# # Pyrex - Module parse tree node # import os, time from PyrexTypes import CPtrType import Future try: set except NameError: # Python 2.3 from sets import Set as set import Annotate import Code import Naming import Nodes import Options import PyrexTypes import TypeSlots import Version import DebugFlags from Errors import error, warning from PyrexTypes import py_object_type from Cython.Utils import open_new_file, replace_suffix from Code import UtilityCode from StringEncoding import escape_byte_string, EncodedString def check_c_declarations_pxd(module_node): module_node.scope.check_c_classes_pxd() return module_node def check_c_declarations(module_node): module_node.scope.check_c_classes() module_node.scope.check_c_functions() return module_node class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode): # doc string or None # body StatListNode # # referenced_modules [ModuleScope] # full_module_name string # # scope The module scope. # compilation_source A CompilationSource (see Main) # directives Top-level compiler directives child_attrs = ["body"] directives = None def analyse_declarations(self, env): if Options.embed_pos_in_docstring: env.doc = EncodedString(u'File: %s (starting at line %s)' % Nodes.relative_position(self.pos)) if not self.doc is None: env.doc = EncodedString(env.doc + u'\n' + self.doc) env.doc.encoding = self.doc.encoding else: env.doc = self.doc env.directives = self.directives self.body.analyse_declarations(env) def process_implementation(self, options, result): env = self.scope env.return_type = PyrexTypes.c_void_type self.referenced_modules = [] self.find_referenced_modules(env, self.referenced_modules, {}) if options.recursive: self.generate_dep_file(env, result) self.generate_c_code(env, options, result) self.generate_h_code(env, options, result) self.generate_api_code(env, result) def has_imported_c_functions(self): for module in self.referenced_modules: for entry in module.cfunc_entries: if entry.defined_in_pxd: return 1 return 0 def generate_dep_file(self, env, result): modules = self.referenced_modules if len(modules) > 1 or env.included_files: dep_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, ".dep") f = open(dep_file, "w") try: for module in modules: if module is not env: f.write("cimport %s\n" % module.qualified_name) for path in module.included_files: f.write("include %s\n" % path) finally: f.close() def generate_h_code(self, env, options, result): def h_entries(entries, pxd = 0): return [entry for entry in entries if entry.visibility == 'public' or pxd and entry.defined_in_pxd] h_types = h_entries(env.type_entries) h_vars = h_entries(env.var_entries) h_funcs = h_entries(env.cfunc_entries) h_extension_types = h_entries(env.c_class_entries) if h_types or h_vars or h_funcs or h_extension_types: result.h_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, ".h") h_code = Code.CCodeWriter() Code.GlobalState(h_code) if options.generate_pxi: result.i_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, ".pxi") i_code = Code.PyrexCodeWriter(result.i_file) else: i_code = None guard = Naming.h_guard_prefix + env.qualified_name.replace(".", "__") h_code.put_h_guard(guard) self.generate_extern_c_macro_definition(h_code) self.generate_type_header_code(h_types, h_code) h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("#ifndef %s" % Naming.api_guard_prefix + self.api_name(env)) if h_vars: h_code.putln("") for entry in h_vars: self.generate_public_declaration(entry, h_code, i_code) if h_funcs: h_code.putln("") for entry in h_funcs: self.generate_public_declaration(entry, h_code, i_code) if h_extension_types: h_code.putln("") for entry in h_extension_types: self.generate_cclass_header_code(entry.type, h_code) if i_code: self.generate_cclass_include_code(entry.type, i_code) h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("#endif") h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("PyMODINIT_FUNC init%s(void);" % env.module_name) h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("#endif") h_code.copyto(open_new_file(result.h_file)) def generate_public_declaration(self, entry, h_code, i_code): h_code.putln("%s %s;" % ( Naming.extern_c_macro, entry.type.declaration_code( entry.cname, dll_linkage = "DL_IMPORT"))) if i_code: i_code.putln("cdef extern %s" % entry.type.declaration_code(entry.cname, pyrex = 1)) def api_name(self, env): return env.qualified_name.replace(".", "__") def generate_api_code(self, env, result): api_funcs = [] public_extension_types = [] has_api_extension_types = 0 for entry in env.cfunc_entries: if entry.api: api_funcs.append(entry) for entry in env.c_class_entries: if entry.visibility == 'public': public_extension_types.append(entry) if entry.api: has_api_extension_types = 1 if api_funcs or has_api_extension_types: result.api_file = replace_suffix(result.c_file, "_api.h") h_code = Code.CCodeWriter() Code.GlobalState(h_code) name = self.api_name(env) guard = Naming.api_guard_prefix + name h_code.put_h_guard(guard) h_code.putln('#include "Python.h"') if result.h_file: h_code.putln('#include "%s"' % os.path.basename(result.h_file)) for entry in public_extension_types: type = entry.type h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("static PyTypeObject *%s;" % type.typeptr_cname) h_code.putln("#define %s (*%s)" % ( type.typeobj_cname, type.typeptr_cname)) if api_funcs: h_code.putln("") for entry in api_funcs: type = CPtrType(entry.type) h_code.putln("static %s;" % type.declaration_code(entry.cname)) h_code.putln("") h_code.put_h_guard(Naming.api_func_guard + "import_module") h_code.put(import_module_utility_code.impl) h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("#endif") if api_funcs: h_code.putln("") h_code.put(function_import_utility_code.impl) if public_extension_types: h_code.putln("") h_code.put(type_import_utility_code.impl) h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("static int import_%s(void) {" % name) h_code.putln("PyObject *module = 0;") h_code.putln('module = __Pyx_ImportModule("%s");' % env.qualified_name) h_code.putln("if (!module) goto bad;") for entry in api_funcs: sig = entry.type.signature_string() h_code.putln( 'if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(module, "%s", (void (**)(void))&%s, "%s") < 0) goto bad;' % ( entry.name, entry.cname, sig)) h_code.putln("Py_DECREF(module); module = 0;") for entry in public_extension_types: self.generate_type_import_call( entry.type, h_code, "if (!%s) goto bad;" % entry.type.typeptr_cname) h_code.putln("return 0;") h_code.putln("bad:") h_code.putln("Py_XDECREF(module);") h_code.putln("return -1;") h_code.putln("}") h_code.putln("") h_code.putln("#endif") h_code.copyto(open_new_file(result.api_file)) def generate_cclass_header_code(self, type, h_code): h_code.putln("%s DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) %s;" % ( Naming.extern_c_macro, type.typeobj_cname)) #self.generate_obj_struct_definition(type, h_code) def generate_cclass_include_code(self, type, i_code): i_code.putln("cdef extern class %s.%s:" % ( type.module_name, type.name)) i_code.indent() var_entries = type.scope.var_entries if var_entries: for entry in var_entries: i_code.putln("cdef %s" % entry.type.declaration_code(entry.cname, pyrex = 1)) else: i_code.putln("pass") i_code.dedent() def generate_c_code(self, env, options, result): modules = self.referenced_modules if Options.annotate or options.annotate: emit_linenums = False rootwriter = Annotate.AnnotationCCodeWriter() else: emit_linenums = options.emit_linenums rootwriter = Code.CCodeWriter(emit_linenums=emit_linenums) globalstate = Code.GlobalState(rootwriter, emit_linenums) globalstate.initialize_main_c_code() h_code = globalstate['h_code'] self.generate_module_preamble(env, modules, h_code) globalstate.module_pos = self.pos globalstate.directives = self.directives globalstate.use_utility_code(refcount_utility_code) code = globalstate['before_global_var'] code.putln('#define __Pyx_MODULE_NAME "%s"' % self.full_module_name) code.putln("int %s%s = 0;" % (Naming.module_is_main, self.full_module_name.replace('.', '__'))) code.putln("") code.putln("/* Implementation of %s */" % env.qualified_name) code = globalstate['all_the_rest'] self.generate_cached_builtins_decls(env, code) self.body.generate_function_definitions(env, code) code.mark_pos(None) self.generate_typeobj_definitions(env, code) self.generate_method_table(env, code) self.generate_filename_init_prototype(code) if env.has_import_star: self.generate_import_star(env, code) self.generate_pymoduledef_struct(env, code) # init_globals is inserted before this self.generate_module_init_func(modules[:-1], env, globalstate['init_module']) self.generate_module_cleanup_func(env, globalstate['cleanup_module']) if Options.embed: self.generate_main_method(env, globalstate['main_method']) self.generate_filename_table(globalstate['filename_table']) self.generate_declarations_for_modules(env, modules, globalstate) h_code.write('\n') for utilcode in env.utility_code_list: globalstate.use_utility_code(utilcode) globalstate.finalize_main_c_code() f = open_new_file(result.c_file) rootwriter.copyto(f) f.close() result.c_file_generated = 1 if Options.annotate or options.annotate: self.annotate(rootwriter) rootwriter.save_annotation(result.main_source_file, result.c_file) def find_referenced_modules(self, env, module_list, modules_seen): if env not in modules_seen: modules_seen[env] = 1 for imported_module in env.cimported_modules: self.find_referenced_modules(imported_module, module_list, modules_seen) module_list.append(env) def sort_types_by_inheritance(self, type_dict, getkey): # copy the types into a list moving each parent type before # its first child type_items = type_dict.items() type_list = [] for i, item in enumerate(type_items): key, new_entry = item # collect all base classes to check for children hierarchy = set() base = new_entry while base: base_type = base.type.base_type if not base_type: break base_key = getkey(base_type) hierarchy.add(base_key) base = type_dict.get(base_key) new_entry.base_keys = hierarchy # find the first (sub-)subclass and insert before that for j in range(i): entry = type_list[j] if key in entry.base_keys: type_list.insert(j, new_entry) break else: type_list.append(new_entry) return type_list def sort_type_hierarchy(self, module_list, env): vtab_dict = {} vtabslot_dict = {} for module in module_list: for entry in module.c_class_entries: if not entry.in_cinclude: type = entry.type if type.vtabstruct_cname: vtab_dict[type.vtabstruct_cname] = entry all_defined_here = module is env for entry in module.type_entries: if all_defined_here or entry.defined_in_pxd: type = entry.type if type.is_extension_type and not entry.in_cinclude: type = entry.type vtabslot_dict[type.objstruct_cname] = entry def vtabstruct_cname(entry_type): return entry_type.vtabstruct_cname vtab_list = self.sort_types_by_inheritance( vtab_dict, vtabstruct_cname) def objstruct_cname(entry_type): return entry_type.objstruct_cname vtabslot_list = self.sort_types_by_inheritance( vtabslot_dict, objstruct_cname) return (vtab_list, vtabslot_list) def generate_type_definitions(self, env, modules, vtab_list, vtabslot_list, code): vtabslot_entries = set(vtabslot_list) for module in modules: definition = module is env if definition: type_entries = module.type_entries else: type_entries = [] for entry in module.type_entries: if entry.defined_in_pxd: type_entries.append(entry) for entry in type_entries: if not entry.in_cinclude: #print "generate_type_header_code:", entry.name, repr(entry.type) ### type = entry.type if type.is_typedef: # Must test this first! self.generate_typedef(entry, code) elif type.is_struct_or_union: self.generate_struct_union_definition(entry, code) elif type.is_enum: self.generate_enum_definition(entry, code) elif type.is_extension_type and entry not in vtabslot_entries: self.generate_obj_struct_definition(type, code) for entry in vtabslot_list: self.generate_obj_struct_definition(entry.type, code) for entry in vtab_list: self.generate_typeobject_predeclaration(entry, code) self.generate_exttype_vtable_struct(entry, code) self.generate_exttype_vtabptr_declaration(entry, code) def generate_declarations_for_modules(self, env, modules, globalstate): typecode = globalstate['type_declarations'] typecode.putln("") typecode.putln("/* Type declarations */") vtab_list, vtabslot_list = self.sort_type_hierarchy(modules, env) self.generate_type_definitions( env, modules, vtab_list, vtabslot_list, typecode) modulecode = globalstate['module_declarations'] for module in modules: defined_here = module is env modulecode.putln("/* Module declarations from %s */" % module.qualified_name.encode("ASCII", "ignore")) self.generate_global_declarations(module, modulecode, defined_here) self.generate_cfunction_predeclarations(module, modulecode, defined_here) def generate_module_preamble(self, env, cimported_modules, code): code.putln('/* Generated by Cython %s on %s */' % ( Version.version, time.asctime())) code.putln('') code.putln('#define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN') for filename in env.python_include_files: code.putln('#include "%s"' % filename) code.putln("#ifndef Py_PYTHON_H") code.putln(" #error Python headers needed to compile C extensions, please install development version of Python.") code.putln("#else") code.globalstate["end"].putln("#endif /* Py_PYTHON_H */") code.putln("#ifndef PY_LONG_LONG") code.putln(" #define PY_LONG_LONG LONG_LONG") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#ifndef DL_EXPORT") code.putln(" #define DL_EXPORT(t) t") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02040000") code.putln(" #define METH_COEXIST 0") code.putln(" #define PyDict_CheckExact(op) (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyDict_Type)") code.putln(" #define PyDict_Contains(d,o) PySequence_Contains(d,o)") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000") code.putln(" typedef int Py_ssize_t;") code.putln(" #define PY_SSIZE_T_MAX INT_MAX") code.putln(" #define PY_SSIZE_T_MIN INT_MIN") code.putln(" #define PY_FORMAT_SIZE_T \"\"") code.putln(" #define PyInt_FromSsize_t(z) PyInt_FromLong(z)") code.putln(" #define PyInt_AsSsize_t(o) PyInt_AsLong(o)") code.putln(" #define PyNumber_Index(o) PyNumber_Int(o)") code.putln(" #define PyIndex_Check(o) PyNumber_Check(o)") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02060000") code.putln(" #define Py_REFCNT(ob) (((PyObject*)(ob))->ob_refcnt)") code.putln(" #define Py_TYPE(ob) (((PyObject*)(ob))->ob_type)") code.putln(" #define Py_SIZE(ob) (((PyVarObject*)(ob))->ob_size)") code.putln(" #define PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(type, size) \\") code.putln(" PyObject_HEAD_INIT(type) size,") code.putln(" #define PyType_Modified(t)") code.putln(" #define PyBytes_CheckExact PyString_CheckExact") code.putln("") code.putln(" typedef struct {") code.putln(" void *buf;") code.putln(" PyObject *obj;") code.putln(" Py_ssize_t len;") code.putln(" Py_ssize_t itemsize;") code.putln(" int readonly;") code.putln(" int ndim;") code.putln(" char *format;") code.putln(" Py_ssize_t *shape;") code.putln(" Py_ssize_t *strides;") code.putln(" Py_ssize_t *suboffsets;") code.putln(" void *internal;") code.putln(" } Py_buffer;") code.putln("") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_SIMPLE 0") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_WRITABLE 0x0001") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_FORMAT 0x0004") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_ND 0x0008") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_STRIDES (0x0010 | PyBUF_ND)") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS (0x0020 | PyBUF_STRIDES)") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS (0x0040 | PyBUF_STRIDES)") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS (0x0080 | PyBUF_STRIDES)") code.putln(" #define PyBUF_INDIRECT (0x0100 | PyBUF_STRIDES)") code.putln("") code.putln("#endif") code.put(builtin_module_name_utility_code.proto) code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3") code.putln(" #define Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES 0") code.putln(" #define Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_INDEX 0") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if (PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02060000) || (PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3)") code.putln(" #define Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWBUFFER 0") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3") code.putln(" #define PyBaseString_Type PyUnicode_Type") code.putln(" #define PyString_Type PyUnicode_Type") code.putln(" #define PyString_CheckExact PyUnicode_CheckExact") code.putln(" #define PyInt_Type PyLong_Type") code.putln(" #define PyInt_Check(op) PyLong_Check(op)") code.putln(" #define PyInt_CheckExact(op) PyLong_CheckExact(op)") code.putln(" #define PyInt_FromString PyLong_FromString") code.putln(" #define PyInt_FromUnicode PyLong_FromUnicode") code.putln(" #define PyInt_FromLong PyLong_FromLong") code.putln(" #define PyInt_FromSize_t PyLong_FromSize_t") code.putln(" #define PyInt_FromSsize_t PyLong_FromSsize_t") code.putln(" #define PyInt_AsLong PyLong_AsLong") code.putln(" #define PyInt_AS_LONG PyLong_AS_LONG") code.putln(" #define PyInt_AsSsize_t PyLong_AsSsize_t") code.putln(" #define PyInt_AsUnsignedLongMask PyLong_AsUnsignedLongMask") code.putln(" #define PyInt_AsUnsignedLongLongMask PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLongMask") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_PyNumber_Divide(x,y) PyNumber_TrueDivide(x,y)") code.putln("#else") if Future.division in env.context.future_directives: code.putln(" #define __Pyx_PyNumber_Divide(x,y) PyNumber_TrueDivide(x,y)") else: code.putln(" #define __Pyx_PyNumber_Divide(x,y) PyNumber_Divide(x,y)") code.putln(" #define PyBytes_Type PyString_Type") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3") code.putln(" #define PyMethod_New(func, self, klass) PyInstanceMethod_New(func)") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(MS_WINDOWS)") code.putln(" #ifndef __stdcall") code.putln(" #define __stdcall") code.putln(" #endif") code.putln(" #ifndef __cdecl") code.putln(" #define __cdecl") code.putln(" #endif") code.putln(" #ifndef __fastcall") code.putln(" #define __fastcall") code.putln(" #endif") code.putln("#else") code.putln(" #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_GetAttrString(o,n) PyObject_GetAttrString((o),((char *)(n)))") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_SetAttrString(o,n,a) PyObject_SetAttrString((o),((char *)(n)),(a))") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_DelAttrString(o,n) PyObject_DelAttrString((o),((char *)(n)))") code.putln("#else") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_GetAttrString(o,n) PyObject_GetAttrString((o),(n))") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_SetAttrString(o,n,a) PyObject_SetAttrString((o),(n),(a))") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_DelAttrString(o,n) PyObject_DelAttrString((o),(n))") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_NAMESTR(n) ((char *)(n))") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_DOCSTR(n) ((char *)(n))") code.putln("#else") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_NAMESTR(n) (n)") code.putln(" #define __Pyx_DOCSTR(n) (n)") code.putln("#endif") self.generate_extern_c_macro_definition(code) code.putln("#include <math.h>") code.putln("#define %s" % Naming.api_guard_prefix + self.api_name(env)) self.generate_includes(env, cimported_modules, code) if env.directives['c99_complex']: code.putln("#ifndef _Complex_I") code.putln("#include <complex.h>") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#define __PYX_USE_C99_COMPLEX defined(_Complex_I)") code.putln('') code.put(Nodes.utility_function_predeclarations) code.put(PyrexTypes.type_conversion_predeclarations) code.put(Nodes.branch_prediction_macros) code.putln('') code.putln('static PyObject *%s;' % env.module_cname) code.putln('static PyObject *%s;' % Naming.builtins_cname) code.putln('static PyObject *%s;' % Naming.empty_tuple) code.putln('static PyObject *%s;' % Naming.empty_bytes) if Options.pre_import is not None: code.putln('static PyObject *%s;' % Naming.preimport_cname) code.putln('static int %s;' % Naming.lineno_cname) code.putln('static int %s = 0;' % Naming.clineno_cname) code.putln('static const char * %s= %s;' % (Naming.cfilenm_cname, Naming.file_c_macro)) code.putln('static const char *%s;' % Naming.filename_cname) code.putln('static const char **%s;' % Naming.filetable_cname) # XXX this is a mess for utility_code in PyrexTypes.c_int_from_py_function.specialize_list: env.use_utility_code(utility_code) for utility_code in PyrexTypes.c_long_from_py_function.specialize_list: env.use_utility_code(utility_code) def generate_extern_c_macro_definition(self, code): name = Naming.extern_c_macro code.putln("#ifdef __cplusplus") code.putln('#define %s extern "C"' % name) code.putln("#else") code.putln("#define %s extern" % name) code.putln("#endif") def generate_includes(self, env, cimported_modules, code): includes = [] for filename in env.include_files: # fake decoding of filenames to their original byte sequence code.putln('#include "%s"' % filename) def generate_filename_table(self, code): code.putln("") code.putln("static const char *%s[] = {" % Naming.filenames_cname) if code.globalstate.filename_list: for source_desc in code.globalstate.filename_list: filename = os.path.basename(source_desc.get_filenametable_entry()) escaped_filename = filename.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', r'\"') code.putln('"%s",' % escaped_filename) else: # Some C compilers don't like an empty array code.putln("0") code.putln("};") def generate_type_predeclarations(self, env, code): pass def generate_type_header_code(self, type_entries, code): # Generate definitions of structs/unions/enums/typedefs/objstructs. #self.generate_gcc33_hack(env, code) # Is this still needed? #for entry in env.type_entries: for entry in type_entries: if not entry.in_cinclude: #print "generate_type_header_code:", entry.name, repr(entry.type) ### type = entry.type if type.is_typedef: # Must test this first! self.generate_typedef(entry, code) elif type.is_struct_or_union: self.generate_struct_union_definition(entry, code) elif type.is_enum: self.generate_enum_definition(entry, code) elif type.is_extension_type: self.generate_obj_struct_definition(type, code) def generate_gcc33_hack(self, env, code): # Workaround for spurious warning generation in gcc 3.3 code.putln("") for entry in env.c_class_entries: type = entry.type if not type.typedef_flag: name = type.objstruct_cname if name.startswith("__pyx_"): tail = name[6:] else: tail = name code.putln("typedef struct %s __pyx_gcc33_%s;" % ( name, tail)) def generate_typedef(self, entry, code): base_type = entry.type.typedef_base_type code.putln("") code.putln("typedef %s;" % base_type.declaration_code(entry.cname)) def sue_header_footer(self, type, kind, name): if type.typedef_flag: header = "typedef %s {" % kind footer = "} %s;" % name else: header = "%s %s {" % (kind, name) footer = "};" return header, footer def generate_struct_union_definition(self, entry, code): code.mark_pos(entry.pos) type = entry.type scope = type.scope if scope: kind = type.kind packed = type.is_struct and type.packed if packed: kind = "%s %s" % (type.kind, "__Pyx_PACKED") code.globalstate.use_utility_code(packed_struct_utility_code) header, footer = \ self.sue_header_footer(type, kind, type.cname) code.putln("") if packed: code.putln("#if !defined(__GNUC__)") code.putln("#pragma pack(push, 1)") code.putln("#endif") code.putln(header) var_entries = scope.var_entries if not var_entries: error(entry.pos, "Empty struct or union definition not allowed outside a" " 'cdef extern from' block") for attr in var_entries: code.putln( "%s;" % attr.type.declaration_code(attr.cname)) code.putln(footer) if packed: code.putln("#if !defined(__GNUC__)") code.putln("#pragma pack(pop)") code.putln("#endif") def generate_enum_definition(self, entry, code): code.mark_pos(entry.pos) type = entry.type name = entry.cname or entry.name or "" header, footer = \ self.sue_header_footer(type, "enum", name) code.putln("") code.putln(header) enum_values = entry.enum_values if not enum_values: error(entry.pos, "Empty enum definition not allowed outside a" " 'cdef extern from' block") else: last_entry = enum_values[-1] # this does not really generate code, just builds the result value for value_entry in enum_values: if value_entry.value_node is not None: value_entry.value_node.generate_evaluation_code(code) for value_entry in enum_values: if value_entry.value_node is None: value_code = value_entry.cname else: value_code = ("%s = %s" % ( value_entry.cname, value_entry.value_node.result())) if value_entry is not last_entry: value_code += "," code.putln(value_code) code.putln(footer) def generate_typeobject_predeclaration(self, entry, code): code.putln("") name = entry.type.typeobj_cname if name: if entry.visibility == 'extern' and not entry.in_cinclude: code.putln("%s DL_IMPORT(PyTypeObject) %s;" % ( Naming.extern_c_macro, name)) elif entry.visibility == 'public': #code.putln("DL_EXPORT(PyTypeObject) %s;" % name) code.putln("%s DL_EXPORT(PyTypeObject) %s;" % ( Naming.extern_c_macro, name)) # ??? Do we really need the rest of this? ??? #else: # code.putln("staticforward PyTypeObject %s;" % name) def generate_exttype_vtable_struct(self, entry, code): code.mark_pos(entry.pos) # Generate struct declaration for an extension type's vtable. type = entry.type scope = type.scope if type.vtabstruct_cname: code.putln("") code.putln( "struct %s {" % type.vtabstruct_cname) if type.base_type and type.base_type.vtabstruct_cname: code.putln("struct %s %s;" % ( type.base_type.vtabstruct_cname, Naming.obj_base_cname)) for method_entry in scope.cfunc_entries: if not method_entry.is_inherited: code.putln( "%s;" % method_entry.type.declaration_code("(*%s)" % method_entry.name)) code.putln( "};") def generate_exttype_vtabptr_declaration(self, entry, code): code.mark_pos(entry.pos) # Generate declaration of pointer to an extension type's vtable. type = entry.type if type.vtabptr_cname: code.putln("static struct %s *%s;" % ( type.vtabstruct_cname, type.vtabptr_cname)) def generate_obj_struct_definition(self, type, code): code.mark_pos(type.pos) # Generate object struct definition for an # extension type. if not type.scope: return # Forward declared but never defined header, footer = \ self.sue_header_footer(type, "struct", type.objstruct_cname) code.putln("") code.putln(header) base_type = type.base_type if base_type: code.putln( "%s%s %s;" % ( ("struct ", "")[base_type.typedef_flag], base_type.objstruct_cname, Naming.obj_base_cname)) else: code.putln( "PyObject_HEAD") if type.vtabslot_cname and not (type.base_type and type.base_type.vtabslot_cname): code.putln( "struct %s *%s;" % ( type.vtabstruct_cname, type.vtabslot_cname)) for attr in type.scope.var_entries: code.putln( "%s;" % attr.type.declaration_code(attr.cname)) code.putln(footer) if type.objtypedef_cname is not None: # Only for exposing public typedef name. code.putln("typedef struct %s %s;" % (type.objstruct_cname, type.objtypedef_cname)) def generate_global_declarations(self, env, code, definition): code.putln("") for entry in env.c_class_entries: if definition or entry.defined_in_pxd: code.putln("static PyTypeObject *%s = 0;" % entry.type.typeptr_cname) code.put_var_declarations(env.var_entries, static = 1, dll_linkage = "DL_EXPORT", definition = definition) def generate_cfunction_predeclarations(self, env, code, definition): for entry in env.cfunc_entries: if entry.inline_func_in_pxd or (not entry.in_cinclude and (definition or entry.defined_in_pxd or entry.visibility == 'extern')): if entry.visibility in ('public', 'extern'): dll_linkage = "DL_EXPORT" else: dll_linkage = None type = entry.type if not definition and entry.defined_in_pxd: type = CPtrType(type) header = type.declaration_code(entry.cname, dll_linkage = dll_linkage) if entry.visibility == 'private': storage_class = "static " elif entry.visibility == 'public': storage_class = "" else: storage_class = "%s " % Naming.extern_c_macro if entry.func_modifiers: modifiers = '%s ' % ' '.join([ modifier.upper() for modifier in entry.func_modifiers]) else: modifiers = '' code.putln("%s%s%s; /*proto*/" % ( storage_class, modifiers, header)) def generate_typeobj_definitions(self, env, code): full_module_name = env.qualified_name for entry in env.c_class_entries: #print "generate_typeobj_definitions:", entry.name #print "...visibility =", entry.visibility if entry.visibility != 'extern': type = entry.type scope = type.scope if scope: # could be None if there was an error self.generate_exttype_vtable(scope, code) self.generate_new_function(scope, code) self.generate_dealloc_function(scope, code) if scope.needs_gc(): self.generate_traverse_function(scope, code) self.generate_clear_function(scope, code) if