Commit c17f3c43 authored by PX4BuildBot's avatar PX4BuildBot

autogenerated headers for rev...

autogenerated headers for rev
parent cc4220a4
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
typedef struct __mavlink_command_ack_t {
uint16_t command; /*< Command ID (of acknowledged command).*/
uint8_t result; /*< Result of command.*/
uint8_t progress; /*< WIP: Also used as result_param1, it can be set with a enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied or the progress percentage or 255 if unknown the progress when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS.*/
int32_t result_param2; /*< WIP: Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.*/
uint8_t target_system; /*< WIP: System which requested the command to be executed*/
uint8_t target_component; /*< WIP: Component which requested the command to be executed*/
uint8_t progress; /*< Also used as result_param1, it can be set with an enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied, or the progress percentage when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS (255 if the progress is unknown).*/
int32_t result_param2; /*< Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.*/
uint8_t target_system; /*< System ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.*/
uint8_t target_component; /*< Component ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.*/
} mavlink_command_ack_t;
......@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ typedef struct __mavlink_command_ack_t {
* @param command Command ID (of acknowledged command).
* @param result Result of command.
* @param progress WIP: Also used as result_param1, it can be set with a enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied or the progress percentage or 255 if unknown the progress when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS.
* @param result_param2 WIP: Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
* @param target_system WIP: System which requested the command to be executed
* @param target_component WIP: Component which requested the command to be executed
* @param progress Also used as result_param1, it can be set with an enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied, or the progress percentage when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS (255 if the progress is unknown).
* @param result_param2 Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
* @param target_system System ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
* @param target_component Component ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg,
......@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t c
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param command Command ID (of acknowledged command).
* @param result Result of command.
* @param progress WIP: Also used as result_param1, it can be set with a enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied or the progress percentage or 255 if unknown the progress when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS.
* @param result_param2 WIP: Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
* @param target_system WIP: System which requested the command to be executed
* @param target_component WIP: Component which requested the command to be executed
* @param progress Also used as result_param1, it can be set with an enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied, or the progress percentage when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS (255 if the progress is unknown).
* @param result_param2 Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
* @param target_system System ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
* @param target_component Component ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
* @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)
static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_pack_chan(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, uint8_t chan,
......@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_encode_chan(uint8_t system_id, ui
* @param command Command ID (of acknowledged command).
* @param result Result of command.
* @param progress WIP: Also used as result_param1, it can be set with a enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied or the progress percentage or 255 if unknown the progress when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS.
* @param result_param2 WIP: Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
* @param target_system WIP: System which requested the command to be executed
* @param target_component WIP: Component which requested the command to be executed
* @param progress Also used as result_param1, it can be set with an enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied, or the progress percentage when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS (255 if the progress is unknown).
* @param result_param2 Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
* @param target_system System ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
* @param target_component Component ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_result(const mavlink_message_t
* @brief Get field progress from command_ack message
* @return WIP: Also used as result_param1, it can be set with a enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied or the progress percentage or 255 if unknown the progress when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS.
* @return Also used as result_param1, it can be set with an enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied, or the progress percentage when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS (255 if the progress is unknown).
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_progress(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_progress(const mavlink_message
* @brief Get field result_param2 from command_ack message
* @return WIP: Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
* @return Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.
static inline int32_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_result_param2(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ static inline int32_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_result_param2(const mavlink_me
* @brief Get field target_system from command_ack message
* @return WIP: System which requested the command to be executed
* @return System ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_target_system(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_target_system(const mavlink_me
* @brief Get field target_component from command_ack message
* @return WIP: Component which requested the command to be executed
* @return Component ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.
static inline uint8_t mavlink_msg_command_ack_get_target_component(const mavlink_message_t* msg)
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -4844,10 +4844,10 @@
<field type="uint16_t" name="command" enum="MAV_CMD">Command ID (of acknowledged command).</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="result" enum="MAV_RESULT">Result of command.</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="progress">WIP: Also used as result_param1, it can be set with a enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied or the progress percentage or 255 if unknown the progress when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS.</field>
<field type="int32_t" name="result_param2">WIP: Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="target_system">WIP: System which requested the command to be executed</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="target_component">WIP: Component which requested the command to be executed</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="progress">Also used as result_param1, it can be set with an enum containing the errors reasons of why the command was denied, or the progress percentage when result is MAV_RESULT_IN_PROGRESS (255 if the progress is unknown).</field>
<field type="int32_t" name="result_param2">Additional parameter of the result, example: which parameter of MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT caused it to be denied.</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="target_system">System ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="target_component">Component ID of the target recipient. This is the ID of the system that sent the command for which this COMMAND_ACK is an acknowledgement.</field>
<message id="80" name="COMMAND_CANCEL">
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Tue Oct 06 2020"
#define MAVLINK_BUILD_DATE "Thu Oct 08 2020"
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