Commit 18c2ece4 authored by Andrew Fontaine's avatar Andrew Fontaine

Merge branch...

Merge branch '233703-replace-bootstrap-alerts-in-app/views/import/shared/_errors.html.haml' into 'master'

Replace bootstrap alerts in app/.../_errors.html.haml

Closes #233703

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!41288
parents 671b5f56 00a73931
- if @errors.present?
= sprite_icon('error', size: 16, css_class: 'gl-icon gl-alert-icon gl-alert-icon-no-title')
- @errors.each do |error|
= error
title: Replace bootstrap alerts in app/views/import/shared/_errors.html.haml
merge_request: 41288
author: Gilang Gumilar
type: changed
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