To get support for your particular problem please use the [getting help channels](
The [GitLab issue tracker on]( is the right place for bugs and feature proposals about API Security and DAST API.
Please use `~"Category:API Security"`[label](../../../development/contributing/ when opening a new issue regarding DAST API to ensure it is quickly reviewed by the right people. Please refer to our [review response SLO](../../../development/ to understand when you should receive a response.
[Search the issue tracker]( for similar entries before submitting your own, there's a good chance somebody else had the same issue or feature proposal. Show your support with an award emoji and or join the discussion.
When experiencing a behavior not working as expected, consider providing contextual information:
- GitLab version if using a self-managed instance.
-`.gitlab-ci.yml` job definition.
- Full job console output.
- Scanner log file available as a job artifact named `gl-api-security-scanner.log`.
**Sanitize data attached to a support issue**. Please remove sensitive information, including: credentials, passwords, tokens, keys, and secrets.
## Glossary
## Glossary
- Assert: Assertions are detection modules used by checks to trigger a vulnerability. Many assertions have
- Assert: Assertions are detection modules used by checks to trigger a vulnerability. Many assertions have