Commit 9cd884a0 authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Jérome Perrin

Comments added

parent 9c33bce8
......@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ Class that acts as an abstract. It should have no instances. All the core-object
from SimPy.Simulation import Process, Resource, now
# =================================== the core object ==============================================
# ===========================================================================
# the core object
# ===========================================================================
class CoreObject(Process):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -97,17 +99,23 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
self.shouldPreempt=False #flag that shows that the machine should preempt or not
# ======================== the main process of the core object =================================
# ================ this is dummy, every object must have its own implementation ================
# =======================================================================
# the main process of the core object
# this is dummy, every object must have its own implementation
# =======================================================================
def run(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must define 'run' method")
# ======================== sets the routing in and out elements for the Object ==================
# =======================================================================
# sets the routing in and out elements for the Object
# =======================================================================
def defineRouting(self, predecessorList=[], successorList=[]):
# ================================== removes an entity from the Object ==========================
# =======================================================================
# removes an entity from the Object
# =======================================================================
def removeEntity(self):
......@@ -125,14 +133,19 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
return activeEntity
# ================================== adds the blockage to totalBlockageTime each time an Entity is removed===============
# =======================================================================
# adds the blockage time to totalBlockageTime
# each time an Entity is removed
# =======================================================================
def addBlockage(self):
self.totalTimeWaitingForOperator += self.operatorWaitTimeCurrentEntity
# ================================== gets an entity from the giver ====================================
# =======================================================================
# gets an entity from the giver
# =======================================================================
def getEntity(self):
# get giver object, its queue, and sort the entities according to this object priorities
......@@ -168,11 +181,15 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
return activeEntity
# ========================== actions to be taken after the simulation ends ======================
# =======================================================================
# actions to be taken after the simulation ends
# =======================================================================
def postProcessing(self, MaxSimtime=None):
# =========================== outputs message to the trace.xls ==================================
# =======================================================================
# outputs message to the trace.xls
# =======================================================================
#outputs message to the trace.xls. Format is (Simulation Time | Entity or Frame Name | message)
def outputTrace(self, entityName, message):
from Globals import G
......@@ -188,33 +205,49 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
G.traceSheet=G.traceFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(G.sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
# =========================== outputs data to "output.xls" ======================================
# =======================================================================
# outputs data to "output.xls"
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsXL(self, MaxSimtime=None):
# =========================== outputs results to JSON File ======================================
# =======================================================================
# outputs results to JSON File
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsJSON(self):
# ================= checks if the Object can dispose an entity to the following object ==========
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Object can dispose an entity to the following object
# =======================================================================
def haveToDispose(self, callerObject=None):
return len(activeObjectQueue)>0
#checks if the Object can accept an entity and there is an entity in some possible giver waiting for it
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Object can accept an entity and there is an entity
# in some possible giver waiting for it
# =======================================================================
def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self):
# ============================ checks if the Object can accept an entity ========================
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Object can accept an entity
# =======================================================================
def canAccept(self, callerObject=None):
# ===================== sorts the Entities in the activeQ of the objects ========================
# =======================================================================
# sorts the Entities in the activeQ of the objects
# =======================================================================
def sortEntities(self):
#takes the array and checks if all its values are identical (returns false) or not (returns true)
#needed because if somebody runs multiple runs in deterministic case it would crash!
# =======================================================================
# takes the array and checks if all its values are identical
# (returns false) or not (returns true)needed because if somebody runs
# multiple runs in deterministic case it would crash!
# =======================================================================
def checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self, array):
for i in range(1, len(array)):
......@@ -222,32 +255,45 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
return difValuesFlag
# ===================== get the active object. This always returns self ========================
# =======================================================================
# get the active object. This always returns self
# =======================================================================
def getActiveObject(self):
return self
# ========================== get the activeQ of the active object. =============================
# =======================================================================
# get the activeQ of the active object.
# =======================================================================
def getActiveObjectQueue(self):
return self.Res.activeQ
# =================== get the giver object in a getEntity transaction. =========================
# =======================================================================
# get the giver object in a getEntity transaction.
# =======================================================================
def getGiverObject(self):
return self.giver
# ============== get the giver object queue in a getEntity transaction. ========================
# =======================================================================
# get the giver object queue in a getEntity transaction.
# =======================================================================
def getGiverObjectQueue(self):
return self.getGiverObject().getActiveObjectQueue()
