Commit 249c1c11 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Don't notify clients when description is unchanged.

When we fixed the handling of autolocked groups, we introduced
a bug where we spuriously notify clients even when the description
didn't change.
parent 8a2357de
......@@ -438,9 +438,11 @@ func add(name string, desc *Description) (*Group, []Client, error) {
notify := false
if desc != nil {
if !descriptionMatch(g.description, desc) {
g.description = desc
notify = true
} else if !descriptionUnchanged(name, g.description) {
desc, err = readDescription(name)
......@@ -452,11 +454,16 @@ func add(name string, desc *Description) (*Group, []Client, error) {
return nil, nil, err
g.description = desc
notify = true
return g, g.getClientsUnlocked(nil), nil
var clients []Client
if notify {
clients = g.getClientsUnlocked(nil)
return g, clients, nil
func Range(f func(g *Group) bool) {
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