scope.defines_any(["__getitem__"]): self.generate_getitem_int_function(scope, code) if scope.defines_any(["__setitem__", "__delitem__"]): self.generate_ass_subscript_function(scope, code) if scope.defines_any(["__setslice__", "__delslice__"]): warning(self.pos, "__setslice__ and __delslice__ are not supported by Python 3", 1) self.generate_ass_slice_function(scope, code) if scope.defines_any(["__getattr__","__getattribute__"]): self.generate_getattro_function(scope, code) if scope.defines_any(["__setattr__", "__delattr__"]): self.generate_setattro_function(scope, code) if scope.defines_any(["__get__"]): self.generate_descr_get_function(scope, code) if scope.defines_any(["__set__", "__delete__"]): self.generate_descr_set_function(scope, code) self.generate_property_accessors(scope, code) self.generate_method_table(scope, code) self.generate_member_table(scope, code) self.generate_getset_table(scope, code) self.generate_typeobj_definition(full_module_name, entry, code) def generate_exttype_vtable(self, scope, code): # Generate the definition of an extension type's vtable. type = scope.parent_type if type.vtable_cname: code.putln("static struct %s %s;" % ( type.vtabstruct_cname, type.vtable_cname)) def generate_self_cast(self, scope, code): type = scope.parent_type code.putln( "%s = (%s)o;" % ( type.declaration_code("p"), type.declaration_code(""))) def generate_new_function(self, scope, code): tp_slot = TypeSlots.ConstructorSlot("tp_new", '__new__') slot_func = scope.mangle_internal("tp_new") type = scope.parent_type base_type = type.base_type py_attrs = [] for entry in scope.var_entries: if entry.type.is_pyobject: py_attrs.append(entry) need_self_cast = type.vtabslot_cname or py_attrs code.putln("") code.putln( "static PyObject *%s(PyTypeObject *t, PyObject *a, PyObject *k) {" % scope.mangle_internal("tp_new")) if need_self_cast: code.putln( "%s;" % scope.parent_type.declaration_code("p")) if base_type: tp_new = TypeSlots.get_base_slot_function(scope, tp_slot) if tp_new is None: tp_new = "%s->tp_new" % base_type.typeptr_cname code.putln( "PyObject *o = %s(t, a, k);" % tp_new) else: code.putln( "PyObject *o = (*t->tp_alloc)(t, 0);") code.putln( "if (!o) return 0;") if need_self_cast: code.putln( "p = %s;" % type.cast_code("o")) #if need_self_cast: # self.generate_self_cast(scope, code) if type.vtabslot_cname: vtab_base_type = type while vtab_base_type.base_type and vtab_base_type.base_type.vtabstruct_cname: vtab_base_type = vtab_base_type.base_type if vtab_base_type is not type: struct_type_cast = "(struct %s*)" % vtab_base_type.vtabstruct_cname else: struct_type_cast = "" code.putln("p->%s = %s%s;" % ( type.vtabslot_cname, struct_type_cast, type.vtabptr_cname)) for entry in py_attrs: if entry.name == "__weakref__": code.putln("p->%s = 0;" % entry.cname) else: code.put_init_var_to_py_none(entry, "p->%s", nanny=False) entry = scope.lookup_here("__new__") if entry and entry.is_special: if entry.trivial_signature: cinit_args = "o, %s, NULL" % Naming.empty_tuple else: cinit_args = "o, a, k" code.putln( "if (%s(%s) < 0) {" % (entry.func_cname, cinit_args)) code.put_decref_clear("o", py_object_type, nanny=False); code.putln( "}") code.putln( "return o;") code.putln( "}") def generate_dealloc_function(self, scope, code): tp_slot = TypeSlots.ConstructorSlot("tp_dealloc", '__dealloc__') slot_func = scope.mangle_internal("tp_dealloc") base_type = scope.parent_type.base_type if tp_slot.slot_code(scope) != slot_func: return # never used code.putln("") code.putln( "static void %s(PyObject *o) {" % scope.mangle_internal("tp_dealloc")) py_attrs = [] weakref_slot = scope.lookup_here("__weakref__") for entry in scope.var_entries: if entry.type.is_pyobject and entry is not weakref_slot: py_attrs.append(entry) if py_attrs or weakref_slot in scope.var_entries: self.generate_self_cast(scope, code) self.generate_usr_dealloc_call(scope, code) if weakref_slot in scope.var_entries: code.putln("if (p->__weakref__) PyObject_ClearWeakRefs(o);") for entry in py_attrs: code.put_xdecref("p->%s" % entry.cname, entry.type, nanny=False) if base_type: tp_dealloc = TypeSlots.get_base_slot_function(scope, tp_slot) if tp_dealloc is None: tp_dealloc = "%s->tp_dealloc" % base_type.typeptr_cname code.putln( "%s(o);" % tp_dealloc) else: code.putln( "(*Py_TYPE(o)->tp_free)(o);") code.putln( "}") def generate_usr_dealloc_call(self, scope, code): entry = scope.lookup_here("__dealloc__") if entry: code.putln( "{") code.putln( "PyObject *etype, *eval, *etb;") code.putln( "PyErr_Fetch(&etype, &eval, &etb);") code.putln( "++Py_REFCNT(o);") code.putln( "%s(o);" % entry.func_cname) code.putln( "if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_WriteUnraisable(o);") code.putln( "--Py_REFCNT(o);") code.putln( "PyErr_Restore(etype, eval, etb);") code.putln( "}") def generate_traverse_function(self, scope, code): tp_slot = TypeSlots.GCDependentSlot("tp_traverse") slot_func = scope.mangle_internal("tp_traverse") base_type = scope.parent_type.base_type if tp_slot.slot_code(scope) != slot_func: return # never used code.putln("") code.putln( "static int %s(PyObject *o, visitproc v, void *a) {" % slot_func) py_attrs = [] for entry in scope.var_entries: if entry.type.is_pyobject and entry.name != "__weakref__": py_attrs.append(entry) if base_type or py_attrs: code.putln("int e;") if py_attrs: self.generate_self_cast(scope, code) if base_type: # want to call it explicitly if possible so inlining can be performed static_call = TypeSlots.get_base_slot_function(scope, tp_slot) if static_call: code.putln("e = %s(o, v, a); if (e) return e;" % static_call) else: code.putln("if (%s->tp_traverse) {" % base_type.typeptr_cname) code.putln( "e = %s->tp_traverse(o, v, a); if (e) return e;" % base_type.typeptr_cname) code.putln("}") for entry in py_attrs: var_code = "p->%s" % entry.cname code.putln( "if (%s) {" % var_code) if entry.type.is_extension_type: var_code = "((PyObject*)%s)" % var_code code.putln( "e = (*v)(%s, a); if (e) return e;" % var_code) code.putln( "}") code.putln( "return 0;") code.putln( "}") def generate_clear_function(self, scope, code): tp_slot = TypeSlots.GCDependentSlot("tp_clear") slot_func = scope.mangle_internal("tp_clear") base_type = scope.parent_type.base_type if tp_slot.slot_code(scope) != slot_func: return # never used code.putln("") code.putln("static int %s(PyObject *o) {" % slot_func) py_attrs = [] for entry in scope.var_entries: if entry.type.is_pyobject and entry.name != "__weakref__": py_attrs.append(entry) if py_attrs: self.generate_self_cast(scope, code) code.putln("PyObject* tmp;") if base_type: # want to call it explicitly if possible so inlining can be performed static_call = TypeSlots.get_base_slot_function(scope, tp_slot) if static_call: code.putln("%s(o);" % static_call) else: code.putln("if (%s->tp_clear) {" % base_type.typeptr_cname) code.putln("%s->tp_clear(o);" % base_type.typeptr_cname) code.putln("}") for entry in py_attrs: name = "p->%s" % entry.cname code.putln("tmp = ((PyObject*)%s);" % name) code.put_init_to_py_none(name, entry.type, nanny=False) code.putln("Py_XDECREF(tmp);") code.putln( "return 0;") code.putln( "}") def generate_getitem_int_function(self, scope, code): # This function is put into the sq_item slot when # a __getitem__ method is present. It converts its # argument to a Python integer and calls mp_subscript. code.putln( "static PyObject *%s(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i) {" % scope.mangle_internal("sq_item")) code.putln( "PyObject *r;") code.putln( "PyObject *x = PyInt_FromSsize_t(i); if(!x) return 0;") code.putln( "r = Py_TYPE(o)->tp_as_mapping->mp_subscript(o, x);") code.putln( "Py_DECREF(x);") code.putln( "return r;") code.putln( "}") def generate_ass_subscript_function(self, scope, code): # Setting and deleting an item are both done through # the ass_subscript method, so we dispatch to user's __setitem__ # or __delitem__, or raise an exception. base_type = scope.parent_type.base_type set_entry = scope.lookup_here("__setitem__") del_entry = scope.lookup_here("__delitem__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static int %s(PyObject *o, PyObject *i, PyObject *v) {" % scope.mangle_internal("mp_ass_subscript")) code.putln( "if (v) {") if set_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, i, v);" % set_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, "tp_as_mapping", "mp_ass_subscript", "o, i, v", code) code.putln( "PyErr_Format(PyExc_NotImplementedError,") code.putln( ' "Subscript assignment not supported by %s", Py_TYPE(o)->tp_name);') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "else {") if del_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, i);" % del_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, "tp_as_mapping", "mp_ass_subscript", "o, i, v", code) code.putln( "PyErr_Format(PyExc_NotImplementedError,") code.putln( ' "Subscript deletion not supported by %s", Py_TYPE(o)->tp_name);') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "}") def generate_guarded_basetype_call( self, base_type, substructure, slot, args, code): if base_type: base_tpname = base_type.typeptr_cname if substructure: code.putln( "if (%s->%s && %s->%s->%s)" % ( base_tpname, substructure, base_tpname, substructure, slot)) code.putln( " return %s->%s->%s(%s);" % ( base_tpname, substructure, slot, args)) else: code.putln( "if (%s->%s)" % ( base_tpname, slot)) code.putln( " return %s->%s(%s);" % ( base_tpname, slot, args)) def generate_ass_slice_function(self, scope, code): # Setting and deleting a slice are both done through # the ass_slice method, so we dispatch to user's __setslice__ # or __delslice__, or raise an exception. base_type = scope.parent_type.base_type set_entry = scope.lookup_here("__setslice__") del_entry = scope.lookup_here("__delslice__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static int %s(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t i, Py_ssize_t j, PyObject *v) {" % scope.mangle_internal("sq_ass_slice")) code.putln( "if (v) {") if set_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, i, j, v);" % set_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, "tp_as_sequence", "sq_ass_slice", "o, i, j, v", code) code.putln( "PyErr_Format(PyExc_NotImplementedError,") code.putln( ' "2-element slice assignment not supported by %s", Py_TYPE(o)->tp_name);') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "else {") if del_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, i, j);" % del_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, "tp_as_sequence", "sq_ass_slice", "o, i, j, v", code) code.putln( "PyErr_Format(PyExc_NotImplementedError,") code.putln( ' "2-element slice deletion not supported by %s", Py_TYPE(o)->tp_name);') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "}") def generate_getattro_function(self, scope, code): # First try to get the attribute using __getattribute__, if defined, or # PyObject_GenericGetAttr. # # If that raises an AttributeError, call the __getattr__ if defined. # # In both cases, defined can be in this class, or any base class. def lookup_here_or_base(n,type=None): # Recursive lookup if type is None: type = scope.parent_type r = type.scope.lookup_here(n) if r is None and \ type.base_type is not None: return lookup_here_or_base(n,type.base_type) else: return r getattr_entry = lookup_here_or_base("__getattr__") getattribute_entry = lookup_here_or_base("__getattribute__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static PyObject *%s(PyObject *o, PyObject *n) {" % scope.mangle_internal("tp_getattro")) if getattribute_entry is not None: code.putln( "PyObject *v = %s(o, n);" % getattribute_entry.func_cname) else: code.putln( "PyObject *v = PyObject_GenericGetAttr(o, n);") if getattr_entry is not None: code.putln( "if (!v && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) {") code.putln( "PyErr_Clear();") code.putln( "v = %s(o, n);" % getattr_entry.func_cname) code.putln( "}") code.putln( "return v;") code.putln( "}") def generate_setattro_function(self, scope, code): # Setting and deleting an attribute are both done through # the setattro method, so we dispatch to user's __setattr__ # or __delattr__ or fall back on PyObject_GenericSetAttr. base_type = scope.parent_type.base_type set_entry = scope.lookup_here("__setattr__") del_entry = scope.lookup_here("__delattr__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static int %s(PyObject *o, PyObject *n, PyObject *v) {" % scope.mangle_internal("tp_setattro")) code.putln( "if (v) {") if set_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, n, v);" % set_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, None, "tp_setattro", "o, n, v", code) code.putln( "return PyObject_GenericSetAttr(o, n, v);") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "else {") if del_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, n);" % del_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, None, "tp_setattro", "o, n, v", code) code.putln( "return PyObject_GenericSetAttr(o, n, 0);") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "}") def generate_descr_get_function(self, scope, code): # The __get__ function of a descriptor object can be # called with NULL for the second or third arguments # under some circumstances, so we replace them with # None in that case. user_get_entry = scope.lookup_here("__get__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static PyObject *%s(PyObject *o, PyObject *i, PyObject *c) {" % scope.mangle_internal("tp_descr_get")) code.putln( "PyObject *r = 0;") code.putln( "if (!i) i = Py_None;") code.putln( "if (!c) c = Py_None;") #code.put_incref("i", py_object_type) #code.put_incref("c", py_object_type) code.putln( "r = %s(o, i, c);" % user_get_entry.func_cname) #code.put_decref("i", py_object_type) #code.put_decref("c", py_object_type) code.putln( "return r;") code.putln( "}") def generate_descr_set_function(self, scope, code): # Setting and deleting are both done through the __set__ # method of a descriptor, so we dispatch to user's __set__ # or __delete__ or raise an exception. base_type = scope.parent_type.base_type user_set_entry = scope.lookup_here("__set__") user_del_entry = scope.lookup_here("__delete__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static int %s(PyObject *o, PyObject *i, PyObject *v) {" % scope.mangle_internal("tp_descr_set")) code.putln( "if (v) {") if user_set_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, i, v);" % user_set_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, None, "tp_descr_set", "o, i, v", code) code.putln( 'PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "__set__");') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "else {") if user_del_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, i);" % user_del_entry.func_cname) else: self.generate_guarded_basetype_call( base_type, None, "tp_descr_set", "o, i, v", code) code.putln( 'PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "__delete__");') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "}") def generate_property_accessors(self, cclass_scope, code): for entry in cclass_scope.property_entries: property_scope = entry.scope if property_scope.defines_any(["__get__"]): self.generate_property_get_function(entry, code) if property_scope.defines_any(["__set__", "__del__"]): self.generate_property_set_function(entry, code) def generate_property_get_function(self, property_entry, code): property_scope = property_entry.scope property_entry.getter_cname = property_scope.parent_scope.mangle( Naming.prop_get_prefix, property_entry.name) get_entry = property_scope.lookup_here("__get__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static PyObject *%s(PyObject *o, void *x) {" % property_entry.getter_cname) code.putln( "return %s(o);" % get_entry.func_cname) code.putln( "}") def generate_property_set_function(self, property_entry, code): property_scope = property_entry.scope property_entry.setter_cname = property_scope.parent_scope.mangle( Naming.prop_set_prefix, property_entry.name) set_entry = property_scope.lookup_here("__set__") del_entry = property_scope.lookup_here("__del__") code.putln("") code.putln( "static int %s(PyObject *o, PyObject *v, void *x) {" % property_entry.setter_cname) code.putln( "if (v) {") if set_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o, v);" % set_entry.func_cname) else: code.putln( 'PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "__set__");') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "else {") if del_entry: code.putln( "return %s(o);" % del_entry.func_cname) else: code.putln( 'PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "__del__");') code.putln( "return -1;") code.putln( "}") code.putln( "}") def generate_typeobj_definition(self, modname, entry, code): type = entry.type scope = type.scope for suite in TypeSlots.substructures: suite.generate_substructure(scope, code) code.putln("") if entry.visibility == 'public': header = "DL_EXPORT(PyTypeObject) %s = {" else: #header = "statichere PyTypeObject %s = {" header = "PyTypeObject %s = {" #code.putln(header % scope.parent_type.typeobj_cname) code.putln(header % type.typeobj_cname) code.putln( "PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(0, 0)") code.putln( '__Pyx_NAMESTR("%s.%s"), /*tp_name*/' % ( self.full_module_name, scope.class_name)) if type.typedef_flag: objstruct = type.objstruct_cname else: #objstruct = "struct %s" % scope.parent_type.objstruct_cname objstruct = "struct %s" % type.objstruct_cname code.putln( "sizeof(%s), /*tp_basicsize*/" % objstruct) code.putln( "0, /*tp_itemsize*/") for slot in TypeSlots.slot_table: slot.generate(scope, code) code.putln( "};") def generate_method_table(self, env, code): code.putln("") code.putln( "static struct PyMethodDef %s[] = {" % env.method_table_cname) for entry in env.pyfunc_entries: code.put_pymethoddef(entry, ",") code.putln( "{0, 0, 0, 0}") code.putln( "};") def generate_member_table(self, env, code): #print "ModuleNode.generate_member_table: scope =", env ### if env.public_attr_entries: code.putln("") code.putln( "static struct PyMemberDef %s[] = {" % env.member_table_cname) type = env.parent_type if type.typedef_flag: objstruct = type.objstruct_cname else: objstruct = "struct %s" % type.objstruct_cname for entry in env.public_attr_entries: type_code = entry.type.pymemberdef_typecode if entry.visibility == 'readonly': flags = "READONLY" else: flags = "0" code.putln('{(char *)"%s", %s, %s, %s, 0},' % ( entry.name, type_code, "offsetof(%s, %s)" % (objstruct, entry.cname), flags)) code.putln( "{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}") code.putln( "};") def generate_getset_table(self, env, code): if env.property_entries: code.putln("") code.putln( "static struct PyGetSetDef %s[] = {" % env.getset_table_cname) for entry in env.property_entries: if entry.doc: doc_code = "__Pyx_DOCSTR(%s)" % code.get_string_const(entry.doc) else: doc_code = "0" code.putln( '{(char *)"%s", %s, %s, %s, 0},' % ( entry.name, entry.getter_cname or "0", entry.setter_cname or "0", doc_code)) code.putln( "{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}") code.putln( "};") def generate_filename_init_prototype(self, code): code.putln(""); code.putln("static void %s(void); /*proto*/" % Naming.fileinit_cname) def generate_import_star(self, env, code): env.use_utility_code(streq_utility_code) code.putln() code.putln("char* %s_type_names[] = {" % Naming.import_star) for name, entry in env.entries.items(): if entry.is_type: code.putln('"%s",' % name) code.putln("0") code.putln("};") code.putln() code.enter_cfunc_scope() # as we need labels code.putln("static int %s(PyObject *o, PyObject* py_name, char *name) {" % Naming.import_star_set) code.putln("char** type_name = %s_type_names;" % Naming.import_star) code.putln("while (*type_name) {") code.putln("if (__Pyx_StrEq(name, *type_name)) {") code.putln('PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot overwrite C type %s", name);') code.putln('goto bad;') code.putln("}") code.putln("type_name++;") code.putln("}") old_error_label = code.new_error_label() code.putln("if (0);") # so the first one can be "else if" for name, entry in env.entries.items(): if entry.is_cglobal and entry.used: code.putln('else if (__Pyx_StrEq(name, "%s")) {' % name) if entry.type.is_pyobject: if entry.type.is_extension_type or entry.type.is_builtin_type: code.putln("if (!