# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <jp@nexedi.com>
#                    Vincent Pelletier <vincent@nexedi.com>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from zLOG import LOG
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.Query.SimpleQuery import SimpleQuery
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.Query.ComplexQuery import ComplexQuery
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.interfaces.search_key import ISearchKey
from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import list_type_list

single_operator_dict = {
  'min': '>=',
  'max': '<',
  'ngt': '<=',
  'nlt': '>',
  'neq': '!='

dual_operator_dict = {
  'minmax': ('>=', '<'),
  'minngt': ('>=', '<=')

# List of operators searched for at value's begnining when it's a basestring.
# Order is important: an operator whose left part would be matching another
# operator of lower index would never be used.
operator_list = ('>=', '<=', '>', '<', '=', '!=')

def preprocessLikeValue(value):
  if '%' not in value:
    value = '%%%s%%' % (value, )
  return value

operator_value_preprocessor_dict = {
  'like': preprocessLikeValue

def deprocessLikeValue(value):
  assert isinstance(value, basestring)
  if len(value) >= 2 and value[0] == '%' and value[-1] == '%':
    value = value.strip('%')
  return value

operator_value_deprocessor_dict = {
  'like': deprocessLikeValue

numeric_type_set = (long, float) # get mapped to int, so do not mention it

class SearchKey(object):


  # Comparison operator to use when parsing a string value and no operator is
  # found.
  # Note: for non-string values, "=" is always used by default.
  default_comparison_operator = '='
  # Wether or not to allow a basestring value to be searched for a comparison
  # operator.
  get_operator_from_value = True

  def __init__(self, column):
    self.column = column

  def getColumn(self):
    return self.column

  def buildSQLExpression(self, operator, value, column_map, only_group_columns,
    return operator.asSQLExpression(
      column_map.asSQLColumn(self.getColumn(), group=group),

  def _renderValueAsSearchText(self, value, operator):
      Render a single value as valid SearchText using provided operator.
      This is also responsible for undoing any formatting the value received
      from the SearchKey.

      value (anything)
      operator (Operator)
        The operator used to render value.
    operator_value_deprocessor = operator_value_deprocessor_dict.get(
    if operator_value_deprocessor is not None:
      value = operator_value_deprocessor(value)
    return operator.asSearchText(value)

  def buildSearchTextExpression(self, operator, value, column=None):
    operator_text = operator.getOperatorSearchText()
    if column is None:
      column = self.getColumn()
    if isinstance(value, list_type_list):
      assert operator_text == 'in'
      assert len(value)
      value = [self._renderValueAsSearchText(x, operator) for x in value]
      if self.default_comparison_operator != '=':
        value = ['=%s' % (x, ) for x in value]
      # XXX: operator used to join value elements should be reused from
      # parser data (?)
      result = '(%s)' % (' OR '.join(value), )
      result = self._renderValueAsSearchText(value, operator)
      if operator_text != self.default_comparison_operator:
        result = '%s%s' % (operator_text, result)
    if len(column):
      result = '%s:%s' % (column, result)
    return result

  def registerColumnMap(self, column_map, group, simple_query):
    column_map.registerColumn(self.getColumn(), group=group,
    return group

  def _getComparisonOperator(self, value):
      From a basestring instance, return a contained operator and value
      without that operator.

      value (string)

      Returns: 2-tuple of strings
        First element is the operator. None if there was no operator in value.
        Second element is the value without the operator.
    startswith = value.startswith
    for operator in operator_list:
      if startswith(operator):
        value = value[len(operator):].lstrip()
      operator = self._guessComparisonOperator(value)
    return operator, value

  def _guessComparisonOperator(self, value):
      From a basestring instance, return an operator.
      To be overloaded by subclasses, to customise operator retrieval.

      value (string)

      Returns: operator as a string.
    return self.default_comparison_operator

  def _preprocessValue(self, value, operator):
    operator_value_preprocessor = operator_value_preprocessor_dict.get(
    if operator_value_preprocessor is not None:
      value = operator_value_preprocessor(value)
    return value

  def _processSearchValue(self, search_value, default_logical_operator,
      Change search_value into a list of values, one or more logical operators,
      and a comparison operator. If no default_logical_operator is given,
      'or' is used.

