare this key (this is coupled with
# PersistentMapping implementation, but this implementation is lot likely
# to change, because it would break existing pickles).
return oldState
class TreeListLine:
def __init__(self,object,is_pure_summary,depth, is_open,select_domain_dict,exception_uid_list):
......@@ -68,8 +68,9 @@ class TestSelectionTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assert_(self.portal_selections.getSelectionContainer() is not None)
self.assert_(getattr(self.portal_selections, '_selection_data', None)
is not None)
self.assert_(getattr(self.portal_selections, 'selection_data', None)
is not None)
# use memcached tool
self.portal_selections.setStorage('Memcached Tool')
......@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ class TestSelectionTool(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assert_(self.portal_selections.getSelectionContainer() is not None)
self.assert_(self.portal_selections._getMemcachedContainer() is not None)
self.assert_(getattr(self.portal_selections, '_v_selection_data', None)
is not None)
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