Commit 2451459c authored by Aurel's avatar Aurel

still add more comments

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 8ae63855
......@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
login = PortalTestCase.login
# pseudo constants
RUN_ALL_TEST = 1 # we want to run all test
QUIET = 0 # we don't want the test to be quiet
......@@ -112,33 +112,40 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
Return the list of business templates we need to run the test
Return the list of business templates we need to run the test.
This method is called during the initialization of the unit test by
the unit test framework in order to know which business templates
need to be installed to run the test on.
return ( 'erp5_trade' # erp5_trade is not required to make erp5_banking_cash_transfer working.
# As explained below erp5_trade is just used to help us initialize ressources
# via Internal Packing List.
, 'erp5_banking_core'
, 'erp5_banking_cash_transfer'
, 'erp5_banking_core' # erp5_banking_core contains all generic methods for banking
, 'erp5_banking_cash_transfer' # erp5_banking_cash contains all method for cash transfer
def enableLightInstall(self):
Return if we should do a light install (1) or not (0)
Light install variable is used at installation of categories in business template
to know if we wrap the category or not, if 1 we don't use and installation is faster
return 1
return 1 # here we want a light install for a faster installation
def enableActivityTool(self):
Return if we should create (1) or not (0) an activity tool
This variable is used at the creation of the site to know if we use
the activity tool or not
return 1
return 1 # here we want to use the activity tool
def afterSetUp(self):
Method called before the test to initialize some data
Method called before the launch of the test to initialize some data
# Set some variables :
# the erp5 site
......@@ -149,17 +156,17 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.person_folder = self.getPersonModule()
# the organisation module
self.organisation_folder = self.getOrganisationModule()
# the categort tool
# the category tool
self.category_tool = self.getCategoryTool()
# Let us know which user folder is used
# Let us know which user folder is used (PAS or NuxUserGroup)
# Create a user and login as manager to populate the erp5 portal with objects for tests.
# Define static values (only use prime numbers to prevent confusions like 2 * 6 == 3 * 4)
# the list of years fo banknotes and coin
# variation list is the list of years for banknotes and coins
self.variation_list = ('variation/1992', 'variation/2003')
# quantity of banknotes of 10000 :
......@@ -189,7 +196,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# as local roles are defined in portal types as real categories, we will need to reproduce (or import) the real category tree
# get the base category function
self.function_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'function')
# add category banking in function which hold all functions neccessary for bank
# add category banking in function which will hold all functions neccessary in a bank (at least for this unit test)
self.banking = self.function_base_category.newContent(id='banking', portal_type='Category', codification='BNK')
# add category caisier_principal in function banking
self.caissier_principal = self.banking.newContent(id='caissier_principal', portal_type='Category', codification='CCP')
......@@ -211,7 +218,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# get the base category site
self.site_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'site')
# add the category testsite in the category site which hold vault situated in the bank
# add the category testsite in the category site which hold vaults situated in the bank
self.testsite = self.site_base_category.newContent(id='testsite', portal_type='Category', codification='TEST')
# add vault caisse_1 in testsite
self.caisse_1 = self.testsite.newContent(id='caisse_1', portal_type='Category', codification='C1')
......@@ -225,7 +232,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# get the base category emission letter
self.emission_letter_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'emission_letter')
# add the category k in emission letter
# add the category k in emission letter that will be used fo banknotes and coins
self.emission_letter_k = self.emission_letter_base_category.newContent(id='k', portal_type='Category')
# get the base category variation which hold the year of banknotes and coins
......@@ -237,7 +244,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# get the base category quantity_unit
self.variation_base_category = getattr(self.category_tool, 'quantity_unit')
# add category unit in quantity_unit which is the unit of banknotes and coins
# add category unit in quantity_unit which is the unit that will be used for banknotes and coins
self.unit = self.variation_base_category.newContent(id='unit', title='Unit')
# Create an Organisation that will be used for users assignment
......@@ -259,25 +266,27 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# We must assign local roles to cash_transfer_module manually, as they are
