require 'package' class Zip < Package description 'Zip is a compression and file packaging/archive utility for archives compressed in .zip format (also called \'zipfiles\').' homepage '' version '3.0-11' source_url '' source_sha256 'f0e8bb1f9b7eb0b01285495a2699df3a4b766784c1765a8f1aeedf63c0806369' binary_url ({ aarch64: '', armv7l: '', i686: '', x86_64: '', }) binary_sha256 ({ aarch64: '1905c224b2b73e81c3622c3f440540953bff6516d514addd1f1e09a75573d34b', armv7l: '1905c224b2b73e81c3622c3f440540953bff6516d514addd1f1e09a75573d34b', i686: '58535613e27ac7494cdfbae25d61c4971ee1d670816169a52eec79df3645e21d', x86_64: 'c78a63d3630f3dbf637127e1a5a08942fd1da213cde296d33e77823e8547a56c', }) depends_on 'compressdoc' => :build depends_on 'patch' => :build depends_on 'wget' => :build # adapted from the homebrew recipe as seen at: # Upstream is unmaintained so we use the Debian patchset: # def self.patch patch_url = "" patch_sha256 = "c5c0714a88592f9e02146bfe4a8d26cd9bd97e8d33b1efc8b37784997caa40ed" system('wget', '--continue', '--no-check-certificate', patch_url, '-O', 'zippatches.tar.xz') abort 'Checksum mismatch :/ try again' unless Digest::SHA256.hexdigest("./zippatches.tar.xz") ) == patch_sha256 system("tar","-xf","zippatches.tar.xz") system("for i in `cat debian/patches/series`; do patch -p 1 < debian/patches/$i; done") end def system "make -f unix/Makefile generic" end def self.install system "make", "DESTDIR=#{CREW_DEST_DIR}", "BINDIR=#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/bin", "MANDIR=#{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/share/man/man1", "-f", "unix/Makefile", "install" system "compressdoc --gzip -9 #{CREW_DEST_PREFIX}/share/man/man1" end end