diff --git a/dream/simulation/JSONInputs/CapacityStationAssembly2.json b/dream/simulation/JSONInputs/CapacityStationAssembly2.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..efe55719ce8f8ff3416e054f8900c44346db046f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dream/simulation/JSONInputs/CapacityStationAssembly2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+    "_class": "Dream.Simulation",
+    "edges": {
+        "0": [
+            "CB1",
+            "CS1",
+            {}
+        ],
+        "1": [
+            "CS1",
+            "CE1",
+            {}
+        ],
+        "2": [
+            "CB2",
+            "CS2",
+            {}
+        ],
+        "3": [
+            "CS2",
+            "CE2",
+            {}
+        ],
+        "4": [
+            "CB3",
+            "CS3",
+            {}
+        ],
+        "5": [
+            "CS3",
+            "CE3",
+            {}
+        ]
+    },
+    "general": {
+        "_class": "Dream.Configuration",
+        "confidenceLevel": "0.95",
+        "maxSimTime": "-1",
+        "numberOfReplications": "1",
+        "trace": "Yes",
+        "extraPropertyDict": {
+            "assemblySpace": 100
+        }
+    },
+    "nodes": {
+        "CB1": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationBuffer",
+            "name": "PPASBBuffer",
+            "requireFullProject": 1,
+            "wip": [
+                {
+                    "_class": "Dream.CapacityEntity",
+                    "capacityProjectId": "P1",
+                    "name": "PPASB",
+                    "requiredCapacity": 100
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        "CS1": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStation",
+            "name": "PPASB",
+            "intervalCapacity": [
+                80,
+                80,
+                300,
+                100,
+                200,
+                300
+            ],
+            "sharedResources": {
+                "stationIds": [
+                    "CS3"
+                ],
+                "priority": 1
+            }
+        },
+        "CE1": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationExit",
+            "name": "PPASBExit",
+            "nextCapacityStationBufferId": "CB2"
+        },
+        "CB2": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationBuffer",
+            "name": "PAINTBuffer",
+            "requireFullProject": 0,
+            "wip": []
+        },
+        "CS2": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStation",
+            "name": "PAINT",
+            "intervalCapacity": [
+                100,
+                100,
+                40,
+                100,
+                200,
+                300
+            ],
+            "sharedResources": {
+                "stationIds": [
+                    "CS1"
+                ],
+                "priority": 2
+            }
+        },
+        "CE2": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationExit",
+            "name": "PAINTExit",
+            "nextCapacityStationBufferId": "CB3"
+        },
+        "CB3": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationBuffer",
+            "name": "ASBTSTBuffer",
+            "requireFullProject": 1,
+            "wip": []
+        },
+        "CS3": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStation",
+            "name": "ASBTST",
+            "intervalCapacity": [
+                80,
+                80,
+                300,
+                100,
+                200,
+                300
+            ],
+            "sharedResources": {
+                "stationIds": [
+                    "CS1"
+                ],
+                "priority": 2
+            }
+        },
+        "CE3": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationExit",
+            "name": "ASBTSTExit"
+        },
+        "QD": {
+            "_class": "Dream.Queue",
+            "capacity": "-1",
+            "id": "QD",
+            "name": "DUMMY",
+            "wip": [
+                {
+                    "_class": "Dream.CapacityProject",
+                    "id": "P1",
+                    "name": "P1",
+                    "capacityRequirementDict": {
+                        "CS1": 100,
+                        "CS2": 50,
+                        "CS3": 70
+                    },
+                    "dueDate": 10,
+                    "assemblySpaceRequirement": 50
+                }
+            ]
+        },
+        "CSC": {
+            "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationController",
+            "name": "CSC",
+            "start": "0",
+            "interval": "1",
+            "method": "Dream.None",
+            "prioritizeIfCanFinish": 1,
+            "dueDateThreshold": 7
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dream/tests/dump/CapacityStationAssembly2.json.result b/dream/tests/dump/CapacityStationAssembly2.json.result
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ecf75c5fd130cf4ec993c2b9112592b6f35f9c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dream/tests/dump/CapacityStationAssembly2.json.result
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+ "_class": "Dream.Simulation", 
+ "elementList": [
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationBuffer", 
+   "id": "CB1"
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationBuffer", 
+   "id": "CB2"
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.CapacityStationBuffer", 
+   "id": "CB3"
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.Exit", 
+   "id": "CE3", 
+   "results": {
+    "lifespan": 5.0, 
+    "takt_time": 5.0, 
+    "throughput": 1
+   }
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.CapacityStation", 
+   "id": "CS1", 
+   "results": {
+    "capacityUsed": [
+     {
+      "P1": 80.0, 
+      "period": 0.0, 
+      "utilization": 1.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "P1": 20.0, 
+      "period": 1.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.25
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 2.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 3.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 4.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }
+    ], 
+    "detailedWorkPlan": [
+     {
+      "allocation": 80.0, 
+      "operation": "CS1", 
+      "project": "P1", 
+      "time": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "allocation": 20.0, 
+      "operation": "CS1", 
+      "project": "P1", 
+      "time": 1.0
+     }
+    ], 
+    "meanUtilization": 0.25
+   }
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.CapacityStation", 
+   "id": "CS2", 
+   "results": {
+    "capacityUsed": [
+     {
+      "period": 0.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 1.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "P1": 40.0, 
+      "period": 2.0, 
+      "utilization": 1.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "P1": 10.0, 
+      "period": 3.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.1
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 4.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }
+    ], 
+    "detailedWorkPlan": [
+     {
+      "allocation": 40.0, 
+      "operation": "CS2", 
+      "project": "P1", 
+      "time": 2.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "allocation": 10.0, 
+      "operation": "CS2", 
+      "project": "P1", 
+      "time": 3.0
+     }
+    ], 
+    "meanUtilization": 0.22
+   }
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.CapacityStation", 
+   "id": "CS3", 
+   "results": {
+    "capacityUsed": [
+     {
+      "period": 0.0, 
+      "utilization": 0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 1.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 2.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "period": 3.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.0
+     }, 
+     {
+      "P1": 70, 
+      "period": 4.0, 
+      "utilization": 0.5384615384615384
+     }
+    ], 
+    "detailedWorkPlan": [
+     {
+      "allocation": 70, 
+      "operation": "CS3", 
+      "project": "P1", 
+      "time": 4.0
+     }
+    ], 
+    "meanUtilization": 0.10769230769230768
+   }
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.CapacityProject", 
+   "id": "P1", 
+   "results": {
+    "schedule": [
+     {
+      "entranceTime": 0.0, 
+      "exitTime": 2.0, 
+      "stationId": "CS1"
+     }, 
+     {
+      "entranceTime": 2.0, 
+      "exitTime": 4.0, 
+      "stationId": "CS2"
+     }, 
+     {
+      "entranceTime": 4.0, 
+      "exitTime": 5.0, 
+      "stationId": "CS3"
+     }
+    ]
+   }
+  }, 
+  {
+   "_class": "Dream.Queue", 
+   "id": "QD"
+  }
+ ], 
+ "general": {
+  "_class": "Dream.Configuration"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file