Commit a1556795 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

first version of Dismantle object added to the library

parent cab0f78e
...@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ class Assembly(Process): ...@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ class Assembly(Process):
def canAccept(self): def canAccept(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0 return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0
#checks if the machine can accept an entity and there is a Frame waiting for it #checks if the Assembly can accept an entity and there is a Frame waiting for it
def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self): def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0 and self.previousFrame[0].haveToDispose() return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0 and self.previousFrame[0].haveToDispose()
#checks if the machine can accept an entity and there is a Frame waiting for it #checks if the Assembly can accept an entity and there is a Frame waiting for it
def isRequestedFromPart(self): def isRequestedFromPart(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==1 and self.previousPart[0].haveToDispose() return len(self.Res.activeQ)==1 and self.previousPart[0].haveToDispose()
...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Assembly(Process): ...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class Assembly(Process):
def haveToDispose(self): def haveToDispose(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)>0 and self.waitToDispose return len(self.Res.activeQ)>0 and self.waitToDispose
#sets the routing in and out elements for the queue #sets the routing in and out elements for the Assembly
def defineRouting(self, pp, pf, n): def defineRouting(self, pp, pf, n):
self.previousPart=pp self.previousPart=pp
Created on 21 May 2013
@author: George
Models a dicmantle object
it gathers frames that have parts loaded, unloads the parts and sends the frame to one destination and the parts to another
from SimPy.Simulation import *
import xlwt
from RandomNumberGenerator import RandomNumberGenerator
import scipy.stats as stat
#the Dismantle object
class Dismantle(Process):
#initialize the object
def __init__(self, id, name, dist, time):
self.type="Dismantle" #String that shows the type of object
self.distType=dist #the distribution that the procTime follows
self.rng=RandomNumberGenerator(self, self.distType)
self.previous=[] #list with the previous objects in the flow
self.previousIds=[] #list with the ids of the previous objects in the flow
self.nextPart=[] #list with the next objects that receive parts
self.nextFrame=[] #list with the next objects that receive frames
self.nextIds=[] #list with the ids of the next objects in the flow
self.nextPartIds=[] #list with the ids of the next objects that receive parts
self.nextFrameIds=[] #list with the ids of the next objects that receive frames
#lists to hold statistics of multiple runs
def initialize(self):
self.waitToDispose=False #flag that shows if the object waits to dispose an entity
self.waitToDisposePart=False #flag that shows if the object waits to dispose a part
self.waitToDisposeFrame=False #flag that shows if the object waits to dispose a frame
self.Up=True #Boolean that shows if the object is in failure ("Down") or not ("up")
self.totalFailureTime=0 #holds the total failure time
self.timeLastFailure=0 #holds the time that the last failure of the object started
self.timeLastFailureEnded=0 #holds the time that the last failure of the object Ended
self.downTimeProcessingCurrentEntity=0 #holds the time that the object was down while processing the current entity
self.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity=0 #holds the time that the object was down while trying
#to release the current entity
self.downTimeInCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total time that the object was down while holding current entity
self.timeLastEntityLeft=0 #holds the last time that an entity left the object
self.processingTimeOfCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total processing time that the current entity required
self.totalBlockageTime=0 #holds the total blockage time
self.totalWaitingTime=0 #holds the total waiting time
self.totalWorkingTime=0 #holds the total working time
self.completedJobs=0 #holds the number of completed jobs
self.timeLastEntityEnded=0 #holds the last time that an entity ended processing in the object
self.timeLastEntityEntered=0 #holds the last time that an entity ended processing in the object
self.timeLastFrameWasFull=0 #holds the time that the last frame was full, ie that assembly process started
self.nameLastFrameWasFull="" #holds the name of the last frame that was full, ie that assembly process started
self.nameLastEntityEntered="" #holds the name of the last frame that entered processing in the object
self.nameLastEntityEnded="" #holds the name of the last frame that ended processing in the object
def run(self):
while 1:
yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the Assembly can accept a frame
#and one "frame" predecessor requests it
self.getEntity() #get the Frame with the parts
self.outputTrace(self.Res.activeQ[0].name, " got into "+ self.objName)
yield hold,self,self.rng.generateNumber() #hold for the time the dismantle operation is carried
self.waitToDisposePart=True #Dismantle is in state to dispose a part
yield waituntil, self, self.frameIsEmpty #wait until all the parts are disposed
self.waitToDisposePart=False #Dismantle has no parts now
self.waitToDisposeFrame=True #Dismantle is in state to dispose a part
yield waituntil, self, self.isEmpty #wait until all the frame is disposed
self.completedJobs+=1 #Dismantle completed a job
self.waitToDisposeFrame=False #the Dismantle has no Frame to dispose now
self.totalBlockageTime+=now()-startBlockageTime #add the blockage time
#checks if the Dismantle can accept an entity and there is a Frame waiting for it
