Commit 37ef768a authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Fix token parsing when aud is an array.

parent a9c95814
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ func parseKey(key map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
switch kty {
case "oct":
var length int
switch(alg) {
switch alg {
case "HS256":
length = 32
case "HS384":
......@@ -105,6 +105,18 @@ func getKey(header map[string]interface{}, keys []map[string]interface{}) (inter
return nil, errors.New("key not found")
func toStringArray(a []interface{}) ([]string, bool) {
b := make([]string, len(a))
for i, v := range a {
w, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
return nil, false
b[i] = w
return b, true
func Valid(username, token string, keys []map[string]interface{}) ([]string, []string, error) {
tok, err := jwt.Parse(token, func(t *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
return getKey(t.Header, keys)
......@@ -124,8 +136,15 @@ func Valid(username, token string, keys []map[string]interface{}) ([]string, []s
switch a := a.(type) {
case string:
aud = []string{a}
case []string:
aud = a
case []interface{}:
aud, ok = toStringArray(a)
if !ok {
return nil, nil,
errors.New("invalid 'aud' field")
return nil, nil,
errors.New("invalid 'aud' field")
......@@ -136,15 +155,11 @@ func Valid(username, token string, keys []map[string]interface{}) ([]string, []s
return nil, nil,
errors.New("invalid 'permissions' field")
perms = make([]string, len(pp))
for i, v := range pp {
w, ok := v.(string)
perms, ok = toStringArray(pp)
if !ok {
return nil, nil,
errors.New("invalid 'permissions' field")
perms[i] = w
return aud, perms, nil
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