Commit f18e3c9f authored by da-woods's avatar da-woods Committed by GitHub

Make "cimport numpy" without import_array() safer by automatically calling it (GH-3524)

parent 3a3419fb
......@@ -234,6 +234,11 @@ Other changes
* Support for Python 2.6 was removed.
* ``numpy.import_array`` is automatically called if ``numpy`` has been
``cimported`` and it hasn't been called manually. This is intended
as a hidden fail-safe so user code should continue to call
``numpy.import_array``. (Github issue #3524)
0.29.17 (2020-0?-??)
......@@ -8159,6 +8159,33 @@ utility_code_for_imports = {
'inspect': ("__Pyx_patch_inspect", "PatchInspect", "Coroutine.c"),
def cimport_numpy_check(node, code):
# shared code between CImportStatNode and FromCImportStatNode
# check to ensure that import_array is called
for mod in code.globalstate.module_node.scope.cimported_modules:
if != node.module_name:
# there are sometimes several cimported modules with the same name
# so complete the loop if necessary
import_array = mod.lookup_here("import_array")
_import_array = mod.lookup_here("_import_array")
# at least one entry used
used = (import_array and import_array.used) or (_import_array and _import_array.used)
if ((import_array or _import_array) # at least one entry found
and not used):
# sanity check that this is actually numpy and not a user pxd called "numpy"
if _import_array and _import_array.type.is_cfunction:
# warning is mainly for the sake of testing
warning(node.pos, "'numpy.import_array()' has been added automatically "
"since 'numpy' was cimported but 'numpy.import_array' was not called.", 0)
from .Code import TempitaUtilityCode
TempitaUtilityCode.load_cached("NumpyImportArray", "NumpyImportArray.c",
context = {'err_goto': code.error_goto(node.pos)})
return # no need to continue once the utility code is added
class CImportStatNode(StatNode):
# cimport statement
......@@ -8200,7 +8227,8 @@ class CImportStatNode(StatNode):
return self
def generate_execution_code(self, code):
if self.module_name == "numpy":
cimport_numpy_check(self, code)
class FromCImportStatNode(StatNode):
......@@ -8279,7 +8307,8 @@ class FromCImportStatNode(StatNode):
return self
def generate_execution_code(self, code):
if self.module_name == "numpy":
cimport_numpy_check(self, code)
class FromImportStatNode(StatNode):
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class MarkParallelAssignments(EnvTransform):
return node
def visit_FromCImportStatNode(self, node):
pass # Can't be assigned to...
return node # Can't be assigned to...
def visit_FromImportStatNode(self, node):
for name, target in node.items:
......@@ -430,6 +430,9 @@ cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
int len
int _import_array() except -1
# A second definition so _import_array isn't marked as used when we use it here.
# Do not use - subject to change any time.
int __pyx_import_array "_import_array"() except -1
# Macros from ndarrayobject.h
......@@ -1046,7 +1049,7 @@ cdef inline object get_array_base(ndarray arr):
# Cython code.
cdef inline int import_array() except -1:
except Exception:
raise ImportError("numpy.core.multiarray failed to import")
///////////////////////// NumpyImportArray.init ////////////////////
// comment below is deliberately kept in the generated C file to
// help users debug where this came from:
* Cython has automatically inserted a call to _import_array since
* you didn't include one when you cimported numpy. To disable this
* add the line
* <void>numpy._import_array
#ifdef NPY_NDARRAYOBJECT_H /* numpy headers have been included */
// NO_IMPORT_ARRAY is Numpy's mechanism for indicating that import_array is handled elsewhere
#if !NO_IMPORT_ARRAY /* */
if (unlikely(_import_array() == -1)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "numpy.core.multiarray failed to import "
"(auto-generated because you didn't call 'numpy.import_array()' after cimporting numpy; "
"use '<void>numpy._import_array' to disable if you are certain you don't need it).");
{{ err_goto }};
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
cdef extern from *:
void cpp_function_vector1(vector[int])
void cpp_function_vector2(vector[int] &)
......@@ -24,8 +26,8 @@ def main():
_ERRORS = """
17:25: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
18:25: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
19:28: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
19:33: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
19:25: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
20:25: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
21:28: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
21:33: Cannot pass Python object as C++ data structure reference (vector[int] &), will pass by copy.
# mode: run
# tag: warnings, numpy
cimport numpy as np
# np.import_array not called - should generate warning
cdef extern from *:
static void** _check_array_api(void) {
return PyArray_API; /* should be non NULL */
void** _check_array_api()
def check_array_api():
>>> check_array_api()
return _check_array_api() != NULL
4:8: 'numpy.import_array()' has been added automatically since 'numpy' was cimported but 'numpy.import_array' was not called.
# mode: run
# tag: warnings, numpy
cimport numpy as np
# np.import_array is called - no warning necessary
cdef extern from *:
static void** _check_array_api(void) {
return PyArray_API; /* should be non NULL */
void** _check_array_api()
def check_array_api():
>>> check_array_api()
return _check_array_api() != NULL
# mode: compile
# tag: warnings, numpy
import numpy as np
# Numpy is only imported - no warning necessary
# mode: run
# tag: warnings, numpy
cimport numpy
<void>numpy.import_array # dummy call should stop Cython auto-generating call to import_array
cdef extern from *:
static void** _check_array_api(void) {
return PyArray_API; /* should be non NULL if initialized */
void** _check_array_api()
def check_array_api():
>>> check_array_api()
return _check_array_api() == NULL # not initialized
# mode: run
# tag: warnings, numpy
from numpy cimport ndarray
# np.import_array not called - should generate warning
cdef extern from *:
static void** _check_array_api(void) {
return PyArray_API; /* should be non NULL */
void** _check_array_api()
def check_array_api():
>>> check_array_api()
return _check_array_api() != NULL
4:0: 'numpy.import_array()' has been added automatically since 'numpy' was cimported but 'numpy.import_array' was not called.
# mode: run
# tag: warnings, numpy
from numpy cimport ndarray, import_array
# np.import_array is called - no warning necessary
cdef extern from *:
static void** _check_array_api(void) {
return PyArray_API; /* should be non NULL */
void** _check_array_api()
def check_array_api():
>>> check_array_api()
return _check_array_api() != NULL
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