| `DS_RUN_ANALYZER_TIMEOUT` | Time limit when running an analyzer. Timeouts are parsed using Go's [`ParseDuration`](https://golang.org/pkg/time/#ParseDuration). Valid time units are `ns`, `us` (or `µs`), `ms`, `s`, `m`, `h`. For example, `300ms`, `1.5h`, or `2h45m`. | |
| `PIP_INDEX_URL` | Base URL of Python Package Index (default `https://pypi.org/simple`). | |
| `PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL` | Array of [extra URLs](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#cmdoption-extra-index-url) of package indexes to use in addition to `PIP_INDEX_URL`. Comma separated. | |
| `MAVEN_CLI_OPTS` | List of command line arguments that will be passed to the maven analyzer during the project's build phase (see example for [using private repos](#using-private-maven-repos)). | |
### Using private Maven repos
If you have a private Maven repository which requires login credentials,
you can use the `MAVEN_CLI_OPTS` environment variable to pass variables
specified in your settings (e.g., username, password, etc.).
For example, if you have a settings file in your project source (e.g., `mysettings.xml`)
that looks like the following, you can specify the variables
[by adding an entry under your project's settings](../../../ci/variables/README.md#via-the-ui),
so that you don't have to expose your private data in `.gitlab-ci.yml` (e.g., adding
`MAVEN_CLI_OPTS` with value `--settings mysettings.xml -Dprivate.username=foo -Dprivate.password=bar`).