Commit ac617193 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

changes in demand plannins algorithm

parent 1d28372e
......@@ -129,3 +129,77 @@ class BottleNeckByWeek(plugin.OutputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
return data
class BottleNeckLoadByWeek(plugin.OutputPreparationPlugin, TimeSupportMixin):
""" Output the queue statistics in a format compatible with Output_viewGraph, for the second widget by week.
def postprocess(self, data):
from dream.simulation.applications.DemandPlanning.Globals import G
result = data['result']['result_list'][-1]
bottleNeckUtilizationDict = result['bottleneck_load_by_week'] = {}
by_week = {}
# change {bottleneck: {ma: {week:data }}} in {(bottleneck, week): {ma: data}}
maxUtilisation = 0
for bottleneck, bottleNeckUtilization in G.Butilisation.iteritems():
for ma, record in bottleNeckUtilization.iteritems():
for week, value in record.iteritems():
by_week.setdefault((bottleneck, week), {})[ma] = value
if value > maxUtilisation:
maxUtilisation = value
#maxUtilisation += 10 - maxUtilisation%10
maList = []
for sp in G.SPs:
for ma in G.SPlist[sp]:
for Bweek, bottleneckData in by_week.items():
series = []
if len(maList)<=10:
ticks = list(enumerate(maList))
ticks = list(enumerate(range(len(maList))))
options = {
"xaxis": {
"minTickSize": 1,
"ticks": ticks,
"axisLabel": "MAs"
"yaxis": {
"min": 0,
"max": round(maxUtilisation),
"axisLabel": "Utilisation %"
"legend": {
"backgroundOpacity": 0.1,
"series": {
"bars": {
"show": True,
"barWidth": 0.70,
"order": 1,
"align": "center"
"stack": False
weekLabel = "%s %s" % (str(Bweek[0]), str(Bweek[1]))
bottleNeckUtilizationDict[weekLabel] = {
"series": series,
"options": options
# create the 3 bars
"label": '',
"data": list(enumerate([bottleneckData[x] for x in maList])),
"color": "blue"
return data
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