Commit af5791a3 authored by Jeremy Hylton's avatar Jeremy Hylton

Sundry changes.

Implement behavior for minimize() and full_sweep() as discussed on
zodb-dev.  minimize() ghostifies all unmodified objects.  full_sweep()
with age==0 is the same as minimize(), otherwise it's the same as

Reformat and/or reindent lots of code.

Use PyObject_Compare() instead of PyObject_Cmp() because it has a
simpler return value.

Fix a few more PyDict_SetItem() and PyDict_DelItem() calls to make
correct check for error return.
parent ba85aaae
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ process must skip such objects, rather than deactivating them.
static char cPickleCache_doc_string[] =
"Defines the PickleCache used by ZODB Connection objects.\n"
"$Id: cPickleCache.c,v 1.55 2002/04/05 01:12:48 jeremy Exp $\n";
"$Id: cPickleCache.c,v 1.56 2002/04/12 22:16:20 jeremy Exp $\n";
#define ASSIGN(V,E) {PyObject *__e; __e=(E); Py_XDECREF(V); (V)=__e;}
#define UNLESS(E) if(!(E))
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ scan_gc_items(ccobject *self,int target)
CPersistentRing *here = self->;
int safety_counter = self->cache_size*10;
if (safety_counter<10000)
int safety_counter = self->cache_size * 10;
if (safety_counter < 10000)
safety_counter = 10000;
......@@ -368,27 +368,23 @@ cc_incrgc(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
return lockgc(self, target_size);
/* XXX Does it make sense for full_sweep() and reallyfull_sweep() to
empty the cache completely? I agree that it would if dt is 0, but
don't think it should for other times. Perhaps it should just call
incrgc() if dt > 2; the new cache may be efficient enough that
incrgc() would suffice.
static PyObject *
cc_full_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
int dt = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:full_sweep", &dt))
return NULL;
if (dt == 0)
return lockgc(self, 0);
return cc_incrgc(self, args);
static PyObject *
cc_reallyfull_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
cc_minimize(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
int dt = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:reallyfull_sweep", &dt))
int ignored;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:minimize", &ignored))
return NULL;
return lockgc(self, 0);
......@@ -426,10 +422,15 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *inv, *key, *v;
int i;
/* XXX The code supports invalidation of all objects, but I don't
think it's possible for a Connection object to pass None. If
this is correct, the code could be simplied.
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyDict_Type, &inv)) {
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(inv, &i, &key, &v); )
if (key==Py_None)
{ /* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */
if (key == Py_None) {
/* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); )
_invalidate(self, key);
......@@ -440,20 +441,24 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
else {
UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &inv)) return NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:invalidate", &inv))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(inv))
_invalidate(self, inv);
else if (inv==Py_None) /* All */
else if (inv == Py_None) /* All */
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); )
_invalidate(self, key);
else {
int l;
if ((l=PyObject_Length(inv)) < 0) return NULL;
for(i=l; --i >= 0; )
UNLESS (key=PySequence_GetItem(inv, i)) return NULL;
l = PyObject_Length(inv);
if (l < 0)
return NULL;
for (i=l; --i >= 0; ) {
key = PySequence_GetItem(inv, i);
if (!key)
return NULL;
_invalidate(self, key);
......@@ -465,11 +470,10 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
return Py_None;
static PyObject *
cc_get(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *r, *key, *d=0;
PyObject *r, *key, *d = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:get", &key, &d))
return NULL;
......@@ -638,17 +642,13 @@ static struct PyMethodDef cc_methods[] = {
{"full_sweep", (PyCFunction)cc_full_sweep, METH_VARARGS,
"full_sweep([age]) -- Perform a full sweep of the cache\n\n"
"Make a single pass through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n"
"longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring\n"
"the cache under its size limit\n"
"The optional 'age' parameter is ignored.\n"
"Supported for backwards compatibility. If the age argument is 0,\n"
"behaves like minimize(). Otherwise, behaves like incrgc()."
{"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_reallyfull_sweep, METH_VARARGS,
"minimize([age]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n"
"Make multiple passes through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n"
"longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring the"
" cache under its size limit\n"
"The option 'age' parameter is ignored.\n"
{"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_minimize, METH_VARARGS,
"minimize([ignored]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n"
"Ghostify all objects that are not modified. Takes an optional\n"
"argument, but ignores it."
{"incrgc", (PyCFunction)cc_incrgc, METH_VARARGS,
"incrgc([n]) -- Perform incremental garbage collection\n\n"
......@@ -795,16 +795,17 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
return -1;
/* XXX key and oid should both be PyString objects.
May be helpful to check this. */
if (PyObject_Cmp(key, oid, &result) < 0) {
result = PyObject_Compare(key, oid);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
return -1;
if (result) {
"key must be the same as the object's oid attribute");
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "cache key does not match oid");
return -1;
object_again = object_from_oid(self, key);
if (object_again) {
if (object_again != v) {
......@@ -818,8 +819,9 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
return 0;
if (PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) {
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v))
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
if (ring_corrupt(self, "pre-setitem"))
return -1;
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v))
