Commit 31679e7c authored by Andreas Jung's avatar Andreas Jung

- Fixed wrong split when using the += and -= syntax (mustapha)

parent 93e734f7
......@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ Status
Change History
1.0.5 (unreleased)
1.0.5 (2008-06-10)
- Fixed wrong split when using the += and -= syntax (mustapha)
1.0.4 (2008-06-10)
......@@ -1156,12 +1156,12 @@ def _update_section(s1, s2):
for k, v in s2.items():
if k.endswith('+'):
key = k.rstrip(' +')
s2[key] = "\n".join(s1.get(key, "").split() + s2[k].split())
s2[key] = "\n".join(s1.get(key, "").split('\n') + s2[k].split('\n'))
del s2[k]
elif k.endswith('-'):
key = k.rstrip(' -')
s2[key] = "\n".join([v for v in s1.get(key, "").split()
if v not in s2[k].split()])
s2[key] = "\n".join([v for v in s1.get(key, "").split('\n')
if v not in s2[k].split('\n')])
del s2[k]
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