Commit c6ecb09c authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel


parent 9271133a
cdef class UtilityCode:
cdef public object proto
cdef public object impl
cdef public object init
cdef public object cleanup
cdef public object requires
cdef public dict _cache
cdef public list specialize_list
cdef public object proto_block
cpdef put_code(self, dict output)
cdef class FunctionState:
cdef public set names_taken
cdef public object owner
cdef public object error_label
cdef public Py_ssize_t label_counter
cdef public set labels_used
cdef public object return_label
cdef public object continue_label
cdef public object break_label
cdef public object return_from_error_cleanup_label # not used in __init__ ?
cdef public bint in_try_finally
cdef public object exc_vars
cdef public list temps_allocated
cdef public dict temps_free
cdef public dict temps_used_type
cdef public Py_ssize_t temp_counter
cpdef tuple get_loop_labels(self)
cpdef set_loop_labels(self, labels)
cpdef tuple get_all_labels(self)
cpdef set_all_labels(self, labels)
cpdef list temps_in_use(self)
cdef class IntConst:
cdef public object cname
cdef public object value
cdef public bint is_long
cdef class PyObjectConst:
cdef public object cname
cdef public object type
cdef class StringConst:
cdef public object cname
cdef public object text
cdef public object escaped_value
cdef public dict py_strings
## cdef class PyStringConst:
## cdef public object cname
## cdef public object encoding
## cdef public bint is_str
## cdef public bint is_unicode
## cdef public bint intern
#class GlobalState(object):
#def funccontext_property(name):
#class CCodeWriter(object):
cdef class PyrexCodeWriter:
cdef public object f
cdef public Py_ssize_t level
# cython: language_level = 3
# Pyrex - Code output module
import cython
cython.declare(re=object, Naming=object, Options=object, StringEncoding=object,
Utils=object, SourceDescriptor=object, StringIOTree=object,
DebugFlags=object, none_or_sub=object)
import re
import Naming
import Options
......@@ -9,13 +15,13 @@ import StringEncoding
from Cython import Utils
from Scanning import SourceDescriptor
from Cython.StringIOTree import StringIOTree
except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
import DebugFlags
from Cython.Utils import none_or_sub
except NameError:
basestring = str
class UtilityCode(object):
# Stores utility code to add during code generation.
......@@ -92,13 +98,13 @@ class FunctionState(object):
# exc_vars (string * 3) exception variables for reraise, or None
# Not used for now, perhaps later
def __init__(self, owner, names_taken=set()):
def __init__(self, owner, names_taken=cython.set()):
self.names_taken = names_taken
self.owner = owner
self.error_label = None
self.label_counter = 0
self.labels_used = {}
self.labels_used = cython.set()
self.return_label = self.new_label()
self.continue_label = None
......@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ class FunctionState(object):
return old_labels
def use_label(self, lbl):
self.labels_used[lbl] = 1
def label_used(self, lbl):
return lbl in self.labels_used
......@@ -260,7 +266,7 @@ class FunctionState(object):
error case.
return [(cname, type)
for (type, manage_ref), freelist in self.temps_free.iteritems()
for (type, manage_ref), freelist in self.temps_free.items()
if manage_ref
for cname in freelist]
......@@ -436,7 +442,7 @@ class GlobalState(object):
self.filename_table = {}
self.filename_list = []
self.input_file_contents = {}
self.utility_codes = set()
self.utility_codes = cython.set()
self.declared_cnames = {}
self.in_utility_code_generation = False
self.emit_linenums = emit_linenums
......@@ -683,7 +689,7 @@ class GlobalState(object):
def generate_string_constants(self):
c_consts = [ (len(c.cname), c.cname, c)
for c in self.string_const_index.itervalues() ]
for c in self.string_const_index.values() ]
py_strings = []
......@@ -692,7 +698,7 @@ class GlobalState(object):
decls_writer.putln('static char %s[] = "%s";' % (
cname, StringEncoding.split_string_literal(c.escaped_value)))
if c.py_strings is not None:
for py_string in c.py_strings.itervalues():
for py_string in c.py_strings.values():
py_strings.append((c.cname, len(py_string.cname), py_string))
if py_strings:
......@@ -735,7 +741,7 @@ class GlobalState(object):
def generate_int_constants(self):
consts = [ (len(c.value), c.value, c.is_long, c)
for c in self.int_const_index.itervalues() ]
for c in self.int_const_index.values() ]
decls_writer =['decls']
for _, value, longness, c in consts:
......@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ def compile_cython_modules(profile=False, compile_more=False, cython_with_refnan
if compile_more:
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