#!/bin/sh # This file is part of caucase # Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Nexedi SA # Vincent Pelletier <vincent@nexedi.com> # # This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your # option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by # the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source # Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding # source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other # software used. # # This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # See COPYING file for full licensing terms. # See https://www.nexedi.com/licensing for rationale and options. set -u str2json () { # Convert some text into a json string. # Usage: < str # Note: using $() to strip the trailing newline added by jq. printf '%s' "$(jq --raw-input --slurp .)" } pairs2obj () { # Convert pairs of arguments into keys & values of a json objet. # Usage: <key0> <value0> [...] # Outputs: {"key0":value0} # No sanity checks on keys nor values. # Keys are expected unquoted, as they must be strings anyway. # Values are expected in json. # If arg count is odd, last argument is ignored. # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local first=1 printf '{' while [ $# -ge 2 ]; do if [ $first -eq 1 ]; then first=0 else printf ',' fi printf '"%s":%s' "$1" "$2" shift 2 done printf '}' } forEachJSONListItem () { # Usage: <command> [<arg> ...] < json # <command> is receives each item in json as input. # If <command> exit status is non-zero, enumeration stops. # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local list index list="$(cat)" for index in $(seq 0 $(($(printf '%s\n' "$list" | jq length) - 1))); do printf '%s\n' "$list" | jq ".[$index]" | "$@" || return done } wrap () { # Wrap payload in a format suitable for caucase and sign it # Usage: <key file> <digest> < payload > wrapped # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local digest="$2" payload payload="$(cat)" # Note: $() looses trailing newlines, so payload should not need to end with # any newline. pairs2obj \ 'digest' "$(printf '%s' "$digest" | str2json)" \ 'payload' "$(printf '%s' "$payload" | str2json)" \ 'signature' "$( printf '%s%s ' "$payload" "$digest" \ | openssl dgst \ -"$digest" \ -binary \ -sign "$1" \ -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss \ -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-2 \ -sigopt digest:"$digest" \ | base64 -w 0 \ | str2json )" } nullWrap () { # Wrap payload in a format suitable for caucase without signing it # Usage: < payload > wrapped pairs2obj digest null payload "$(str2json)" } unwrap () { # Usage: <command> [...] < wrapped > payload # <command> must output the x509 certificate to use to verify the signature. # It receives the payload being unwrapped. # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local wrapped status json_digest digest signature_file payload pubkey_file wrapped="$(cat)" json_digest="$(printf '%s\n' "$wrapped" | jq .digest)" if [ "$json_digest" = 'null' ]; then return 1 fi digest="$( printf '%s\n' "$json_digest" | jq --raw-output ascii_downcase )" case "$digest" in sha256|sha384|sha512) ;; *) # Note: printing json-encoded digest so it is safe to print # (especially, ESC is encoded as \u001b, avoiding shell escape code # injections). echo "Unhandled digest: $json_digest" >&2 return 1 ;; esac signature_file="$(mktemp --suffix=unwrap.sig)" printf '%s\n' "$wrapped" | jq --raw-output .signature | \ base64 -d > "$signature_file" payload="$(printf '%s\n' "$wrapped" | jq --raw-output .payload)" pubkey_file="$(mktemp --suffix=unwrap.pub)" if printf '%s\n' "$payload" "$@" | openssl x509 -pubkey -noout > "$pubkey_file"; then printf '%s%s ' "$payload" "$digest" \ | openssl dgst \ -"$digest" \ -verify "$pubkey_file" \ -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss \ -sigopt rsa_pss_saltlen:-2 \ -sigopt digest:"$digest" \ -signature "$signature_file" > /dev/null status=$? else status=2 fi rm "$signature_file" "$pubkey_file" test $status -eq 0 && printf '%s' "$payload" return $status } nullUnwrap () { # Usage: < wrapped > payload # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local wrapped wrapped="$(cat)" if [ "$(printf '%s\n' "$wrapped" | jq '.digest')" != 'null' ]; then return 1 fi printf '%s\n' "$wrapped" | jq .payload } writeCertKey () { # Write given certificate and key to file(s). # Usage: <crt data> <crt path> <key data> <key path> # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local crt_path="$1" crt_data="$2" key_path="$3" key_data="$4" need_chmod test ! -e "$key_path" need_chmod=$? # Empty both files first, as they may be the same. : > "$crt_path" : > "$key_path" test $need_chmod -eq 0 && chmod go= "$key_path" printf '%s\n' "$key_data" >> "$key_path" printf '%s\n' "$crt_data" >> "$crt_path" } _curlInsecure () { # Because caucased https certificate does not need to be trusted. # Usage: ... curl --silent --insecure "$@" } _putInsecure () { # To PUT stdin via https. # Usage: ... < input _curlInsecure --upload-file - "$@" } _putInsecureNoOut () { # For when _putInsecure does not provide a response body, so the only way to # check for issues is checking HTTP status. # Usage: ... < input # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local result if result="$( _putInsecure \ --write-out '\n%{http_code}\n' \ "$@" )"; then : else return 3 fi case "$(printf '%s\n' "$result" | tail -n 1)" in 2?? ) return 0 ;; 401 ) printf 'Unauthorized\n' >&2 return 2 ;; 409 ) printf 'Found\n' >&2 return 4 ;; * ) printf '%s\n' "$result" | head -n -1 >&2 return 1 ;; esac } _matchCertificateBoundary () { test "$1" = '-----END CERTIFICATE-----' } _matchPrivateKeyBoundary () { case "$1" in '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----' | '-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----') return 0 ;; esac return 1 } _forEachPEM () { # Iterate over components of a PEM file, piping each to <command> # Usage: <type tester> <command> [<arg> ...] < pem # <type tester> is called with the end boundary as argument # <command> receives each matching PEM element as input. # If <command> exit status is non-zero, enumeration stops. # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local tester="$1" current='' shift while IFS= read -r line; do if [ -z "$current" ]; then current="$line" else current="$(printf '%s\n%s' "$current" "$line")" fi case "$line" in '-----END '*'-----') if "$tester" "$line"; then printf '%s\n' "$current" | "$@" || return fi current='' ;; esac done } alias forEachCertificate='_forEachPEM _matchCertificateBoundary' # Iterate over certificate of a PEM file, piping each to <command> # Usage: <command> [<arg> ...] < pem alias forEachPrivateKey='_forEachPEM _matchPrivateKeyBoundary' # Iterate over private key of a PEM file, piping each to <command> # Usage: <command> [<arg> ...] < pem alias pem2fingerprint='openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout' pemFingerprintIs () { # Usage: <fingerprint> < certificate # Return 1 when certificate's fingerprint matches argument test "$1" = "$(pem2fingerprint)" && return 1 } expiresBefore () { # Tests whether certificate is expired at given date # Usage: <date> < certificate > certificate # <date> must be a unix timestamp (date +%s) # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local enddate enddate="$(openssl x509 -enddate -noout | sed 's/^[^=]*=//')" test $? -ne 0 && return 1 test "$(date --date="$enddate" +%s)" -lt "$1" } printIfExpiresAfter () { # Print certificate if it expires after given date # Usage: <date> < certificate > certificate # <date> must be a unix timestamp (date +%s) # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local crt crt="$(cat)" printf '%s\n' "$crt" | expiresBefore "$1" || printf '%s\n' "$crt" } storeCertBySerial () { # Store certificate in a file named after its serial, in given directory # and using given printf format string. # Usage: storeCertBySerial <dir> <patterm> < certificate # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local crt crt="$(cat)" serial="$(printf "%s\n" "$crt" \ | openssl x509 -serial -noout | sed 's/^[^=]*=\(.