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v) < 0)
return -1;
p = (cPersistentObject *)v;
......@@ -1033,10 +1035,6 @@ static PyTypeObject Cctype = {
(hashfunc)0, /*tp_hash*/
(ternaryfunc)0, /*tp_call*/
(reprfunc)0, /*tp_str*/
/* Space for future expansion */
static ccobject *
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ process must skip such objects, rather than deactivating them.
static char cPickleCache_doc_string[] =
"Defines the PickleCache used by ZODB Connection objects.\n"
"$Id: cPickleCache.c,v 1.55 2002/04/05 01:12:48 jeremy Exp $\n";
"$Id: cPickleCache.c,v 1.56 2002/04/12 22:16:20 jeremy Exp $\n";
#define ASSIGN(V,E) {PyObject *__e; __e=(E); Py_XDECREF(V); (V)=__e;}
#define UNLESS(E) if(!(E))
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ scan_gc_items(ccobject *self,int target)
CPersistentRing *here = self->;
int safety_counter = self->cache_size*10;
if (safety_counter<10000)
int safety_counter = self->cache_size * 10;
if (safety_counter < 10000)
safety_counter = 10000;
......@@ -368,27 +368,23 @@ cc_incrgc(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
return lockgc(self, target_size);
/* XXX Does it make sense for full_sweep() and reallyfull_sweep() to
empty the cache completely? I agree that it would if dt is 0, but
don't think it should for other times. Perhaps it should just call
incrgc() if dt > 2; the new cache may be efficient enough that
incrgc() would suffice.
static PyObject *
cc_full_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
int dt = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:full_sweep", &dt))
return NULL;
if (dt == 0)
return lockgc(self, 0);
return cc_incrgc(self, args);
static PyObject *
cc_reallyfull_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
cc_minimize(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
int dt = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:reallyfull_sweep", &dt))
int ignored;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:minimize", &ignored))
return NULL;
return lockgc(self, 0);
......@@ -426,10 +422,15 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *inv, *key, *v;
int i;
/* XXX The code supports invalidation of all objects, but I don't
think it's possible for a Connection object to pass None. If
this is correct, the code could be simplied.
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyDict_Type, &inv)) {
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(inv, &i, &key, &v); )
if (key==Py_None)
{ /* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */
if (key == Py_None) {
/* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); )
_invalidate(self, key);
......@@ -440,20 +441,24 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
else {
UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &inv)) return NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:invalidate", &inv))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(inv))
_invalidate(self, inv);
else if (inv==Py_None) /* All */
else if (inv == Py_None) /* All */
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); )
_invalidate(self, key);
else {
int l;
if ((l=PyObject_Length(inv)) < 0) return NULL;
for(i=l; --i >= 0; )
UNLESS (key=PySequence_GetItem(inv, i)) return NULL;
l = PyObject_Length(inv);
if (l < 0)
return NULL;
for (i=l; --i >= 0; ) {
key = PySequence_GetItem(inv, i);
if (!key)
return NULL;
_invalidate(self, key);
......@@ -465,11 +470,10 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
return Py_None;
static PyObject *
cc_get(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *r, *key, *d=0;
PyObject *r, *key, *d = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:get", &key, &d))
return NULL;
......@@ -638,17 +642,13 @@ static struct PyMethodDef cc_methods[] = {
{"full_sweep", (PyCFunction)cc_full_sweep, METH_VARARGS,
"full_sweep([age]) -- Perform a full sweep of the cache\n\n"
"Make a single pass through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n"
"longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring\n"
"the cache under its size limit\n"
"The optional 'age' parameter is ignored.\n"
"Supported for backwards compatibility. If the age argument is 0,\n"
"behaves like minimize(). Otherwise, behaves like incrgc()."
{"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_reallyfull_sweep, METH_VARARGS,
"minimize([age]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n"
"Make multiple passes through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n"
"longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring the"
" cache under its size limit\n"
"The option 'age' parameter is ignored.\n"
{"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_minimize, METH_VARARGS,
"minimize([ignored]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n"
"Ghostify all objects that are not modified. Takes an optional\n"
"argument, but ignores it."
{"incrgc", (PyCFunction)cc_incrgc, METH_VARARGS,
"incrgc([n]) -- Perform incremental garbage collection\n\n"
......@@ -795,16 +795,17 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
return -1;
/* XXX key and oid should both be PyString objects.
May be helpful to check this. */
if (PyObject_Cmp(key, oid, &result) < 0) {
result = PyObject_Compare(key, oid);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
return -1;
if (result) {
"key must be the same as the object's oid attribute");
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "cache key does not match oid");
return -1;
object_again = object_from_oid(self, key);
if (object_again) {
if (object_again != v) {
......@@ -818,8 +819,9 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
return 0;
if (PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) {
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v))
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
if (ring_corrupt(self, "pre-setitem"))
return -1;
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v))
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v) < 0)
return -1;
p = (cPersistentObject *)v;
......@@ -1033,10 +1035,6 @@ static PyTypeObject Cctype = {
(hashfunc)0, /*tp_hash*/
(ternaryfunc)0, /*tp_call*/
(reprfunc)0, /*tp_str*/