# not packed in Business Templates yet.
# The local roles must be the one for gestionnaire_caisse_courante
if self.PAS_installed:
# in case of use of PAS
self.cash_transfer_module.manage_addLocalRoles('CCO_BAOBAB_TEST', ('Author',))
# The group local roles must be the one for gestionnaire_caisse_courante
# in case of NuxUserGroup
self.cash_transfer_module.manage_addLocalGroupRoles('CCO_BAOBAB_TEST', ('Author',))
# get the currency module
self.currency_module = self.getCurrencyModule()
# create the currency euro inside the currency module
# create the currency document for euro inside the currency module
self.currency_1 = self .currency_module.newContent(id='EUR', title='Euro')
# Create Resources (Banknotes)
# Create Resources (Banknotes & Coins)
# get the currency cash module
self.currency_cash_module = self.getCurrencyCashModule()
# create banknote of 10000 euros from years 1992 and 2003
# create document for banknote of 10000 euros from years 1992 and 2003
self.billet_10000 = self.currency_cash_module.newContent(id='billet_10000', portal_type='Banknote', base_price=10000, price_currency_value=self.currency_1, variation_list=('1992', '2003'), quantity_unit_value=self.unit)
# create banknote of 500 euros from years 1992 and 2003
# create document for banknote of 500 euros from years 1992 and 2003
self.billet_5000 = self.currency_cash_module.newContent(id='billet_5000', portal_type='Banknote', base_price=5000, price_currency_value=self.currency_1, variation_list=('1992', '2003'), quantity_unit_value=self.unit)
# create coin of 200 euros from years 1992 and 2003
# create docuemnt for coin of 200 euros from years 1992 and 2003
self.piece_200 = self.currency_cash_module.newContent(id='piece_200', portal_type='Coin', base_price=200, price_currency_value=self.currency_1, variation_list=('1992', '2003'), quantity_unit_value=self.unit)
# Before the test, we need to create resources in the source.
......@@ -292,14 +301,16 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.portal.portal_delivery_movement_type_list = tuple(self.portal.portal_delivery_movement_type_list)
# get the internal packing list module
self.internal_packing_list_module = self.getInternalPackingListModule()
# add a new packing list for caisse_1
# add a new internal packing list for caisse_1
self.internal_packing_list = self.internal_packing_list_module.newContent(id='packing_list_1', portal_type='Internal Packing List',
source=None, destination_value=self.caisse_1)
# add banknotes of 10000 with emission letter k, status valid and from years 1992 and 2003 with the quantity defined before in quantity_10000 (2 for 1992 and 3 for 2003)
# add a line for banknotes of 10000 with emission letter k, status valid and from years 1992 and 2003 with the quantity defined
# before in quantity_10000 (2 for 1992 and 3 for 2003)
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.internal_packing_list, 'delivery_init_1', 'Internal Packing List Line', self.billet_10000,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
# add coins of 200 with emission letter k, status valid and from years 1992 and 2003 with the quantity defined before in quantity_200 (5 for 1992 and 7 for 2003)
# add a line for coins of 200 with emission letter k, status valid and from years 1992 and 2003 with the quantity defined
# before in quantity_200 (5 for 1992 and 7 for 2003)
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.internal_packing_list, 'delivery_init_2', 'Internal Packing List Line', self.piece_200,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
......@@ -334,6 +345,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def createManagerAndLogin(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TEST):
Create a simple user in user_folder with manager rights.
This user will be used to initialize data in the method afterSetup
self.getUserFolder()._doAddUser('manager', '', ['Manager'], [])
......@@ -386,18 +398,19 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
variation_base_category_list, variation_category_list, resource_quantity_dict):
Add a cash line to a delivery
This will add an Internal Packing List Line to a Internal Packing List
base_id = 'movement'
line_kwd = {'base_id':base_id}
# create the line
# create the cash line
line = delivery_object.newContent( id = line_id
, portal_type = line_portal_type
, resource_value = resource_object # banknote or coin
, quantity_unit_value = self.unit
# set base cateogy list
# set base category list on line
# set category
# set category list line
line.updateCellRange(script_id='CashDetail_asCellRange', base_id=base_id)
cell_range_key_list = line.getCellRangeKeyList(base_id=base_id)
......@@ -411,7 +424,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
, category_list = category_list
, force_update = 1
# set quantity on cell
# set quantity on cell to define quantity of bank notes / coins
for variation in self.variation_list:
cell = line.getCell('emission_letter/k', variation, 'cash_status/valid')
......@@ -486,6 +499,8 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepTic(self, **kwd):
The is used to simulate the zope_tic_loop script
Each time this method is called, it simulates a call to tic
which invoke activities in the Activity Tool
......@@ -499,6 +514,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# check that Categories were created
self.assertEqual(self.caisse_1.getPortalType(), 'Category')
self.assertEqual(self.caisse_2.getPortalType(), 'Category')
# check that Resources were created
# check portal type of billet_10000
self.assertEqual(self.billet_10000.getPortalType(), 'Banknote')
......@@ -535,20 +551,20 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckInitialInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the initial inventory.