# ============== get the receiver object in a removeEntity transaction. =======================
# =======================================================================
# get the receiver object in a removeEntity transaction.
# =======================================================================
def getReceiverObject(self):
return self.receiver
# ========== get the receiver object queue in a removeEntity transaction. ======================
# =======================================================================
# get the receiver object queue in a removeEntity transaction.
# =======================================================================
def getReceiverObjectQueue(self):
return self.getReceiverObject().getActiveObjectQueue()
# ============== get the giver object queue in a getEntity transaction. ========================
# =======================================================================
# get the giver object queue in a getEntity transaction.
# =======================================================================
def updateGiverObject(self):
# dummy variables that help prioritize the objects requesting to give objects to the Machine (activeObject)
......@@ -268,12 +314,14 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
return giver
# =======================================================================
# get the receiver object
# =======================================================================
def updateReceiverObject(self):
# dummy variables that help prioritize the objects requesting to give objects to the Machine (activeObject)
maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy variable counting the time a predecessor is blocked
maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy variable counting the time a successor is waiting
for object in
if(object.canAccept(activeObject)): # if a successor can accept an object
......@@ -308,7 +356,8 @@ class CoreObject(Process):
self.exitAssignedToReceiver = False
# =======================================================================
# actions to be carried whenever the object is interrupted (failure, break, preemption, etc)
# actions to be carried whenever the object is interrupted
# (failure, break, preemption, etc)
# =======================================================================
def interruptionActions(self):
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -34,10 +34,13 @@ from RandomNumberGenerator import RandomNumberGenerator
import scipy.stats as stat
from CoreObject import CoreObject
#the Dismantle object
# ===========================================================================
# the Dismantle object
# ===========================================================================
class Dismantle(CoreObject):
#initialize the object
# =======================================================================
# initialize the object
# =======================================================================
def __init__(self, id, name, distribution='Fixed', mean=1, stdev=0.1, min=0, max=5):
......@@ -63,13 +66,15 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
# ============================== variable that is used for the loading of machines =============
# variable that is used for the loading of machines
self.exitAssignedToReceiver = False # by default the objects are not blocked
# when the entities have to be loaded to operatedMachines
# then the giverObjects have to be blocked for the time
# that the machine is being loaded
# =======================================================================
# the initialize method
# =======================================================================
def initialize(self):
......@@ -91,8 +96,6 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
self.processingTimeOfCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total processing time that the current entity required
self.totalBlockageTime=0 #holds the total blockage time
self.totalWaitingTime=0 #holds the total waiting time
self.totalWorkingTime=0 #holds the total working time
......@@ -108,7 +111,9 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
# =======================================================================
# the run method
# =======================================================================
def run(self):
while 1:
yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the Assembly can accept a frame
......@@ -136,21 +141,30 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
self.waitToDisposeFrame=False #the Dismantle has no Frame to dispose now
#self.totalBlockageTime+=now()-startBlockageTime #add the blockage time
#checks if the Dismantle can accept an entity and there is a Frame waiting for it
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Dismantle can accept an entity and there is a Frame
# waiting for it
# =======================================================================
def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self):
return len(self.getActiveObjectQueue())==0 and self.getGiverObject().haveToDispose(self)
#checks if the Dismantle can accept an entity
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Dismantle can accept an entity
# =======================================================================
def canAccept(self, callerObject=None):
return len(self.getActiveObjectQueue())==0
#defines where parts and frames go after they leave the object
# =======================================================================
# defines where parts and frames go after they leave the object
# =======================================================================
def definePartFrameRouting(self, successorPartList=[], successorFrameList=[]):
#checks if the caller waits for a part or a frame and if the Dismantle is in the state of disposing one it returnse true
# =======================================================================
# checks if the caller waits for a part or a frame and if the Dismantle
# is in the state of disposing one it returnse true
# =======================================================================
def haveToDispose(self, callerObject=None):
......@@ -166,15 +180,21 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
return True
return False
#checks if the frame is emptied
# =======================================================================
# checks if the frame is emptied
# =======================================================================
def frameIsEmpty(self):
return len(self.getActiveObjectQueue())==1
#checks if Dismantle is emptied
# =======================================================================
# checks if Dismantle is emptied
# =======================================================================
def isEmpty(self):
return len(self.getActiveObjectQueue())==0
#gets a frame from the giver
# =======================================================================
# gets a frame from the giver
# =======================================================================
def getEntity(self):
activeEntity=CoreObject.getEntity(self) #run the default method
......@@ -189,7 +209,9 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
return activeEntity
#removes an entity from the Dismantle
# =======================================================================
# removes an entity from the Dismantle
# =======================================================================
def removeEntity(self):
activeEntity=CoreObject.removeEntity(self) #run the default method
......@@ -202,7 +224,9 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
return activeEntity
#add the blockage only if the very last Entity (Frame) is to depart
# =======================================================================
# add the blockage only if the very last Entity (Frame) is to depart
# =======================================================================
def addBlockage(self):
if len(self.getActiveObjectQueue())==1:
......@@ -210,8 +234,9 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
#actions to be taken after the simulation ends
# =======================================================================
# actions to be taken after the simulation ends
# =======================================================================
def postProcessing(self, MaxSimtime=None):
if MaxSimtime==None:
from Globals import G
......@@ -234,8 +259,10 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
#outputs message to the trace.xls. Format is (Simulation Time | Entity or Frame Name | message)
