Commit b74627b0 authored by Benjamin Blanc's avatar Benjamin Blanc


parent b8e0a1f3
......@@ -746,6 +746,8 @@ branch = foo
def test_scalability_10_prepareSlapOS(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
# TODO : write own scalability test
# This case test may be dispensable on ScalabilityTest case
# so..
def test_scalability_11_run(self, my_test_type='ScalabilityTest'):
......@@ -55,38 +55,28 @@ class ScalabilityTestRunner():
self.master_nodes = [] # doesn't change during all the test
self.slave_nodes = [] # doesn't change during all the test
# remaining_software_installation_grid contains at the begining
# all the softwares needed for this runner
# The grid looks like :
# { "COMP-1234" : ['http://soft1.cfg', 'https:///ipv6:00/soft2.cfg'],
# "COMP-4" : ['http://soft1.cfg', 'https:///ipv6:00/soft3.cfg'],
# "COMP-834" : ['http://soft4.cfg'],
# "COMP-90" : ['http://soft1.cfg', 'https:///ipv6:00/soft2.cfg'],
# }
# A thread is in charge of checking (by communication with slapOS Master)
# if softwares are correctly installed. If a software is correctly installed,
# the thread remove the software_url from the grid.
# The thread never stop his work until he is not killed.
# In an other hand, the runner (here) loop while the grid is not empty.
# When the grid is empty, it means that all softwares are installed, so
# the runner kills the thread and goes to the next procedure step.
# So, it also means that cluster_configuration, cluster_constraint
# and the list of availables/involved nodes (=> software repartition)
# have to be known to fill the grid.
self.remaining_software_installation_grid = {}
# Protection to prevent installation of softwares after checking
self.still_supply_to_request = True
def checkingSoftwareGrid(self):
self.still_supply_to_request = False
# Here we can
def _prepareSlapOS(self, software_path, computer_guid, create_partition=0):
# create_partition is kept for compatibility
A proxy to supply : Install software a software on a specific node
if self.still_supply_to_request == True :
if not(computer_guid in self.remaining_software_installation_grid):
# Add computer_guid to the grid if it isn't
self.remaining_software_installation_grid[computer_guid] = []
self.remaining_software_installation_grid[computer_guid].append(software_path), computer_guid, create_partition)
# TODO : do something with slapOS Master to check if it's ok
# put it here ?
# TODO : change the line below
return {'status_code' : 0}
raise ValueError("Too late to supply now. ('self.still_supply_to_request' is False)")
def prepareSlapOSForTestNode(self, test_node_slapos=None):
......@@ -126,13 +116,11 @@ class ScalabilityTestRunner():
# TODO : define methods to check if involved nodes are okay etc..
# And if it's not end ans invalidate everything and retry/reloop
def runTestSuite(self, node_test_suite, portal_url, log=None):
# TODO : write code
def getRelativePathUsage(self):
return True
......@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ class SlapOSControler(object):
os.chmod(self.software_root, 0750)
def initializeSlapOSControler(self, slapproxy_log=None, process_manager=None,
reset_software=False, software_path_list=None):
self.process_manager = process_manager
......@@ -151,22 +151,5 @@ class UnitTestRunner():
log_prefix='runTestSuite', get_output=False)
def getRelativePathUsage(self):
return False
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