@@ -139,6 +139,40 @@ Get Buildkite service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/buildkite
## Build-Emails
Get emails for GitLab CI builds.
### Create/Edit Build-Emails service
Set Build-Emails service for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/builds-email
-`recipients` (**required**) - Comma-separated list of recipient email addresses
-`add_pusher` (optional) - Add pusher to recipients list
-`notify_only_broken_builds` (optional) -Notify only broken builds
### Delete Build-Emails service
Delete Build-Emails service for a project.
DELETE /projects/:id/services/builds-email
### Get Build-Emails service settings
Get Build-Emails service settings for a project.
GET /projects/:id/services/builds-email
## Campfire
Simple web-based real-time group chat
@@ -476,12 +510,11 @@ PUT /projects/:id/services/jira
| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --------- | ---- | -------- | ----------- |
| `active` | boolean| no | Enable/disable the JIRA service. |
| `url` | string | yes | The URL to the JIRA project which is being linked to this GitLab project, e.g., `https://jira.example.com`. |
| `project_key` | string | yes | The short identifier for your JIRA project, all uppercase, e.g., `PROJ`. |
| `username` | string | no | The username of the user created to be used with GitLab/JIRA. |
| `password` | string | no | The password of the user created to be used with GitLab/JIRA. |
| `jira_issue_transition_id` | string | no | The ID of a transition that moves issues to a closed state. You can find this number under the JIRA workflow administration (**Administration > Issues > Workflows**) by selecting **View** under **Operations** of the desired workflow of your project. The ID of each state can be found inside the parenthesis of each transition name under the **Transitions (id)** column ([see screenshot][trans]). By default, this ID is set to `2`. |
| `jira_issue_transition_id` | integer | no | The ID of a transition that moves issues to a closed state. You can find this number under the JIRA workflow administration (**Administration > Issues > Workflows**) by selecting **View** under **Operations** of the desired workflow of your project. The ID of each state can be found inside the parenthesis of each transition name under the **Transitions (id)** column ([see screenshot][trans]). By default, this ID is set to `2`. |
### Delete JIRA service
@@ -491,6 +524,71 @@ Remove all previously JIRA settings from a project.
DELETE /projects/:id/services/jira
## Mattermost Slash Commands
Ability to receive slash commands from a Mattermost chat instance.
### Create/Edit Mattermost Slash Command service
Set Mattermost Slash Command for a project.
PUT /projects/:id/services/mattermost-slash-commands
-`token` (**required**) - The Mattermost token
### Delete Mattermost Slash Command service
Delete Mattermost Slash Command service for a project.
desc: 'Comma-separated list of branches which will be automatically inspected. Leave blank to include all branches'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'The authentication token'
required: false,
name: :subdomain,
type: String,
desc: 'Subdomain setting'
required: true,
name: :bamboo_url,
type: String,
desc: 'Bamboo root URL like https://bamboo.example.com'
required: true,
name: :build_key,
type: String,
desc: 'Bamboo build plan key like'
required: true,
name: :username,
type: String,
desc: 'A user with API access, if applicable'
required: true,
name: :password,
type: String,
desc: 'Passord of the user'
required: true,
name: :new_issue_url,
type: String,
desc: 'New issue URL'
required: true,
name: :issues_url,
type: String,
desc: 'Issues URL'
required: true,
name: :project_url,
type: String,
desc: 'Project URL'
required: false,
name: :description,
type: String,
desc: 'Description'
required: false,
name: :title,
type: String,
desc: 'Title'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'Buildkite project GitLab token'
required: true,
name: :project_url,
type: String,
desc: 'The buildkite project URL'
required: false,
name: :enable_ssl_verification,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable SSL verification for communication'
required: true,
name: :recipients,
type: String,
desc: 'Comma-separated list of recipient email addresses'
required: false,
name: :add_pusher,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Add pusher to recipients list'
required: false,
name: :notify_only_broken_builds,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Notify only broken builds'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'Campfire token'
required: false,
name: :subdomain,
type: String,
desc: 'Campfire subdomain'
required: false,
name: :room,
type: String,
desc: 'Campfire room'
required: true,
name: :new_issue_url,
type: String,
desc: 'New issue URL'
required: true,
name: :issues_url,
type: String,
desc: 'Issues URL'
required: true,
name: :project_url,
