Commit 1a71b172 authored by Mark Florian's avatar Mark Florian

Make loading_icon helper conform to GlLoadingIcon

This renames the `loading_icon` helper to `gl_loading_icon`, and makes
its API and output more similar to the `GlLoadingIcon` Vue component:

- The container element is now always rendered.
- The container element is a block-level element by default.
- The `container` argument has been replaced with with `inline`,
  defaulting to `false`.
- The container element now has `role="status"` for better
- The default colour of the spinner is `dark`, as `orange` is not
  a valid colour (see

Part of, to aid the
migration described in
parent 0eedb0b4
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ module DropdownsHelper
def dropdown_loading
spinner = loading_icon(container: true, size: "md", css_class: "gl-mt-7")
spinner = gl_loading_icon(size: "md", css_class: "gl-mt-7")
content_tag(:div, spinner, class: "dropdown-loading")
......@@ -49,13 +49,39 @@ module IconsHelper
def loading_icon(container: false, color: 'orange', size: 'sm', css_class: nil)
css_classes = ['gl-spinner', "gl-spinner-#{color}", "gl-spinner-#{size}"]
css_classes << "#{css_class}" unless css_class.blank?
spinner = content_tag(:span, "", { class: css_classes.join(' '), aria: { label: _('Loading') } })
container == true ? content_tag(:div, spinner, { class: 'gl-spinner-container' }) : spinner
# Creates a GitLab UI loading icon/spinner.
# Examples:
# # Default
# gl_loading_icon
# # Sizes
# gl_loading_icon(size: 'md')
# gl_loading_icon(size: 'lg')
# gl_loading_icon(size: 'xl')
# # Colors
# gl_loading_icon(color: 'light')
# # Block/Inline
# gl_loading_icon(inline: true)
# # Custom classes
# gl_loading_icon(css_class: "foo-bar")
# See also
def gl_loading_icon(inline: false, color: 'dark', size: 'sm', css_class: nil)
spinner = content_tag(:span, "", {
class: %[gl-spinner gl-spinner-#{color} gl-spinner-#{size} gl-vertical-align-text-bottom!],
aria: { label: _('Loading') }
container_classes = ['gl-spinner-container']
container_classes << css_class unless css_class.blank?
content_tag(inline ? :span : :div, spinner, {
class: container_classes,
role: 'status'
def external_snippet_icon(name)
......@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
= loading_icon(size: 'md', color: 'dark', css_class: 'align-text-bottom')
= gl_loading_icon(size: 'md')
- if is_project_overview
......@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
project_path: @project.full_path,
target_branch: project.empty_repo? ? ref : @ref,
original_branch: @ref } }
= loading_icon(size: 'md')
= gl_loading_icon(size: 'md')
- else
= render 'projects/blob/header', blob: blob
= loading_icon(css_class: "gl-vertical-align-text-bottom mr-1")
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, css_class: "gl-mr-2!")
= s_('Pipelines|Validating GitLab CI configuration…')
= link_to _('Learn more'), help_page_path('ci/yaml/index')
= loading_icon(size: "md", css_class: "qa-spinner")
= gl_loading_icon(size: "md", css_class: "qa-spinner gl-my-4")
= loading_icon(css_class: "gl-vertical-align-text-bottom")
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true)
= _("Analyzing file…")
= loading_icon(css_class: "gl-vertical-align-text-bottom mr-1")
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, css_class: "mr-1")
= _('Metrics Dashboard YAML definition') + '…'
= link_to _('Learn more'), help_page_path('operations/metrics/dashboards/')
= loading_icon(css_class: "gl-vertical-align-text-bottom gl-mr-1")
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, css_class: "gl-mr-1")
Validating Route Map…
= link_to 'Learn more', help_page_path('ci/environments/', anchor: 'go-from-source-files-to-public-pages')
.file-content#js-sketch-viewer{ data: { endpoint: blob_raw_path } }
= loading_icon(size: "md")
= gl_loading_icon(size: "md", css_class: "gl-my-4 js-loading-icon")
.text-center#js-stl-viewer{ data: { endpoint: blob_raw_path } }
= loading_icon(size: "md", css_class: "gl-mt-4 gl-mb-3")
= gl_loading_icon(size: "md", css_class: "gl-my-4")
.btn-group{ data: { type: 'wireframe' } }
......@@ -34,5 +34,4 @@
%div{ id: dom_id(@project) }
= render 'commits', project: @project, ref: @ref
= loading_icon(size: "lg")
= gl_loading_icon(size: 'lg', css_class: 'loading hide')
......@@ -23,5 +23,4 @@
= _('There are no matching files')
= _('Try using a different search term to find the file you are looking for.')
= loading_icon(size: 'md')
= gl_loading_icon(size: 'md', css_class: 'gl-mt-3 loading')
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
= loading_icon
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true)
= import_in_progress_title
- if !has_ci_cd_only_params? && @project.external_import?
%p.monospace git clone --bare #{@project.safe_import_url}
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
= loading_icon(css_class: 'metrics-load-spinner')
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, css_class: 'metrics-load-spinner')
= s_('PrometheusService|Finding custom metrics...')
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
= loading_icon(css_class: 'metrics-load-spinner')
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, css_class: 'metrics-load-spinner')
= s_('PrometheusService|Finding and configuring metrics...')
- if any_projects?(@projects){ class: 'gl-display-flex!' }{ href: '', data: { label: local_assigns[:label], type: local_assigns[:type] }, class: "gl-m-0!" }
= loading_icon(color: 'light')
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, color: 'light')