*\)/\L\1/')" test $? -ne 0 && return 1 printf "%s\n" "$crt" > "$(printf "%s/$2" "$1" "$serial")" } appendValidCA () { # TODO: test # Append CA to given file if it is signed by a CA we know of already. # Usage: <ca path> < json # Appends valid certificates to the file at <ca path> # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local ca="$1" payload cert if payload=$(unwrap jq --raw-output .old_pem); then : else printf 'Bad signature, something is very wrong' >&2 return 1 fi cert="$(printf '%s\n' "$payload" | jq --raw-output .old_pem)" forEachCertificate \ pemFingerprintIs \ "$(printf '%s\n' "$cert" | pem2fingerprint)" < "$ca" if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then printf '%s\n' "$cert" >> "$ca" fi } checkCertificateMatchesKey () { # Usage: <crt> <key> # Returns 0 if certificate's public key matches private key's public key, # 1 otherwise. test "$( printf '%s\n' "$1" | openssl x509 -modulus -noout | sed 's/^Modulus=//' )" = "$( echo "$2" | openssl rsa -modulus -noout | sed 's/^Modulus=//' )" } checkDeps () { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local missingdeps='' dep # Expected builtins & keywords: # alias local if then else elif fi for in do done case esac return [ test # shift set for dep in jq openssl printf echo curl sed base64 cat date mktemp; do command -v $dep > /dev/null || missingdeps="$missingdeps $dep" done if [ -n "$missingdeps" ]; then echo "Missing dependencies: $missingdeps" >&2 return 1 fi if [ ! -r /dev/null ] || [ ! -w /dev/null ]; then echo 'Cannot read from & write to /dev/null' >&2 return 1 fi } renewCertificate () { # Usage: <url> <old key> <new key len> <new crt> <new key> < old crt # <new key> and <new crt> are created. # Given paths may be identical in any combination. # If "new" path are the same as "old" paths, old content will be overwritten # on success. # If created, key file permissions will be set so group and other have no # access. # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local url="$1" oldkey="$2" bits="$3" newcrt="$4" newkey="$5" emptyreqcnf # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local newkeydata newcrtdata emptyreqcnf="$(mktemp --suffix=emptyreq.cnf)" cat > "$emptyreqcnf" << EOF [ req ] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name string_mask = utf8only req_extensions = v3_req [ req_distinguished_name ] CN = Common Name [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE EOF newkeydata="$( openssl genpkey \ -algorithm rsa \ -pkeyopt "rsa_keygen_bits:$bits" \ -outform PEM 2> /dev/null )" if newcrtdata="$( pairs2obj \ 'crt_pem' "$(str2json)" \ 'renew_csr_pem' "$( echo "$newkeydata" \ | openssl req \ -new \ -key - \ -subj '/CN=dummy' \ -config "$emptyreqcnf" \ | str2json )" \ | wrap "$oldkey" 'sha256' \ | _putInsecure \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ "$url/crt/renew/" )"; then if [ \ "x$(printf '%s\n' "$newcrtdata" | head -n 1)" \ = \ 'x-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' \ ]; then if checkCertificateMatchesKey "$newcrtdata" "$newkeydata"; then writeCertKey "$newcrt" "$newcrtdata" "$newkey" "$newkeydata" rm "$emptyreqcnf" return 0 fi printf 'Certificate does not match private key\n' >&2 else printf '%s' "$newcrtdata" >&2 fi fi rm "$emptyreqcnf" return 1 } revokeCertificate () { # Usage: <url> <key_path> < crt pairs2obj 'revoke_crt_pem' "$(str2json)" \ | wrap "$2" 'sha256' \ | _putInsecureNoOut \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --insecure \ "$1/crt/revoke/" } revokeCRTWithoutKey () { # Usage: <url> <user crt> < crt pairs2obj 'revoke_crt_pem' "$(str2json)" \ | nullWrap \ | _putInsecureNoOut \ --cert "$2" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ "$1/crt/revoke/" } revokeSerial () { # Usage: <url> <user crt> <serial> pairs2obj 'revoke_serial' "$3" \ | nullWrap \ | _putInsecureNoOut \ --cert "$2" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ "$1/crt/revoke/" } updateCACertificate () { # Usage: <url> <ca> # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local url="$1" \ ca="$2" \ future_ca \ status \ orig_ca="" \ ca_is_file \ ca_file \ valid_ca if [ -e "$ca" ]; then if [ -f "$ca" ]; then ca_is_file=1 orig_ca="$(cat "$ca")" elif [ -d "$ca" ]; then ca_is_file=0 else printf "%s exists and is neither a directory nor a file\n" "$ca" return 1 fi else case "$ca" in *.