        list or tuple
          Composed of homogeneous items
      Returns: 3-tuple
          key (string)
            Comparison operator
          value (list of anything)
            List of values applying to this operator.
          Logical operator applied to all elements of returned dict.
          True if logical operators were searched for in values, False
          otherwise. Useful to give different meanings to in-value operators
          and others.
    if comparison_operator == '':
      comparison_operator = None
      get_operator_from_value = False
      get_operator_from_value = self.get_operator_from_value
    logical_operator = None
    if default_logical_operator is None:
      default_logical_operator = 'or'
    parsed = False
    if isinstance(search_value, dict):
      actual_value = search_value['query']
      if search_value.get('key') not in (None, self.__class__.__name__):
        LOG(self.__class__.__name__, 100,
            '"key" dict entry does not match current class: %r' % \
            (search_value, ))
      if 'type' in search_value:
        assert 'operator' not in search_value, search_value
        assert 'range' not in search_value, search_value
        # comparison_operator parameter collides with dict's 'operator' key.
        # Fail loudly.
        assert comparison_operator is None
        value_operator = search_value.get('operator')
        value_range = search_value.get('range')
        if value_range is not None:
          if value_operator is not None:
            LOG('SearchKey', 100,
                '"range" and "operator" are mutualy exclusive, ignoring '\
                'operator: %r' % (search_value, ))
          if value_range in operator_list:
            comparison_operator = value_range
          elif value_range in single_operator_dict:
            comparison_operator = single_operator_dict[value_range]
          elif value_range in dual_operator_dict:
            if not isinstance(actual_value, (tuple, list)):
              raise TypeError, 'Operator %r requires value to be a '\
                               'tuple/list. (%r)' % (value_range,
            if len(actual_value) != 2:
              raise TypeError, 'Operator %r requires value to have a length '\
                               'of 2. len(%r) = %i (%r)' % (value_range,
                               actual_value, len(actual_value), search_value)
            comparison_operator = dual_operator_dict[value_range]
            logical_operator = 'and'
            raise ValueError, 'Unknown "range" value in %r' % (search_value, )
        if value_operator is not None:
          if not isinstance(value_operator, basestring):
            raise TypeError, 'Operator must be of a string type. Got a %r' % \
                             (type(value_operator), )
          value_operator = value_operator.lower()
          if not isinstance(actual_value, (tuple, list)):
            raise TypeError, 'When specifying an operator, query must be a list.'
          if value_operator == 'in':
            comparison_operator = '='
            logical_operator = 'or'
            logical_operator = value_operator
        search_value = actual_value
    if not isinstance(search_value, list_type_list):
      search_value = [search_value]
    if logical_operator is None:
      logical_operator = default_logical_operator
    operator_value_dict = {}
    if comparison_operator is None:
      getComparisonOperator = self._getComparisonOperator
      guessComparisonOperator = self._guessComparisonOperator
      preprocessValue = self._preprocessValue
      for value in search_value:
        is_dict = isinstance(value, dict)
        if is_dict:
          base_value = value['query']
          base_value = value
        if isinstance(base_value, basestring):
          if get_operator_from_value:
            parsed = True
            operator, base_value = getComparisonOperator(base_value)
            operator = guessComparisonOperator(base_value)
        elif base_value is None:
          operator = 'is'
          # XXX: comparison operator is hardcoded for non-strings.
          operator = '='
        if is_dict:
          value['query'] = base_value
          value = base_value
        operator_value_dict.setdefault(operator, []).append(
          preprocessValue(value, operator),
    elif isinstance(comparison_operator, (tuple, list)):
      assert len(comparison_operator) == len(search_value)
      for operator, value in zip(comparison_operator, search_value):
        operator_value_dict.setdefault(operator, []).append(value)
      operator_value_dict[comparison_operator] = search_value
    return operator_value_dict, logical_operator, parsed

  def _buildQuery(self, operator_value_dict, logical_operator, parsed, group):
      Create Queries from values, logical and comparison operators.

      operator_value_dict (dict)
        See _processSearchValue.
      logical_operator (string)
        See _processSearchValue.
      parsed (bool)
        See _processSearchValue.
      group (string)
        The gorup all queries will belong to.
    column = self.getColumn()
    query_list = []
    append = query_list.append
    if logical_operator == 'or' and '=' in operator_value_dict:
      # Special case for equality with an 'or' logical operator: use SQL 'in'.
      append(SimpleQuery(search_key=self, comparison_operator='in',
                         **{column: operator_value_dict.pop('=')}))
    for comparison_operator, value_list in operator_value_dict.iteritems():
      for value in value_list:
                           group=group, **{column: value}))
    return query_list

  def buildQuery(self, search_value, group=None, logical_operator=None,
    assert logical_operator in (None, 'and', 'or'), repr(logical_operator)
    operator_value_dict, logical_operator, parsed = self._processSearchValue(
      search_value, logical_operator, comparison_operator)
    query_list = self._buildQuery(operator_value_dict, logical_operator,
                                  parsed, group)
    if len(query_list) == 1:
      query = query_list[0]
      query = ComplexQuery(query_list, logical_operator=logical_operator)
    return query

  def parseSearchText(self, value, is_column):
    return None

  def dequoteParsedText(self):
    return True

verifyClass(ISearchKey, SearchKey)