# =======================================================================
# outputs message to the trace.xls.
# Format is (Simulation Time | Entity or Frame Name | message)
# =======================================================================
def outputTrace(self, name, message):
from Globals import G
if(G.trace=="Yes"): #output only if the user has selected to
......@@ -250,8 +277,9 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
G.traceSheet=G.traceFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(G.sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
#outputs data to "output.xls"
# =======================================================================
# outputs data to "output.xls"
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsXL(self, MaxSimtime=None):
from Globals import G
if MaxSimtime==None:
......@@ -303,7 +331,9 @@ class Dismantle(CoreObject):
#outputs results to JSON File
# =======================================================================
# outputs results to JSON File
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsJSON(self):
from Globals import G
if(G.numberOfReplications==1): #if we had just one replication output the results to excel
......@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ import xlrd
from random import Random, expovariate, gammavariate, normalvariate
from SimPy.Simulation import now
# ===========================================================================
# globals
# ===========================================================================
class G:
seed=1450 #the seed of the random number generator
Rnd = Random(seed) #random number generator
......@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class G:
maxSimTime=0 #the total simulation time
# data for the trace output in excel
# =======================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
trace="" #this is written from input. If it is "Yes" then you write to trace, else we do not
traceIndex=0 #index that shows in what row we are
sheetIndex=1 #index that shows in what sheet we are
......@@ -58,19 +60,22 @@ class G:
# variables for excel output
# =======================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
outputIndex=0 #index that shows in what row we are
sheetIndex=1 #index that shows in what sheet we are
outputFile = xlwt.Workbook() #create excel file
outputSheet = outputFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True) #create excel sheet
#variables for json output
# =======================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
numberOfEntities = 0
# =======================================================================
# method to move entities exceeding a certain safety stock
# =======================================================================
def moveExcess(argumentDict={}):
giver=findObjectById(argumentDict.get('from', None))
receiver=findObjectById(argumentDict.get('to', None))
......@@ -87,20 +92,29 @@ def moveExcess(argumentDict={}):
print "Giver and/or Receiver not defined"
# =======================================================================
# method finding objects by ID
# =======================================================================
def findObjectById(id):
for obj in G.ObjList:
return obj
return None
# =======================================================================
# method to set-up the entities in the current stations
# as Work In Progress
# =======================================================================
def setWIP(entityList):
for entity in entityList:
# if the entity is of type Part
if entity.type=='Part':
object=entity.currentStation #identify the object
object.getActiveObjectQueue().append(entity) #append the entity to its Queue
entity.schedule.append([object,now()]) #append the time to schedule so that it can be read in the result
# if the entity is of type Job/OrderComponent/Order
elif entity.type=='Job' or 'OrderComponent' or 'Order':
object=findObjectById(entity.remainingRoute[0][0]) # find the object in the 'G.ObjList
object=findObjectById(entity.remainingRoute[0][0]) # find the object in the 'G.ObjList'
object.getActiveObjectQueue().append(entity) # append the entity to its Queue
entity.remainingRoute.pop(0) # remove data from the remaining route.
......@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ in the system and also in the processing times at each station
from Globals import G
from Entity import Entity
# ============================ The job object ==============================
# =======================================================================
# The job object
# =======================================================================
class Job(Entity): # inherits from the Entity class
......@@ -43,11 +45,13 @@ class Job(Entity): # inherits from the Entity c
self.remainingRoute=list(route) # the remaining route. in the beginning
# this should be the same as the full route
# the scheduling of the entity as resolved by the simulation
self.schedule=[] # keeps the result of the simulation.