*) ca_is_file=1 ;; *) mkdir "$ca" ca_is_file=0 ;; esac fi if [ $ca_is_file -eq 0 ]; then for ca_file in "$ca"/*; do # double use: # - skips non-files # - skips the one iteration when there is nothing in "$ca"/ if [ -f "$ca_file" ] && [ ! -h "$ca_file" ]; then orig_ca="$( \ printf "%s\n%s" "$orig_ca" "$(cat "$ca_file")" \ )" fi done fi if [ -z "$orig_ca" ]; then orig_ca="$(_curlInsecure "$url/crt/ca.crt.pem")" fi status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return 1 valid_ca="$( printf '%s\n' "$orig_ca" \ | forEachCertificate printIfExpiresAfter "$(date +%s)" )" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return 1 if [ $ca_is_file -eq 1 ]; then printf '%s\n' "$valid_ca" > "$ca" else for ca_file in "$ca"/*; do test -f "$ca_file" && rm "$ca_file" done printf '%s\n' "$valid_ca" \ | forEachCertificate storeCertBySerial "$ca" "%s.pem" # other commands (openssl crl, curl) may need openssl-style subject hash # symlinks, so create them. openssl rehash "$ca" > /dev/null fi if [ ! -r "$cas_ca" ]; then # Should never be reached, as this function should be run once with # cas_ca == ca (to update CAS' CA), in which case cas_ca exists by this # point. CAU's CA should only be updated after, and by that point CAS' CA # already exists. printf '%s does not exist\n' "$cas_ca" return 1 fi future_ca="$(_curlInsecure "$url/crt/ca.crt.json")" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return 1 printf '%s\n' "$future_ca" | forEachJSONListItem appendValidCA "$ca" } getCertificateRevocationList () { # Usage: <url> <ca> _curlInsecure "$1/crl" | openssl crl "$( if [ -d "$2" ]; then printf -- '-CApath' else printf -- '-CAfile' fi )" "$2" 2> /dev/null } getCertificateSigningRequest () { # Usage: <url> <csr id> _curlInsecure "$1/csr/$2" } getPendingCertificateRequestList () { # Usage: <url> <user crt> _curlInsecure --cert "$2" "$1/csr" } createCertificateSigningRequest () { # Usage: <url> < csr > csr id _putInsecure --header 'Content-Type: application/pkcs10' "$1/csr" \ --dump-header - | while IFS= read -r line; do # Note: $line contains trailing \r, which will not get stripped by $(). # So strip it with sed instead. case "$line" in 'Location: '*) printf '%s\n' "$line" | sed 's/^Location: \(\S*\).*/\1/' ;; esac done } deletePendingCertificateRequest () { # Usage: <url> <user crt> <csr id> _curlInsecure --request DELETE --cert "$2" "$1/csr/$3" } getCertificate () { # Usage: <url> <csr id> # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local status _curlInsecure --fail "$1/crt/$2" status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then printf 'Certificate %s not found (not signed yet or rejected)\n' "$2" >&2 return 1 fi } createCertificate () { # Usage: <url> <user crt> <csr id> # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local result _putInsecureNoOut --cert "$2" "$1/crt/$3" < /dev/null result=$? if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then printf '%s: No such pending signing request\n' "$3" >&2 fi return $result } createCertificateWith () { # Usage: <url> <user crt> <csr id> < csr _putInsecureNoOut --cert "$2" \ --header 'Content-Type: application/pkcs10' "$1/crt/$3" } if [ $# -ne 0 ]; then _usage () { cat << EOF Usage: $0 <caucase url> [--ca-crt PATH] --ca-url URL [...] caucase client Certificate Authority for Users, Certificate Authority for SErvices Arguments are taken into account in given order, options overriding any previous occurrence and actions being executed in given order. General options --ca-url URL Required. Base URL of the caucase service to access. Ex: http://caucase.example.com:8000 --ca-crt PATH Default: cas.crt.pem Path of the service CA certificate file or directory. Updated on each run. If nothing with that name exists, a directory is created if given name does not contain a dot, and a file otherwise. --user-ca-crt PATH Default: cau.crt.pem Path of the user CA certificate file or directory. See --update-user and --ca-crt. --crl PATH Default: cas.crl.pem Path of the service revocation list. Updated on each run. --user-crl PATH Default: cau.crl.pem Path of the service revocation list. See --update-user . --threshold DAYS Default: 31 Skip renewal when certificate is still valid for this many days. See --renew-crt . --key-len BITS Default: 2048 Size of the private key to generate. See --renew-crt . --user-key PATH A file containing a private key and corresponding certificate, to authenticate as a caucase user. --mode {service|user} Default: service Caucase personality to query. Anonymous actions --send-csr PATH Submit given certificate signing request, and print the identifier under which the server accepted it (see --get-crt and --get-csr). --get-crt CSR_ID CRT_PATH Retrieve the certificate corresponding to the signing request with identifier CSR_ID, and store it in CRT_PATH. If CRT_PATH exists and contains a private key, verifies it matches received certificate, and exit before modifying the file if it does not match. See also --get-csr . --revoke-crt CRT_PATH KEY_PATH Revoke the certificate at CRT_PATH. Revocation request must be signed with corresponding private key, read from KEY_PATH. Both paths may point at the same file. --renew-crt CRT_PATH KEY_PATH Renew the certificate from CRT_PATH with a new private key. Upon success, write resulting certificate in CRT_PATH and key in KEY_PATH. Both paths may point at the same file. --get-csr CSR_ID CSR_PATH Retrieve the signing request with identifier CSR_ID, and store it in CSR_PATH. Allows checking whether a signature request is still pending if --get-crt failed, or if it has been rejected. --update-user In addition to updating CA certificate and revocation list for service more, also update the equivalents for user mode. You should not need this. Authenticated actions These options require --user-key . --list-csr List pending certificate signing requests. --sign-csr CSR_ID Sign the pending request with identifier CSR_ID. --sign-csr-with CSR_ID CSR_PATH Sign the pending request with identifier CSR_ID, replacing its extensions with the ones from CSR_PATH. --reject-csr Reject pending request with identifier CSR_ID. --revoke-other-crt CRT_PATH Revoke certificate read from CRT_PATH, without requiring access to its private key. --revoke-serial SERIAL Revoke certificate with given serial. When not even the original certificate is available for revocation. Special actions --help Display this help and exit. --version Display command version and exit. EOF } _argUsage () { printf '%s: %s\n' "$arg" "$1" >&2 _usage >&2 } _needArg () { if [ "$argc" -lt "$1" ]; then printf '%s\n' "$arg needs $1 arguments" >&2 _usage >&2 return 1 fi } _needURLAndArg () { if [ -z "$ca_anon_url" ]; then printf '%s\n' "--ca-url must be provided before $arg" >&2 return 1 fi _needArg "$1" || return 1 } _needAuthURLAndArg () { if [ -z "$user_key" ]; then printf '%s\n' "--user-key must be provided before $arg" >&2 return 1 fi _needURLAndArg "$1" || return 1 } _checkCertficateMatchesOneKey () { # Called from _main, sets global "key_found". test "$key_found" -ne 0 && return 2 key_found=1 checkCertificateMatchesKey "$1" "$(cat)" || return 1 } _printOneKey () { # Called from _main, sets global "key_found". if [ $key_found -ne 0 ]; then _argUsage 'Multiple private keys' return 1 fi key_found=1 cat } _printOneCert () { # Called indirectly from _main, sets global "crt_found". if [ "$crt_found" -ne 0 ]; then _argUsage 'Multiple certificates' return 1 fi crt_found=1 cat } _printOneMatchingCert () { # Called indirectly from _main, sets global "crt_found". # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local crt crt="$(cat)" if [ $crt_found -ne 0 ]; then _argUsage 'Multiple certificates' return 1 fi crt_found=1 checkCertificateMatchesKey "$crt" "$1" && printf '%s\n' "$crt" } _matchOneKeyAndPrintOneMatchingCert () { # Usage: <crt path> <key path> # Sets globals "crt_found" and "key_found" # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local