(%s)) %s;" % ( entry.type.type_test_code("o"), code.error_goto(entry.pos))) code.put_var_decref(entry) code.putln("%s = %s;" % ( entry.cname, PyrexTypes.typecast(entry.type, py_object_type, "o"))) elif entry.type.from_py_function: rhs = "%s(o)" % entry.type.from_py_function if entry.type.is_enum: rhs = typecast(entry.type, c_long_type, rhs) code.putln("%s = %s; if (%s) %s;" % ( entry.cname, rhs, entry.type.error_condition(entry.cname), code.error_goto(entry.pos))) code.putln("Py_DECREF(o);") else: code.putln('PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot convert Python object %s to %s");' % (name, entry.type)) code.putln(code.error_goto(entry.pos)) code.putln("}") code.putln("else {") code.putln("if (PyObject_SetAttr(%s, py_name, o) < 0) goto bad;" % Naming.module_cname) code.putln("}") code.putln("return 0;") code.put_label(code.error_label) # This helps locate the offending name. code.putln('__Pyx_AddTraceback("%s");' % self.full_module_name); code.error_label = old_error_label code.putln("bad:") code.putln("Py_DECREF(o);") code.putln("return -1;") code.putln("}") code.putln(import_star_utility_code) code.exit_cfunc_scope() # done with labels def generate_module_init_func(self, imported_modules, env, code): code.enter_cfunc_scope() code.putln("") header2 = "PyMODINIT_FUNC init%s(void)" % env.module_name header3 = "PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_%s(void)" % env.module_name code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3") code.putln("%s; /*proto*/" % header2) code.putln(header2) code.putln("#else") code.putln("%s; /*proto*/" % header3) code.putln(header3) code.putln("#endif") code.putln("{") tempdecl_code = code.insertion_point() self.generate_filename_init_call(code) code.putln("#ifdef CYTHON_REFNANNY") code.putln("void* __pyx_refchk = NULL;") code.putln("__Pyx_Refnanny = __Pyx_ImportRefcountAPI(\"refnanny\");") code.putln("if (!__Pyx_Refnanny) {") code.putln(" PyErr_Clear();") code.putln(" __Pyx_Refnanny = __Pyx_ImportRefcountAPI(\"Cython.Runtime.refnanny\");") code.putln(" if (!__Pyx_Refnanny)") code.putln(" Py_FatalError(\"failed to import refnanny module\");") code.putln("}") code.putln("__pyx_refchk = __Pyx_Refnanny->NewContext(\"%s\", __LINE__, __FILE__);"% header3) code.putln("#endif") code.putln("%s = PyTuple_New(0); %s" % (Naming.empty_tuple, code.error_goto_if_null(Naming.empty_tuple, self.pos))); code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3"); code.putln("%s = PyString_FromStringAndSize(\"\", 0); %s" % (Naming.empty_bytes, code.error_goto_if_null(Naming.empty_bytes, self.pos))); code.putln("#else"); code.putln("%s = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(\"\", 0); %s" % (Naming.empty_bytes, code.error_goto_if_null(Naming.empty_bytes, self.pos))); code.putln("#endif"); code.putln("/*--- Library function declarations ---*/") env.generate_library_function_declarations(code) code.putln("/*--- Threads initialization code ---*/") code.putln("#if defined(__PYX_FORCE_INIT_THREADS) && __PYX_FORCE_INIT_THREADS") code.putln("#ifdef WITH_THREAD /* Python build with threading support? */") code.putln("PyEval_InitThreads();") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("#endif") code.putln("/*--- Module creation code ---*/") self.generate_module_creation_code(env, code) code.putln("/*--- Initialize various global constants etc. ---*/") code.putln(code.error_goto_if_neg("__Pyx_InitGlobals()", self.pos)) __main__name = code.globalstate.get_py_string_const( EncodedString("__main__"), identifier=True) code.putln("if (%s%s) {" % (Naming.module_is_main, self.full_module_name.replace('.', '__'))) code.putln( 'if (__Pyx_SetAttrString(%s, "__name__", %s) < 0) %s;' % ( env.module_cname, __main__name.cname, code.error_goto(self.pos))) code.putln("}") if Options.cache_builtins: code.putln("/*--- Builtin init code ---*/") code.putln(code.error_goto_if_neg("__Pyx_InitCachedBuiltins()", self.pos)) code.putln("/*--- Global init code ---*/") self.generate_global_init_code(env, code) code.putln("/*--- Function export code ---*/") self.generate_c_function_export_code(env, code) code.putln("/*--- Type init code ---*/") self.generate_type_init_code(env, code) code.putln("/*--- Type import code ---*/") for module in imported_modules: self.generate_type_import_code_for_module(module, env, code) code.putln("/*--- Function import code ---*/") for module in imported_modules: self.generate_c_function_import_code_for_module(module, env, code) code.putln("/*--- Execution code ---*/") code.mark_pos(None) self.body.generate_execution_code(code) if Options.generate_cleanup_code: # this should be replaced by the module's tp_clear in Py3 env.use_utility_code(import_module_utility_code) code.putln("if (__Pyx_RegisterCleanup()) %s;" % code.error_goto(self.pos)) code.put_goto(code.return_label) code.put_label(code.error_label) for cname, type in code.funcstate.all_managed_temps(): code.put_xdecref(cname, type) code.putln('if (%s) {' % env.module_cname) code.putln('__Pyx_AddTraceback("init %s");' % env.qualified_name) env.use_utility_code(Nodes.traceback_utility_code) code.put_decref_clear(env.module_cname, py_object_type, nanny=False) code.putln('} else if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {') code.putln('PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "init %s");' % env.qualified_name) code.putln('}') code.put_label(code.return_label) code.put_finish_refcount_context() code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3") code.putln("return;") code.putln("#else") code.putln("return %s;" % env.module_cname) code.putln("#endif") code.putln('}') tempdecl_code.put_temp_declarations(code.funcstate) code.exit_cfunc_scope() def generate_module_cleanup_func(self, env, code): if not Options.generate_cleanup_code: return code.globalstate.use_utility_code(register_cleanup_utility_code) code.putln('static PyObject* %s(PyObject *self, PyObject *unused) {' % Naming.cleanup_cname) if Options.generate_cleanup_code >= 2: code.putln("/*--- Global cleanup code ---*/") rev_entries = list(env.var_entries) rev_entries.reverse() for entry in rev_entries: if entry.visibility != 'extern': if entry.type.is_pyobject and entry.used: code.putln("Py_DECREF(%s); %s = 0;" % ( code.entry_as_pyobject(entry), entry.cname)) code.putln("__Pyx_CleanupGlobals();") if Options.generate_cleanup_code >= 3: code.putln("/*--- Type import cleanup code ---*/") for type, _ in env.types_imported.items(): code.putln("Py_DECREF((PyObject *)%s);" % type.typeptr_cname) if Options.cache_builtins: code.putln("/*--- Builtin cleanup code ---*/") for entry in env.cached_builtins: code.put_decref_clear(entry.cname, PyrexTypes.py_object_type, nanny=False) code.putln("/*--- Intern cleanup code ---*/") code.put_decref_clear(Naming.empty_tuple, PyrexTypes.py_object_type, nanny=False) # for entry in env.pynum_entries: # code.put_decref_clear(entry.cname, # PyrexTypes.py_object_type, # nanny=False) # for entry in env.all_pystring_entries: # if entry.is_interned: # code.put_decref_clear(entry.pystring_cname, # PyrexTypes.py_object_type, # nanny=False) # for entry in env.default_entries: # if entry.type.is_pyobject and entry.used: # code.putln("Py_DECREF(%s); %s = 0;" % ( # code.entry_as_pyobject(entry), entry.cname)) code.putln("Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;") def generate_main_method(self, env, code): module_is_main = "%s%s" % (Naming.module_is_main, self.full_module_name.replace('.', '__')) code.globalstate.use_utility_code(main_method.specialize(module_name=env.module_name, module_is_main=module_is_main)) def generate_filename_init_call(self, code): code.putln("%s();" % Naming.fileinit_cname) def generate_pymoduledef_struct(self, env, code): if env.doc: doc = "__Pyx_DOCSTR(%s)" % code.get_string_const(env.doc) else: doc = "0" code.putln("") code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3") code.putln("static struct PyModuleDef %s = {" % Naming.pymoduledef_cname) code.putln(" PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,") code.putln(' __Pyx_NAMESTR("%s"),' % env.module_name) code.putln(" %s, /* m_doc */" % doc) code.putln(" -1, /* m_size */") code.putln(" %s /* m_methods */," % env.method_table_cname) code.putln(" NULL, /* m_reload */") code.putln(" NULL, /* m_traverse */") code.putln(" NULL, /* m_clear */") code.putln(" NULL /* m_free */") code.putln("};") code.putln("#endif") def generate_module_creation_code(self, env, code): # Generate code to create the module object and # install the builtins. if env.doc: doc = "__Pyx_DOCSTR(%s)" % code.get_string_const(env.doc) else: doc = "0" code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3") code.putln( '%s = Py_InitModule4(__Pyx_NAMESTR("%s"), %s, %s, 0, PYTHON_API_VERSION);' % ( env.module_cname, env.module_name, env.method_table_cname, doc)) code.putln("#else") code.putln( "%s = PyModule_Create(&%s);" % ( env.module_cname, Naming.pymoduledef_cname)) code.putln("#endif") code.putln( "if (!