Commit babb2310 authored by Douglas Bagnall's avatar Douglas Bagnall Committed by Rusty Russell

opt: incidental comment and whitespace repair

This comment occurred in a couple of places:

 /* Set an integer value, various forms.  Sets to 1 on arg == NULL. */

One instance was clearly spurious, while the other was misleading.

Another resolution to this mismatch would be to add
"if (arg == NULL){*l = 1; return NULL}" somewhere, but I suspect
it may have been left out/removed because someone thought better.
parent af7afcd4
......@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ char *opt_set_charp(const char *arg, char **p)
return NULL;
/* Set an integer value, various forms. Sets to 1 on arg == NULL. */
/* Set an integer value, various forms.
FIXME: set to 1 on arg == NULL ? */
char *opt_set_intval(const char *arg, int *i)
long l;
......@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ void opt_show_charp(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], char *const *p)
buf[2+len] = '\0';
/* Set an integer value, various forms. Sets to 1 on arg == NULL. */
/* Show an integer value, various forms. */
void opt_show_intval(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const int *i)
snprintf(buf, OPT_SHOW_LEN, "%i", *i);
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