Check the initial inventory before any operations
self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
# check we have 5 banknotes of 10000
# check we have 5 banknotes of 10000 in caisse_1
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.caisse_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
# check we have 12 coin of 200
# check we have 12 coin of 200 in caisse_1
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.caisse_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.piece_200.getRelativeUrl()), 12.0)
def stepCheckSource(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check inventory in source vault
Check inventory in source vault (caisse_1) before a confirm
# check we have 5 banknotes of 10000
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
......@@ -560,7 +576,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckDestination(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check inventory in destination vault
Check inventory in destination vault (caisse_2) before confirm
# check we don't have banknotes of 10000
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_2.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
......@@ -574,15 +590,15 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
Check data in the cash transfer
# check wehave only one cash transfer
# check we have only one cash transfer
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer_module.objectValues()), 1)
# get the cash transfer
# get the cash transfer document
self.cash_transfer = getattr(self.cash_transfer_module, 'cash_transfer_1')
# check its portal type
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getPortalType(), 'Cash Transfer')
# check its source
# check that its source is caisse_1
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getSource(), 'site/testsite/caisse_1')
# check its destination
# check that its destination is caisse_2
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getDestination(), 'site/testsite/caisse_2')
#XXX Check roles were correctly affected
#self.security_manager = AccessControl.getSecurityManager()
......@@ -592,13 +608,13 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckValidLine1(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the valid line as been well created
Check the cash transfer line as been well created
# check there is only one line
# check there is only one line created
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 1)
# get the line
# get the cash transfer line
self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_1')
# check portal type
# check its portal type
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Cash Transfer Line')
# check the resource is banknotes of 10000
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.billet_10000)
......@@ -606,10 +622,11 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 10000.0)
# check the unit of banknote
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'quantity_unit/unit')
# check we have two cells: (one for year 1992 and one for 2003)
# check we have two delivery cells: (one for year 1992 and one for 2003)
self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 2)
# now check for each variation (years 1992 and 2003)
for variation in self.variation_list:
# get the cell
# get the delivery cell
cell = self.valid_line_1.getCell('emission_letter/k', variation, 'cash_status/valid')
# chek portal types
self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Delivery Cell')
......@@ -631,7 +648,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckSubTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the amount after the creation of line 1
Check the amount after the creation of cash transfer line 1
# Check number of lines
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 1)
......@@ -643,24 +660,24 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckValidLine2(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the line 2 has been well created
Check the cash transfer line 2 has been well created
# check the number of lines (line1 + line2)
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 2)
# get the second line
# get the second cash transfer line
self.valid_line_2 = getattr(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_2')
# check portal types
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getPortalType(), 'Cash Transfer Line')
# check the resource is coin of 200
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getResourceValue(), self.piece_200)
# check the value
# check the value of coin
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getPrice(), 200.0)
# check the unit
# check the unit of coin
self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_2.getQuantityUnit(), 'quantity_unit/unit')
# check we have two cells: (one for year 1992 and one for 2003)
# check we have two delivery cells: (one for year 1992 and one for 2003)
self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_2.objectValues()), 2)
for variation in self.variation_list:
# get the cell
# get the delivery cell
cell = self.valid_line_2.getCell('emission_letter/k', variation, 'cash_status/valid')
# check the portal type
self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Delivery Cell')
......@@ -676,7 +693,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the total after the creation of the two lines
Check the total after the creation of the two cash transfer lines
# Check number of lines (line1 + line2)
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 2)
......@@ -688,9 +705,9 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckBadTotal(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the total with the invalid line
Check the total with the invalid cash transfer line
# Check number of lines
# Check number of cash transfer lines (line1 + line2 +invalid_line)
self.assertEqual(len(self.cash_transfer.objectValues()), 3)
# Check quantity, same as checkTotal + banknote of 500: 11 for 1992 and 13 for 2003
self.assertEqual(self.cash_transfer.getTotalQuantity(), 5.0 + 12.0 + 24)
......@@ -700,9 +717,9 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckBadUserConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check that the try of confirm by a bad user doesn't change the cahs transfer
Check that the try of confirm by a bad user doesn't change the cash transfer
# get state of cash transfer
# get state of the cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check it has remain as draft
self.assertEqual(state, 'draft')
......@@ -714,17 +731,17 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckBadInventoryConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the try of confirm the cash transfer with the invalid line
Check the try of confirm the cash transfer with the invalid line has failed
# get state
# get state of the cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check state is draft
# check the state is draft
self.assertEqual(state, 'draft')
# get workflow history
workflow_history = self.workflow_tool.getInfoFor(ob=self.cash_transfer, name='history', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# check len is 2
# check its len is 2
self.assertEqual(len(workflow_history), 2)
