Commit 7298bf24 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

XXX software/kvm: Drop default image and replace it with boot-image-url-select

boot-image-url-select is used instead of default image being downloaded by the
software release.

If nothing is selected, the default boot-image-url-select is used, but not if
other way to obatin boot image is enabled.

  * update tests for boot-image-url-select
  * cover non-default cases (boot-image-url-list, nbd-host, nbd2-host and virtual-hardrive...)
parent f4e8811b
Pipeline #22988 running with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
filename =
md5sum = 7e90da1f6dac4233e1aa3248f48e357c
md5sum = 8aeb4aca72c236ebc2e3699c7106f74c
filename = instance-kvm.cfg.jinja2
md5sum = ff9fb2378a48d1ca8c72f6a87d3a0221
md5sum = cf7d37c440f05c2c0f195de0863f8d6b
filename =
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ md5sum = a8cf453d20f01c707f02c4b4014580d8
filename = template/
md5sum = 7da4fcd815cb7abe318d8ac4b98c8cf3
md5sum = 5e89d610b2abfcbd8d2fbf8077852341
filename = template/
......@@ -92,3 +92,7 @@ md5sum = bc64e29546833817636261d1b28aa6dc
filename = template/whitelist-domains-default
md5sum = e9d40162ba77472775256637a2617d14
filename = template/
md5sum = b98b41173d116c7d61a3e466f182b2f8
......@@ -461,57 +461,18 @@
"boot-image-url-select": {
"title": "Boot image",
"type": "string",
"description": "Selectable list of provided ISO images.",
"type": "array",
"oneOf": [
"const": [
"title": "Debian Bullseye 11.1 netinst x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Debian Buster 10.12 netinst x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Centos 8.2004 Minimal x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Ubuntu Focal 20.04.1 Live Server x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "openSUSE Leap 15.2 NET x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Arch Linux 2020.09.01 x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Fedora Server 32-1.6 netinst x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE bootonly x86_64"
"default": "Debian Bullseye 11 netinst x86_64",
"enum": [
"Debian Bullseye 11 netinst x86_64",
"Debian Buster 10 netinst x86_64",
"Centos 8.2004 Minimal x86_64",
"Ubuntu Focal 20.04 Live Server x86_64",
"openSUSE Leap 15 NET x86_64",
"Arch Linux 2020.09.01 x86_64",
"Fedora Server 32 netinst x86_64",
"FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE bootonly x86_64"
"whitelist-domains": {
......@@ -325,50 +325,17 @@
"boot-image-url-select": {
"title": "Boot image",
"description": "Selectable list of provided ISO images.",
"type": "array",
"oneOf": [
"const": [
"title": "Debian Buster 10.12 netinst x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Centos 8.2004 Minimal x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Ubuntu Focal 20.04.1 Live Server x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "openSUSE Leap 15.2 NET x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Arch Linux 2020.09.01 x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "Fedora Server 32-1.6 netinst x86_64"
"const": [
"title": "FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE bootonly x86_64"
"type": "string",
"default": "Debian Bullseye 11 netinst x86_64",
"enum": [
"Debian Bullseye 11 netinst x86_64",
"Debian Buster 10 netinst x86_64",
"Centos 8.2004 Minimal x86_64",
"Ubuntu Focal 20.04 Live Server x86_64",
"openSUSE Leap 15 NET x86_64",
"Arch Linux 2020.09.01 x86_64",
"Fedora Server 32 netinst x86_64",
"FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE bootonly x86_64"
"whitelist-domains": {
......@@ -20,7 +20,16 @@
{% set virtual_hard_drive_url_enabled = 'virtual-hard-drive-url' in slapparameter_dict %}
{% set virtual_hard_drive_url_gzipped = slapparameter_dict.get('virtual-hard-drive-gzipped', False) %}
{% set boot_image_url_list_enabled = 'boot-image-url-list' in slapparameter_dict %}
{% set boot_image_url_select_enabled = 'boot-image-url-select' in slapparameter_dict %}
{% if 'boot-image-url-select' in slapparameter_dict %}
