Commit da94f7c6 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Clean up cypclass subscript operations analysis

parent e69349d6
......@@ -3812,7 +3812,7 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
elif base_type.is_ptr or base_type.is_array:
return self.analyse_as_c_array(env, is_slice)
elif base_type.is_cyp_class:
return self.analyse_as_cyp(env, setting, deleting)
return self.analyse_as_cyp_class(env, setting, deleting)
elif base_type.is_cpp_class:
return self.analyse_as_cpp(env, setting)
elif base_type.is_cfunction:
......@@ -3892,14 +3892,17 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
error(self.pos, "Invalid index type '%s'" % self.index.type)
return self
def cpp_error(self, msg):
error(self.pos, msg)
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
self.result_code = "<error>"
return self
def analyse_as_cpp(self, env, setting):
base_type = self.base.type
function = env.lookup_operator("[]", [self.base, self.index])
if function is None:
error(self.pos, "Indexing '%s' not supported for index type '%s'" % (base_type, self.index.type))
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
self.result_code = "<error>"
return self
return self.cpp_error("Indexing '%s' not supported for index type '%s'" % (base_type, self.index.type))
func_type = function.type
if func_type.is_ptr:
func_type = func_type.base_type
......@@ -3916,54 +3919,74 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
error(self.pos, "Can't set non-reference result '%s'" % self.type)
return self
def analyse_as_cyp(self, env, setting, deleting):
def analyse_as_cyp_class(self, env, setting, deleting):
if not setting:
return self.analyse_as_cpp(env, setting)
return self.analyse_cyp_class_getitem(env)
elif not deleting:
return self.analyse_cyp_class_setitem(env)
return self.analyse_as_cyp_setitem_or_delitem(env, deleting)
return self.analyse_cyp_class_delitem(env)
def analyse_cyp_setitem_or_delitem_method(self, env, deleting):
def analyse_cyp_class_getitem(self, env):
base_type = self.base.type
function_name = "__delitem__" if deleting else "__setitem__"
function = base_type.scope.lookup_here(function_name)
function = base_type.scope.lookup("__getitem__")
if function is None:
action = "Deleting" if deleting else "Setting"
error(self.pos, "%s item '%s' not supported for index type '%s'" % (action, base_type, self.index.type))
return None
if len(function.all_alternatives()) > 1:
error(self.pos, "%s.%s has several alternatives" % (function_name, base_type))
return None
return self.cpp_error("Cypclass %s does not support getting subscript item" % base_type)
elif len(function.all_alternatives()) != 1:
return self.cpp_error("%s.__getitem__ must have only one signature" % base_type)
func_type = function.type
expected_nargs = 1 if deleting else 2
if len(func_type.args) != expected_nargs:
error(self.pos, "%s.%s takes wrong number of arguments" % (function_name, base_type))
return None
return func_type
if len(func_type.args) != 1:
return self.cpp_error("%s.__getitem__ must take one argument" % base_type)
def analyse_as_cyp_setitem_or_delitem(self, env, deleting):
base_type = self.base.type
func_type = self.analyse_cyp_setitem_or_delitem_method(env, deleting)
if func_type is None:
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
self.result_code = "<error>"
self.exception_check = func_type.exception_check
self.exception_value = func_type.exception_value
if self.exception_check == '+':
self.is_temp = True
if self.exception_value is None:
env.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("CppExceptionConversion", "CppSupport.cpp"))
self.index = self.index.coerce_to(function.type.args[0].type, env)
self.type = func_type.return_type
return self
def analyse_cyp_class_setitem(self, env):
base_type = self.base.type
function = base_type.scope.lookup("__setitem__")
if function is None:
return self.cpp_error("Cypclass %s does not support setting subscript item" % base_type)
elif len(function.all_alternatives()) != 1:
return self.cpp_error("Cypclass method %s.__setitem__ must have only one signature" % base_type)
func_type = function.type
if len(func_type.args) != 2:
return self.cpp_error("Cypclass method %s.__setitem__ must take two arguments" % base_type)
self.exception_check = func_type.exception_check
self.exception_value = func_type.exception_value
if self.exception_check == '+' and self.exception_value is None:
env.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("CppExceptionConversion", "CppSupport.cpp"))
self.index = self.index.coerce_to(func_type.args[0].type, env)
if not deleting:
self.index = self.index.coerce_to(function.type.args[0].type, env)
self.type = func_type.args[1].type
setitem_type = self.analyse_cyp_setitem_or_delitem_method(env, deleting=False)
if setitem_type is None:
# Hack: we use the setitem method to find the contained type and error out if there isn't one.
# We need it to add elements anyway, but a better way to find the contained type would be good.
error(self.pos, "Deleting element from collection without a __setitem__ method")
self.type = PyrexTypes.error_type
self.result_code = "<error>"
return self
self.type = setitem_type.args[1].type
def analyse_cyp_class_delitem(self, env):
base_type = self.base.type
function = base_type.scope.lookup("__delitem__")
if function is None:
return self.cpp_error("Cypclass %s does not support deleting subscript item" % base_type)
elif len(function.all_alternatives()) != 1:
return self.cpp_error("Cypclass method %s.__delitem__ must have only one signature" % base_type)
func_type = function.type
if len(func_type.args) != 1:
return self.cpp_error("Cypclass method %s.__delitem__ must take one argument" % base_type)
self.exception_check = func_type.exception_check
self.exception_value = func_type.exception_value
if self.exception_check == '+' and self.exception_value is None:
env.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("CppExceptionConversion", "CppSupport.cpp"))
self.index = self.index.coerce_to(function.type.args[0].type, env)
self.type = func_type.return_type
return self
def analyse_as_c_function(self, env):
......@@ -4333,7 +4356,7 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
def generate_cyp_setitem_code(self, value_code, code):
def generate_cyp_class_setitem_code(self, value_code, code):
function = self.base.type.scope.lookup_here("__setitem__")
function_code = function.cname
setitem_code = "%s->%s(%s, %s);" % (
......@@ -4356,7 +4379,7 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
if self.type.is_pyobject:
self.generate_setitem_code(rhs.py_result(), code)
elif self.base.type.is_cyp_class:
self.generate_cyp_setitem_code(rhs.result(), code)
self.generate_cyp_class_setitem_code(rhs.result(), code)
elif self.base.type is bytearray_type:
value_code = self._check_byte_value(code, rhs)
self.generate_setitem_code(value_code, code)
......@@ -4420,7 +4443,7 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
value_code = '((unsigned char)%s)' % value_code
return value_code
def generate_cyp_delitem_code(self, code):
def generate_cyp_class_delitem_code(self, code):
function = self.base.type.scope.lookup_here("__delitem__")
function_code = function.cname
setitem_code = "%s->%s(%s);" % (
......@@ -4438,7 +4461,7 @@ class IndexNode(_IndexingBaseNode):
def generate_deletion_code(self, code, ignore_nonexisting=False):
if self.base.type.is_cyp_class:
#if self.type.is_pyobject:
if self.index.type.is_int:
......@@ -6458,6 +6458,10 @@ class DelStatNode(StatNode):
for i, arg in enumerate(self.args):
if arg.is_subscript:
arg = self.args[i] = arg.analyse_del_expression(env)
if arg.base.type.is_cyp_class:
# We don't need to know the type of base[index], we'll just call base.__delitem__(index).
return self
arg = self.args[i] = arg.analyse_target_expression(env, None)
if arg.type.is_pyobject or (arg.is_name and arg.type.is_memoryviewslice):
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