%s) %s;" % ( env.module_cname, code.error_goto(self.pos))); code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3") code.putln( "Py_INCREF(%s);" % env.module_cname) code.putln("#endif") code.putln( '%s = PyImport_AddModule(__Pyx_NAMESTR(__Pyx_BUILTIN_MODULE_NAME));' % Naming.builtins_cname) code.putln( "if (!%s) %s;" % ( Naming.builtins_cname, code.error_goto(self.pos))); code.putln( 'if (__Pyx_SetAttrString(%s, "__builtins__", %s) < 0) %s;' % ( env.module_cname, Naming.builtins_cname, code.error_goto(self.pos))) if Options.pre_import is not None: code.putln( '%s = PyImport_AddModule(__Pyx_NAMESTR("%s"));' % ( Naming.preimport_cname, Options.pre_import)) code.putln( "if (!%s) %s;" % ( Naming.preimport_cname, code.error_goto(self.pos))); def generate_global_init_code(self, env, code): # Generate code to initialise global PyObject * # variables to None. for entry in env.var_entries: if entry.visibility != 'extern': if entry.type.is_pyobject and entry.used: code.put_init_var_to_py_none(entry, nanny=False) def generate_c_function_export_code(self, env, code): # Generate code to create PyCFunction wrappers for exported C functions. for entry in env.cfunc_entries: if entry.api or entry.defined_in_pxd: env.use_utility_code(function_export_utility_code) signature = entry.type.signature_string() code.putln('if (__Pyx_ExportFunction("%s", (void (*)(void))%s, "%s") < 0) %s' % ( entry.name, entry.cname, signature, code.error_goto(self.pos))) def generate_type_import_code_for_module(self, module, env, code): # Generate type import code for all exported extension types in # an imported module. #if module.c_class_entries: for entry in module.c_class_entries: if entry.defined_in_pxd: self.generate_type_import_code(env, entry.type, entry.pos, code) def generate_c_function_import_code_for_module(self, module, env, code): # Generate import code for all exported C functions in a cimported module. entries = [] for entry in module.cfunc_entries: if entry.defined_in_pxd: entries.append(entry) if entries: env.use_utility_code(import_module_utility_code) env.use_utility_code(function_import_utility_code) temp = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(py_object_type, manage_ref=True) code.putln( '%s = __Pyx_ImportModule("%s"); if (!%s) %s' % ( temp, module.qualified_name, temp, code.error_goto(self.pos))) for entry in entries: code.putln( 'if (__Pyx_ImportFunction(%s, "%s", (void (**)(void))&%s, "%s") < 0) %s' % ( temp, entry.name, entry.cname, entry.type.signature_string(), code.error_goto(self.pos))) code.putln("Py_DECREF(%s); %s = 0;" % (temp, temp)) def generate_type_init_code(self, env, code): # Generate type import code for extern extension types # and type ready code for non-extern ones. for entry in env.c_class_entries: if entry.visibility == 'extern': self.generate_type_import_code(env, entry.type, entry.pos, code) else: self.generate_base_type_import_code(env, entry, code) self.generate_exttype_vtable_init_code(entry, code) self.generate_type_ready_code(env, entry, code) self.generate_typeptr_assignment_code(entry, code) def generate_base_type_import_code(self, env, entry, code): base_type = entry.type.base_type if base_type and base_type.module_name != env.qualified_name: self.generate_type_import_code(env, base_type, self.pos, code) def use_type_import_utility_code(self, env): env.use_utility_code(type_import_utility_code) env.use_utility_code(import_module_utility_code) def generate_type_import_code(self, env, type, pos, code): # If not already done, generate code to import the typeobject of an # extension type defined in another module, and extract its C method # table pointer if any. if type in env.types_imported: return if type.typedef_flag: objstruct = type.objstruct_cname else: objstruct = "struct %s" % type.objstruct_cname self.generate_type_import_call(type, code, code.error_goto_if_null(type.typeptr_cname, pos)) self.use_type_import_utility_code(env) if type.vtabptr_cname: code.putln( "if (__Pyx_GetVtable(%s->tp_dict, &%s) < 0) %s" % ( type.typeptr_cname, type.vtabptr_cname, code.error_goto(pos))) env.use_utility_code(Nodes.get_vtable_utility_code) env.types_imported[type] = 1 py3_type_name_map = {'str' : 'bytes', 'unicode' : 'str'} def generate_type_import_call(self, type, code, error_code): if type.typedef_flag: objstruct = type.objstruct_cname else: objstruct = "struct %s" % type.objstruct_cname module_name = type.module_name if module_name not in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'): module_name = '"%s"' % module_name else: module_name = '__Pyx_BUILTIN_MODULE_NAME' if type.name in self.py3_type_name_map: code.putln("#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3") code.putln('%s = __Pyx_ImportType(%s, "%s", sizeof(%s)); %s' % ( type.typeptr_cname, module_name, self.py3_type_name_map[type.name], objstruct, error_code)) code.putln("#else") code.putln('%s = __Pyx_ImportType(%s, "%s", sizeof(%s)); %s' % ( type.typeptr_cname, module_name, type.name, objstruct, error_code)) if type.name in self.py3_type_name_map: code.putln("#endif") def generate_type_ready_code(self, env, entry, code): # Generate a call to PyType_Ready for an extension # type defined in this module. type = entry.type typeobj_cname = type.typeobj_cname scope = type.scope if scope: # could be None if there was an error if entry.visibility != 'extern': for slot in TypeSlots.slot_table: slot.generate_dynamic_init_code(scope, code) code.putln( "if (PyType_Ready(&%s) < 0) %s" % ( typeobj_cname, code.error_goto(entry.pos))) if type.vtable_cname: code.putln( "if (__Pyx_SetVtable(%s.tp_dict, %s) < 0) %s" % ( typeobj_cname, type.vtabptr_cname, code.error_goto(entry.pos))) env.use_utility_code(Nodes.set_vtable_utility_code) code.putln( 'if (__Pyx_SetAttrString(%s, "%s", (PyObject *)&%s) < 0) %s' % ( Naming.module_cname, scope.class_name, typeobj_cname, code.error_goto(entry.pos))) weakref_entry = scope.lookup_here("__weakref__") if weakref_entry: if weakref_entry.type is py_object_type: tp_weaklistoffset = "%s.tp_weaklistoffset" % typeobj_cname if type.typedef_flag: objstruct = type.objstruct_cname else: objstruct = "struct %s" % type.objstruct_cname code.putln("if (%s == 0) %s = offsetof(%s, %s);" % ( tp_weaklistoffset, tp_weaklistoffset, objstruct, weakref_entry.cname)) else: error(weakref_entry.pos, "__weakref__ slot must be of type 'object'") def generate_exttype_vtable_init_code(self, entry, code): # Generate code to initialise the C method table of an # extension type. type = entry.type if type.vtable_cname: code.putln( "%s = &%s;" % ( type.vtabptr_cname, type.vtable_cname)) if type.base_type and type.base_type.vtabptr_cname: code.putln( "%s.%s = *%s;" % ( type.vtable_cname, Naming.obj_base_cname, type.base_type.vtabptr_cname)) c_method_entries = [ entry for entry in type.scope.cfunc_entries if entry.func_cname ] if c_method_entries: code.putln('#if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3') for meth_entry in c_method_entries: cast = meth_entry.type.signature_cast_string() code.putln( "%s.%s = %s%s;" % ( type.vtable_cname, meth_entry.cname, cast, meth_entry.func_cname)) code.putln('#else') for meth_entry in c_method_entries: code.putln( "*(void(**)(void))&%s.%s = (void(*)(void))%s;" % ( type.vtable_cname, meth_entry.cname, meth_entry.func_cname)) code.putln('#endif') def generate_typeptr_assignment_code(self, entry, code): # Generate code to initialise the typeptr of an extension # type defined in this module to point to its type object. type = entry.type if type.typeobj_cname: code.putln( "%s = &%s;" % ( type.typeptr_cname, type.typeobj_cname)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Runtime support code # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ builtin_module_name_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """\ #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 #define __Pyx_BUILTIN_MODULE_NAME "__builtin__" #else #define __Pyx_BUILTIN_MODULE_NAME "builtins" #endif """) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ streq_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static INLINE int __Pyx_StrEq(const char *, const char *); /*proto*/ """, impl = """ static INLINE int __Pyx_StrEq(const char *s1, const char *s2) { while (*s1 != '\\0' && *s1 == *s2) { s1++; s2++; } return *s1 == *s2; } """) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import_module_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static PyObject *__Pyx_ImportModule(const char *name); /*proto*/ """, impl = """ #ifndef __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportModule #define __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportModule static PyObject *__Pyx_ImportModule(const char *name) { PyObject *py_name = 0; PyObject *py_module = 0; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 py_name = PyString_FromString(name); #else py_name = PyUnicode_FromString(name); #endif if (!py_name) goto bad; py_module = PyImport_Import(py_name); Py_DECREF(py_name); return py_module; bad: Py_XDECREF(py_name); return 0; } #endif """) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ type_import_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static PyTypeObject *__Pyx_ImportType(const char *module_name, const char *class_name, long size); /*proto*/ """, impl = """ #ifndef __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportType #define __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportType static PyTypeObject *__Pyx_ImportType(const char *module_name, const char *class_name, long size) { PyObject *py_module = 0; PyObject *result = 0; PyObject *py_name = 0; py_module = __Pyx_ImportModule(module_name); if (!py_module) goto bad; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 py_name = PyString_FromString(class_name); #else py_name = PyUnicode_FromString(class_name); #endif if (!py_name) goto bad; result = PyObject_GetAttr(py_module, py_name); Py_DECREF(py_name); py_name = 0; Py_DECREF(py_module); py_module = 0; if (!result) goto bad; if (!PyType_Check(result)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%s.