Commit 544384b7 authored by Amy Qualls's avatar Amy Qualls

Merge branch '338871-technical-documentation-for-source-code-be' into 'master'

Technical documentation for Source Code BE

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!68538
parents 369c57fc cd659c24
stage: Create
group: Source Code
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Create: Source Code Backend
The Create:Source Code BE team focuses on the GitLab suite of Source Code Management
(SCM) tools. It is responsible for all backend aspects of the product categories
that fall under the [Source Code group](
of the [Create stage](
of the [DevOps lifecycle](
We interface with the Gitaly and Code Review teams, and work closely with the
[Create:Source Code Frontend team]( The features
we work with are listed on the
[Features by Group Page](
The team works across three codebases: Workhorse, GitLab Shell and GitLab Rails.
## Workhorse
GitLab Workhorse is a smart reverse proxy for GitLab. It handles "large" HTTP
requests such as file downloads, file uploads, `git push`, `git pull` and `git` archive downloads.
Workhorse itself is not a feature, but there are several features in GitLab
that would not work efficiently without Workhorse.
Workhorse documentation is available in the [Workhorse repository](
## GitLab Shell
GitLab Shell handles Git SSH sessions for GitLab and modifies the list of authorized keys.
For more information, [refer to the README](
for GitLab Shell.
## GitLab Rails
### Source code API endpoints
| Endpoint | Threshold | Source |
| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| `DELETE /api/:version/projects/:id/protected_branches/:name` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/internal/authorized_keys` | `:high` |[source]( | | |
| `GET /api/:version/internal/lfs` | `:high` |[source](|
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/approval_rules` | `:low` | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/approval_settings` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/approvals` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/forks` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/groups` | default | [source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/languages` | `:medium` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_request_approval_setting` | `:medium` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/approval_rules` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/approval_settings` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/approval_state` | `:low` | [source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/approvals` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/protected_branches` | default |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/protected_branches/:name` | default |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/protected_tags` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/protected_tags/:name` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/push_rule` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/remote_mirrors` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/archive` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/blobs/:sha` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/blobs/:sha/raw` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/branches` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits` | `:low` |[source](|
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha` | default | [source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/comments` | default | [source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/diff` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/merge_requests` | `:low` |[source](|
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits/:sha/refs` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/compare` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/contributors` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path` | default | |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path/raw` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/tags` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/tree` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `GET /api/:version/projects/:id/statistics` | default | |
| `GraphqlController#execute` | default | |
| `HEAD /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `HEAD /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path/raw` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/internal/allowed` | default | [source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/internal/lfs_authenticate` | `:high` |[source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/internal/post_receive` | default | [source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/internal/pre_receive` | `:high` |[source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/projects/:id/approvals` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/approvals` | `:low` | [source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/approve` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `POST /api/:version/projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/unapprove` | `:low` |[source](|
| `POST /api/:version/projects/:id/protected_branches` | `:low` |[source](|
| `POST /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/commits` | `:low` |[source](|
| `POST /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `PUT /api/:version/projects/:id/push_rule` | default | |
| `PUT /api/:version/projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BlameController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BlobController#create` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BlobController#diff` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BlobController#edit` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BlobController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BlobController#update` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BranchesController#create` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BranchesController#destroy` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BranchesController#diverging_commit_counts` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BranchesController#index` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::BranchesController#new` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CommitController#branches` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CommitController#merge_requests` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CommitController#pipelines` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CommitController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CommitsController#show` | `:low` |[source](|
| `Projects::CommitsController#signatures` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CompareController#create` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CompareController#index` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CompareController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::CompareController#signatures` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::FindFileController#list` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::FindFileController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::ForksController#index` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::GraphsController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::NetworkController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::PathLocksController#index` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::RawController#show` | default | |
| `Projects::RefsController#logs_tree` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::RefsController#switch` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::RepositoriesController#archive` | default | |
| `Projects::Settings::RepositoryController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::TagsController#index` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::TagsController#new` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::TagsController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::TemplatesController#names` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Projects::TreeController#show` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `ProjectsController#refs` | `:low` |[source]( |
| `Repositories::GitHttpController#git_receive_pack` | default | |
| `Repositories::GitHttpController#git_upload_pack` | default | |
| `Repositories::GitHttpController#info_refs` | default | |
| `Repositories::LfsApiController#batch` | `:medium` |[source]( |
| `Repositories::LfsLocksApiController#verify` | default | |
| `Repositories::LfsStorageController#download` | `:medium` |[source]( |
| `Repositories::LfsStorageController#upload_authorize` | `:medium` |[source]( |
| `Repositories::LfsStorageController#upload_finalize` | `:low` |[source]( |
......@@ -329,6 +329,10 @@ See [database guidelines](database/
- [CI/CD development documentation](cicd/
- [AppSec development documentation](appsec/
## Technical Reference by Group
- [Create: Source Code BE](backend/create_source_code_be/
## Other Development guides
- [Defining relations between files using projections](
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