Commit 1d53cb06 authored by Dylan Griffith's avatar Dylan Griffith

Fix ci decomposed issues with force_no_sharing_primary_model

parent cdb704ec
......@@ -7,13 +7,6 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing::Configuration, :request_store do
let(:db_config) {'test', 'ci', configuration_hash) }
let(:model) { double(:model, connection_db_config: db_config) }
before do
# It's confusing to think about these specs with this enabled by default so
# we make it disabled by default and just write the specific spec for when
# it's enabled
stub_feature_flags(force_no_sharing_primary_model: false)
describe '.for_model' do
context 'when load balancing is not configured' do
it 'uses the default settings' do
......@@ -252,6 +252,20 @@ RSpec.configure do |config|
config.around do |example|
if example.metadata.fetch(:stub_feature_flags, true)
# It doesn't make sense for this to default to enabled as we only plan to
# use this temporarily to override an environment variable but eventually
# we'll just use the environment variable value when we've completed the
# gradual rollout. This stub must happen in around block as there are other
# around blocks in tests that will run before this and get the wrong
# database connection.
stub_feature_flags(force_no_sharing_primary_model: false)
config.append_after do
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