Operator inherits directly from ObjectResource

parent 27ae92ec
......@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ class Operator(ObjectResource):
self.multipleCriterionList=SRlist # hold the criteria list in the property multipleCriterionList
for scheduling_rule in SRlist:
if scheduling_rule not in ("FIFO", "Priority","WT", "EDD", "EOD",
"NumStages", "RPC", "LPT", "SPT", "MS", "WINQ"):
if scheduling_rule not in self.getSupportedSchedulingRules():
raise ValueError("Unknown scheduling rule %s for %s" %
(scheduling_rule, id))
# the station that the operator is assigned to
......@@ -70,28 +70,33 @@ class Operator(ObjectResource):
self.candidateEntities=[] # list of the entities requesting the operator at a certain simulation Time
self.candidateEntity=None # the entity that will be chosen for processing
def getSupportedSchedulingRules():
return ("FIFO", "Priority", "WT", "EDD", "EOD",
"NumStages", "RPC", "LPT", "SPT", "MS", "WINQ")
# =======================================================================
# sorts the candidateEntities of the Operator according to the scheduling rule
# TODO: clean the comments
# TODO: maybe the argument is not needed. the candidate entities is a variable of the object
# =======================================================================
def sortCandidateEntities(self):
# TODO: have to consider what happens in case of a critical order
#if we have sorting according to multiple criteria we have to call the sorter many times
if self.schedulingRule=="MC":
for criterion in reversed(self.multipleCriterionList):
#else we just use the default scheduling rule
# =======================================================================
# sorts the Entities of the Queue according to the scheduling rule
# =======================================================================
def activeCandidateQSorter(self, criterion=None):
# # TODO: have to consider what happens in case of a critical order
# # FIFO sorting has no meaning when sorting candidateEntities
# if self.schedulingRule=="FIFO":
# self.activeCandidateQSorter('WT', candidateEntities=candidateEntities)
# #if we have sorting according to multiple criteria we have to call the sorter many times
# elif self.schedulingRule=="MC":
# for criterion in reversed(self.multipleCriterionList):
# self.activeCandidateQSorter(criterion=criterion, candidateEntities=candidateEntities)
# #else we just use the default scheduling rule
# else:
# self.activeCandidateQSorter(self.schedulingRule, candidateEntities=candidateEntities)
# =======================================================================
# sorts the activeCallerrs of the Operator according to the scheduling rule
# TODO: change the name of the class (they are not entities)
# =======================================================================
def sortActiveCallers(self):
#if we have sorting according to multiple criteria we have to call the sorter many times
......@@ -67,19 +67,19 @@ class OperatorManagedJob(Operator):
# return False
return len(self.Res.activeQ)<self.capacity
# =======================================================================
# sorts the candidateEntities of the Operator according to the scheduling rule
# TODO: maybe the argument is not needed. the candidate entities is a variable of the object
# =======================================================================
def sortCandidateEntities(self):
# TODO: have to consider what happens in case of a critical order
#if we have sorting according to multiple criteria we have to call the sorter many times
if self.schedulingRule=="MC":
for criterion in reversed(self.multipleCriterionList):
#else we just use the default scheduling rule
# # =======================================================================
# # sorts the candidateEntities of the Operator according to the scheduling rule
# # TODO: maybe the argument is not needed. the candidate entities is a variable of the object
# # =======================================================================
# def sortCandidateEntities(self):
# # TODO: have to consider what happens in case of a critical order
# #if we have sorting according to multiple criteria we have to call the sorter many times
# if self.schedulingRule=="MC":
# for criterion in reversed(self.multipleCriterionList):
# self.activeCandidateQSorter(criterion=criterion)
# #else we just use the default scheduling rule
# else:
# self.activeCandidateQSorter(self.schedulingRule)
# =======================================================================
# sorts the Entities of the Queue according to the scheduling rule
......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# according to this implementation one machine per broker is allowed
# The Broker is initiated within the Machine and considered as
# black box for the ManPy end Developer
# TODO: we should maybe define a global schedulingRule criterion that will be
# chosen in case of multiple criteria for different Operators
# =======================================================================
def __init__(self):
......@@ -83,119 +85,45 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
# wait until the router is called
yield waitevent, self, self.startCycle
# yield waituntil,self,self.isCalled
# when the router is called for the first time wait till all the entities
# finished all their moves in stations of non-Machine-type
# before they can enter again a type-Machine object
yield waituntil, self,self.entitiesFinishedMoving
# update the objects to be served list (pendingObjects)
self.pendingObjects=[object for object in G.MachineList if object.inPositionToGet]
# print now(), '================================================================================'
# print ' the pending objects are ', [str(object.id) for object in self.pendingObjects]
# update the calledOperators list
self.calledOperators=[operator for operator in G.OperatorsList if len(operator.activeCallersList)]
# print ' (calledOperators, activeCallers, callerEntities): ', [(str(operator.id),\
# [str(x.id) for x in operator.activeCallersList],\
# [str(x.giver.getActiveObjectQueue()[0].id)for x in operator.activeCallersList])\
# for operator in self.calledOperators]
# find the operators that can start working now even if they are not called
# print ' {} the candidateOperators ',
# print [str(op.id) for op in self.candidateOperators]
# print [str(entity.id) for entity in G.pendingEntities]
# sort the pendingEntities list
# print [str(entity.id) for entity in G.pendingEntities]
# if G.pendingEntities:
# print ' {} the pending entities that can proceed are: ',
# print [str(entity.id) for entity in G.pendingEntities if entity.canProceed]
# find the operators candidateEntities
# print ' {} candidate entities for each candidateOperator ',
# print [(str(operator.id),[str(candidateEntity.id) for candidateEntity in operator.candidateEntities],)\
# for operator in self.candidateOperators]
# find the entity that will occupy the resource, and the station that will receive it (if any available)
# print ' {} (candidateOperator, candidateEntity, candidateReceiver) ',
# print [(str(op.id), str(op.candidateEntity.id), str(op.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver.id))\
# for op in self.candidateOperators if op.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver]
# sort the givers for the operators that will process the entities
# for all the operators that are requested
for operator in self.calledOperators:
# check if the candidateReceivers are inPositionToGet and if they are already called
receiverIsActive=(operator.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver in operator.activeCallersList\
and operator.candidateEntity.candidateReceiver in self.pendingObjects )
# print ' calledOperator', operator.id,
# print 'will receive?',operator.checkIfResourceIsAvailable() and receiverIsActive
# check if the candidateOperators are available, if the are requested and reside in the pendingObjects list
if operator.checkIfResourceIsAvailable() and \
# sort the activeCallersList of the operator
# find the activeCaller that has priority
priorityObject=next(x for x in operator.activeCallersList if x in self.pendingObjects)
# print [str(caller.id) for caller in operator.activeCallersList]
# print ' the PRIORITY object is', priorityObject.id
# and if the priorityObject is indeed pending
if priorityObject in self.pendingObjects:
# assign an operator to the priorityObject
# print operator.id, 'got assigned to', priorityObject.id
# and let it proceed withGetEntity
......@@ -206,12 +134,6 @@ class Router(ObjectInterruption):
for object in self.pendingObjects:
if not object.canProceedWithGetEntity:
# print ' these objects will proceed with getting entities',
# print [str(object.id) for object in self.pendingObjects if object.canProceedWithGetEntity]
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