crt key_found=0 key="$(forEachPrivateKey _printOneKey < "$2")" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status crt_found=0 crt="$(forEachCertificate _printOneMatchingCert "$key" < "$1")" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status if [ -z "$crt" ]; then _argUsage 'No certificate matches private key' return 1 fi printf '%s\n' "$crt" } _printPendingCSR () { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local json json="$(cat)" printf '%20s | %s\n' \ "$(printf '%s\n' "$json" | jq --raw-output .id)" \ "$(printf '%s\n' "$json" | jq --raw-output .csr \ | openssl req -subject -noout | sed 's/^subject=//')" } _main() { checkDeps || return 1 # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local ca_anon_url='' \ ca_auth_url \ mode='service' \ mode_path='cas' \ cas_ca='cas.crt.pem' \ cau_ca='cau.crt.pem' \ cas_crl='cas.crl.pem' \ cau_crl='cau.crl.pem' \ key_len=2048 \ update_user=0 \ user_key='' \ threshold=31 \ status arg argc \ ca_netloc ca_address ca_port ca_path \ csr_id csr csr_path crl crt crt_path crt_dir key_path key serial \ csr_list_json version while test $# -gt 0; do arg="$1" shift argc=$# case "$arg" in --help) _usage return ;; --version) # shellcheck disable=SC2016 version='$Format:%H$' if [ "x$(echo "$version" | base64)" = 'xJEZvcm1hdDolSCQK' ]; then if command -v git > /dev/null; then version="$(git describe --tags --dirty --always --long)" else version='unknown' fi fi printf '%s\n' "$version" return ;; --ca-url) _needArg 1 || return 1 ca_anon_url="$1" shift case "$ca_anon_url" in https://*) ca_auth_url="$ca_anon_url" ;; http://*) ca_netloc="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_anon_url" | sed 's!^http://\([^/?#]*\).*!\1!' )" ca_path="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_anon_url" | sed 's!^http://[^/?#]*!!' )" ca_port=80 # Note: too bad there is no portable case fall-through... case "$ca_netloc" in *\]:*) # Bracket-enclosed address, which may contain colons ca_address="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_netloc" | sed 's!^\(.*\]\).*!\1!' )" ca_port="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_netloc" | sed 's!.*\]:!!' )" ;; *\]*) # Bracket-enclosed address, which may contain colons ca_address="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_netloc" | sed 's!^\(.*\]\).*!\1!' )" ;; *:*) # No bracket-enclosed address, rely on colon ca_address="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_netloc" | sed 's!^\([^:]*\).*!\1!' )" ca_port="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_netloc" | sed 's!^[^:]*:!!' )" ;; *) # No bracket-encosed address, rely on colon ca_address="$( printf '%s\n' "$ca_netloc" | sed 's!^\([^:]*\).*!\1!' )" ;; esac if [ "$ca_port" -eq 80 ]; then ca_port='' else ca_port=":$((ca_port + 1))" fi ca_auth_url="https://${ca_address}${ca_port}${ca_path}" ;; *) _argUsage 'Unrecognised URL scheme' return 1 ;; esac updateCACertificate "${ca_anon_url}/cas" "$cas_ca" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status ;; --ca-crt) _needArg 1 || return 1 if [ -n "$ca_anon_url" ]; then _argUsage "$arg must be provided once, before --ca-url" return 1 fi cas_ca="$1" shift ;; --user-ca-crt) _needArg 1 || return 1 cau_ca="$1" shift ;; --crl) _needArg 1 || return 1 cas_crl="$1" shift ;; --user-crl) _needArg 1 || return 1 cau_crl="$1" shift ;; --threshold) _needArg 1 || return 1 threshold="$1" shift if [ "$threshold" -eq "$threshold" ] 2> /dev/null ; then : else _argUsage 'Argument must be an integer' return 1 fi ;; --key-len) _needArg 1 || return 1 # XXX: check key length ? key_len="$1" shift ;; --user-key) _needArg 1 || return 1 user_key="$1" shift ;; --mode) _needArg 1 || return 1 mode="$1" shift case "$mode" in service) mode_path='cas' ;; user) mode_path='cau' ;; *) _argUsage 'Invalid mode' return 1 ;; esac ;; # Anonymous actions --send-csr) _needURLAndArg 1 || return 1 if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then _argUsage "$1 is not readable" return 1 fi csr_id="$( createCertificateSigningRequest "${ca_anon_url}/${mode_path}" < "$1" )" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status printf '%s %s\n' "$csr_id" "$1" shift ;; --get-crt) _needURLAndArg 2 || return 1 csr_id="$1" crt_path="$2" shift 2 crt_dir="$(dirname "$crt_path")" if [ "x$crt_path" = 'x-' ]; then # stdin & stdout : elif [ -w "$crt_path" ] && [ -r "$crt_path" ]; then # existing file : elif [ -w "$crt_dir" ] && [ -x "$crt_dir" ]; then # containing directory : else _argUsage \ "$crt_path is not writeable (and/or not readable if exists)" return 1 fi crt="$(getCertificate "${ca_anon_url}/${mode_path}" "$csr_id")" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status if [ "x$crt_path" = 'x-' ]; then printf '%s\n' "$crt" else if [ -e "$crt_path" ]; then key_found=0 forEachPrivateKey _checkCertficateMatchesOneKey "$crt" \ < "$crt_path" status=$? if [ $status -eq 1 ]; then _argUsage 'Certificate does not match private key' return 1 elif [ $status -eq 2 ]; then _argUsage 'Multiple private keys' return 1 fi fi printf '%s\n' "$crt" >> "$crt_path" fi ;; --revoke-crt) _needURLAndArg 2 || return 1 crt_path="$1" key_path="$2" shift 2 crt="$(_matchOneKeyAndPrintOneMatchingCert "$crt_path" "$key_path")" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status printf '%s\n' "$crt" \ | revokeCertificate "${ca_anon_url}/${mode_path}" "$key_path" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status ;; --renew-crt) _needURLAndArg 2 || return 1 crt_path="$1" key_path="$2" shift 2 crt="$(_matchOneKeyAndPrintOneMatchingCert "$crt_path" "$key_path")" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status if printf '%s\n' "$crt" \ | expiresBefore "$(date --date="$threshold days" +%s)"; then printf '%s\n' "$crt" \ | renewCertificate "${ca_anon_url}/${mode_path}" \ "$key_path" \ "$key_len" \ "$crt_path" "$key_path" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status else printf '%s did not reach renew threshold, not renewing\n' \ "$crt_path" >&2 fi ;; --get-csr) _needURLAndArg 2 || return 1 csr_id="$1" csr_path="$2" shift 2 csr="$( getCertificateSigningRequest "${ca_anon_url}/${mode_path}" "$csr_id" )" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status if [ "x$csr_path" = 'x-' ]; then printf '%s\n' "$csr" else printf '%s\n' "$csr" > "$csr_path" fi ;; --update-user) update_user=1 ;; # Authenticated actions --list-csr) _needAuthURLAndArg 0 || return 1 printf '%s\n' "-- pending $mode CSRs --" printf \ '%20s | subject preview (fetch csr and check full content !)\n' \ 'csr_id' csr_list_json="$( getPendingCertificateRequestList "${ca_auth_url}/${mode_path}" \ "$user_key" )" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status printf '%s' "$csr_list_json" | forEachJSONListItem _printPendingCSR printf '%s\n' "-- end of pending $mode CSRs --" ;; --sign-csr) _needAuthURLAndArg 1 || return 1 csr_id="$1" shift createCertificate "${ca_auth_url}/${mode_path}" \ "$user_key" "$csr_id" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status ;; --sign-csr-with) _needAuthURLAndArg 2 || return 1 csr_id="$1" csr="$2" shift createCertificateWith "${ca_auth_url}/${mode_path}" \ "$user_key" "$csr_id" < "$csr" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status ;; --reject-csr) _needAuthURLAndArg 1 || return 1 csr_id="$1" shift deletePendingCertificateRequest "${ca_auth_url}/${mode_path}" \ "$user_key" "$csr_id" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status ;; --revoke-other-crt) _needAuthURLAndArg 1 || return 1 crt_path="$1" shift crt_found=0 crt="$(forEachCertificate _printOneCert < "$crt_path")" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status printf '%s\n' "$crt" | revokeCRTWithoutKey \ "${ca_auth_url}/${mode_path}" "$user_key" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status ;; --revoke-serial) _needAuthURLAndArg 1 || return 1 serial="$1" shift revokeSerial "${ca_auth_url}/${mode_path}" \ "$user_key" "$serial" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status ;; *) _argUsage 'Unknown argument' return 1 ;; esac done if [ -n "$ca_anon_url" ] && [ -r "$cas_ca" ]; then if crl="$( getCertificateRevocationList "${ca_anon_url}/cas" "$cas_ca" )"; then