= project_select_tag :project_path, class: "project-item-select gl-absolute! gl-visibility-hidden", data: { include_groups: local_assigns[:include_groups], order_by: 'last_activity_at', relative_path: local_assigns[:path], with_shared: local_assigns[:with_shared], include_projects_in_subgroups: local_assigns[:include_projects_in_subgroups] }, with_feature_enabled: local_assigns[:with_feature_enabled]{ class: "gl-m-0!", 'aria-label': _('Toggle project select') }
= sprite_icon('chevron-down')
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
// Fallback while content is loading
= _('Time tracking')
= loading_icon(css_class: 'gl-vertical-align-text-bottom')
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true)
- if issuable_sidebar.has_key?(:due_date)
......@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
= dropdown_loading
= dropdown_footer add_content_class: true do{ type: 'button', disabled: true }
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, css_class: 'sidebar-move-issue-confirmation-loading-icon gl-mr-2')
= _('Move')
= loading_icon(css_class: 'gl-vertical-align-text-bottom sidebar-move-issue-confirmation-loading-icon')
-# haml-lint:disable InlineJavaScript
%script.js-sidebar-options{ type: "application/json" }= issuable_sidebar_options(issuable_sidebar).to_json.html_safe
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
directly_invite_members: can_admin_project_member?(@project) } }
= _('Assignee')
= loading_icon(css_class: 'gl-vertical-align-text-bottom')
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true)
- if assignees.none?
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#js-vue-sidebar-reviewers{ data: { field: issuable_type, signed_in: signed_in } }
= _('Reviewer')
= loading_icon(css_class: 'gl-vertical-align-text-bottom')
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true)
- if reviewers.none?
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-# Populated by app/assets/javascripts/dropzone_input.js
%span.uploading-progress 0%
= loading_icon(css_class: 'align-text-bottom gl-mr-2')
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, css_class: 'gl-mr-2')
......@@ -88,50 +88,36 @@ Please use the following function inside JS to render an icon:
### Usage in HAML/Rails
To insert a loading spinner in HAML or Rails use the `loading_icon` helper:
To insert a loading spinner in HAML or Rails use the `gl_loading_icon` helper:
= loading_icon
= gl_loading_icon
You can include one or more of the following properties with the `loading_icon` helper, as demonstrated
You can include one or more of the following properties with the `gl_loading_icon` helper, as demonstrated
by the examples that follow:
- `container` (optional): wraps the loading icon in a container, which centers the loading icon using the `text-center` CSS property.
- `color` (optional): either `orange` (default), `light`, or `dark`.
- `inline` (optional): uses in an inline element if `true`, otherwise, a block element (default), with the spinner centered.
- `color` (optional): either `dark` (default) or `light`.
- `size` (optional): either `sm` (default), `md`, `lg`, or `xl`.
- `css_class` (optional): defaults to an empty string, but can be used for utility classes to fine-tune alignment or spacing.
- `css_class` (optional): defaults to nothing, but can be used for utility classes to fine-tune alignment or spacing.
**Example 1:**
The following HAML expression generates a loading icon's markup and
centers the icon by wrapping it in a `gl-spinner-container` element.
centers the icon.
= loading_icon(container: true)
**Output from example 1:**
<div class="gl-spinner-container">
<span class="gl-spinner gl-spinner-orange gl-spinner-sm" aria-label="Loading"></span>
= gl_loading_icon
**Example 2:**
The following HAML expression generates a loading icon's markup
The following HAML expression generates an inline loading icon's markup
with a custom size. It also appends a margin utility class.
= loading_icon(size: 'lg', css_class: 'gl-mr-2')
**Output from example 2:**
<span class="gl-spinner gl-spinner-orange gl-spinner-lg gl-mr-2" aria-label="Loading"></span>
= gl_loading_icon(inline: true, size: 'lg', css_class: 'gl-mr-2')
### Usage in Vue
......@@ -231,23 +231,33 @@ RSpec.describe IconsHelper do
describe 'loading_icon' do
it 'returns span with gl-spinner class and default configuration' do
.to eq '<span class="gl-spinner gl-spinner-orange gl-spinner-sm" aria-label="Loading"></span>'
describe 'gl_loading_icon' do
it 'returns the default spinner markup' do
.to eq '<div class="gl-spinner-container" role="status"><span class="gl-spinner gl-spinner-dark gl-spinner-sm gl-vertical-align-text-bottom!" aria-label="Loading"></span></div>'
context 'when css_class is provided' do
it 'appends css_class to gl-spinner element' do
expect(loading_icon(css_class: 'gl-mr-2').to_s)
.to eq '<span class="gl-spinner gl-spinner-orange gl-spinner-sm gl-mr-2" aria-label="Loading"></span>'
it 'appends css_class to container element' do
expect(gl_loading_icon(css_class: 'gl-mr-2').to_s).to match 'gl-spinner-container gl-mr-2'
context 'when container is true' do
it 'creates a container that has the gl-spinner-container class selector' do
expect(loading_icon(container: true).to_s)
.to eq '<div class="gl-spinner-container"><span class="gl-spinner gl-spinner-orange gl-spinner-sm" aria-label="Loading"></span></div>'
context 'when size is provided' do
it 'sets the size class' do
expect(gl_loading_icon(size: 'xl').to_s).to match 'gl-spinner-xl'
context 'when color is provided' do
it 'sets the color class' do
expect(gl_loading_icon(color: 'light').to_s).to match 'gl-spinner-light'
context 'when inline is true' do
it 'creates an inline container' do
expect(gl_loading_icon(inline: true).to_s).to start_with '<span class="gl-spinner-container"'
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