Commit 00bb2d70 authored by Dallas Reedy's avatar Dallas Reedy

Add styles & images for Exp. Level step

- Add images
- Apply existing layout & spacing utility classes
- Create temporary classes in utilities.scss
- Add some custom, one-off styles for the page
parent 921874f6
<svg height="82" viewBox="0 0 78 82" width="78" xmlns=""><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="m2.12 42c-.08 1-.12 2-.12 3 0 20.43 16.57 37 37 37s37-16.57 37-37c0-1-.04-2-.12-3-1.53 19.03-17.46 34-36.88 34s-35.35-14.97-36.88-34z" fill="#000" fill-opacity=".03"/><path d="m39 78c-21.54 0-39-17.46-39-39s17.46-39 39-39 39 17.46 39 39-17.46 39-39 39zm0-4c19.33 0 35-15.67 35-35s-15.67-35-35-35-35 15.67-35 35 15.67 35 35 35z" fill="#eee"/><path d="m44 31-2.5-3-2.5 3-2.5-3-2.5 3-2.5-3-2.5 3h-2.72c2.65-4.2 7.36-7 12.72-7s10.07 2.8 12.72 7h-2.72l-2.5-3z" fill="#e1dbf2"/><path d="m39 57c-9.4 0-17-7.6-17-17s7.6-17 17-17 17 7.6 17 17-7.6 17-17 17zm0-4c7.18 0 13-5.82 13-13s-5.82-13-13-13-13 5.82-13 13 5.82 13 13 13z" fill="#e1dbf2"/></g><g fill="#e2ba3e" stroke="#fff" transform="translate(14 18)"><path d="m8.5 12.75-4.99617464 2.6266445.95418445-5.56332227-4.0419902-3.93996668 5.58589307-.81167778 2.49808732-5.06167777 2.4980873 5.06167777 5.5858931.81167778-4.0419902 3.93996668.9541844 5.56332227z"/><path d="m24.5 12.75-4.9961746 2.6266445.9541844-5.56332227-4.0419902-3.93996668 5.5858931-.81167778 2.4980873-5.06167777 2.4980873 5.06167777 5.5858931.81167778-4.0419902 3.93996668.9541844 5.56332227z"/><path d="m40.5 12.75-4.9961746 2.6266445.9541844-5.56332227-4.0419902-3.93996668 5.5858931-.81167778 2.4980873-5.06167777 2.4980873 5.06167777 5.5858931.81167778-4.0419902 3.93996668.9541844 5.56332227z"/></g><path d="m35 45h8c0 2.2-1.8 4-4 4s-4-1.8-4-4zm-1.5-2c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5s.67-1.5 1.5-1.5 1.5.67 1.5 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5 1.5zm11 0c-.83 0-1.5-.67-1.5-1.5s.67-1.5 1.5-1.5 1.5.67 1.5 1.5-.67 1.5-1.5 1.5z" fill="#6b4fbb" fill-rule="nonzero"/></g></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
.signup-page[data-page^='registrations:experience_levels'] {
$card-shadow-color: rgba($black, 0.2);
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...@@ -89,3 +89,14 @@ ...@@ -89,3 +89,14 @@
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.gl-bg-purple-light { background-color: $purple-light; } .gl-bg-purple-light { background-color: $purple-light; }
// move this to GitLab UI once onboarding experiment is considered a success
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padding-top: $gl-spacing-scale-8;
padding-bottom: $gl-spacing-scale-8;
// move this to GitLab UI once onboarding experiment is considered a success
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- page_title _('What’s your experience level?') - page_title _('What’s your experience level?')
%h3= _('Hello there')
%p= _('Welcome to the guided GitLab tour') = image_tag 'learn-gitlab-avatar.jpg', width: '90'
%br _('Hello there') _('Welcome to the guided GitLab tour')
%h5= _('What describes you best?') _('What describes you best?')
%b= _('Novice') = image_tag 'novice.svg', width: '78', height: '78', alt: ''
%div _('Novice')
%p= _('I’m not very familiar with the basics of project management and DevOps.') %p= _('I’m not very familiar with the basics of project management and DevOps.')
%p = link_to _('Show me everything'), users_sign_up_experience_level_path(experience_level: :novice, namespace_path: params[:namespace_path]), method: :patch, class: 'stretched-link'
= link_to _('Show me everything'), users_sign_up_experience_level_path(experience_level: :novice, namespace_path: params[:namespace_path]), method: :patch
%div .card
%b= _('Experienced')
= image_tag 'experienced.svg', width: '78', height: '78', alt: ''
%div _('Experienced')
%p= _('I’m familiar with the basics of project management and DevOps.') %p= _('I’m familiar with the basics of project management and DevOps.')
%p = link_to _('Show me more advanced stuff'), users_sign_up_experience_level_path(experience_level: :experienced, namespace_path: params[:namespace_path]), method: :patch, class: 'stretched-link'
= link_to _('Show me more advanced stuff'), users_sign_up_experience_level_path(experience_level: :experienced, namespace_path: params[:namespace_path]), method: :patch
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