Commit 395e49a8 authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

Add an intro that explains the features.

A few changes to the rST formatting.
parent d30bfe78
Running a ZEO Server HOWTO
ZEO stands for Zope Enterprise Objects. It is a client-server system
for sharing a single storage among many clients. Normally, a ZODB
storage can only be used by a single process. When you use ZEO, the
storage is opened in the ZEO server process. Client programs connect
to this process using a ZEO ClientStorage. ZEO provides a consistent
view of the database to all clients. The ZEO client and server
communicate using a custom RPC protocol layered on top of TCP.
ZEO (Zope Enterprise Objects) is a client-server system for sharing a
single storage among many clients. Normally, a ZODB storage can only
be used by a single process. When you use ZEO, the storage is opened
in the ZEO server process. Client programs connect to this process
using a ZEO ClientStorage. ZEO provides a consistent view of the
database to all clients. The ZEO client and server communicate using
a custom RPC protocol layered on top of TCP.
There are several configuration options that affect the behavior of a
ZEO server. This section describes how a few of these features
working. Subsequent sections describe how to configure every option.
Client cache
Each ZEO client keeps an on-disk cache of recently used objects to
avoid fetching those objects from the server each time they are
requested. It is usually faster to read the objects from disk than it
is to fetch them over the network. The cache can also provide
read-only copies of objects during server outages.
The cache may be persistent or transient. If the cache is persistent,
then the cache files are retained for use after process restarts. A
non-persistent cache uses temporary files that are removed when the
client storage is closed.
The client cache size is configured when the ClientStorage is created.
The default size is 20MB, but the right size depends entirely on the
particular database. Setting the cache size too small can hurt
performance, but in most cases making it too big just wastes disk
space. The document "Client cache tracing" describes how to collect a
cache trace that can be used to determine a good cache size.
ZEO uses invalidations for cache consistency. Every time an object is
modified, the server sends a message to each client informing it of
the change. The client will discard the object from its cache when it
receives an invalidation. These invalidations are often batched.
Each time a client connects to a server, it must verify that its cache
contents are still valid. (It did not receive any invalidation
messages while it was disconnected.) There are several mechanisms
used to perform cache verification. In the worst case, the client
sends the server a list of all objects in its cache along with their
timestamps; the server sends back an invalidation message for each
stale object. The cost of verification is one drawback to making the
cache too large.
Note that every time a client crashes or disconnects, it must verify
its cache. Every time a server crashes, all of its clients must
verify their caches.
The cache verification process is optimized in two ways to eliminate
costs when restarting clients and servers. Each client keeps the
timestamp of the last invalidation message it has seen. When it
connects to the server, it checks to see if any invalidation messages
were sent after that timestamp. If not, then the cache is up-to-date
and no further verification occurs. The other optimization is the
invalidation queue, described below.
Invalidation queue
The ZEO server keeps a queue of recent invalidation messages in
memory. When a client connects to the server, it sends the timestamp
of the most recent invalidation message it has received. If that
message is still in the invalidation queue, then the server sends the
client all the missing invalidations. This is often cheaper than
perform full cache verification.
The default size of the invalidation queue is 100. If the
invalidation queue is larger, it will be more likely that a client
that reconnects will be able to verify its cache using the queue. On
the other hand, a large queue uses more memory on the server to store
the message. Invalidation messages tend to be small, perhaps a few
hundred bytes each on average; it depends on the number of objects
modified by a transaction.
Transaction timeouts
A ZEO server can be configured to timeout a transaction if it takes
too long to complete. Only a single transaction can commit at a time;
so if one transaction takes too long, all other clients will be
delayed waiting for it. In the extreme, a client can hang during the
commit process. If the client hangs, the server will be unable to
commit other transactions until it restarts. A well-behaved client
will not hang, but the server can be configured with a transaction
timeout to guard against bugs that cause a client to hang.
If any transaction exceeds the timeout threshold, the client's
connection to the server will be closed and the transaction aborted.
Once the transaction is aborted, the server can start processing other
client's requests. Most transactions should take very little time to
commit. The timer begins for a transaction after all the data has
been sent to the server. At this point, the cost of commit should be
dominated by the cost of writing data to disk; it should be unusual
for a commit to take longer than 1 second. A transaction timeout of
30 seconds should tolerate heavy load and slow communications between
client and server, while guarding against hung servers.
When a transaction times out, the client can be left in an awkward
position. If the timeout occurs during the second phase of the two
phase commit, the client will log a panic message. This should only
cause problems if the client transaction involved multiple storages.
If it did, it is possible that some storages committed the client
changes and others did not.
Monitor server
The ZEO server updates several counters while it is running. It can
be configured to run a separate monitor server that reports the
counter values and other statistics. If a client connects to the
socket, the server send a text report and close the socket
immediately. It does not read any data from the client.
An example of a monitor server report is included below::
ZEO monitor server version 2.1a1
Fri Apr 4 16:57:42 2003
Storage: 1
Server started: Fri Apr 4 16:57:37 2003
Clients: 0
Clients verifying: 0
Active transactions: 0
Commits: 0
Aborts: 0
Loads: 0
Stores: 0
Conflicts: 0
Conflicts resolved: 0
Connection management
A ZEO client manages its connection to the ZEO server. If it loses
the connection, it starts a thread that attempts to reconnect. While
it is disconnected, it can satisfy some reads by using its cache.