printf '%s\n' "$crl" > "$cas_crl" else printf \ 'Received CAS CRL was not signed by CAS CA certificate, skipping\n' fi if [ $update_user -eq 1 ]; then updateCACertificate "${ca_anon_url}/cau" "$cau_ca" status=$? test $status -ne 0 && return $status if crl="$( getCertificateRevocationList "${ca_anon_url}/cau" "$cau_ca" )"; then printf '%s\n' "$crl" > "$cau_crl" else printf \ 'Received CAU CRL was not signed by CAU CA certificate, skipping\n' fi fi fi } _test() { # shellcheck disable=SC2039 local netloc="$1" \ cas_file \ cas_found=0 \ csr_id \ status \ tmp_dir \ caucased_dir \ caucased_type \ caucased_pid echo 'Automated testing...' if command -v caucased > /dev/null; then caucased_type="path" elif [ "x$CAUCASE_PYTHON" != "x" ] && [ -x "$CAUCASE_PYTHON" ]; then # Used when ran from python caucase.test caucased_type="environment" else echo 'caucased not found in PATH, cannot run tests' >&2 return 1 fi tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d --suffix=caucase_sh)" caucased_dir="$tmp_dir/caucased" mkdir "$caucased_dir" if cd "$caucased_dir"; then : else echo 'Could not setup caucased directory' return 1 fi echo 'Starting caucased...' case "$caucased_type" in path) caucased --netloc "$netloc" > /dev/null & ;; environment) "$CAUCASE_PYTHON" \ -c 'from caucase.http import main; main()' \ --netloc "$netloc" > /dev/null & ;; *) echo "Unhandled caucased_type $caucased_type" return 1 ;; esac caucased_pid="$!" # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "kill \"$caucased_pid\"; wait; rm -rf \"$tmp_dir\"" EXIT # wait for up to about 60 seconds for caucased to start listening (initial # certificate generation. echo 'Waiting for caucased to be ready...' for _ in $(seq 600); do _curlInsecure "http://$netloc" > /dev/null status=$? test $status -eq 0 && break # is caucased still alive ? if kill -0 "$caucased_pid" 2> /dev/null; then : else echo "caucased exited" return 1 fi # curl status 7 means "could not connect" if [ $status -ne 7 ]; then echo "curl failed while accessing test caucased with status $status" return 1 fi sleep 0.1 done if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then echo 'Timeout while waiting for caucased to start' return 1 fi if cd "$tmp_dir"; then : else echo 'Could not enter test temporary directory' return 1 fi cat > "openssl.cnf" << EOF [ req ] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name string_mask = utf8only req_extensions = v3_req [ req_distinguished_name ] CN = Common Name [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE EOF echo 'Generating a key and csr...' openssl req \ -new \ -keyout user_crt.pem \ -subj "/CN=testuser" \ -config openssl.cnf \ -nodes \ -out user_csr.pem 2> /dev/null echo 'Bootstraping trust and submitting csr for a user certificate...' csr_id="$(_main \ --ca-crt "cas_crt" \ --ca-url "http://$netloc" \ --update-user \ --mode user \ --send-csr user_csr.pem \ | sed 's/\s.*//' \ )" if [ ! -d cas_crt ]; then echo 'cas_crt not created' find . -ls return 1 fi for cas_file in cas_crt/*; do if [ -r "$cas_file" ] && [ ! -h "$cas_file" ]; then if [ "$cas_found" -eq 1 ]; then echo 'Multiple CAS CA certificates found' find . -ls return 1 fi cas_found=1 fi done if [ "$cas_found" -eq 0 ]; then echo 'No CAS CA certificates found, but directory exists' find . -ls return 1 fi if [ ! -f cau.crt.pem ]; then echo 'cau.crt.pem not created' find . -ls return 1 fi echo 'Retrieving auto-issued user certificate...' if _main \ --ca-crt "cas_crt" \ --ca-url "http://$netloc" \ --mode user \ --get-crt "$csr_id" user_crt.pem then : else echo 'Failed to receive signed user certificate.' find . -ls return 1 fi echo 'Using the user certificate...' if _main \ --ca-crt "cas_crt" \ --ca-url "http://$netloc" \ --user-key user_crt.pem \ --list-csr \ > /dev/null; then : else echo 'Failed to list pending CSR, authentication failed ?' find . -ls return 1 fi echo 'Success' } if [ "$#" -gt 0 ] && [ "x$1" = 'x--test' ]; then if [ "$#" -le 2 ]; then _test "${2:-localhost:8000}" else echo 'Usage: --test [<hostname/address>:<port>]' return 1 fi else _main "$@" fi fi