# check we get an "Insufficient balance" message in the workflow history
# check we get an "Insufficient balance" message in the workflow history because of the invalid line
self.assertEqual('Insufficient balance' in workflow_history[-1]['error_message'], True)
......@@ -744,7 +761,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckSourceDebitPlanned(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check that compution of inventory at vault caisse_1 is well before deliver
Check that compution of inventory at vault caisse_1 is right after confirm and before deliver
# check we have 5 banknotes of 10000 currently
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
......@@ -758,7 +775,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckDestinationCreditPlanned(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check that compution of inventory at vault caisse_2 is well before deliver
Check that compution of inventory at vault caisse_2 is right after confirm and before deliver
# check we have 0 banknote of 10000 currently
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_2.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
......@@ -772,11 +789,11 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepBadUserCheckDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check that the try to deliver Cash Transfer with a bad user have failed
Check that the try to deliver a Cash Transfer with a bad user have failed
# get state
# get state of the cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check state is confirmed
# check that state is confirmed
self.assertEqual(state, 'confirmed')
# get workflow history
workflow_history = self.workflow_tool.getInfoFor(ob=self.cash_transfer, name='history', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
......@@ -786,11 +803,11 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check the deliver of a cash tranfer have achieved
Check that the deliver of a cash tranfer have achieved
# get state
# get state of cash transfer
state = self.cash_transfer.getSimulationState()
# check state is deliver
# check that state is delivered
self.assertEqual(state, 'delivered')
# get workflow history
workflow_history = self.workflow_tool.getInfoFor(ob=self.cash_transfer, name='history', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
......@@ -800,7 +817,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckSourceDebit(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check inventory at source (vault caisse_1) after deliver of cash transfer
Check inventory at source (vault caisse_1) after deliver of the cash transfer
# check we have 0 banknote of 10000
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_1.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0)
......@@ -812,7 +829,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCheckDestinationCredit(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Check inventory at destination (vault caisse_2) after deliver of cash transfer
Check inventory at destination (vault caisse_2) after deliver of the cash transfer
# check we have 5 banknotes of 10000
self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.caisse_2.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.billet_10000.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0)
......@@ -824,14 +841,15 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCreateCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create a cash transfer
Create a cash transfer document
self.cash_transfer = self.cash_transfer_module.newContent(id='cash_transfer_1', portal_type='Cash Transfer', source_value=self.caisse_1, destination_value=self.caisse_2, price=52400.0) # 5 * 1000 + 12 * 200
# Cash transfer has caisse_1 for source, caisse_2 for destination, and a price cooreponding to the sum of banknote of 10000 abd coin of 200 ( (2+3) * 1000 + (5+7) * 200 )
self.cash_transfer = self.cash_transfer_module.newContent(id='cash_transfer_1', portal_type='Cash Transfer', source_value=self.caisse_1, destination_value=self.caisse_2, price=52400.0)
def stepCreateValidLine1(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create the line 1 with banknotes of 10000
Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 10000
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_1', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.billet_10000,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
......@@ -840,7 +858,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCreateValidLine2(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create the line 2 wiht coins of 200
Create the cash transfer line 2 wiht coins of 200
self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.cash_transfer, 'valid_line_2', 'Cash Transfer Line', self.piece_200,
('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/k', 'cash_status/valid') + self.variation_list,
......@@ -849,7 +867,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepCreateInvalidLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Create an invalid line
Create an invalid cash transfer line
# create a line in which quanity of banknotes of 5000 is higher that quantity available at source
# here create a line with 24 (11+13) banknotes of 500 although the vault caisse_1 has no banknote of 5000
......@@ -860,7 +878,7 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepDelInvalidLine(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Delete the invalid line previously create
Delete the invalid cash transfer line previously create
......@@ -873,9 +891,9 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# log in as bad user
# try to doActionFor
# get workflow tool
self.workflow_tool = self.getWorkflowTool()
# check that an nauthorized exception is raised
# check that an Unauthorized exception is raised when trying to confirm the cash transfer
self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.workflow_tool.doActionFor, self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# logout from user_3
......@@ -885,11 +903,11 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def stepBadInventoryConfirmCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Try to confirm thre cash transfer with a bad line
Try to confirm the cash transfer with a bad cash transfer line
# fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0 + 5000 * 24)
# try to do the workflow action
# try to do the workflow action "confirm_action'
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
......@@ -899,13 +917,13 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# fix amount (10000 * 5.0 + 200 * 12.0)
# do the orkflow action
# do the Workflow action
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'confirm_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
def stepBadUserDeliverCashTransfer(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd):
Try to deliver a cash transfer with a user that don't have the right
Try to deliver a cash transfer with a user that doesn't have the right
# logout from user_1
......@@ -931,8 +949,9 @@ class TestERP5BankingCashTransfer(ERP5TypeTestCase):
# self.user = self.security_manager.getUser()
# do the workflow transition "deliver_action"
self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.cash_transfer, 'deliver_action', wf_id='cash_transfer_workflow')
# log in as default user
# logout from user_2
# log in as default user
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