# A list with the stations and time of entrance
# self.schedule=[] # keeps the result of the simulation.
# # A list with the stations and time of entrance
self.extraPropertyDict = extraPropertyDict
#==================== outputs results to JSON File ======================
# =======================================================================
# outputs results to JSON File
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsJSON(self):
from Globals import G
if(G.numberOfReplications==1): #if we had just one replication output the results to excel
......@@ -74,13 +78,15 @@ class Job(Entity): # inherits from the Entity c
for record in self.schedule:
json['results']['schedule'].append({}) # dictionary holding time and
json['results']['schedule'][i]['stepNumber']=i #the step number
json['results']['schedule'][i]['stepNumber']=i # the step number
json['results']['schedule'][i]['stationId']=record[0].id # id of the Object
json['results']['schedule'][i]['entranceTime']=record[1] # time entering the Object
# ==== initializes all the Entity for a new simulation replication ======
# =======================================================================
# initializes all the Entity for a new simulation replication
# =======================================================================
def initialize(self):
# has to be re-initialized each time a new Job is added
......@@ -691,7 +691,6 @@ def createObjects():
# ===========================================================================
# defines the topology (predecessors and successors for all the objects)
# ===========================================================================
......@@ -914,7 +913,10 @@ def createWIP():
orderDate=float(entity.get('orderDate', '0'))
isCritical=bool(int(entity.get('isCritical', '0')))
basicsEnded=bool(int(entity.get('basicsEnded', '0')))
# read the manager ID
manager=entity.get('manager', None)
# if a manager ID is assigned then search for the operator with the corresponding ID
# and assign it as the manager of the order
if manager:
for operator in G.OperatorsList:
......@@ -968,7 +970,6 @@ def createWIP():
# ===========================================================================
# reads the interruptions of the stations
# ===========================================================================
......@@ -980,9 +981,12 @@ def createObjectInterruptions():
json_data = G.JSONData
#Read the json data
nodes = json_data['nodes'] # read from the dictionary the dicts with key 'nodes'
# for the elements in the nodes dict
for (element_id, element) in nodes.iteritems():
element['id'] = element_id
scheduledMaintenance=element.get('scheduledMaintenance', {})
# if there is a scheduled maintenance initiate it and append it
# to the interruptions- and scheduled maintenances- list
if len(scheduledMaintenance):
start=float(scheduledMaintenance.get('start', 0))
duration=float(scheduledMaintenance.get('duration', 1))
......@@ -991,6 +995,8 @@ def createObjectInterruptions():
failure=element.get('failures', {})
# if there are failures assigned
# initiate them
if len(failure):
distributionType=failure.get('failureDistribution', 'No')
if distributionType=='No':
......@@ -1004,15 +1010,12 @@ def createObjectInterruptions():
# ===========================================================================
# used to convert a string read from the input to object type
# ===========================================================================
def str_to_class(str):
return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], str)
# ===========================================================================
# the main script that is ran
# ===========================================================================
......@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ inherits from MachineJobShop it can preempt the currently processed Entity if ne
from MachineJobShop import MachineJobShop
from SimPy.Simulation import reactivate, now
#the MachineJobShop object
# ===========================================================================
# the MachineJobShop object
# ===========================================================================
class MachinePreemptive(MachineJobShop):
def __init__(self, id, name, capacity=1, distribution='Fixed', mean=1, stdev=0, min=0, max=10,\
......@@ -41,7 +43,9 @@ class MachinePreemptive(MachineJobShop):
return activeEntity
#method to execute the preemption
# =======================================================================
# method to execute the preemption
# =======================================================================
def preempt(self):
activeEntity=self.getActiveObjectQueue()[0] #get the active Entity
#calculate the remaining processing time
......@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ Order is an Entity that can have its design, get broken to sub-components
from Globals import G
from Job import Job
# ============================ The Order object ==============================
# =======================================================================
# The Order object
# =======================================================================
class Order(Job):
......@@ -36,10 +38,10 @@ class Order(Job):
componentsList=[], manager=None, basicsEnded=False, extraPropertyDict=None):
Job. __init__(self, id=id, name=name, route=route, priority=priority, dueDate=dueDate, orderDate=orderDate,
self.isCritical=isCritical # flag to inform weather the order is critical -> preemption
self.componentsList=componentsList # list of components that the order will be broken into
self.manager=manager # the manager responsible to handle the order
self.basicsEnded=basicsEnded # flag that informs that the basic components of the order are finished
......@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@ class OrderComponent(Job): # inherits from the
def __init__(self, id=None, name=None, route=[], priority=0, dueDate=None, orderDate=None, extraPropertyDict=None,
componentType='Basic', order=None, isCritical=False):
