Commit c09dc59b authored by Priscila Manhaes's avatar Priscila Manhaes

Adding readme information for ffmpeg

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 8ccc0cda
FFMPEG Handler
There are three binaries available:
- ffmpeg
- ffprobe
- ffserver
First is used to convert audio and video file to availables codecs into cloudooo
at the moment( for seeing then use -codecs option).
Second one is used for seeing file information, like metadata in this.
Third is only used in case to overwrite ffmpeg server.
Runnig any of those binaries with -h or --help option will more command line
help and options.
Usage Example
Converting ogv file into mpeg file format:
$ ffmpeg -i test.ogv test.mpeg
Getting file information:
$ ffprobe test.ogv
Inserting metadata into file:
$ ffmpeg -i test.ogv -metadata string=string -metadata string=string test.mepg
Converting its necessary for insert metadata, but changing format is not.
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