The client can be configured to wait a connection when it is created
or to return immediately and provide data from its persistent cache.
It usually simplifies programming to have the client wait for a
connection on startup.
When the client is disconnected, it polls periodically to see if the
server is available. The rate at which it polls is configurable.
The client can be configured with multiple server addresses. In this
case, it assumes that each server has identical content and will use
any server that is available. It is possible to configure the client
to accept a read-only connection to one of these servers if no
read-write connection is available. If it has a read-only connection,
it will continue to poll for a read-write connection. This feature
supports the Zope Replication Services product, In general, it could
be used to with a system that arranges to provide hot backups of
servers in the case of failure.
Installing software
......@@ -31,6 +183,13 @@ then this command will install the new ZEO and ZODB:
The install command should create a /home/zope/lib/python/ZEO directoy.
Simple configuration
Or, do it step-by-step.
Configuring server
......@@ -45,7 +204,7 @@ PYTHONPATH.
The configuration file specifies the underlying storage the server
uses, the address it binds, and a few other optional parameters.
An example is:
An example is::
......@@ -68,7 +227,7 @@ This file configures a server to use a FileStorage from
It also starts a monitor server that lists in port 8091. The ZEO
server writes its log file to /var/tmp/zeo.log and uses a custom
format for each line. Assuming the example configuration it stored in
zeo.config, you can run a server by typing:
zeo.config, you can run a server by typing::
python /usr/local/bin/ -C zeo.config
......@@ -82,7 +241,6 @@ The zeo section must list the address. All the other keys are
The address at which the server should listen. This can be in
the form 'host:port' to signify a TCP/IP connection or a
pathname string to signify a Unix domain socket connection (at
......@@ -93,7 +251,6 @@ address
Flag indicating whether the server should operate in read-only
mode. Defaults to false. Note that even if the server is
operating in writable mode, individual storages may still be
......@@ -102,14 +259,12 @@ read-only
that pack() is considered a read-only operation.
The storage server keeps a queue of the objects modified by the
last N transactions, where N == invalidation_queue_size. This
queue is used to speed client cache verification when a client
disconnects for a short period of time.
The address at which the monitor server should listen. If
specified, a monitor server is started. The monitor server
provides server statistics in a simple text format. This can
......@@ -122,7 +277,6 @@ monitor-address
The maximum amount of time to wait for a transaction to commit
after acquiring the storage lock, specified in seconds. If the
transaction takes too long, the client connection will be closed
......@@ -135,19 +289,19 @@ The ZEO client can also be configured using ZConfig. The ZODB.config
module provides several function for opening a storage based on its
- ZODB.config.storageFromString()
- ZODB.config.storageFromFile()
- ZODB.config.storageFromURL()
The ZEO client configuration requires the server address be
specified. Everything else is optional. An example configuration is:
specified. Everything else is optional. An example configuration is::
To use a ZEO client from Zope, write a configuration file and load it
from ZODB.config import storageFromURL
Storage = storageFromURL("/path/to/client.txt")
......@@ -155,64 +309,54 @@ from
The other configuration options are listed below.
The name of the storage that the client wants to use. If the
ZEO server serves more than one storage, the client selects
the storage it wants to use by name. The default name is '1',
which is also the default name for the ZEO server.
The maximum size of the client cache, in bytes.
The storage name. If unspecified, the address of the server
will be used as the name.
Enables persistent cache files. The string passed here is
used to construct the cache filenames. If it is not
specified, the client creates a temporary cache that will
only be used by the current object.
The directory where persistent cache files are stored. By
default cache files, if they are persistent, are stored in
the current directory.
The minimum delay in seconds between attempts to connect to
the server, in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.
The maximum delay in seconds between attempts to connect to
the server, in seconds. Defaults to 300 seconds.
A boolean indicating whether the constructor should wait
for the client to connect to the server and verify the cache
before returning. The default is true.
A flag indicating whether this should be a read-only storage,
defaulting to false (i.e. writing is allowed by default).
A flag indicating whether a read-only remote storage should be
acceptable as a fallback when no writable storages are
available. Defaults to false. At most one of read_only and
read_only_fallback should be true.
A ZEO client can also be created by calling the ClientStorage
constructor explicitly. For example:
constructor explicitly. For example::
from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage
storage = ClientStorage(("", 8090))
......@@ -220,23 +364,25 @@ constructor explicitly. For example:
Running the ZEO server as a daemon
ZEO features
In an operational setting, you will want to run the ZEO server a
daemon process that is restarted when it dies. The zdaemon package
provides two tools for running daemons: and
The document "Using zdctl and zdrun to manage server processes"
explains how to use these scripts to manage daemons.
Client cache configuration
XXX example of how to use zdrun
Setting the cache size.
Persistent or not.
cache trace.
XXX docs should probably go here
Diagnosing problems
How to use the debug logs.
Common gotchas.
Common gotchas.
How does the zrpc protocol work?
If an exception occurs on the server, the server will log a traceback
and send an exception to the client. The traceback on the client will
show a ZEO protocol library as the source of the error. If you need
to diagnose the problem, you will have to look in the server log for
the rest of the traceback.
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