def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0 and self.previous[0].haveToDispose()
#checks if the Dismantle can accept an entity
def canAccept(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0
#sets the routing in and out elements for the Dismantle
def defineRouting(self, p, np, nf):
#checks if the caller waits for a part or a frame and if the Dismantle is in the state of disposing one it returnse true
def haveToDispose(self):
#identify the caller method
frame = sys._getframe(1)
arguments = frame.f_code.co_argcount
if arguments == 0:
print "Not called from a method"
caller_calls_self = frame.f_code.co_varnames[0]
thecaller = frame.f_locals[caller_calls_self]
#according to the caller return true or false
if thecaller in self.nextPart:
return len(self.Res.activeQ)>1 and self.waitToDisposePart
elif thecaller in self.nextFrame:
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==1 and self.waitToDisposeFrame
#checks if the frame is emptied
def frameIsEmpty(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==1
#checks if Dismantle is emptied
def isEmpty(self):
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==0
#gets a frame from the predecessor that the predecessor index points to
def getEntity(self):
self.Res.activeQ.append(self.previous[0].Res.activeQ[0]) #get the frame from the predecessor
#append also the parts in the res so that they can be popped
for i in range(self.Res.activeQ[0].numOfParts):
#removes an entity from the Dismantle
def removeEntity(self):
#to release the Frame if it is empty
self.outputTrace(self.Res.activeQ[0].name, " releases "+ self.objName)
self.outputTrace(self.Res.activeQ[0].name, " releases "+ self.objName)
#outputs message to the trace.xls. Format is (Simulation Time | Entity or Frame Name | message)
def outputTrace(self, name, message):
from Globals import G
if(G.trace=="Yes"): #output only if the user has selected to
#handle the 3 columns
G.traceIndex+=1 #increment the row
#if we reach row 65536 we need to create a new sheet (excel limitation)
G.traceSheet=G.traceFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(G.sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
#actions to be taken after the simulation ends
def postProcessing(self, MaxSimtime):
#if there is an entity that finished processing in Dismantle but did not get to reach
#the following Object
#till the end of simulation, we have to add this blockage to the percentage of blockage in Machine
#we should exclude the blockage time in current entity though!
if (len([0].Res.activeQ)>0) and ((self.nameLastEntityEntered == self.nameLastEntityEnded)):
#if Dismantle is currently processing an entity we should count this working time
if(len(self.Res.activeQ)>0) and (not (self.nameLastEntityEnded==self.nameLastFrameWasFull)):
#outputs message to the trace.xls. Format is (Simulation Time | Entity or Frame Name | message)
def outputTrace(self, name, message):
from Globals import G
if(G.trace=="Yes"): #output only if the user has selected to
#handle the 3 columns
G.traceIndex+=1 #increment the row
#if we reach row 65536 we need to create a new sheet (excel limitation)
G.traceSheet=G.traceFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(G.sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
#outputs data to "output.xls"
def outputResultsXL(self, MaxSimtime):
from Globals import G
if(G.numberOfReplications==1): #if we had just one replication output the results to excel
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "The percentage of Working of "+self.objName +" is:")
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "The percentage of Blockage of "+self.objName +" is:")
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "The percentage of Waiting of "+self.objName +" is:")
else: #if we had multiple replications we output confidence intervals to excel
#for some outputs the results may be the same for each run (eg model is stochastic but failures fixed
#so failurePortion will be exactly the same in each run). That will give 0 variability and errors.
#so for each output value we check if there was difference in the runs' results
#if yes we output the Confidence Intervals. if not we output just the fix value
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "CI "+str(G.confidenceLevel*100)+"% for the mean percentage of Working of "+self.objName +" is:")
if self.checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self.Working):
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Working, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Working, G.confidenceLevel)[0][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,3,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Working, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][1])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "CI "+str(G.confidenceLevel*100)+"% for the mean percentage of Blockage of "+self.objName +" is:")
if self.checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self.Blockage):
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Blockage, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Blockage, G.confidenceLevel)[0][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,3,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Blockage, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][1])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "CI "+str(G.confidenceLevel*100)+"% for the mean percentage of Waiting of "+self.objName +" is:")
if self.checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self.Waiting):
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Waiting, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Waiting, G.confidenceLevel)[0][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,3,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Waiting, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][1])
#takes the array and checks if all its values are identical (returns false) or not (returns true)
#needed because if somebody runs multiple runs in deterministic case it would crash!
def checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self, array):
for i in range(1, len(array)):
return difValuesFlag
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Created on 6 Feb 2013 ...@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ Created on 6 Feb 2013
@author: George @author: George
''' '''
''' '''
models the exit of the model models the exit of the model
''' '''
...@@ -130,10 +129,10 @@ class Exit(Process): ...@@ -130,10 +129,10 @@ class Exit(Process):
def outputResultsXL(self, MaxSimtime): def outputResultsXL(self, MaxSimtime):
from Globals import G from Globals import G
if(G.numberOfReplications==1): #if we had just one replication output the results to excel if(G.numberOfReplications==1): #if we had just one replication output the results to excel
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "The Throughput is:") G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "The Throughput in " +self.objName + " is:")
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,self.numOfExits) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,self.numOfExits)
G.outputIndex+=1 G.outputIndex+=1
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "The average lifespan of an entity is:") G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "The average lifespan of an entity that exited from "+ self.objName +" is:")
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,((self.totalLifespan)/self.numOfExits)/G.Base) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,((self.totalLifespan)/self.numOfExits)/G.Base)
G.outputIndex+=1 G.outputIndex+=1
else: #if we had multiple replications we output confidence intervals to excel else: #if we had multiple replications we output confidence intervals to excel
...@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ class Exit(Process): ...@@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ class Exit(Process):
#so failurePortion will be exactly the same in each run). That will give 0 variability and errors. #so failurePortion will be exactly the same in each run). That will give 0 variability and errors.
#so for each output value we check if there was difference in the runs' results #so for each output value we check if there was difference in the runs' results
#if yes we output the Confidence Intervals. if not we output just the fix value #if yes we output the Confidence Intervals. if not we output just the fix value
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "CI "+str(G.confidenceLevel*100)+"% for the mean Throughput is:") G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "CI "+str(G.confidenceLevel*100)+"% for the mean Throughput in " +self.objName + " is:")
if self.checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self.Exits): if self.checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self.Exits):
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Exits, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][0]) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Exits, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Exits, G.confidenceLevel)[0][0]) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Exits, G.confidenceLevel)[0][0])
...@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ class Exit(Process): ...@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ class Exit(Process):
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,self.Exits[0]) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,self.Exits[0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,3,self.Exits[0]) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,3,self.Exits[0])
G.outputIndex+=1 G.outputIndex+=1
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "CI "+str(G.confidenceLevel*100)+"% for the mean Lifespan of an entity is:") G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,0, "CI "+str(G.confidenceLevel*100)+"% for the mean Lifespan of an entity that exited from "+ self.objName + " is:")
if self.checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self.Lifespan): if self.checkIfArrayHasDifValues(self.Lifespan):
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Lifespan, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][0]) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,1,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Lifespan, G.confidenceLevel)[0][1][0])
G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Lifespan, G.confidenceLevel)[0][0]) G.outputSheet.write(G.outputIndex,2,stat.bayes_mvs(self.Lifespan, G.confidenceLevel)[0][0])
...@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ ...@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
"distributionType": "Fixed", "distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "2" "mean": "2"
}, },
"entity": "Frame",
"predecessorPartList": ["S1"], "predecessorPartList": ["S1"],
"predecessorFrameList": ["S2"], "predecessorFrameList": ["S2"],
"successorList": ["M1"] "successorList": ["M1"]
...@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ ...@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
"distributionType": "Fixed", "distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "2" "mean": "2"
}, },
"entity": "Frame",
"predecessorPartList": ["S1"], "predecessorPartList": ["S1"],