%s is not a type object", module_name, class_name); goto bad; } if (((PyTypeObject *)result)->tp_basicsize != size) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "%s.%s does not appear to be the correct type object", module_name, class_name); goto bad; } return (PyTypeObject *)result; bad: Py_XDECREF(py_module); Py_XDECREF(result); return 0; } #endif """) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function_export_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static int __Pyx_ExportFunction(const char *name, void (*f)(void), const char *sig); /*proto*/ """, impl = r""" static int __Pyx_ExportFunction(const char *name, void (*f)(void), const char *sig) { #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000 char *api = (char *)"%(API)s"; #else const char *api = "%(API)s"; #endif PyObject *d = 0; PyObject *cobj = 0; union { void (*fp)(void); void *p; } tmp; d = PyObject_GetAttrString(%(MODULE)s, api); if (!d) { PyErr_Clear(); d = PyDict_New(); if (!d) goto bad; Py_INCREF(d); if (PyModule_AddObject(%(MODULE)s, api, d) < 0) goto bad; } tmp.fp = f; cobj = PyCObject_FromVoidPtrAndDesc(tmp.p, (void *)sig, 0); if (!cobj) goto bad; if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, name, cobj) < 0) goto bad; Py_DECREF(cobj); Py_DECREF(d); return 0; bad: Py_XDECREF(cobj); Py_XDECREF(d); return -1; } """ % {'MODULE': Naming.module_cname, 'API': Naming.api_name} ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function_import_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static int __Pyx_ImportFunction(PyObject *module, const char *funcname, void (**f)(void), const char *sig); /*proto*/ """, impl = """ #ifndef __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportFunction #define __PYX_HAVE_RT_ImportFunction static int __Pyx_ImportFunction(PyObject *module, const char *funcname, void (**f)(void), const char *sig) { #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000 char *api = (char *)"%(API)s"; #else const char *api = "%(API)s"; #endif PyObject *d = 0; PyObject *cobj = 0; const char *desc; const char *s1, *s2; union { void (*fp)(void); void *p; } tmp; d = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, api); if (!d) goto bad; cobj = PyDict_GetItemString(d, funcname); if (!cobj) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ImportError, "%%s does not export expected C function %%s", PyModule_GetName(module), funcname); goto bad; } desc = (const char *)PyCObject_GetDesc(cobj); if (!desc) goto bad; s1 = desc; s2 = sig; while (*s1 != '\\0' && *s1 == *s2) { s1++; s2++; } if (*s1 != *s2) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "C function %%s.%%s has wrong signature (expected %%s, got %%s)", PyModule_GetName(module), funcname, sig, desc); goto bad; } tmp.p = PyCObject_AsVoidPtr(cobj); *f = tmp.fp; Py_DECREF(d); return 0; bad: Py_XDECREF(d); return -1; } #endif """ % dict(API = Naming.api_name) ) register_cleanup_utility_code = UtilityCode( proto = """ static int __Pyx_RegisterCleanup(void); /*proto*/ static PyObject* __pyx_module_cleanup(PyObject *self, PyObject *unused); /*proto*/ static PyMethodDef cleanup_def = {__Pyx_NAMESTR("__cleanup"), (PyCFunction)&__pyx_module_cleanup, METH_NOARGS, 0}; """, impl = """ static int __Pyx_RegisterCleanup(void) { /* Don't use Py_AtExit because that has a 32-call limit * and is called after python finalization. */ PyObject *cleanup_func = 0; PyObject *atexit = 0; PyObject *reg = 0; PyObject *args = 0; PyObject *res = 0; int ret = -1; cleanup_func = PyCFunction_New(&cleanup_def, 0); args = PyTuple_New(1); if (!cleanup_func || !args) goto bad; PyTuple_SET_ITEM(args, 0, cleanup_func); cleanup_func = 0; atexit = __Pyx_ImportModule("atexit"); if (!atexit) goto bad; reg = __Pyx_GetAttrString(atexit, "register"); if (!reg) goto bad; res = PyObject_CallObject(reg, args); if (!res) goto bad; ret = 0; bad: Py_XDECREF(cleanup_func); Py_XDECREF(atexit); Py_XDECREF(reg); Py_XDECREF(args); Py_XDECREF(res); return ret; } """) import_star_utility_code = """ /* import_all_from is an unexposed function from ceval.c */ static int __Pyx_import_all_from(PyObject *locals, PyObject *v) { PyObject *all = __Pyx_GetAttrString(v, "__all__"); PyObject *dict, *name, *value; int skip_leading_underscores = 0; int pos, err; if (all == NULL) { if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) return -1; /* Unexpected error */ PyErr_Clear(); dict = __Pyx_GetAttrString(v, "__dict__"); if (dict == NULL) { if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) return -1; PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "from-import-* object has no __dict__ and no __all__"); return -1; } all = PyMapping_Keys(dict); Py_DECREF(dict); if (all == NULL) return -1; skip_leading_underscores = 1; } for (pos = 0, err = 0; ; pos++) { name = PySequence_GetItem(all, pos); if (name == NULL) { if (!PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_IndexError)) err = -1; else PyErr_Clear(); break; } if (skip_leading_underscores && #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 PyString_Check(name) && PyString_AS_STRING(name)[0] == '_') #else PyUnicode_Check(name) && PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE(name)[0] == '_') #endif { Py_DECREF(name); continue; } value = PyObject_GetAttr(v, name); if (value == NULL) err = -1; else if (PyDict_CheckExact(locals)) err = PyDict_SetItem(locals, name, value); else err = PyObject_SetItem(locals, name, value); Py_DECREF(name); Py_XDECREF(value); if (err != 0) break; } Py_DECREF(all); return err; } static int %(IMPORT_STAR)s(PyObject* m) { int i; int ret = -1; char* s; PyObject *locals = 0; PyObject *list = 0; PyObject *name; PyObject *item; locals = PyDict_New(); if (!locals) goto bad; if (__Pyx_import_all_from(locals, m) < 0) goto bad; list = PyDict_Items(locals); if (!list) goto bad; for(i=0; i<PyList_GET_SIZE(list); i++) { name = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(PyList_GET_ITEM(list, i), 0); item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(PyList_GET_ITEM(list, i), 1); #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 s = PyString_AsString(name); #else s = PyUnicode_AsString(name); #endif if (!s) goto bad; if (%(IMPORT_STAR_SET)s(item, name, s) < 0) goto bad; } ret = 0; bad: Py_XDECREF(locals); Py_XDECREF(list); return ret; } """ % {'IMPORT_STAR' : Naming.import_star, 'IMPORT_STAR_SET' : Naming.import_star_set } refcount_utility_code = UtilityCode(proto=""" #ifdef CYTHON_REFNANNY typedef struct { void (*INCREF)(void*, PyObject*, int); void (*DECREF)(void*, PyObject*, int); void (*GOTREF)(void*, PyObject*, int); void (*GIVEREF)(void*, PyObject*, int); void* (*NewContext)(const char*, int, const char*); void (*FinishContext)(void**); } __Pyx_RefnannyAPIStruct; static __Pyx_RefnannyAPIStruct *__Pyx_Refnanny = NULL; #define __Pyx_ImportRefcountAPI(name) \ (__Pyx_RefnannyAPIStruct *) PyCObject_Import((char *)name, (char *)\"RefnannyAPI\") #define __Pyx_INCREF(r) __Pyx_Refnanny->INCREF(__pyx_refchk, (PyObject *)(r), __LINE__) #define __Pyx_DECREF(r) __Pyx_Refnanny->DECREF(__pyx_refchk, (PyObject *)(r), __LINE__) #define __Pyx_GOTREF(r) __Pyx_Refnanny->GOTREF(__pyx_refchk, (PyObject *)(r), __LINE__) #define __Pyx_GIVEREF(r) __Pyx_Refnanny->GIVEREF(__pyx_refchk, (PyObject *)(r), __LINE__) #define __Pyx_XDECREF(r) do { if((r) != NULL) {__Pyx_DECREF(r);} } while(0) #define __Pyx_SetupRefcountContext(name) \ void* __pyx_refchk = __Pyx_Refnanny->NewContext((name), __LINE__, __FILE__) #define __Pyx_FinishRefcountContext() \ __Pyx_Refnanny->FinishContext(&__pyx_refchk) #else #define __Pyx_INCREF(r) Py_INCREF(r) #define __Pyx_DECREF(r) Py_DECREF(r) #define __Pyx_GOTREF(r) #define __Pyx_GIVEREF(r) #define __Pyx_XDECREF(r) Py_XDECREF(r) #define __Pyx_SetupRefcountContext(name) #define __Pyx_FinishRefcountContext() #endif /* CYTHON_REFNANNY */ #define __Pyx_XGIVEREF(r) do { if((r) != NULL) {__Pyx_GIVEREF(r);} } while(0) #define __Pyx_XGOTREF(r) do { if((r) != NULL) {__Pyx_GOTREF(r);} } while(0) """) main_method = UtilityCode( impl = """ #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 || (!defined(WIN32) && !defined(MS_WINDOWS)) int main(int argc, char** argv) { #else int wmain(int argc, wchar_t **argv) { #endif int r = 0; PyObject* m = NULL; Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]); Py_Initialize(); PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv); %(module_is_main)s = 1; #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION < 3 init%(module_name)s(); #else m = PyInit_%(module_name)s(name); #endif if (PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) { r = 1; PyErr_Print(); /* This exits with the right code if SystemExit. */ if (Py_FlushLine()) PyErr_Clear(); } Py_XDECREF(m); Py_Finalize(); return r; } """) packed_struct_utility_code = UtilityCode(proto=""" #if defined(__GNUC__) #define __Pyx_PACKED __attribute__((__packed__)) #else #define __Pyx_PACKED #endif """, impl="", proto_block='utility_code_proto_before_types')