%h4.gl-alert-title=_('There is a halted Elasticsearch migration')
=html_escape_once(_('Check the elasticsearch.log file to debug why the migration was halted and make any changes before retrying the migration. When you fix the cause of the failure, click "Retry migration", and the migration will be scheduled to be retried in the background.')).html_safe
=link_to_('Retry migration'),admin_elasticsearch_retry_migration_path(version: migration.version),class: 'btn gl-alert-action btn-warning gl-button',disabled: @elasticsearch_reindexing_task&.in_progress?,data: {confirm: _('Are you sure you want to retry this migration?')},method: :post
%h4.gl-alert-title=_('There is a halted Elasticsearch migration')
=html_escape_once(_('Check the elasticsearch.log file to debug why the migration was halted and make any changes before retrying the migration. When you fix the cause of the failure, click "Retry migration", and the migration will be scheduled to be retried in the background.')).html_safe
=link_to_('Retry migration'),admin_elasticsearch_retry_migration_path(version: migration.version),class: 'btn gl-alert-action btn-warning gl-button',disabled: @elasticsearch_reindexing_task&.in_progress?,data: {confirm: _('Are you sure you want to retry this migration?')},method: :post
=_('The URL to use for connecting to Elasticsearch. Use a comma-separated list to support clustering (e.g., "http://localhost:9200, http://localhost:9201").')
=f.label:elasticsearch_shards,_('Number of Elasticsearch shards'),class: 'label-bold'
=_('If any indexed field exceeds this limit it will be truncated to this number of characters and the rest will not be indexed or searchable. This does not apply to repository and wiki indexing. Setting this to 0 means it is unlimited.')
=_("Unused, previous indices: %{index_names} will be deleted after %{time} automatically.")%{index_names: task.subtasks.map(&:index_name_from).join(', '),time: task.delete_original_index_at}
=link_to_('Cancel index deletion'),admin_elasticsearch_cancel_index_deletion_path(task_id: task.id),class: 'gl-mb-2',method: :post
=_('The URL to use for connecting to Elasticsearch. Use a comma-separated list to support clustering (e.g., "http://localhost:9200, http://localhost:9201").')
=f.label:elasticsearch_shards,_('Number of Elasticsearch shards'),class: 'label-bold'
=_('If any indexed field exceeds this limit it will be truncated to this number of characters and the rest will not be indexed or searchable. This does not apply to repository and wiki indexing. Setting this to 0 means it is unlimited.')
=_("Unused, previous indices: %{index_names} will be deleted after %{time} automatically.")%{index_names: task.subtasks.map(&:index_name_from).join(', '),time: task.delete_original_index_at}
=link_to_('Cancel index deletion'),admin_elasticsearch_cancel_index_deletion_path(task_id: task.id),class: 'gl-mb-2',method: :post