"predecessorFrameList": ["S2"], "predecessorFrameList": ["S2"],
"successorList": ["M1"] "successorList": ["M1"]
{"_class": "Dream.Simulation",
"general": {
"_class": "Dream.Configuration",
"numberOfReplications": "1",
"maxSimTime": "1440",
"trace": "Yes",
"confidenceLevel": "0.95"
"modelResource": [
"coreObject": [
{"_class": "Dream.Source",
"id": "S1",
"name": "Parts",
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "0.5"
"entity": "Part",
"successorList": ["Α1"]
{"_class": "Dream.Source",
"id": "S2",
"name": "Frames",
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "2"
"entity": "Frame",
"successorList": ["Α1"]
{"_class": "Dream.Assembly",
"id": "A1",
"name": "Assembly",
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "2"
"predecessorPartList": ["S1"],
"predecessorFrameList": ["S2"],
"successorList": ["M1"]
{"_class": "Dream.Machine",
"id": "M1",
"name": "Moulding",
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "0.25"
"failureDistribution": "Fixed",
"MTTF": "60",
"MTTR": "5",
"repairman": "None"
"predecessorList": ["A1"],
"successorList": ["D1"]
{"_class": "Dream.Dismantle",
"id": "D1",
"name": "Dismantle",
"processingTime": {
"distributionType": "Fixed",
"mean": "1"
"successorPartList": ["E1"],
"successorFrameList": ["E2"],
"predecessorList": ["M1"]
{"_class": "Dream.Exit",
"id": "E1",
"name": "Parts Stock",
"predecessorList": ["D1"]
{"_class": "Dream.Exit",
"id": "E2",
"name": "Frames Stock",
"predecessorList": ["D1"]
...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from Repairman import Repairman ...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from Repairman import Repairman
from Part import Part from Part import Part
from Frame import Frame from Frame import Frame
from Assembly import Assembly from Assembly import Assembly
from Dismantle import Dismantle
import xlwt import xlwt
import xlrd import xlrd
import time import time
...@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ def createObjects(): ...@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ def createObjects():
G.QueueList=[] G.QueueList=[]
G.RepairmanList=[] G.RepairmanList=[]
G.AssemblyList=[] G.AssemblyList=[]
#loop through all the model resources #loop through all the model resources
#read the data and create them #read the data and create them
...@@ -146,6 +148,25 @@ def createObjects(): ...@@ -146,6 +148,25 @@ def createObjects():
A.nextIds=successorList A.nextIds=successorList
G.AssemblyList.append(A) G.AssemblyList.append(A)
G.ObjList.append(A) G.ObjList.append(A)
elif objClass=='Dream.Dismantle':
id=coreObject[i].get('id', 'not found')
name=coreObject[i].get('name', 'not found')
processingTime=coreObject[i].get('processingTime', 'not found')
distributionType=processingTime.get('distributionType', 'not found')
mean=float(processingTime.get('mean', '0'))
stdev=float(processingTime.get('stdev', '0'))
min=float(processingTime.get('min', '0'))
max=float(processingTime.get('stdev', '0'))
successorPartList=coreObject[i].get('successorPartList', 'not found')
successorFrameList=coreObject[i].get('successorFrameList', 'not found')
predecessorList=coreObject[i].get('predecessorList', 'not found')
D=Dismantle(id, name, distributionType, [mean,stdev,min,max])
#defines the topology (predecessors and successors for all the objects) #defines the topology (predecessors and successors for all the objects)
def setTopology(): def setTopology():
...@@ -169,6 +190,7 @@ def setTopology(): ...@@ -169,6 +190,7 @@ def setTopology():
G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(next) G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(next)
elif G.ObjList[i].type=="Exit": elif G.ObjList[i].type=="Exit":
G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(previous) G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(previous)
#Assembly should be changed to identify what the entity that it receives is. #Assembly should be changed to identify what the entity that it receives is.
#previousPart and previousFrame will become problematic #previousPart and previousFrame will become problematic
elif G.ObjList[i].type=="Assembly": elif G.ObjList[i].type=="Assembly":
...@@ -183,6 +205,20 @@ def setTopology(): ...@@ -183,6 +205,20 @@ def setTopology():
if G.ObjList[q].id==G.ObjList[i].previousFrameIds[j]: if G.ObjList[q].id==G.ObjList[i].previousFrameIds[j]:
previousFrame.append(G.ObjList[q]) previousFrame.append(G.ObjList[q])
G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(previousPart, previousFrame, next) G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(previousPart, previousFrame, next)
#Assembly should be changed to identify what the entity that it receives is.
#previousPart and previousFrame will become problematic
elif G.ObjList[i].type=="Dismantle":
for j in range(len(G.ObjList[i].nextPartIds)):
for q in range(len(G.ObjList)):
if G.ObjList[q].id==G.ObjList[i].nextPartIds[j]:
for j in range(len(G.ObjList[i].nextFrameIds)):
for q in range(len(G.ObjList)):
if G.ObjList[q].id==G.ObjList[i].nextFrameIds[j]:
G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(previous, nextPart, nextFrame)
else: else:
G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(previous, next) G.ObjList[i].defineRouting(previous, next)
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