Job.__init__(self, id, name, route, priority, dueDate, orderDate, extraPropertyDict)
self.isCritical=isCritical #this should be self.order.isCritical. Added now for testing
self.auxiliaryList=[] # Holds the auxiliary components that the component needs for a certain processing
self.order=order # parent order of the order component
self.isCritical=isCritical # this should be self.order.isCritical. Added now for testing
......@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ class OrderDecomposition(CoreObject):
# =======================================================================
# the initialize method
# =======================================================================
def initialize(self):
......@@ -56,7 +59,9 @@ class OrderDecomposition(CoreObject):
self.newlyCreatedComponents=[] # a list to hold components just after decomposition
#run just waits until there is something to get and gets it
# =======================================================================
# run just waits until there is something to get and gets it
# =======================================================================
def run(self):
while 1:
yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the Queue can accept an entity
......@@ -64,12 +69,15 @@ class OrderDecomposition(CoreObject):
# =======================================================================
# as a dummy object can always accept
# =======================================================================
def canAccept(self, callerObject=None):
return True
# =======================================================================
# checks if the OrderDecomposition can accept an entity and there is an entity in
# some possible giver waiting for it
# checks if the OrderDecomposition can accept an entity
# and there is an entity in some possible giver waiting for it
# also updates the giver to the one that is to be taken
# =======================================================================
def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self):
......@@ -104,7 +112,8 @@ class OrderDecomposition(CoreObject):
return activeObject.Up and isRequested
# =======================================================================
# checks if the OrderDecomposition can dispose an entity to the following object
# checks if the OrderDecomposition can dispose
# an entity to the following object
# =======================================================================
def haveToDispose(self, callerObject=None):
......@@ -118,7 +127,9 @@ class OrderDecomposition(CoreObject):
#return True if the OrderDecomposition in the state of disposing and the caller is the receiver
return self.Up and (callerObject is self.receiver)
#decomposes the order to its components
# =======================================================================
# decomposes the order to its components
# =======================================================================
def decompose(self):
#loop in the internal Queue. Decompose only if an Entity is of type order
......@@ -137,7 +148,9 @@ class OrderDecomposition(CoreObject):
#creates the components
# =======================================================================
# creates the components
# =======================================================================
def createOrderComponent(self, component):
#read attributes fromthe json or from the orderToBeDecomposed
id=component.get('id', 'not found')
......@@ -28,10 +28,13 @@ Inherits from QueueJobShop. If it gets an isCritical Entity it can interrupt the
from QueueJobShop import QueueJobShop
from SimPy.Simulation import now
#the QueuePreemptive object
# ===========================================================================
# the QueuePreemptive object
# ===========================================================================
class QueuePreemptive(QueueJobShop):
#extend he default so that it can interrupt the receiver if need be
# =======================================================================
# extend he default so that it can interrupt the receiver if need be
# =======================================================================
def getEntity(self):
activeEntity=QueueJobShop.getEntity(self) #execute default behaviour
#if the obtained Entity is critical
......@@ -44,7 +47,9 @@ class QueuePreemptive(QueueJobShop):
self.receiver.timeLastEntityEnded=now() #required to count blockage correctly in the preemptied station
#for future use
# =======================================================================
# for future use
# =======================================================================
def sortEntities(self):
......@@ -30,13 +30,23 @@ from SimPy.Simulation import now, Process, hold, request, release, infinity
from RandomNumberGenerator import RandomNumberGenerator
from ObjectInterruption import ObjectInterruption
# ===========================================================================
# the scheduled maintenance class
# ===========================================================================
class ScheduledMaintenance(ObjectInterruption):
# =======================================================================
# the __init__() method of the class
# =======================================================================
def __init__(self, victim=None, start=0, duration=1):
# =======================================================================
# the run method
# holds till the defined start time, interrupts the victim,
# holds for the maintenance duration, and finally reactivates the victim
# =======================================================================
def run(self):
yield hold,self,self.start #wait until the start time
......@@ -48,7 +58,7 @@ class ScheduledMaintenance(ObjectInterruption):
except AttributeError:
print "AttributeError1"
yield hold,self,self.duration #wait until the start time
yield hold,self,self.duration # wait for the defined duration of the interruption
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