Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
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babel-0.95 TAG babel-0.95
babel-0.49 TAG babel-0.49
babel-0.93 TAG babel-0.93
babel-0.92 TAG babel-0.92
babel-0.91 TAG babel-0.91
babel-0.90 TAG babel-0.90
babel-0.17 TAG babel-0.17
babel-0.16 TAG babel-0.16
babel-local-interface-merge TAG babel-local-interface-merge
babel-0.15 TAG babel-0.15
babel-0.14 TAG babel-0.14
babel-0.13 TAG babel-0.13
babel-0.12 TAG babel-0.12
babel-0.11 TAG babel-0.11
babel-0.10 TAG babel-0.10
babel-0.9 TAG babel-0.9
babel-0.8 TAG babel-0.8
babel-0.7 TAG babel-0.7
babel-0.6 TAG babel-0.6
babel-0.5 TAG babel-0.5