{% set boot_image_url_select_enabled = True %}
{% else %}
{% if boot_image_url_list_enabled or 'nbd-host' in slapparameter_dict or 'nbd2-host' in slapparameter_dict or virtual_hard_drive_url_enabled %}
{% set boot_image_url_select_enabled = False %}
{% else %}
{# Become default if no other way is used to provide the boot image #}
{% set boot_image_url_select_enabled = True %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set bootstrap_script_url = slapparameter_dict.get('bootstrap-script-url') -%}
{% set cpu_max_count = dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('cpu-max-count', int(slapparameter_dict.get('cpu-count', 2)) + 1)) %}
{% set ram_max_size = dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('ram-max-size', int(slapparameter_dict.get('ram-size', 4096)) + 512)) %}
......@@ -99,11 +108,8 @@ config-url = ${monitor-base:base-url}/private/boot-image-url-select/${:filename}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template:jinja2
inline =
{%- raw %}
{{ boot_image_url_select }}
{% endraw -%}
boot-image-url-select = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict['boot-image-url-select']) }}
url = {{ boot_image_select_source_config }}
boot-image-url-select = {{ dumps(slapparameter_dict.get('boot-image-url-select', 'Debian Bullseye 11 netinst x86_64')) }}
context =
key boot_image_url_select :boot-image-url-select
output = ${directory:etc}/boot-image-url-select.json
......@@ -399,7 +405,6 @@ ipv6 = ${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}
vnc-ip = ${:ipv4}
vnc-port = 5901
default-cdrom-iso = {{ debian_amd64_netinst_location }}
{% if virtual_hard_drive_url_enabled %}
virtual-hard-drive-url-json-config = ${virtual-hard-drive-url-json-config:output}
{% else %}
......@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ extra-context =
raw dash_executable_location ${dash:location}/bin/dash
raw dnsresolver_executable ${buildout:bin-directory}/dnsresolver
raw dcron_executable_location ${dcron:location}/sbin/crond
raw debian_amd64_netinst_location ${debian-amd64-bullseye-netinst.iso:target}
raw whitelist_domains_default ${whitelist-domains-default:target}
raw whitelist_firewall_download_controller ${whitelist-firewall-download-controller:target}
raw boot_image_select_source_config ${boot-image-select-source-config:target}
raw image_download_controller ${image-download-controller:target}
raw image_download_config_creator ${image-download-config-creator:target}
raw logrotate_cfg ${template-logrotate-base:output}
......@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ context =
<= download-base
<= download-base
websockify = 0.9.0
gitdb = 0.6.4
"Debian Bullseye 11 netinst x86_64" : "",
"Debian Buster 10 netinst x86_64" : "",
"Centos 8.2004 Minimal x86_64" : "",
"Ubuntu Focal 20.04 Live Server x86_64" : "",
"openSUSE Leap 15 NET x86_64" : "",
"Arch Linux 2020.09.01 x86_64" : "",
"Fedora Server 32 netinst x86_64" : "",
"FreeBSD 12.1 RELEASE bootonly x86_64" : "",
} -%}
["{{ IMAGE_URL_MAPPING[boot_image_url_select] }}"]
{#- Note: Above is explicitely set to fail in case if wrong key is present, as this will force users to select correct image name, especially after upgrade -#}
......@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ nbd_list = (('{{ parameter_dict.get("nbd-host") }}',
{{ parameter_dict.get("nbd-port") }}),
('{{ parameter_dict.get("nbd2-host") }}',
{{ parameter_dict.get("nbd2-port") }}))
default_cdrom_iso = '{{ parameter_dict.get("default-cdrom-iso") }}'
nat_rules = '{{ parameter_dict.get("nat-rules") }}'.strip()
use_tap = '{{ parameter_dict.get("use-tap") }}'.lower()
......@@ -401,11 +400,6 @@ else:
if boot_image_url_list_json_config:
# Support boot-image-url-list
handle_image(boot_image_url_list_json_config, 'boot-image-url-list')
# Always add by default the default image
'-drive', 'file=%s,media=cdrom' % default_cdrom_iso
print('Starting KVM: \n %s' % ' '.join(kvm_argument_list))
os.execv(qemu_path, kvm_argument_list)
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