Commit 44ca499e authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Rewrite the simple free list allocator using Tim's suggestion of

keeping track of the beginning and end address of all free blocks, to
make merging of adjacent blocks a breeze.  The free list is no longer
kept sorted order.

Unfortunately, this still performs poorly.  It has a higher hit rate
(with the 38 minute trace I'm using; the longer traces take too long)
than the buddy system allocator with the same arena size, it is *much*
slower, the memory usage is under 20% (!!!), and despite a roving
pointer, the allocation loop is taken an average of 692 times per
allocation.  At the end of the simulation the free list contains 1039
blocks; I presume this is a steady state approximating the average
behavior.  (There are 2280 allocated blocks at that point, roughly
confirming Knuth's "50% rule" and suggesting that the block merge code
works properly.)

I guess the next idea is separate free lists per size.
parent 7c94fb8a
......@@ -539,20 +539,21 @@ class SimpleAllocator:
self.rover = self.avail
node = BlockNode(None, arenasize, 0)
self.taglo = {0: node}
self.taghi = {arenasize: node}
# Allocator statistics
self.nallocs = 0
self.nfrees = 0
self.allocloops = 0
self.freeloops = 0
self.freebytes = arenasize
self.freeblocks = 1
self.allocbytes = 0
self.allocblocks = 0
def report(self):
print ("NA=%d AL=%d NF=%d FL=%d ABy=%d ABl=%d FBy=%d FBl=%d" %
print ("NA=%d AL=%d NF=%d ABy=%d ABl=%d FBy=%d FBl=%d" %
(self.nallocs, self.allocloops,
self.nfrees, self.freeloops,
self.allocbytes, self.allocblocks,
self.freebytes, self.freeblocks))
......@@ -560,29 +561,30 @@ class SimpleAllocator:
self.nallocs += 1
# First fit algorithm
rover = stop = self.rover
free = None
while 1:
self.allocloops += 1
if rover.size >= size:
rover =
if rover is stop:
return None # We went round the list without finding space
if rover.size == size:
self.rover =
del self.taglo[rover.addr]
del self.taghi[rover.addr + size]
self.freeblocks -= 1
self.allocblocks += 1
self.freebytes -= size
self.allocbytes += size
return rover
free = rover
rover =
if rover is stop:
if free is None: # We ran out of space
return None
# Take space from the end of the roving pointer
assert free.size > size
node = BlockNode(None, size, free.addr + free.size - size)
free.size -= size
# Take space from the beginning of the roving pointer
assert rover.size > size
node = BlockNode(None, size, rover.addr)
del self.taglo[rover.addr]
rover.size -= size
rover.addr += size
self.taglo[rover.addr] = rover
#self.freeblocks += 0 # No change here
self.allocblocks += 1
self.freebytes -= size
......@@ -591,32 +593,37 @@ class SimpleAllocator:
def free(self, node):
self.nfrees += 1
self.freeblocks += 1
self.allocblocks -= 1
self.freebytes += node.size
self.allocbytes -= node.size
self.allocblocks -= 1
x =
while x is not self.avail and x.addr < node.addr:
self.freeloops += 1
x =
if node.addr + node.size == x.addr: # Merge with next
x.addr -= node.size
x.size += node.size
node = x
else: # Insert new node into free list
self.freeblocks += 1
x = node.prev
if node.addr == x.addr + x.size and x is not self.avail:
# Merge with previous node in free list
x.size += node.size
node = x
self.taglo[node.addr] = node
self.taghi[node.addr + node.size] = node
x = self.taghi.get(node.addr)
if x is not None:
# Merge x into node
self.freeblocks -= 1
del self.taglo[x.addr]
del self.taghi[x.addr + x.size]
del self.taglo[node.addr]
node.addr = x.addr
node.size += x.size
self.taglo[node.addr] = node
x = self.taglo.get(node.addr + node.size)
if x is not None:
# Merge x into node
self.freeblocks -= 1
del self.taglo[x.addr]
del self.taghi[x.addr + x.size]
del self.taghi[node.addr + node.size]
node.size += x.size
self.taghi[node.addr + node.size] = node
# It's possible that either one of the merges above invalidated
# the rover.
# It's simplest to simply reset the rover to the newly freed block.
# It also seems optimal; if I only move the rover when it's
# become invalid, there performance goes way down.
self.rover = node
def dump(self, msg=""):
......@@ -654,6 +661,7 @@ def testallocator(factory=BuddyAllocator):
while queue and queue[0][0] <= T:
time, node = heapq.heappop(queue)
assert time == T
##print "free addr=%d, size=%d" % (node.addr, node.size)
blocks -= 1
size = random.randint(100, 2000)
......@@ -664,6 +672,7 @@ def testallocator(factory=BuddyAllocator):
cache.dump("T=%4d: %d blocks;" % (T, blocks))
##print "alloc addr=%d, size=%d" % (node.addr, node.size)
blocks += 1
heapq.heappush(queue, (T + lifetime, node))
T = T+1
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