type: String,
desc: 'Project URL'
required: false,
name: :description,
type: String,
desc: 'Description'
required: false,
name: :title,
type: String,
desc: 'Title'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'Drone CI token'
required: true,
name: :drone_url,
type: String,
desc: 'Drone CI URL'
required: false,
name: :enable_ssl_verification,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable SSL verification for communication'
required: true,
name: :recipients,
type: String,
desc: 'Comma-separated list of recipient email addresses'
required: false,
name: :disable_diffs,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Disable code diffs'
required: false,
name: :send_from_committer_email,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Send from committer'
required: true,
name: :external_wiki_url,
type: String,
desc: 'The URL of the external Wiki'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'Flowdock token'
required: true,
name: :api_key,
type: String,
desc: 'Your personal API key on gemnasium.com'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: "The project's slug on gemnasium.com"
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'The room token'
required: false,
name: :room,
type: String,
desc: 'The room name or ID'
required: false,
name: :color,
type: String,
desc: 'The room color'
required: false,
name: :notify,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Enable notifications'
required: false,
name: :api_version,
type: String,
desc: 'Leave blank for default (v2)'
required: false,
name: :server,
type: String,
desc: 'Leave blank for default. https://hipchat.example.com'
required: true,
name: :recipients,
type: String,
desc: 'Recipients/channels separated by whitespaces'
required: false,
name: :default_irc_uri,
type: String,
desc: 'Default: irc://irc.network.net:6697'
required: false,
name: :server_host,
type: String,
desc: 'Server host. Default localhost'
required: false,
name: :server_port,
type: Integer,
desc: 'Server port. Default 6659'
required: false,
name: :colorize_messages,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Colorize messages'
required: true,
name: :url,
type: String,
desc: 'The URL to the JIRA project which is being linked to this GitLab project, e.g., https://jira.example.com'
required: true,
name: :project_key,
type: String,
desc: 'The short identifier for your JIRA project, all uppercase, e.g., PROJ'
required: false,
name: :username,
type: String,
desc: 'The username of the user created to be used with GitLab/JIRA'
required: false,
name: :password,
type: String,
desc: 'The password of the user created to be used with GitLab/JIRA'
required: false,
name: :jira_issue_transition_id,
type: Integer,
desc: 'The ID of a transition that moves issues to a closed state. You can find this number under the JIRA workflow administration (**Administration > Issues > Workflows**) by selecting **View** under **Operations** of the desired workflow of your project. The ID of each state can be found inside the parenthesis of each transition name under the **Transitions (id)** column ([see screenshot][trans]). By default, this ID is set to `2`'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'The Mattermost token'
required: true,
name: :recipients,
type: String,
desc: 'Comma-separated list of recipient email addresses'
required: false,
name: :notify_only_broken_builds,
type: Boolean,
desc: 'Notify only broken builds'
required: true,
name: :token,
type: String,
desc: 'The Pivotaltracker token'
required: false,
name: :restrict_to_branch,
type: String,
desc: 'Comma-separated list of branches which will be automatically inspected. Leave blank to include all branches.'
required: true,
name: :api_key,
type: String,
desc: 'The application key'
required: true,
name: :user_key,
type: String,
desc: 'The user key'
required: true,
name: :priority,
type: String,
desc: 'The priority'
required: true,
name: :device,
type: String,
desc: 'Leave blank for all active devices'
required: true,
name: :sound,
type: String,
desc: 'The sound of the notification'
required: true,
name: :new_issue_url,
type: String,
desc: 'The new issue URL'
required: true,
name: :project_url,
type: String,
desc: 'The project URL'
required: true,
name: :issues_url,
type: String,
desc: 'The issues URL'
required: false,
name: :description,
type: String,
desc: 'The description of the tracker'
required: true,
name: :webhook,
type: String,
desc: 'The Slack webhook. e.g. https://hooks.slack.com/services/...'
required: false,
name: :new_issue_url,
type: String,
desc: 'The user name'
required: false,
name: :channel,
type: String,
desc: 'The channel name'
required: true,
name: :teamcity_url,
type: String,
desc: 'TeamCity root URL like https://teamcity.example.com'
required: true,
name: :build_type,
type: String,
desc: 'Build configuration ID'
required: true,
name: :username,
type: String,
desc: 'A user with permissions to trigger a manual build'