Commit 16d851ec authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Jérome Perrin

redundant sort removed

parent b67da58e
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class Job(Entity): # inherits from the Entity c
return sequence
# method that returns the sequence of the entity's current step (returns zero if the entity is in a queue)
# method that returns the sequence of the entity's current step (returns zero if the entity is in a queue or orderDecomposition)
def currentStepSequence(self):
currentStation=self.currentStation # the current station of the part
......@@ -99,9 +99,6 @@ class MouldAssemblyBuffer(ConditionalBuffer):
# sort the entities and bring to front the entities that have parerntOrders
# with the flag componentsReadyForAssembly raised
# and then perform the default behaviour
if ConditionalBuffer.haveToDispose(self,callerObject):
# update the local variable activeEntity
......@@ -112,25 +109,6 @@ class MouldAssemblyBuffer(ConditionalBuffer):
return activeEntity.order.componentsReadyForAssembly
# # if no caller is defined then check if the entity to be disposed has the flag componentsReadyForAssembly raised
# if not thecaller:
# return activeEntity.order.componentsReadyForAssembly
# # if the successors (MouldAssembly) internal queue is empty then proceed with checking weather
# # the caller is the receiver
# # TODO: the activeEntity is already checked for the flag componentsReadyForAssembly
# if len(thecaller.getActiveObjectQueue())==0:
# return activeEntity.order.componentsReadyForAssembly
# # if activeEntity.type=='Mould':
# # return True
# # else:
# # return activeEntity.order.componentsReadyForAssembly
# # otherwise, check additionally if the receiver holds orderComponents of the same order
# # TODO: should revise, this check may be redundant, as the receiver (assembler must be empty in order to start receiving
# # It is therefore needed that the control is performed by the assembler's getEntity()
# else:
# return thecaller.getActiveObjectQueue()[0].order is activeEntity.order\
# and activeEntity.order.componentsReadyForAssembly
# =======================================================================
# Sort the entities of the activeQ
# =======================================================================
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