/* Space for future expansion */
static ccobject *
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ process must skip such objects, rather than deactivating them.
static char cPickleCache_doc_string[] =
"Defines the PickleCache used by ZODB Connection objects.\n"
"$Id: cPickleCache.c,v 1.55 2002/04/05 01:12:48 jeremy Exp $\n";
"$Id: cPickleCache.c,v 1.56 2002/04/12 22:16:20 jeremy Exp $\n";
#define ASSIGN(V,E) {PyObject *__e; __e=(E); Py_XDECREF(V); (V)=__e;}
#define UNLESS(E) if(!(E))
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ scan_gc_items(ccobject *self,int target)
CPersistentRing *here = self->;
int safety_counter = self->cache_size*10;
if (safety_counter<10000)
int safety_counter = self->cache_size * 10;
if (safety_counter < 10000)
safety_counter = 10000;
......@@ -368,27 +368,23 @@ cc_incrgc(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
return lockgc(self, target_size);
/* XXX Does it make sense for full_sweep() and reallyfull_sweep() to
empty the cache completely? I agree that it would if dt is 0, but
don't think it should for other times. Perhaps it should just call
incrgc() if dt > 2; the new cache may be efficient enough that
incrgc() would suffice.
static PyObject *
cc_full_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
int dt = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:full_sweep", &dt))
return NULL;
if (dt == 0)
return lockgc(self, 0);
return cc_incrgc(self, args);
static PyObject *
cc_reallyfull_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
cc_minimize(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
int dt = 0;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:reallyfull_sweep", &dt))
int ignored;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i:minimize", &ignored))
return NULL;
return lockgc(self, 0);
......@@ -426,10 +422,15 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *inv, *key, *v;
int i;
/* XXX The code supports invalidation of all objects, but I don't
think it's possible for a Connection object to pass None. If
this is correct, the code could be simplied.
if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyDict_Type, &inv)) {
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(inv, &i, &key, &v); )
if (key==Py_None)
{ /* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */
if (key == Py_None) {
/* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); )
_invalidate(self, key);
......@@ -440,20 +441,24 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
else {
UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &inv)) return NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O:invalidate", &inv))
return NULL;
if (PyString_Check(inv))
_invalidate(self, inv);
else if (inv==Py_None) /* All */
else if (inv == Py_None) /* All */
for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); )
_invalidate(self, key);
else {
int l;
if ((l=PyObject_Length(inv)) < 0) return NULL;
for(i=l; --i >= 0; )
UNLESS (key=PySequence_GetItem(inv, i)) return NULL;
l = PyObject_Length(inv);
if (l < 0)
return NULL;
for (i=l; --i >= 0; ) {
key = PySequence_GetItem(inv, i);
if (!key)
return NULL;
_invalidate(self, key);
......@@ -465,11 +470,10 @@ cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
return Py_None;
static PyObject *
cc_get(ccobject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *r, *key, *d=0;
PyObject *r, *key, *d = NULL;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:get", &key, &d))
return NULL;
......@@ -638,17 +642,13 @@ static struct PyMethodDef cc_methods[] = {
{"full_sweep", (PyCFunction)cc_full_sweep, METH_VARARGS,
"full_sweep([age]) -- Perform a full sweep of the cache\n\n"
"Make a single pass through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n"
"longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring\n"
"the cache under its size limit\n"
"The optional 'age' parameter is ignored.\n"
"Supported for backwards compatibility. If the age argument is 0,\n"
"behaves like minimize(). Otherwise, behaves like incrgc()."
{"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_reallyfull_sweep, METH_VARARGS,
"minimize([age]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n"
"Make multiple passes through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n"
"longer referenced, and deactivating enough objects to bring the"
" cache under its size limit\n"
"The option 'age' parameter is ignored.\n"
{"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_minimize, METH_VARARGS,
"minimize([ignored]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n"
"Ghostify all objects that are not modified. Takes an optional\n"
"argument, but ignores it."
{"incrgc", (PyCFunction)cc_incrgc, METH_VARARGS,
"incrgc([n]) -- Perform incremental garbage collection\n\n"
......@@ -795,16 +795,17 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
return -1;
/* XXX key and oid should both be PyString objects.
May be helpful to check this. */
if (PyObject_Cmp(key, oid, &result) < 0) {
result = PyObject_Compare(key, oid);
if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
return -1;
if (result) {
"key must be the same as the object's oid attribute");
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "cache key does not match oid");
return -1;
object_again = object_from_oid(self, key);
if (object_again) {
if (object_again != v) {
......@@ -818,8 +819,9 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
return 0;
if (PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) {
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v))
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v) < 0)
return -1;
return 0;
......@@ -842,7 +844,7 @@ cc_add_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v)
if (ring_corrupt(self, "pre-setitem"))
return -1;
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v))
if (PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v) < 0)
return -1;
p = (cPersistentObject *)v;
......@@ -1033,10 +1035,6 @@ static PyTypeObject Cctype = {
(hashfunc)0, /*tp_hash*/
(ternaryfunc)0, /*tp_call*/
(reprfunc)0, /*tp_str*/
/* Space for future expansion */
static ccobject *
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